No Matches
o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams Struct Reference

#include <MatchTPCITSParams.h>

Inherits o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper< MatchTPCITSParams >.

Public Types

enum  ValidateMatchByFIT { Disable , Prefer , Require }
enum  TimeOutliersPolicy { Tolerate , Adjust , Reject }
- Public Types inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
enum  EParamProvenance { kCODE , kCCDB , kRT }
enum class  EParamUpdateStatus { Changed , Unchanged , Failed }

Public Member Functions

 O2ParamDef (MatchTPCITSParams, "tpcitsMatch")
 Material correction type.
- Public Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper< MatchTPCITSParams >
std::string getName () const final
EParamProvenance getMemberProvenance (const std::string &key) const final
void printKeyValues (bool showProv=true, bool useLogger=false) const final
size_t getHash () const final
void output (std::ostream &out) const final
std::vector< ParamDataMember > * getDataMembers () const
void putKeyValues (boost::property_tree::ptree *tree) final
void initFrom (TFile *file) final
void syncCCDBandRegistry (void *externalobj) final
void serializeTo (TFile *file) const final
 ConfigurableParam ()

Public Attributes

bool runAfterBurner = true
 run afterburner for TPCtrack-ITScluster matching
ValidateMatchByFIT validateMatchByFIT = Prefer
 when comparing ITS-TPC matches, prefer those which have time of Interaction Candidate
TimeOutliersPolicy ITSTimeOutliersPolicy = Adjust
float crudeAbsDiffCut [o2::track::kNParams] = {2.f, 2.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 4.f}
float crudeNSigma2Cut [o2::track::kNParams] = {49.f, 49.f, 49.f, 49.f, 49.f}
float XMatchingRef = 70.f
 reference radius to propagate tracks for matching
float ITSStepEffFraction = 0.5
float minBetaGammaForPIDDiff = 1.2
float minTPCTrackR = 50.
 cut on minimal TPC tracks radius to consider for matching, 666*pt_gev*B_kgaus/5
float minITSTrackR = 50.
 cut on minimal ITS tracks radius to consider for matching, 666*pt_gev*B_kgaus/5
int minTPCClusters = 25
 minimum number of clusters to consider
int askMinTPCRow [36]
float cutMatchingChi2 = 30.f
 cut on matching chi2
int maxMatchCandidates = 5
 max allowed matching candidates per TPC track
float safeMarginTimeCorrErr = 0
 safety marging (in \mus) for TPC track time corrected by ITS constraint
float safeMarginTPCITSTimeBin = 1.f
 safety margin (in TPC time bins) for ITS-TPC tracks time (in TPC time bins!) comparison
float safeMarginTPCTimeEdge = 20.f
 safety margin in cm when estimating TPC track tMin and tMax from assigned time0 and its track Z position
float tpcTimeICMatchingNSigma = 4.
 nsigma for matching TPC corrected time and InteractionCandidate from FT0
float tpcExtConstrainedNSigma = 4.
 nsigma to apply to externally (TRD,TOF) time-constrained TPC tracks time error
float tfEdgeTimeToleranceMUS = 1.
 corrected TPC time allowed to go out from the TF time edges by this amount
float maxVDriftUncertainty = 0.02
 max assumed VDrift relative uncertainty, used only in VDrift calibration mode
float maxVDriftTrackQ2Pt = 1.0
 use only tracks below this q/pt (with field only)
float maxVDritTimeOffset = 5.
 max possible TDrift offset to calibrate
float globalTimeBiasMUS = 0.
 global time shift to apply to assigned time, brute force way to eliminate bias wrt FIT
float globalTimeExtraErrorMUS = 0.
 extra error to add to global time estimate
int requireToReachLayerAB = 5
 AB tracks should reach at least this layer from above.
int lowestLayerAB = 3
 lowest layer to reach in AfterBurner
int minContributingLayersAB = 2
 AB tracks must have at least this amount on contributing layers.
int maxABLinksOnLayer = 10
 max prolongations for single seed from one to next layer
int maxABFinalHyp = 20
 max final hypotheses per TPC seed
float cutABTrack2ClChi2 = 30.f
 cut on AfterBurner track-cluster chi2
float nABSigmaY = 4.
 nSigma cut on afterburner track-cluster Y distance
float nABSigmaZ = 4.
 nSigma cut on afterburner track-cluster Z distance
float err2ABExtraY = 0.1 * 0.1
 extra "systematic" error on Y
float err2ABExtraZ = 0.1 * 0.1
 extra "systematic" error on Z
int verbosity = 0
 verbosit level
o2::base::Propagator::MatCorrType matCorr = o2::base::Propagator::MatCorrType::USEMatCorrLUT

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper< MatchTPCITSParams >
static const MatchTPCITSParams & Instance ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
static std::string toString (EParamProvenance p)
static EParamProvenance getProvenance (const std::string &key)
static void printAllRegisteredParamNames ()
static void printAllKeyValuePairs (bool useLogger=false)
static const std::string & getOutputDir ()
static void setOutputDir (const std::string &d)
static bool configFileExists (std::string const &filepath)
static void writeJSON (std::string const &filename, std::string const &keyOnly="")
static void writeINI (std::string const &filename, std::string const &keyOnly="")
template<typename T >
static T getValueAs (std::string key)
template<typename T >
static void setValue (std::string const &mainkey, std::string const &subkey, T x)
static void setProvenance (std::string const &mainkey, std::string const &subkey, EParamProvenance p)
static void setValue (std::string const &key, std::string const &valuestring)
static void setEnumValue (const std::string &, const std::string &)
static void setArrayValue (const std::string &, const std::string &)
static void setValues (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > const &keyValues)
static void initialize ()
static void toCCDB (std::string filename)
static void fromCCDB (std::string filename)
static void updateFromString (std::string const &)
static void updateFromFile (std::string const &, std::string const &paramsList="", bool unchangedOnly=false)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
 ConfigurableParam ()
virtual ~ConfigurableParam ()=default
void setRegisterMode (bool b)
bool isInitialized () const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
static void initPropertyTree ()
static EParamUpdateStatus updateThroughStorageMap (std::string, std::string, std::type_info const &, void *)
static EParamUpdateStatus updateThroughStorageMapWithConversion (std::string const &, std::string const &)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from o2::conf::ConfigurableParam
static std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::type_info const &, void * > > * sKeyToStorageMap = nullptr
static std::map< std::string, ConfigurableParam::EParamProvenance > * sValueProvenanceMap = nullptr
static EnumRegistrysEnumRegistry = nullptr
static std::string sOutputDir = ""

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ TimeOutliersPolicy


Definition at line 32 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ ValidateMatchByFIT


Definition at line 29 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ O2ParamDef()

o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::O2ParamDef ( MatchTPCITSParams  ,

Material correction type.

Member Data Documentation

◆ askMinTPCRow

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::askMinTPCRow[36]
Initial value:
= {
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15}

Definition at line 50 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ crudeAbsDiffCut

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::crudeAbsDiffCut[o2::track::kNParams] = {2.f, 2.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 4.f}

Definition at line 40 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ crudeNSigma2Cut

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::crudeNSigma2Cut[o2::track::kNParams] = {49.f, 49.f, 49.f, 49.f, 49.f}

Definition at line 41 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ cutABTrack2ClChi2

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::cutABTrack2ClChi2 = 30.f

cut on AfterBurner track-cluster chi2

Definition at line 83 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ cutMatchingChi2

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::cutMatchingChi2 = 30.f

cut on matching chi2

Definition at line 54 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ err2ABExtraY

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::err2ABExtraY = 0.1 * 0.1

extra "systematic" error on Y

Definition at line 86 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ err2ABExtraZ

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::err2ABExtraZ = 0.1 * 0.1

extra "systematic" error on Z

Definition at line 87 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ globalTimeBiasMUS

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::globalTimeBiasMUS = 0.

global time shift to apply to assigned time, brute force way to eliminate bias wrt FIT

Definition at line 74 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ globalTimeExtraErrorMUS

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::globalTimeExtraErrorMUS = 0.

extra error to add to global time estimate

Definition at line 75 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ ITSStepEffFraction

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::ITSStepEffFraction = 0.5

Definition at line 44 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ ITSTimeOutliersPolicy

TimeOutliersPolicy o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::ITSTimeOutliersPolicy = Adjust

Definition at line 39 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ lowestLayerAB

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::lowestLayerAB = 3

lowest layer to reach in AfterBurner

Definition at line 79 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ matCorr

o2::base::Propagator::MatCorrType o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::matCorr = o2::base::Propagator::MatCorrType::USEMatCorrLUT

Definition at line 91 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ maxABFinalHyp

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::maxABFinalHyp = 20

max final hypotheses per TPC seed

Definition at line 82 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ maxABLinksOnLayer

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::maxABLinksOnLayer = 10

max prolongations for single seed from one to next layer

Definition at line 81 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ maxMatchCandidates

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::maxMatchCandidates = 5

max allowed matching candidates per TPC track

Definition at line 56 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ maxVDriftTrackQ2Pt

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::maxVDriftTrackQ2Pt = 1.0

use only tracks below this q/pt (with field only)

Definition at line 71 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ maxVDriftUncertainty

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::maxVDriftUncertainty = 0.02

max assumed VDrift relative uncertainty, used only in VDrift calibration mode

Definition at line 70 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ maxVDritTimeOffset

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::maxVDritTimeOffset = 5.

max possible TDrift offset to calibrate

Definition at line 72 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ minBetaGammaForPIDDiff

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::minBetaGammaForPIDDiff = 1.2

Definition at line 45 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ minContributingLayersAB

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::minContributingLayersAB = 2

AB tracks must have at least this amount on contributing layers.

Definition at line 80 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ minITSTrackR

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::minITSTrackR = 50.

cut on minimal ITS tracks radius to consider for matching, 666*pt_gev*B_kgaus/5

Definition at line 48 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ minTPCClusters

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::minTPCClusters = 25

minimum number of clusters to consider

Definition at line 49 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ minTPCTrackR

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::minTPCTrackR = 50.

cut on minimal TPC tracks radius to consider for matching, 666*pt_gev*B_kgaus/5

Definition at line 47 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ nABSigmaY

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::nABSigmaY = 4.

nSigma cut on afterburner track-cluster Y distance

Definition at line 84 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ nABSigmaZ

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::nABSigmaZ = 4.

nSigma cut on afterburner track-cluster Z distance

Definition at line 85 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ requireToReachLayerAB

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::requireToReachLayerAB = 5

AB tracks should reach at least this layer from above.

Definition at line 78 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ runAfterBurner

bool o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::runAfterBurner = true

run afterburner for TPCtrack-ITScluster matching

Definition at line 37 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ safeMarginTimeCorrErr

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::safeMarginTimeCorrErr = 0

safety marging (in \mus) for TPC track time corrected by ITS constraint

Definition at line 58 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ safeMarginTPCITSTimeBin

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::safeMarginTPCITSTimeBin = 1.f

safety margin (in TPC time bins) for ITS-TPC tracks time (in TPC time bins!) comparison

Definition at line 60 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ safeMarginTPCTimeEdge

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::safeMarginTPCTimeEdge = 20.f

safety margin in cm when estimating TPC track tMin and tMax from assigned time0 and its track Z position

Definition at line 62 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ tfEdgeTimeToleranceMUS

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::tfEdgeTimeToleranceMUS = 1.

corrected TPC time allowed to go out from the TF time edges by this amount

Definition at line 68 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ tpcExtConstrainedNSigma

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::tpcExtConstrainedNSigma = 4.

nsigma to apply to externally (TRD,TOF) time-constrained TPC tracks time error

Definition at line 66 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ tpcTimeICMatchingNSigma

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::tpcTimeICMatchingNSigma = 4.

nsigma for matching TPC corrected time and InteractionCandidate from FT0

Definition at line 64 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ validateMatchByFIT

ValidateMatchByFIT o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::validateMatchByFIT = Prefer

when comparing ITS-TPC matches, prefer those which have time of Interaction Candidate

Definition at line 38 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ verbosity

int o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::verbosity = 0

verbosit level

Definition at line 89 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

◆ XMatchingRef

float o2::globaltracking::MatchTPCITSParams::XMatchingRef = 70.f

reference radius to propagate tracks for matching

Definition at line 43 of file MatchTPCITSParams.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: