No Matches
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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
16#ifndef ALICEO2_TPC_KrCluster_H_
17#define ALICEO2_TPC_KrCluster_H_
19#include "Rtypes.h"
21namespace o2
23namespace tpc
26struct KrCluster {
27 public:
28 unsigned char size = 0;
29 unsigned char sector = 0;
30 unsigned char maxChargePad = 0;
31 unsigned char maxChargeRow = 0;
32 float totCharge = 0;
33 float maxCharge = 0;
34 float meanPad = 0;
35 float meanRow = 0;
36 float sigmaPad = 0;
37 float sigmaRow = 0;
38 float meanTime = 0;
39 float sigmaTime = 0;
41 float getQmax() const { return maxCharge; }
42 float getQtot() const { return totCharge; }
43 float getPad() const { return meanPad; }
44 float getSigmaPad() const { return sigmaPad; }
45 float getTime() const { return meanTime; }
46 float getSigmaTime() const { return sigmaTime; }
49 void reset()
50 {
51 size = 0;
52 sector = 0;
53 maxChargePad = 0;
54 maxChargeRow = 0;
55 totCharge = 0;
56 maxCharge = 0;
57 meanPad = 0;
58 meanRow = 0;
59 meanTime = 0;
60 sigmaPad = 0;
61 sigmaRow = 0;
62 sigmaTime = 0;
63 }
68} // namespace tpc
69} // namespace o2
GLsizeiptr size
Definition glcorearb.h:659
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
float meanPad
Center of gravity (Pad number)
Definition KrCluster.h:34
float meanTime
Center of gravity (Time)
Definition KrCluster.h:38
float maxCharge
Maximum charge of the cluster (ADC counts)
Definition KrCluster.h:33
ClassDefNV(KrCluster, 4)
float getPad() const
Definition KrCluster.h:43
float getQmax() const
Definition KrCluster.h:41
unsigned char sector
Sector number.
Definition KrCluster.h:29
float sigmaTime
RMS of cluster in time direction.
Definition KrCluster.h:39
unsigned char maxChargePad
Pad with max. charge in cluster (for leader pad method)
Definition KrCluster.h:30
float getTime() const
Definition KrCluster.h:45
void reset()
Used to set all Cluster variables to zero.
Definition KrCluster.h:49
float getSigmaTime() const
Definition KrCluster.h:46
float getSigmaPad() const
Definition KrCluster.h:44
float meanRow
Center of gravity (Row number)
Definition KrCluster.h:35
float sigmaPad
RMS of cluster in pad direction.
Definition KrCluster.h:36
float sigmaRow
RMS of cluster in row direction.
Definition KrCluster.h:37
float totCharge
Total charge of the cluster (ADC counts)
Definition KrCluster.h:32
float getQtot() const
Definition KrCluster.h:42
unsigned char maxChargeRow
Row with max. charge in cluster (for leader pad method)
Definition KrCluster.h:31