No Matches
o2::tpc::TrackResiduals Class Reference

#include <TrackResiduals.h>


struct  LocalResid
struct  VoxRes
 Structure which gets filled with the results for each voxel. More...
struct  VoxStats
 Structure which holds the statistics for each voxel. More...

Public Types

enum  {
  VoxZ , VoxF , VoxX , VoxV ,
  VoxDim = 3 , VoxHDim = 4
 Enumeration for different voxel dimensions. More...
enum  {
  ResX , ResY , ResZ , ResD ,
 Enumeration for the result indices. More...
enum  { DistDone = 1 << 0 , DispDone = 1 << 1 , SmoothDone = 1 << 2 , Masked = 1 << 7 }
 Enumeration for voxel status flags, using the same bits as in AliRoot version. More...
enum class  KernelType { Epanechnikov , Gaussian }

Public Member Functions

 TrackResiduals ()=default
 Default constructor.
 TrackResiduals (const TrackResiduals &)=delete
 Copying and assigning is forbidden.
TrackResidualsoperator= (const TrackResiduals &)=delete
void init (bool doBinning=true)
void initBinning ()
 Initializes the binning in X, Y/X and Z.
void initResultsContainer (int iSec)
void initVoxelStats ()
 Initialize the statistics for the local residuals container.
void reset ()
 Resets all (also intermediate) results.
void setPrintMemoryUsage ()
 Sets a flag to print the memory usage at certain points in the program for performance studies.
void setKernelType (KernelType kernel=KernelType::Epanechnikov, float bwX=2.1f, float bwP=2.1f, float bwZ=1.7f, float scX=1.f, float scP=1.f, float scZ=1.f)
void setSmoothPol2 (int dim, bool flag)
void setVdriftCorr (float corr)
void setT0Corr (float corr)
std::vector< LocalResid > & getLocalResVec ()
std::vector< VoxStats > ** getVoxStatPtr ()
const std::array< std::vector< VoxRes >, SECTORSPERSIDE *SIDES > & getVoxelResults () const
void processSectorResiduals (Int_t iSec)
void processVoxelResiduals (std::vector< float > &dy, std::vector< float > &dz, std::vector< float > &tg, VoxRes &resVox)
void processVoxelDispersions (std::vector< float > &tg, std::vector< float > &dy, VoxRes &resVox)
int validateVoxels (int iSec)
void smooth (int iSec)
float fitPoly1Robust (std::vector< float > &x, std::vector< float > &y, std::array< float, 2 > &res, std::array< float, 3 > &err, float cutLTM) const
float getMAD2Sigma (std::vector< float > data) const
void medFit (int nPoints, int offset, const std::vector< float > &x, const std::vector< float > &y, float &a, float &b, std::array< float, 3 > &err) const
float roFunc (int nPoints, int offset, const std::vector< float > &x, const std::vector< float > &y, float b, float &aa) const
float selectKthMin (const int k, std::vector< float > &data) const
bool getSmoothEstimate (int iSec, float x, float p, float z, std::array< float, ResDim > &res, int whichDim=0)
double getKernelWeight (std::array< double, 3 > u2vec) const
void setNXBins (int nBins)
int getNXBins () const
void setNY2XBins (int nBins)
int getNY2XBins () const
void setNZ2XBins (int nBins)
int getNZ2XBins () const
int getNVoxelsPerSector () const
 Get the total number of voxels per TPC sector (mNXBins * mNY2XBins * mNZ2XBins)
void setY2XBinning (const std::vector< float > &binning)
void setZ2XBinning (const std::vector< float > &binning)
size_t getGlbVoxBin (int ix, int ip, int iz) const
size_t getGlbVoxBin (const std::array< unsigned char, VoxDim > &bvox) const
void getVoxelCoordinates (int isec, int ix, int ip, int iz, float &x, float &p, float &z) const
float getX (int i) const
float getY2X (int ix, int ip) const
float getZ2X (int iz) const
bool getXBinIgnored (int iSec, int bin) const
void findVoxel (float x, float y2x, float z2x, int &ix, int &ip, int &iz) const
bool findVoxelBin (int secID, float x, float y, float z, std::array< unsigned char, VoxDim > &bvox) const
 Calculates the bin indices for given x, y, z in sector coordinates.
int getXBin (float x) const
int getXBinExact (float x) const
int getRowID (float x) const
int getY2XBinExact (float y2x, int ix) const
int getY2XBin (float y2x, int ix) const
int getZ2XBinExact (float z2x) const
int getZ2XBin (float z2x) const
float getDXI (int ix) const
float getDY2XI (int ix, int iy=0) const
float getDZ2X (int iz=0) const
float getDZ2XI (int iz=0) const
void printMem () const
 Prints the current memory usage.
void dumpResults (int iSec)
void createOutputFile (const char *filename="debugVoxRes.root")
 Creates a file for the debug output.
void closeOutputFile ()
 Closes the file with the debug output.
TFile * getOutputFilePtr ()
 Allow to access the output file from outside.
void setStats (const std::vector< TrackResiduals::VoxStats > &statsIn, int iSec)
 Set the voxel statistics directly from outside.
void fillStats (int iSec)
 Fill statistics from TTree.
void clear ()
 clear member to be able to process new sector or new input files
TTree * getOutputTree ()
 output tree

Static Public Member Functions

static void fitCircle (int nCl, std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &x, std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &y, float &xc, float &yc, float &r, std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &residHelixY)
static bool fitPoly1 (int nCl, std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &x, std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &y, std::array< float, 2 > &res)

Detailed Description

This class is steering the space point calibration of the TPC from track residuals. Residual maps are created using track interpolation from ITS/TRD/TOF tracks and comparing them to the cluster positions in the TPC. It has been ported from the AliTPCDcalibRes clas from AliRoot.

Definition at line 45 of file TrackResiduals.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Enumeration for different voxel dimensions.


Z/X index.


Y/X index.


X index.


voxel dispersions


dimensionality of the voxels


Definition at line 56 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Enumeration for the result indices.


X index.


Y index.


Z index.


index for dispersions


Definition at line 64 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Enumeration for voxel status flags, using the same bits as in AliRoot version.


voxel residuals have been processed


voxel dispersions have been processed


voxel has been smoothed


Definition at line 71 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ KernelType


Definition at line 76 of file TrackResiduals.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrackResiduals() [1/2]

o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::TrackResiduals ( )

Default constructor.

◆ TrackResiduals() [2/2]

o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::TrackResiduals ( const TrackResiduals )

Copying and assigning is forbidden.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

void TrackResiduals::clear ( )

clear member to be able to process new sector or new input files

Definition at line 1548 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ closeOutputFile()

void TrackResiduals::closeOutputFile ( )

Closes the file with the debug output.

Definition at line 1511 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ createOutputFile()

void TrackResiduals::createOutputFile ( const char filename = "debugVoxRes.root")

Creates a file for the debug output.


Definition at line 1476 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ dumpResults()

void TrackResiduals::dumpResults ( int  iSec)

Dumps the full results for a given sector to the debug tree (only if an output file has been created before).

iSecSector to dump

Definition at line 1520 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ fillStats()

void TrackResiduals::fillStats ( int  iSec)

Fill statistics from TTree.

Definition at line 345 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ findVoxel()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::findVoxel ( float  x,
float  y2x,
float  z2x,
int ix,
int ip,
int iz 
) const

Calculates the bin indices of the closest voxel.

xCoordinate in X
y2xCoordinate in Y/X
z2xCoordinate in Z
ixResulting bin index in X
ipResulting bin index in Y/X
izResulting bin index in Z/X

Definition at line 606 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ findVoxelBin()

bool TrackResiduals::findVoxelBin ( int  secID,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
std::array< unsigned char, VoxDim > &  bvox 
) const

Calculates the bin indices for given x, y, z in sector coordinates.

Definition at line 267 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ fitCircle()

void TrackResiduals::fitCircle ( int  nCl,
std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &  x,
std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &  y,
float &  xc,
float &  yc,
float &  r,
std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &  residHelixY 

Fits a circle to a given set of points in x and y. Kasa algorithm is used.

nClnumber of used points
xarray with values for x
yarray with values for y
xcfit result for circle center position in x is stored here
ycfit result for circle center position in y is stored here
rfit result for circle radius is stored here
residHelixYresiduals in y from fitted circle to given points is stored here

Definition at line 1394 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ fitPoly1()

bool TrackResiduals::fitPoly1 ( int  nCl,
std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &  x,
std::array< float, param::NPadRows > &  y,
std::array< float, 2 > &  res 

Fits a straight line to a given set of points, w/o taking into account measurement errors or different weights for the points Straight line is given by y = a * x + b

res[0]contains the slope (a)
res[1]contains the offset (b)

Definition at line 1444 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ fitPoly1Robust()

float TrackResiduals::fitPoly1Robust ( std::vector< float > &  x,
std::vector< float > &  y,
std::array< float, 2 > &  res,
std::array< float, 3 > &  err,
float  cutLTM 
) const

Performs a robust linear fit y(x) = a + b * x for given x and y. The input data is trimmed to reject outliers.

xFirst vector with input data
ySecond vector with input data
resArray storing the fit results a and b
errArray storing the uncertainties
cutLTMFraction of the input data to keep
Median of the absolute deviations of the median of the data points to the fit

fitting + statistics helper functions

Definition at line 1118 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ getDXI()

float o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getDXI ( int  ix) const

Returns the inverse of the distance between two bins in X

ixBin index in X
Inverse of the distance between bins

Definition at line 533 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getDY2XI()

float o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getDY2XI ( int  ix,
int  iy = 0 
) const

Returns the inverse of the distance between two bins in Y/X

ixBin index in X
iyBin index in Y/X (needed for non-uniform binning)
Inverse of the distance between bins

Definition at line 579 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getDZ2X()

float o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getDZ2X ( int  iz = 0) const

Returns the bin size in Z/X

izBin index in Z/X
Bin size

Definition at line 588 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getDZ2XI()

float o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getDZ2XI ( int  iz = 0) const

Returns the inverse of the distance between two bins in Z/X

izBin index in Z/X (needed for non-uniform binning)
Inverse of the distance between bins

Definition at line 597 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getGlbVoxBin() [1/2]

size_t o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getGlbVoxBin ( const std::array< unsigned char, VoxDim > &  bvox) const

Calculates the global bin number

bvoxArray with the voxels bin indices in X, Y/X and Z/X
global bin number

Definition at line 510 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getGlbVoxBin() [2/2]

size_t o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getGlbVoxBin ( int  ix,
int  ip,
int  iz 
) const

Calculates the global bin number

ixBin index in X
ipBin index in Y/X
izBin index in Z/X
global bin number

Definition at line 516 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getKernelWeight()

double TrackResiduals::getKernelWeight ( std::array< double, 3 >  u2vec) const

Calculates the weight of the given point used for the kernel smoothing. Takes into account the defined kernel in mKernelType.

u2vecWeighted distance in X, Y/X and Z
Kernel weight

Definition at line 1092 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ getLocalResVec()

std::vector< LocalResid > & o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getLocalResVec ( )

Definition at line 154 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getMAD2Sigma()

float TrackResiduals::getMAD2Sigma ( std::vector< float >  data) const

Calculates the median of the absolute deviations to the median of the data. The input vector is copied such that the original vector is not modified.

dataInput data vector
Median of absolute deviations to the median

Definition at line 1350 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ getNVoxelsPerSector()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getNVoxelsPerSector ( ) const

Get the total number of voxels per TPC sector (mNXBins * mNY2XBins * mNZ2XBins)

Definition at line 287 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getNXBins()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getNXBins ( ) const

Definition at line 274 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getNY2XBins()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getNY2XBins ( ) const

Definition at line 279 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getNZ2XBins()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getNZ2XBins ( ) const

Definition at line 284 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getOutputFilePtr()

TFile * o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getOutputFilePtr ( )

Allow to access the output file from outside.

Definition at line 432 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getOutputTree()

TTree * o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getOutputTree ( )

output tree

Definition at line 444 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getRowID()

int TrackResiduals::getRowID ( float  x) const

Get pad-row number for given x

xCoordinate in X
Pad row number if x is in valid range, -1 otherwise

Definition at line 237 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ getSmoothEstimate()

bool TrackResiduals::getSmoothEstimate ( int  iSec,
float  x,
float  p,
float  z,
std::array< float, ResDim > &  res,
int  whichDim = 0 

Calculates a smooth estimate for the distortions in specified dimensions around the COG for a given voxel.

iSecSector in which the voxel is located
xCOG position in X
pCOG position in Y/X
zCOG position in Z
resArray to store the results
whichDimInteger value with bits set for the dimensions which need to be smoothed
Flag if the estimate was successfull
correct use of the symmetric matrix should speed up the code

Definition at line 729 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ getVoxelCoordinates()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getVoxelCoordinates ( int  isec,
int  ix,
int  ip,
int  iz,
float &  x,
float &  p,
float &  z 
) const

Calculates the coordinates of the center for a given voxel. These are not global TPC coordinates, but the coordinates for the given global binning system.

isecThe sector in which we are
ixBin index in X
ipBin index in Y/X
izBin index in Z/X
xCoordinate in X
pCoordinate in Y/X
zCoordinate in Z/X

Definition at line 522 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getVoxelResults()

const std::array< std::vector< VoxRes >, SECTORSPERSIDE *SIDES > & o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getVoxelResults ( ) const

Definition at line 157 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getVoxStatPtr()

std::vector< VoxStats > ** o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getVoxStatPtr ( )

Definition at line 155 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getX()

float o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getX ( int  i) const

Calculates the x-coordinate for given x bin.

iBin index
Coordinate in X

Definition at line 555 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getXBin()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getXBin ( float  x) const

Transforms X coordinate to bin index

xCoordinate in X
Bin index in X

Definition at line 624 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getXBinExact()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getXBinExact ( float  x) const

Transforms X coordinate to bin index

xCoordinate in X
Bin index in X if x is in valid range, -1 otherwise

Definition at line 614 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getXBinIgnored()

bool o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getXBinIgnored ( int  iSec,
int  bin 
) const

Tests whether a bin in X is set to be ignored.

iSecSector number
binBin index in X
Ignore flag

Definition at line 340 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getY2X()

float o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getY2X ( int  ix,
int  ip 
) const

Calculates the y/x-coordinate.

ixBin index in X
ipBin index in Y/X
Coordinate in Y/X

Definition at line 561 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getY2XBin()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getY2XBin ( float  y2x,
int  ix 
) const

Transforms Y/X coordinate to bin index at given X In case y2x is out of range the first or last bin is returned resp.

y2xCoordinate in Y/X
ixBin index in X
Bin index in Y/X

Definition at line 652 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getY2XBinExact()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getY2XBinExact ( float  y2x,
int  ix 
) const

Transforms Y/X coordinate to bin index at given X In case y2x is out of range -1 or mNY2XBins is returned resp.

y2xCoordinate in Y/X
ixBin index in X
Bin index in Y/X

Definition at line 631 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getZ2X()

float o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getZ2X ( int  iz) const

Calculates the z-coordinate for given z bin

iBin index in Z/X
Coordinate in Z/X

Definition at line 570 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getZ2XBin()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getZ2XBin ( float  z2x) const

Transforms Z/X coordinate to bin index In case z2x is out of range the first or last bin is returned resp.

z2xCoordinate in Z/X
Bin index in Z/X

Definition at line 682 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ getZ2XBinExact()

int o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::getZ2XBinExact ( float  z2x) const

Transforms Z/X coordinate to bin index In case z2x is out of range XX or XXX is returned resp.

z2xCoordinate in Z/X
Bin index in Z/X

Definition at line 659 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ init()

void TrackResiduals::init ( bool  doBinning = true)

Steers the initialization (binning, default settings for smoothing, container for the results).

initBinningBinning does not need to be initialized in case only outlier filtering is performed

initialization + binning

Definition at line 51 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ initBinning()

void TrackResiduals::initBinning ( )

Initializes the binning in X, Y/X and Z.

Definition at line 145 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ initResultsContainer()

void TrackResiduals::initResultsContainer ( int  iSec)

Initializes the results structure for given sector. For each voxel the bin indices are set and the COG is set to the center of the voxel.

iSecTPC sector number

Definition at line 204 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ initVoxelStats()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::initVoxelStats ( )

Initialize the statistics for the local residuals container.

◆ medFit()

void TrackResiduals::medFit ( int  nPoints,
int  offset,
const std::vector< float > &  x,
const std::vector< float > &  y,
float &  a,
float &  b,
std::array< float, 3 > &  err 
) const

Fits a straight line to given x and y minimizing the absolute deviations y(x|a, b) = a + b * x. Not all data points need to be considered, but only a fraction of the input is used to perform the fit.

nPointsNumber of points to consider
offsetStarting index for the input vectors
xFirst vector with input data
ySecond vector with input data
aStores the result for a
bStores the result for b
errStores the uncertainties

Definition at line 1171 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ operator=()

TrackResiduals & o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::operator= ( const TrackResiduals )

◆ printMem()

void TrackResiduals::printMem ( ) const

Prints the current memory usage.

Definition at line 1531 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ processSectorResiduals()

void TrackResiduals::processSectorResiduals ( Int_t  iSec)

Processes residuals for given sector.

iSecSector to process

Definition at line 365 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ processVoxelDispersions()

void TrackResiduals::processVoxelDispersions ( std::vector< float > &  tg,
std::vector< float > &  dy,
VoxRes resVox 

Estimates dispersion for given voxel

tgVector with tan(phi) of the tracks
dyVector with residuals in y
resVoxVoxel results structure

Definition at line 545 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ processVoxelResiduals()

void TrackResiduals::processVoxelResiduals ( std::vector< float > &  dy,
std::vector< float > &  dz,
std::vector< float > &  tg,
VoxRes resVox 

Performs the robust linear fit for one voxel to estimate the distortions in X, Y and Z and their errors.

dyVector with residuals in y
dzVector with residuals in z
tgVector with tan(phi) of the tracks
resVoxVoxel results structure

Definition at line 481 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ reset()

void TrackResiduals::reset ( )

Resets all (also intermediate) results.

Definition at line 227 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ roFunc()

float TrackResiduals::roFunc ( int  nPoints,
int  offset,
const std::vector< float > &  x,
const std::vector< float > &  y,
float  b,
float &  aa 
) const

Helper function for medFit. Calculates sum(x_i * sgn(y_i - a - b * x_i)) for a given b

nPointsNumber of points to consider
offsetStarting index for the input vectors
xFirst vector with input data
ySecond vector with input data
bGiven b
aaParameter a for linear fit (will be set by roFunc)
The calculated sum

Definition at line 1239 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ selectKthMin()

float TrackResiduals::selectKthMin ( const int  k,
std::vector< float > &  data 
) const

Returns the k-th smallest value in the vector. The input vector is rearranged such that the k-th smallest value is at the k-th position.

Can probably be replaced by std::nth_element(), need to check which one is faster All smaller values will be placed in before it in arbitrary order, all large values behind it in arbitrary order.
kWhich value to get
dataVector with input data
k-th smallest value in the input vector

Definition at line 1288 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ setKernelType()

void TrackResiduals::setKernelType ( KernelType  kernel = KernelType::Epanechnikov,
float  bwX = 2.1f,
float  bwP = 2.1f,
float  bwZ = 1.7f,
float  scX = 1.f,
float  scP = 1.f,
float  scZ = 1.f 

Sets the kernel type used for smoothing.

kernelKernel type (Epanechnikov / Gaussian)
bwXBin width in X
bwPBin width in Y/X
bwZBin width in Z
scXScale factor to increase smoothing bandwidth at sector edges in X
scPScale factor to increase smoothing bandwidth at sector edges in Y/X
scZScale factor to increase smoothing bandwidth at sector edges in Z

Definition at line 294 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ setNXBins()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::setNXBins ( int  nBins)

Sets the number of bins used in x direction

nBinsnumber of bins

Definition at line 273 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ setNY2XBins()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::setNY2XBins ( int  nBins)

Sets the number of bins used in y/x direction

nBinsnumber of bins

Definition at line 278 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ setNZ2XBins()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::setNZ2XBins ( int  nBins)

Sets the number of bins used in z/x direction

nBinsnumber of bins

Definition at line 283 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ setPrintMemoryUsage()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::setPrintMemoryUsage ( )

Sets a flag to print the memory usage at certain points in the program for performance studies.

Definition at line 133 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ setSmoothPol2()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::setSmoothPol2 ( int  dim,
bool  flag 

Setting the flag to true for a given dimension will enable smoothing with a 2nd order polynomial. Otherwise a first order polynomial will be used (default along z/x, since the bins are large)

Definition at line 146 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ setStats()

void TrackResiduals::setStats ( const std::vector< TrackResiduals::VoxStats > &  statsIn,
int  iSec 

Set the voxel statistics directly from outside.

processing functions

Definition at line 333 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ setT0Corr()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::setT0Corr ( float  corr)

Definition at line 150 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ setVdriftCorr()

void o2::tpc::TrackResiduals::setVdriftCorr ( float  corr)

Definition at line 148 of file TrackResiduals.h.

◆ setY2XBinning()

void TrackResiduals::setY2XBinning ( const std::vector< float > &  binning)

Sets a custom (non-uniform) binning in y/x

binningVector with custom binning from -1 to 1

Definition at line 69 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ setZ2XBinning()

void TrackResiduals::setZ2XBinning ( const std::vector< float > &  binning)

Sets a custom (non-uniform) binning in z/x

binningVector with custom binning from 0 to 1

Definition at line 107 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ smooth()

void TrackResiduals::smooth ( int  iSec)

Smooths the residuals for given sector

iSecSector to process

Definition at line 689 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

◆ validateVoxels()

int TrackResiduals::validateVoxels ( int  iSec)

Applies voxel validation cuts. Bad X bins are stored in mXBinsIgnore bitset

iSecSector to process
Number of good rows in X

Definition at line 561 of file TrackResiduals.cxx.

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