46 int getID()
const {
return mID; }
61 unsigned short mID{0};
89 static void dumpToTree(
const std::string_view fileName);
101 std::array<LaserTrack, LaserTrack::NumberOfTracks> mLaserTracks;
const auto & getLaserTracks() const
void loadTracksFromFile()
load laser tracks from file
LaserTrack const & getTrack(int id) const
gsl::span< const LaserTrack > getTracksInBundle(int side, int rod, int bundle)
get span with tracks in one bundle
static void dumpToTree(const std::string_view fileName)
dump tracks to a tree for simple visualization
static constexpr float SectorSpanRad
secotor width in rad
static constexpr int RodsPerSide
Number of laser rods per side.
static constexpr int BundlesPerRod
number of micro-mirror bundle per laser rod
static constexpr int NumberOfTracks
Total number of laser tracks.
static constexpr float RodDistancePhi
phi distance of laser Rods
static constexpr int TracksPerBundle
number of micro-mirrors per bundle
int getSide() const
side of laser track
static constexpr std::array< float, 4 > CoarseBundleZPos
coarse z-position of the laser bundles
LaserTrack(LaserTrack const &)=default
int getBundle() const
micro-mirror bundle inside laser rod
int getID() const
laser track ID
int getBeam() const
laser beam inside mirror-mirror bundle
LaserTrack(int id, float x, float alpha, const std::array< float, o2::track::kNParams > &par)
void setID(int id)
set laser track ID
static constexpr std::array< float, 2 > FirstRodPhi
phi pos of first laser rod, A-, C-Side
int getRod() const
laser rod number on Side
value_t const params_t & par
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat alpha
constexpr float SectorSpanRad
Global TPC definitions and constants.
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...