35 using PolicyMatcher = std::function<bool(std::string
const& producer, std::string
const& consumer)>;
GLuint const GLchar * name
Defining PrimaryVertex explicitly as messageable.
A set of helpers for common ChannelConfigurationPolicy behaviors.
static OutputChannelModifier replyOutput(FairMQChannelConfigSpec const &spec)
Makes the passed output channel bind and reply.
static PolicyMatcher matchAny
Catch all policy, used by the last rule.
static OutputChannelModifier pushOutput(FairMQChannelConfigSpec const &spec)
Makes the passed output channel bind and push.
std::function< void(InputChannelSpec &spec)> InputChannelModifier
static InputChannelModifier pullInput(FairMQChannelConfigSpec const &spec)
Makes the passed input channel connect and pull.
static OutputChannelModifier pairOutput(FairMQChannelConfigSpec const &spec)
Makes the passed output channel bind and pair.
static InputChannelModifier pairInput(FairMQChannelConfigSpec const &spec)
Makes the passed input channel connect and pair.
static InputChannelModifier reqInput(FairMQChannelConfigSpec const &spec)
Makes the passed input channel connect and request.
std::function< bool(std::string const &producer, std::string const &consumer)> PolicyMatcher
static OutputChannelModifier publishOutput(FairMQChannelConfigSpec const &spec)
Makes the passed output channel bind and subscribe.
std::function< void(OutputChannelSpec &spec)> OutputChannelModifier
static PolicyMatcher matchByConsumerName(const char *name)
static InputChannelModifier subscribeInput(FairMQChannelConfigSpec const &spec)
Makes the passed input channel connect and subscribe.
static PolicyMatcher matchByProducerName(const char *name)