No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
18#ifndef O2_MCH_CLUSTER_H_
19#define O2_MCH_CLUSTER_H_
21#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
22#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
26namespace o2
28namespace mch
30typedef std::pair<int, double*> DataBlock_t;
32typedef struct {
39 public:
41 // Main constructor from initial data
42 ClusterPEM(const double* x, const double* y, const double* dx, const double* dy,
43 const double* q, const short* cathodes, const short* saturated,
44 int chId, int nPads);
45 ClusterPEM(Pads* pads0, Pads* pads1);
46 // Extract a sub-cluster belonging to the group g
49 inline int getNbrOfPads(int c)
50 {
51 return ((pads[c] == nullptr) ? 0 : pads[c]->getNbrOfPads());
52 };
53 inline int getNbrOfObsPads(int c)
54 {
55 return ((pads[c] == nullptr) ? 0 : pads[c]->getNbrOfObsPads());
56 };
57 inline int getNbrOfPads()
58 {
59 return getNbrOfPads(0) + getNbrOfPads(1);
60 };
61 inline int getNbrOfObsPads()
62 {
63 return getNbrOfObsPads(0) + getNbrOfObsPads(1);
64 };
65 inline double getTotalCharge(int c)
66 {
67 return (pads[c] == nullptr ? 0 : pads[c]->getTotalCharge());
68 };
70 inline const double* getCharges(int c)
71 {
72 return (pads[c] == nullptr ? nullptr : pads[c]->getCharges());
73 }
75 double getMaxCharge();
77 inline const Pads* getPads(int c) { return pads[c]; };
78 inline const Groups_t* getCathGroup(int c) { return cathGroup[c]; };
79 inline Groups_t* getProjPadGroup() { return projPadToGrp; };
80 int getNbrOfPadsInGroup(int g);
82 {
83 return (projectedPads == nullptr ? -1 : projectedPads->getNbrOfPads());
84 };
85 std::pair<double, double> computeChargeBarycenter(int plane);
86 //
87 std::pair<int, int> getNxNy(int c);
88 // Unused - Old version
89 // double *getProjPadsAsXYdXY( Groups_t group, const Mask_t* maskGrp, int
90 // nbrProjPadsInTheGroup);
92 {
93 return mapCathPadIdxToPadIdx[c];
94 };
95 // Build the 2 cathodes superosition geometry
96 int buildProjectedGeometry(int includeAlonePads);
97 const Pads* getProjectedPads() { return projectedPads; };
98 // Project the charges of the 2 cathodes planes on the projected geometry
99 double* projectChargeOnProjGeometry(int includeAlonePads);
100 // Build Groups or geometrically independant Subclusters
101 int buildGroupOfPads();
102 // Add zero-charge pads to the cluster neighboring
103 void addBoundaryPads();
104 // Find local maximima with the PET algo
105 int findLocalMaxWithPEM(double* thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath);
106 int findLocalMaxWithPEMFullRefinement(double* thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath);
107 int findLocalMaxWithPEM2Lev(double* thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath);
108 // Perform the fitting
109 DataBlock_t fit(double* thetaInit, int K);
110 // Not used in the Clustering/fitting
111 // Just to check hit results
112 int findLocalMaxWithBothCathodes(double* thetaOut, int kMax);
114 private:
115 // Cathodes planes
116 int chamberId = -1;
117 int singleCathPlaneID = -1; // index of the unique cathode plane (0 or 1)
118 int nbrOfCathodePlanes = 0; // Nbr of Cathodes Plane
119 Pads* pads[2] = {nullptr, nullptr}; // Two cathode-pads
120 int nbrSaturated = 0; // Number of saturated pads
121 // Used for InspectModel
122 PadIdx_t* mapCathPadIdxToPadIdx[2] = {
123 nullptr, nullptr}; // Map cathode-pad index to pad index
125 // Projection
126 Pads* projectedPads = nullptr; // Projected pads
127 // Invalid PadIdx_t* projNeighbors = nullptr; // Neighbors list of projected pads
128 Groups_t* projPadToGrp = nullptr; // Groups of projected pads
129 int nbrOfProjGroups = 0;
130 // Groups (i.e. cathode groups)
131 Groups_t* cathGroup[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
132 int nbrOfCathGroups = 0;
133 // Geometry
134 PadIdx_t* IInterJ = nullptr; // Compressed intersection matrix
135 PadIdx_t* JInterI = nullptr; // Compressed intersection matrix
136 PadIdx_t* aloneIPads = nullptr; // Indexes of alone pads in cathode 0
137 PadIdx_t* aloneJPads = nullptr; // Indexes of alone pads in cathode 1
138 MapKToIJ_t* mapKToIJ =
139 nullptr; // Mapping projected pads (k) to the 2 intersection pads
140 PadIdx_t* mapIJToK =
141 nullptr; // Inverse mapping (i,j) pads -> k (projected pads)
142 PadIdx_t* aloneKPads = nullptr; // Alone (isolate) projected pads
144 // Compute the projected geometry
145 // Used by buildProjectedGeometry
146 void computeProjectedPads(const Pads& pad0InfSup, const Pads& pad1InfSup,
147 int maxNbrOfProjPads, PadIdx_t* aloneIPads,
148 PadIdx_t* aloneJPads, PadIdx_t* aloneKPads,
149 int includeAlonePads);
150 // Build groups from projected geometry (called proj-groups)
151 int getConnectedComponentsOfProjPadsWOSinglePads();
152 // Not Used - older version
153 // void assignSingleCathPadsToGroup( short *padGroup, int nPads, int nGrp, int
154 // nCath0, int nCath1, short *wellSplitGroup); Propagate the proj-groups to
155 // the pads (of the 2 cathodes)
156 int assignPadsToGroupFromProj(int nGrp);
157 // Propagate the proj-groups to the pads (of the 2 cathodes)
158 // Not used
159 int assignGroupToCathPads();
160 void updateProjectionGroups();
161 // Unused - Old version
162 int renumberGroupsFromMap(Groups_t* grpToGrp, int nGrp);
163 // Renumber the groups id (starting from 0 and without gaps)
164 int renumberGroups(Groups_t* grpToGrp, int nGrp);
165 // Remove low charged groups
166 void removeLowChargedGroups(int nGroups);
167 // Remove smallCharged seeds
168 int filterFitModelOnSmallChargedSeeds(Pads& pads, double* theta, int K,
169 Mask_t* maskFilteredTheta);
170 // Keep the seeds inside the cluster area
171 // Some fitting cases provide seeds outside of the cluster area
172 int filterFitModelOnClusterRegion(Pads& pads, double* theta, int K,
173 Mask_t* maskFilteredTheta);
174 // Remove hits which are far from the strating position (theta0)
175 int filterFitModelOnSpaceVariations(const double* theta0, int K0,
176 double* theta, int K,
177 Mask_t* maskFilteredTheta);
178 Pads* findLocalMaxWithRefinement(double* thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath);
179 Pads* findLocalMaxWithoutRefinement(double* thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath);
180 // ???
181 int getIndexByRow(const char* matrix, PadIdx_t N, PadIdx_t M, PadIdx_t* IIdx);
182 int getIndexByColumns(const char* matrix, PadIdx_t N, PadIdx_t M,
183 PadIdx_t* JIdx);
184 // Check the consistency of the different maps
185 int checkConsistencyMapKToIJ(const char* intersectionMatrix,
186 const MapKToIJ_t* mapKToIJ,
187 const PadIdx_t* mapIJToK,
188 const PadIdx_t* aloneIPads,
189 const PadIdx_t* aloneJPads, int N0, int N1,
190 int nbrOfProjPads);
192 // Not used in the Clustering/fitting
193 // Just to check hit results
194 int laplacian2D(const Pads& pads_, PadIdx_t* neigh, int chId,
195 PadIdx_t* sortedLocalMax, int kMax, double* smoothQ);
198gsl_matrix* moore_penrose_pinv(gsl_matrix* A, double rcond);
200} // namespace mch
201} // namespace o2
203#endif // O2_MCH_CLUSTER_H_
uint32_t c
Definition RawData.h:2
Definition A.h:16
int getNbrOfPads(int c)
Definition ClusterPEM.h:49
std::pair< int, int > getNxNy(int c)
const double * getCharges(int c)
Definition ClusterPEM.h:70
int findLocalMaxWithBothCathodes(double *thetaOut, int kMax)
int findLocalMaxWithPEMFullRefinement(double *thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath)
int getNbrOfProjectedPads()
Definition ClusterPEM.h:81
const Pads * getProjectedPads()
Definition ClusterPEM.h:97
int buildProjectedGeometry(int includeAlonePads)
double * projectChargeOnProjGeometry(int includeAlonePads)
const PadIdx_t * getMapCathPadToPad(int c)
Definition ClusterPEM.h:91
int getNbrOfPadsInGroup(int g)
int findLocalMaxWithPEM2Lev(double *thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath)
const Groups_t * getCathGroup(int c)
Definition ClusterPEM.h:78
std::pair< double, double > computeChargeBarycenter(int plane)
Groups_t * getProjPadGroup()
Definition ClusterPEM.h:79
int findLocalMaxWithPEM(double *thetaL, int nbrOfPadsInTheGroupCath)
int getNbrOfObsPads(int c)
Definition ClusterPEM.h:53
double getTotalCharge(int c)
Definition ClusterPEM.h:65
const Pads * getPads(int c)
Definition ClusterPEM.h:77
static int getNbrOfPads(const Pads *pads)
Definition PadsPEM.h:63
const double * getCharges() const
Definition PadsPEM.h:99
int getNbrOfObsPads() const
Definition PadsPEM.h:90
double getTotalCharge() const
Definition PadsPEM.h:102
GLint GLenum GLint x
Definition glcorearb.h:403
GLboolean GLboolean g
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
std::pair< int, double * > DataBlock_t
Definition ClusterPEM.h:30
short Groups_t
short Mask_t
gsl_matrix * moore_penrose_pinv(gsl_matrix *A, double rcond)
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...