No Matches
runDataProcessing.cxx File Reference
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "Framework/BoostOptionsRetriever.h"
#include "Framework/BacktraceHelpers.h"
#include "Framework/CallbacksPolicy.h"
#include "Framework/ChannelConfigurationPolicy.h"
#include "Framework/ChannelMatching.h"
#include "Framework/ConfigParamsHelper.h"
#include "Framework/ConfigParamSpec.h"
#include "Framework/ConfigContext.h"
#include "Framework/ComputingQuotaEvaluator.h"
#include "CommonDriverServices.h"
#include "Framework/DataProcessingDevice.h"
#include "Framework/DataProcessingContext.h"
#include "Framework/DataProcessorSpec.h"
#include "Framework/PluginManager.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceControl.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceExecution.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceInfo.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceMetricsInfo.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceMetricsHelper.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceConfigInfo.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceSpec.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceState.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceConfig.h"
#include "DeviceStateHelpers.h"
#include "Framework/ServiceRegistryHelpers.h"
#include "Framework/DevicesManager.h"
#include "Framework/DebugGUI.h"
#include "Framework/LocalRootFileService.h"
#include "Framework/LogParsingHelpers.h"
#include "Framework/Logger.h"
#include "Framework/ParallelContext.h"
#include "Framework/RawDeviceService.h"
#include "Framework/SimpleRawDeviceService.h"
#include "Framework/Signpost.h"
#include "Framework/ControlService.h"
#include "Framework/CallbackService.h"
#include "Framework/WorkflowSpec.h"
#include "Framework/Monitoring.h"
#include "Framework/DataProcessorInfo.h"
#include "Framework/DriverInfo.h"
#include "Framework/DriverConfig.h"
#include "Framework/DriverControl.h"
#include "Framework/DataTakingContext.h"
#include "Framework/CommandInfo.h"
#include "Framework/RunningWorkflowInfo.h"
#include "Framework/TopologyPolicy.h"
#include "Framework/WorkflowSpecNode.h"
#include "Framework/GuiCallbackContext.h"
#include "Framework/DeviceContext.h"
#include "Framework/ServiceMetricsInfo.h"
#include "Framework/CommonServices.h"
#include "Framework/DefaultsHelpers.h"
#include "ProcessingPoliciesHelpers.h"
#include "DriverServerContext.h"
#include "HTTPParser.h"
#include "DPLWebSocket.h"
#include "ArrowSupport.h"
#include "Framework/ConfigParamDiscovery.h"
#include "ComputingResourceHelpers.h"
#include "DataProcessingStatus.h"
#include "DDSConfigHelpers.h"
#include "O2ControlHelpers.h"
#include "DeviceSpecHelpers.h"
#include "GraphvizHelpers.h"
#include "MermaidHelpers.h"
#include "PropertyTreeHelpers.h"
#include "SimpleResourceManager.h"
#include "WorkflowSerializationHelpers.h"
#include <Configuration/ConfigurationInterface.h>
#include <Configuration/ConfigurationFactory.h>
#include <Monitoring/MonitoringFactory.h>
#include "ResourcesMonitoringHelper.h"
#include <fairmq/Device.h>
#include <fairmq/DeviceRunner.h>
#include <fairmq/shmem/Monitor.h>
#include <fairmq/ProgOptions.h>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
#include <boost/exception/diagnostic_information.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <uv.h>
#include <TEnv.h>
#include <TSystem.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>
#include <chrono>
#include <utility>
#include <numeric>
#include <functional>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <cfenv>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  DeviceLogContext
struct  StreamConfigContext
struct  DeviceRef
struct  DeviceStdioContext
struct  WorkflowInfo




using DataProcessorInfos = std::vector< DataProcessorInfo >
using DeviceExecutions = std::vector< DeviceExecution >
using DeviceSpecs = std::vector< DeviceSpec >
using DeviceInfos = std::vector< DeviceInfo >
using DataProcessingStatesInfos = std::vector< DataProcessingStates >
using DeviceControls = std::vector< DeviceControl >
using DataProcessorSpecs = std::vector< DataProcessorSpec >


bpo::options_description gHiddenDeviceOptions ("Hidden child options")
void doBoostException (boost::exception &e, const char *)
void doDPLException (o2::framework::RuntimeErrorRef &ref, char const *)
void doUnknownException (std::string const &s, char const *)
chargetIdString (int argc, char **argv)
int callMain (int argc, char **argv, int(*mainNoCatch)(int, char **))
void getChildData (int infd, DeviceInfo &outinfo)
bool checkIfCanExit (std::vector< DeviceInfo > const &infos)
void killChildren (std::vector< DeviceInfo > &infos, int sig)
bool areAllChildrenGone (std::vector< DeviceInfo > &infos)
 Check the state of the children.
void createPipes (int *pipes)
void cleanupSHM (std::string const &uniqueWorkflowId)
 Helper to invoke shared memory cleanup.
void spawnRemoteDevice (uv_loop_t *loop, std::string const &, DeviceSpec const &spec, DeviceControl &, DeviceExecution &, DeviceInfos &deviceInfos, DataProcessingStatesInfos &allStates)
void log_callback (uv_poll_t *handle, int status, int events)
void close_websocket (uv_handle_t *handle)
void websocket_callback (uv_stream_t *stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf)
void ws_connect_callback (uv_stream_t *server, int status)
 A callback for the rest engine.
void stream_config (uv_work_t *req)
void handleSignals ()
void handleChildrenStdio (DriverServerContext *serverContext, std::string const &forwardedStdin, std::vector< DeviceStdioContext > &childFds, std::vector< uv_poll_t * > &handles)
void handle_crash (int sig)
void spawnDevice (uv_loop_t *loop, DeviceRef ref, std::vector< DeviceSpec > const &specs, DriverInfo &driverInfo, std::vector< DeviceControl > &, std::vector< DeviceExecution > &executions, std::vector< DeviceInfo > &deviceInfos, std::vector< DataProcessingStates > &allStates, ServiceRegistryRef serviceRegistry, boost::program_options::variables_map &varmap, std::vector< DeviceStdioContext > &childFds, unsigned parentCPU, unsigned parentNode)
void processChildrenOutput (uv_loop_t *loop, DriverInfo &driverInfo, DeviceInfos &infos, DeviceSpecs const &specs, DeviceControls &controls)
bool processSigChild (DeviceInfos &infos, DeviceSpecs &specs)
AlgorithmSpec dryRun (DeviceSpec const &spec)
void doDefaultWorkflowTerminationHook ()
int doChild (int argc, char **argv, ServiceRegistry &serviceRegistry, RunningWorkflowInfo const &runningWorkflow, RunningDeviceRef ref, DriverConfig const &driverConfig, ProcessingPolicies processingPolicies, std::string const &defaultDriverClient, uv_loop_t *loop)
void gui_callback (uv_timer_s *ctx)
void single_step_callback (uv_timer_s *ctx)
 Force single stepping of the children.
void force_exit_callback (uv_timer_s *ctx)
std::vector< std::regex > getDumpableMetrics ()
void dumpMetricsCallback (uv_timer_t *handle)
void dumpRunSummary (DriverServerContext &context, DriverInfo const &driverInfo, DeviceInfos const &infos, DeviceSpecs const &specs)
int runStateMachine (DataProcessorSpecs const &workflow, WorkflowInfo const &workflowInfo, DataProcessorInfos const &previousDataProcessorInfos, CommandInfo const &commandInfo, DriverControl &driverControl, DriverInfo &driverInfo, DriverConfig &driverConfig, std::vector< DeviceMetricsInfo > &metricsInfos, std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > const &detectedParams, boost::program_options::variables_map &varmap, std::vector< ServiceSpec > &driverServices, std::string frameworkId)
void printHelp (bpo::variables_map const &varmap, bpo::options_description const &executorOptions, std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > const &physicalWorkflow, std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > const &currentWorkflowOptions)
bool isOutputToPipe ()
bool isInputConfig ()
void overrideCloning (ConfigContext &ctx, WorkflowSpec &workflow)
void overridePipeline (ConfigContext &ctx, WorkflowSpec &workflow)
void overrideLabels (ConfigContext &ctx, WorkflowSpec &workflow)
void initialiseDriverControl (bpo::variables_map const &varmap, DriverInfo &driverInfo, DriverControl &control)
 Helper function to initialise the controller from the command line options.
void conflicting_options (const boost::program_options::variables_map &vm, const std::string &opt1, const std::string &opt2)
 Helper to to detect conflicting options.
template<typename T >
void apply_permutation (std::vector< T > &v, std::vector< int > &indices)
void checkNonResiliency (std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > const &specs, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > const &edges)
std::string debugTopoInfo (std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > const &specs, std::vector< TopoIndexInfo > const &infos, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > const &edges)
void enableSignposts (std::string const &signpostsToEnable)
void overrideAll (o2::framework::ConfigContext &ctx, std::vector< o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec > &workflow)
o2::framework::ConfigContext createConfigContext (std::unique_ptr< ConfigParamRegistry > &workflowOptionsRegistry, o2::framework::ServiceRegistry &configRegistry, std::vector< o2::framework::ConfigParamSpec > &workflowOptions, std::vector< o2::framework::ConfigParamSpec > &extraOptions, int argc, char **argv)
std::unique_ptr< o2::framework::ServiceRegistrycreateRegistry ()
int doMain (int argc, char **argv, o2::framework::WorkflowSpec const &workflow, std::vector< ChannelConfigurationPolicy > const &channelPolicies, std::vector< CompletionPolicy > const &completionPolicies, std::vector< DispatchPolicy > const &dispatchPolicies, std::vector< ResourcePolicy > const &resourcePolicies, std::vector< CallbacksPolicy > const &callbacksPolicies, std::vector< SendingPolicy > const &sendingPolicies, std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > const &currentWorkflowOptions, std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > const &detectedParams, o2::framework::ConfigContext &configContext)


std::vector< DeviceMetricsInfogDeviceMetricsInfos
volatile sig_atomic_t graceful_exit = false
volatile sig_atomic_t forceful_exit = false
volatile sig_atomic_t sigchld_requested = false
volatile sig_atomic_t double_sigint = false
auto bindGUIPort

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 12 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

Typedef Documentation

◆ DataProcessingStatesInfos

Definition at line 167 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ DataProcessorInfos

using DataProcessorInfos = std::vector<DataProcessorInfo>

Definition at line 163 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ DataProcessorSpecs

using DataProcessorSpecs = std::vector<DataProcessorSpec>

Definition at line 169 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ DeviceControls

using DeviceControls = std::vector<DeviceControl>

Definition at line 168 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ DeviceExecutions

using DeviceExecutions = std::vector<DeviceExecution>

Definition at line 164 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ DeviceInfos

using DeviceInfos = std::vector<DeviceInfo>

Definition at line 166 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ DeviceSpecs

using DeviceSpecs = std::vector<DeviceSpec>

Definition at line 165 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ apply_permutation()

template<typename T >
void apply_permutation ( std::vector< T > &  v,
std::vector< int > &  indices 

Definition at line 2686 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ areAllChildrenGone()

bool areAllChildrenGone ( std::vector< DeviceInfo > &  infos)

Check the state of the children.

Definition at line 289 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ callMain()

int callMain ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
int(*)(int, char **)  mainNoCatch 

Definition at line 195 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ checkIfCanExit()

bool checkIfCanExit ( std::vector< DeviceInfo > const &  infos)

Return true if all the DeviceInfo in infos are ready to quit. false otherwise. FIXME: move to an helper class

Definition at line 264 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ checkNonResiliency()

void checkNonResiliency ( std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > const &  specs,
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > const &  edges 

Definition at line 2704 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ cleanupSHM()

void cleanupSHM ( std::string const &  uniqueWorkflowId)

Helper to invoke shared memory cleanup.

Definition at line 382 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ close_websocket()

void close_websocket ( uv_handle_t handle)

Definition at line 451 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ conflicting_options()

void conflicting_options ( const boost::program_options::variables_map &  vm,
const std::string opt1,
const std::string opt2 

Helper to to detect conflicting options.

Definition at line 2675 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ createConfigContext()

o2::framework::ConfigContext createConfigContext ( std::unique_ptr< ConfigParamRegistry > &  workflowOptionsRegistry,
o2::framework::ServiceRegistry configRegistry,
std::vector< o2::framework::ConfigParamSpec > &  workflowOptions,
std::vector< o2::framework::ConfigParamSpec > &  extraOptions,
int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 2809 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ createPipes()

void createPipes ( int pipes)

Definition at line 333 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ createRegistry()

std::unique_ptr< o2::framework::ServiceRegistry > createRegistry ( )

Definition at line 2829 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ debugTopoInfo()

std::string debugTopoInfo ( std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > const &  specs,
std::vector< TopoIndexInfo > const &  infos,
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > const &  edges 

Definition at line 2727 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ doBoostException()

void doBoostException ( boost::exception &  e,
const char processName 

Definition at line 3264 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ doChild()

int doChild ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry,
RunningWorkflowInfo const &  runningWorkflow,
RunningDeviceRef  ref,
DriverConfig const &  driverConfig,
ProcessingPolicies  processingPolicies,
std::string const &  defaultDriverClient,
uv_loop_t loop 

Create all the requested services and initialise them

Definition at line 1013 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ doDefaultWorkflowTerminationHook()

void doDefaultWorkflowTerminationHook ( )

Definition at line 1008 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ doDPLException()

void doDPLException ( o2::framework::RuntimeErrorRef ref,
char const *  processName 

Definition at line 968 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ doMain()

int doMain ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
o2::framework::WorkflowSpec const &  workflow,
std::vector< ChannelConfigurationPolicy > const &  channelPolicies,
std::vector< CompletionPolicy > const &  completionPolicies,
std::vector< DispatchPolicy > const &  dispatchPolicies,
std::vector< ResourcePolicy > const &  resourcePolicies,
std::vector< CallbacksPolicy > const &  callbacksPolicies,
std::vector< SendingPolicy > const &  sendingPolicies,
std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > const &  currentWorkflowOptions,
std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > const &  detectedParams,
o2::framework::ConfigContext configContext 

Iterate over the physicalWorkflow, any DataProcessorSpec that has a expendable label should have all the timeframe lifetime outputs changed to sporadic, because there is no guarantee that the device will be alive, so we should not expect its data to always arrive.

This is the earlies the services are actually needed

Set the fair::Logger severity to the one specified in the command line We do it by hand here, because FairMQ device is not initialsed until much later and we need the logger before that.

Definition at line 2843 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ doUnknownException()

void doUnknownException ( std::string const &  s,
char const *  processName 

Definition at line 987 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ dryRun()

AlgorithmSpec dryRun ( DeviceSpec const &  spec)

Definition at line 996 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ dumpMetricsCallback()

void dumpMetricsCallback ( uv_timer_t handle)

Definition at line 1240 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ dumpRunSummary()

void dumpRunSummary ( DriverServerContext context,
DriverInfo const &  driverInfo,
DeviceInfos const &  infos,
DeviceSpecs const &  specs 

Definition at line 1249 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ enableSignposts()

void enableSignposts ( std::string const &  signpostsToEnable)

Definition at line 2756 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ force_exit_callback()

void force_exit_callback ( uv_timer_s *  ctx)

Definition at line 1216 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ getChildData()

void getChildData ( int  infd,
DeviceInfo outinfo 

Definition at line 235 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ getDumpableMetrics()

std::vector< std::regex > getDumpableMetrics ( )

Definition at line 1222 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ getIdString()

char * getIdString ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 185 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ gHiddenDeviceOptions()

bpo::options_description gHiddenDeviceOptions ( "Hidden child options"  )

◆ gui_callback()

void gui_callback ( uv_timer_s *  ctx)

Definition at line 1128 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ handle_crash()

void handle_crash ( int  sig)

Definition at line 638 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ handleChildrenStdio()

void handleChildrenStdio ( DriverServerContext serverContext,
std::string const &  forwardedStdin,
std::vector< DeviceStdioContext > &  childFds,
std::vector< uv_poll_t * > &  handles 

Add pollers for stdout and stderr

Definition at line 601 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ handleSignals()

void handleSignals ( )

Definition at line 581 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ initialiseDriverControl()

void initialiseDriverControl ( bpo::variables_map const &  varmap,
DriverInfo &  driverInfo,
DriverControl control 

Helper function to initialise the controller from the command line options.

Definition at line 2526 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ isInputConfig()

bool isInputConfig ( )

Definition at line 2357 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ isOutputToPipe()

bool isOutputToPipe ( )

Definition at line 2350 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ killChildren()

void killChildren ( std::vector< DeviceInfo > &  infos,
int  sig 

Definition at line 279 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ log_callback()

void log_callback ( uv_poll_t handle,
int  status,
int  events 

Definition at line 426 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.





◆ overrideAll()

void overrideAll ( o2::framework::ConfigContext ctx,
std::vector< o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec > &  workflow 

Definition at line 2802 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ overrideCloning()

void overrideCloning ( ConfigContext ctx,
WorkflowSpec workflow 

Definition at line 2370 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ overrideLabels()

void overrideLabels ( ConfigContext ctx,
WorkflowSpec workflow 

Definition at line 2460 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ overridePipeline()

void overridePipeline ( ConfigContext ctx,
WorkflowSpec workflow 

Definition at line 2420 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ printHelp()

void printHelp ( bpo::variables_map const &  varmap,
bpo::options_description const &  executorOptions,
std::vector< DataProcessorSpec > const &  physicalWorkflow,
std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > const &  currentWorkflowOptions 

Definition at line 2313 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ processChildrenOutput()

void processChildrenOutput ( uv_loop_t loop,
DriverInfo &  driverInfo,
DeviceInfos infos,
DeviceSpecs const &  specs,
DeviceControls controls 

Definition at line 836 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ processSigChild()

bool processSigChild ( DeviceInfos infos,
DeviceSpecs specs 

Definition at line 919 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ runStateMachine()

int runStateMachine ( DataProcessorSpecs const &  workflow,
WorkflowInfo const &  workflowInfo,
DataProcessorInfos const &  previousDataProcessorInfos,
CommandInfo const &  commandInfo,
DriverControl driverControl,
DriverInfo &  driverInfo,
DriverConfig driverConfig,
std::vector< DeviceMetricsInfo > &  metricsInfos,
std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > const &  detectedParams,
boost::program_options::variables_map &  varmap,
std::vector< ServiceSpec > &  driverServices,
std::string  frameworkId 

Cleanup the shared memory for the uniqueWorkflowId, in case we are unlucky and an old one is already present.

After INIT we go into RUNNING and eventually to SCHEDULE from there and back into running. This is because the general case would be that we start an application and then we wait for resource offers from DDS or whatever resource manager we use.

extract and apply process switches prune device inputs

FIXME: use commandline arguments as alternative

Set the default value for tracingFlags of each control to the command line value –dpl-tracing-flags

Set the value for the severity of displayed logs to the command line value –severity

Definition at line 1349 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ single_step_callback()

void single_step_callback ( uv_timer_s *  ctx)

Force single stepping of the children.

Definition at line 1210 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ spawnDevice()

void spawnDevice ( uv_loop_t loop,
DeviceRef  ref,
std::vector< DeviceSpec > const &  specs,
DriverInfo &  driverInfo,
std::vector< DeviceControl > &  ,
std::vector< DeviceExecution > &  executions,
std::vector< DeviceInfo > &  deviceInfos,
std::vector< DataProcessingStates > &  allStates,
ServiceRegistryRef  serviceRegistry,
boost::program_options::variables_map &  varmap,
std::vector< DeviceStdioContext > &  childFds,
unsigned  parentCPU,
unsigned  parentNode 

This will start a new device by forking and executing a new child

Definition at line 674 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ spawnRemoteDevice()

void spawnRemoteDevice ( uv_loop_t loop,
std::string const &  ,
DeviceSpec const &  spec,
DeviceControl ,
DeviceExecution ,
DeviceInfos deviceInfos,
DataProcessingStatesInfos allStates 

Definition at line 390 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ stream_config()

void stream_config ( uv_work_t *  req)

Definition at line 530 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ websocket_callback()

void websocket_callback ( uv_stream_t *  stream,
ssize_t  nread,
const uv_buf_t *  buf 

Definition at line 458 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ ws_connect_callback()

void ws_connect_callback ( uv_stream_t *  server,
int  status 

A callback for the rest engine.

Definition at line 504 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ bindGUIPort

auto bindGUIPort

Definition at line 1276 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ double_sigint

volatile sig_atomic_t double_sigint = false

Definition at line 363 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ forceful_exit

volatile sig_atomic_t forceful_exit = false

Definition at line 361 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ gDeviceMetricsInfos

std::vector<DeviceMetricsInfo> gDeviceMetricsInfos

Definition at line 171 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ graceful_exit

volatile sig_atomic_t graceful_exit = false

Definition at line 360 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.

◆ sigchld_requested

volatile sig_atomic_t sigchld_requested = false

Definition at line 362 of file runDataProcessing.cxx.