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1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
26#include <bitset>
28namespace o2::tpc::idc
30static constexpr uint32_t Links = 10;
31static constexpr uint32_t Channels = 80;
32static constexpr uint32_t DataWordSizeBits = 256;
33static constexpr uint32_t DataWordSizeBytes = DataWordSizeBits / 8;
34static constexpr uint32_t IDCvalueBits = 25;
35static constexpr uint32_t IDCvalueBitsMask = (uint32_t(1) << IDCvalueBits) - 1;
36static constexpr uint32_t SignificantBits = 2;
37static constexpr float FloatConversion = 1.f / float(1 << SignificantBits);
41struct Header {
42 static constexpr uint32_t MagicWord = 0xDC;
43 union {
44 uint64_t word0 = 0;
45 struct {
46 uint32_t version : 8;
47 uint32_t packetID : 8;
48 uint32_t errorCode : 8;
49 uint32_t magicWord : 8;
50 uint32_t heartbeatOrbit : 32;
51 };
52 };
54 union {
55 uint64_t word1 = 0;
56 struct {
57 uint32_t heartbeatBC : 16;
58 uint32_t integrationTime : 16;
59 uint32_t linkMask : 16;
60 uint32_t unused1 : 16;
61 };
62 };
64 union {
65 uint64_t word2 = 0;
66 struct {
67 uint64_t unused2 : 64;
68 };
69 };
71 union {
72 uint64_t word3 = 0;
73 struct {
74 uint64_t unused3 : 64;
75 };
76 };
83struct Data {
84 uint8_t dataWords[DataWordSizeBytes] = {0};
86 uint32_t getLinkValue(const uint32_t link) const
87 {
88 const auto valPtr = dataWords;
89 const uint32_t offset = link * IDCvalueBits;
90 const uint32_t selectedWord = offset / 8;
91 const uint32_t requiredShift = offset % 8;
92 const uint32_t value = (*(uint32_t*)(dataWords + selectedWord)) >> requiredShift;
93 return value & IDCvalueBitsMask;
94 }
96 void setLinkValue(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t value)
97 {
98 const uint32_t offset = link * IDCvalueBits;
99 const uint32_t selectedWord = offset / 8;
100 const uint32_t requiredShift = offset % 8;
101 auto dataWrite = (uint64_t*)&dataWords[selectedWord];
102 *dataWrite = (value & IDCvalueBitsMask) << requiredShift;
103 }
107struct Container {
109 Data channelData[Channels];
111 bool hasLink(const uint32_t link)
112 {
113 return (header.linkMask & (1 << link));
114 }
116 uint32_t getChannelValue(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t channel) const
117 {
118 return channelData[channel].getLinkValue(link);
119 }
121 void setChannelValue(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t channel, uint32_t value)
122 {
123 channelData[channel].setLinkValue(link, value);
124 }
126 float getChannelValueFloat(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t channel) const
127 {
128 return float(channelData[channel].getLinkValue(link)) * FloatConversion;
129 }
131 void setChannelValueFloat(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t channel, float value)
132 {
133 channelData[channel].setLinkValue(link, uint32_t((value + 0.5f * FloatConversion) / FloatConversion));
134 }
136} // namespace o2::tpc::idc
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition glcorearb.h:819
GLintptr offset
Definition glcorearb.h:660
IDC full data container.
Definition IDC.h:107
void setChannelValue(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t channel, uint32_t value)
Definition IDC.h:121
Header header
IDC data header.
Definition IDC.h:108
float getChannelValueFloat(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t channel) const
Definition IDC.h:126
Data channelData[Channels]
data values for all channels in each link
Definition IDC.h:109
void setChannelValueFloat(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t channel, float value)
Definition IDC.h:131
bool hasLink(const uint32_t link)
Definition IDC.h:111
uint32_t getChannelValue(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t channel) const
Definition IDC.h:116
uint8_t dataWords[DataWordSizeBytes]
25bit ADC values
Definition IDC.h:84
uint32_t getLinkValue(const uint32_t link) const
Definition IDC.h:86
void setLinkValue(const uint32_t link, const uint32_t value)
Definition IDC.h:96
uint32_t errorCode
Definition IDC.h:48
uint32_t heartbeatOrbit
heart beat orbit of the IDC value
Definition IDC.h:50
static constexpr uint32_t MagicWord
Definition IDC.h:42
uint32_t heartbeatBC
BC id of IDC value.
Definition IDC.h:57
uint64_t word1
bits 64 - 127
Definition IDC.h:55
uint64_t unused3
lower bits of the 80 bit bitmask
Definition IDC.h:74
uint32_t integrationTime
integration time used for the IDCs
Definition IDC.h:58
uint32_t linkMask
mask of active links
Definition IDC.h:59
uint32_t magicWord
magic word
Definition IDC.h:49
uint32_t packetID
packet id
Definition IDC.h:47
uint32_t unused1
Definition IDC.h:60
uint64_t word2
bits 128 - 191
Definition IDC.h:65
uint32_t version
lower bits of the 80 bit bitmask
Definition IDC.h:46
uint64_t word0
bits 0 - 63
Definition IDC.h:44
uint64_t word3
bits 192 - 255
Definition IDC.h:72
uint64_t unused2
lower bits of the 80 bit bitmask
Definition IDC.h:67