35 mEquipmentId = Equipment;
165 if (cru == mCruId && link == mLinkId) {
166 return (mEquipmentId);
static constexpr int N_COLUMNS
static constexpr int N_DILOGICS
static constexpr int N_CHANNELS
int mWordsPerDilogicCounter
void setPad(int col, int dil, int cha, uint16_t charge)
double mPadSum[Geo::N_COLUMNS][Geo::N_DILOGICS][Geo::N_CHANNELS]
uint32_t mPadSamples[Geo::N_COLUMNS][Geo::N_DILOGICS][Geo::N_CHANNELS]
void setError(int ErrType)
HmpidEquipment(int Equipment, int Cru, int Link)
void init()
Inits the members for the decoding.
double mPadSquares[Geo::N_COLUMNS][Geo::N_DILOGICS][Geo::N_CHANNELS]
Destructor : do nothing.
void resetPadMap()
Resets the matrix that contains the results of the decoding.
void resetErrors()
Resets the decoding errors statistics.
float mPadsPerEventAverage