Base class of alignable volume.
static const char * getGeomDOFName(int i)
const char * getSymName() const
void setName(const std::string &n)
uint8_t getConstraintPattern() const
void writeChildrenConstraints(FILE *conOut) const
const AlignableVolume * getChild(int i) const
void setConstrainPattern(uint8_t pat)
void constrainDOF(int dof)
void setNoJacobian(bool v=true)
ClassDefNV(GeometricalConstraint, 2)
const char * getDOFName(int i) const
const AlignableVolume * getParent() const
std::vector< const AlignableVolume * > mChildren
void unConstrainDOF(int dof)
void checkConstraint() const
bool hasConstraint() const
const std::string getName() const
void constrCoefGeom(const TGeoHMatrix &matRD, double *jac) const
const AlignableVolume * mParent
void addChild(const AlignableVolume *v)
bool isDOFConstrained(int dof) const
void setSigma(int i, double s=0)
void setParent(const AlignableVolume *par)
bool getNoJacobian() const
double getSigma(int i) const
void align(gsl::span< ElinkEncoder< BareFormat, CHARGESUM > > elinks)
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...