24namespace globaltracking
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a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
bool runAfterBurner
run afterburner for TPCtrack-ITScluster matching
float nABSigmaZ
nSigma cut on afterburner track-cluster Z distance
float err2ABExtraZ
extra "systematic" error on Z
float tpcTimeICMatchingNSigma
nsigma for matching TPC corrected time and InteractionCandidate from FT0
float XMatchingRef
reference radius to propagate tracks for matching
float crudeNSigma2Cut[o2::track::kNParams]
float tfEdgeTimeToleranceMUS
corrected TPC time allowed to go out from the TF time edges by this amount
int maxABLinksOnLayer
max prolongations for single seed from one to next layer
float maxVDriftUncertainty
max assumed VDrift relative uncertainty, used only in VDrift calibration mode
float globalTimeBiasMUS
global time shift to apply to assigned time, brute force way to eliminate bias wrt FIT
O2ParamDef(MatchTPCITSParams, "tpcitsMatch")
Material correction type.
int requireToReachLayerAB
AB tracks should reach at least this layer from above.
int maxMatchCandidates
max allowed matching candidates per TPC track
float minTPCTrackR
cut on minimal TPC tracks radius to consider for matching, 666*pt_gev*B_kgaus/5
float minBetaGammaForPIDDiff
float safeMarginTPCITSTimeBin
safety margin (in TPC time bins) for ITS-TPC tracks time (in TPC time bins!) comparison
TimeOutliersPolicy ITSTimeOutliersPolicy
int minTPCClusters
minimum number of clusters to consider
ValidateMatchByFIT validateMatchByFIT
when comparing ITS-TPC matches, prefer those which have time of Interaction Candidate
int lowestLayerAB
lowest layer to reach in AfterBurner
float tpcExtConstrainedNSigma
nsigma to apply to externally (TRD,TOF) time-constrained TPC tracks time error
int maxABFinalHyp
max final hypotheses per TPC seed
float maxVDritTimeOffset
max possible TDrift offset to calibrate
o2::base::Propagator::MatCorrType matCorr
int minContributingLayersAB
AB tracks must have at least this amount on contributing layers.
float crudeAbsDiffCut[o2::track::kNParams]
float cutMatchingChi2
cut on matching chi2
float safeMarginTimeCorrErr
safety marging (in \mus) for TPC track time corrected by ITS constraint
float cutABTrack2ClChi2
cut on AfterBurner track-cluster chi2
float maxVDriftTrackQ2Pt
use only tracks below this q/pt (with field only)
float nABSigmaY
nSigma cut on afterburner track-cluster Y distance
int verbosity
verbosit level
float minITSTrackR
cut on minimal ITS tracks radius to consider for matching, 666*pt_gev*B_kgaus/5
float err2ABExtraY
extra "systematic" error on Y
float globalTimeExtraErrorMUS
extra error to add to global time estimate
float safeMarginTPCTimeEdge
safety margin in cm when estimating TPC track tMin and tMax from assigned time0 and its track Z posit...