No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
16#ifndef O2_MID_CTF_HELPER_H
17#define O2_MID_CTF_HELPER_H
21#include "DataFormatsMID/CTF.h"
23#include <gsl/span>
25namespace o2
27namespace utils
29class IRFrameSelector;
31namespace mid
37 public:
38 using OrderRef = o2::dataformats::AbstractRef<29, 2, 1>; // 29 bits for index in event type span, 2 bits for event type, 1 bit flag
39 struct TFData {
40 std::vector<OrderRef> colDataRefs{};
41 std::vector<OrderRef> rofDataRefs{};
42 std::array<gsl::span<const o2::mid::ColumnData>, NEvTypes> colData{};
43 std::array<gsl::span<const o2::mid::ROFRecord>, NEvTypes> rofData{};
45 };
47 CTFHelper(const TFData& data) : mTFData(data) {}
48 CTFHelper() = delete;
51 {
52 CTFHeader h{o2::detectors::DetID::MID, 0, 1, 0, // dummy timestamp, version 1.0
53 uint32_t(mTFData.rofDataRefs.size()), uint32_t(mTFData.colDataRefs.size()), 0, 0};
54 if (h.nROFs) {
55 auto id0 = mTFData.rofDataRefs.front();
56 const auto& rof = mTFData.rofData[id0.getSource()][id0.getIndex()];
57 h.firstOrbit = rof.interactionRecord.orbit;
58 h.firstBC = rof.interactionRecord.bc;
59 }
60 return h;
61 }
63 size_t getSize() const { return mTFData.rofDataRefs.size() * sizeof(o2::mid::ROFRecord) + mTFData.colDataRefs.size() * sizeof(o2::mid::ColumnData); }
65 //>>> =========================== ITERATORS ========================================
67 template <typename I, typename D, typename T, int M = 1>
68 class _Iter
69 {
70 public:
71 using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
72 using value_type = T;
73 using pointer = const T*;
74 using reference = const T&;
75 using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
77 _Iter(const std::vector<OrderRef>& ord, const std::array<gsl::span<const D>, NEvTypes>& data, bool end = false) : mOrder(ord), mData(&data), mIndex(end ? M * ord.size() : 0) {}
78 _Iter() = default;
80 inline I& operator++() noexcept
81 {
82 ++mIndex;
83 return static_cast<I&>(*this);
84 }
86 inline I operator++(int)
87 {
88 I res = *(static_cast<I*>(this));
89 ++mIndex;
90 return res;
91 }
93 inline I& operator--() noexcept
94 {
95 mIndex--;
96 return static_cast<I&>(*this);
97 }
99 inline I operator--(int)
100 {
101 I res = *(static_cast<I*>(this));
102 --mIndex;
103 return res;
104 }
107 {
108 mIndex += i;
109 return static_cast<I&>(*this);
110 }
113 {
114 I res = *(const_cast<I*>(static_cast<const I*>(this)));
115 return res += i;
116 }
119 {
120 mIndex -= i;
121 return static_cast<I&>(*this);
122 }
125 {
126 I res = *(const_cast<I*>(static_cast<const I*>(this)));
127 return res -= i;
128 }
130 difference_type operator-(const I& other) const noexcept { return mIndex - other.mIndex; }
132 inline friend I operator+(difference_type i, const I& iter) { return iter + i; };
134 bool operator!=(const I& other) const noexcept { return mIndex != other.mIndex; }
135 bool operator==(const I& other) const noexcept { return mIndex == other.mIndex; }
136 bool operator>(const I& other) const noexcept { return mIndex > other.mIndex; }
137 bool operator<(const I& other) const noexcept { return mIndex < other.mIndex; }
138 bool operator>=(const I& other) const noexcept { return mIndex >= other.mIndex; }
139 bool operator<=(const I& other) const noexcept { return mIndex <= other.mIndex; }
141 protected:
142 gsl::span<const OrderRef> mOrder{};
143 const std::array<gsl::span<const D>, NEvTypes>* mData{};
145 };
147 //_______________________________________________
148 // BC difference wrt previous if in the same orbit, otherwise the abs.value.
149 // For the very 1st entry return 0 (diff wrt 1st BC in the CTF header)
150 class Iter_bcIncROF : public _Iter<Iter_bcIncROF, ROFRecord, int16_t>
151 {
152 public:
153 using _Iter<Iter_bcIncROF, ROFRecord, int16_t>::_Iter;
155 {
156 const auto ir = (*mData)[mOrder[mIndex].getSource()][mOrder[mIndex].getIndex()].interactionRecord;
157 if (mIndex) {
158 const auto irP = (*mData)[mOrder[mIndex - 1].getSource()][mOrder[mIndex - 1].getIndex()].interactionRecord;
159 if (ir.orbit == irP.orbit) {
160 return value_type(ir.bc - irP.bc);
161 } else {
162 return value_type(ir.bc);
163 }
164 }
165 return 0;
166 }
168 {
169 size_t id = mIndex + i;
170 const auto ir = (*mData)[mOrder[id].getSource()][mOrder[id].getIndex()].interactionRecord;
171 if (id) {
172 const auto irP = (*mData)[mOrder[id - 1].getSource()][mOrder[id - 1].getIndex()].interactionRecord;
173 if (ir.orbit == irP.orbit) {
174 return value_type(ir.bc - irP.bc);
175 } else {
176 return value_type(ir.bc);
177 }
178 }
179 return 0;
180 }
181 };
183 //_______________________________________________
184 // Orbit difference wrt previous. For the very 1st entry return 0 (diff wrt 1st BC in the CTF header)
185 class Iter_orbitIncROF : public _Iter<Iter_orbitIncROF, ROFRecord, int32_t>
186 {
187 public:
188 using _Iter<Iter_orbitIncROF, ROFRecord, int32_t>::_Iter;
190 {
191 if (mIndex) {
192 const auto ir = (*mData)[mOrder[mIndex].getSource()][mOrder[mIndex].getIndex()].interactionRecord;
193 const auto irP = (*mData)[mOrder[mIndex - 1].getSource()][mOrder[mIndex - 1].getIndex()].interactionRecord;
194 return value_type(ir.orbit - irP.orbit);
195 }
196 return 0;
197 }
199 {
200 size_t id = mIndex + i;
201 if (id) {
202 const auto ir = (*mData)[mOrder[id].getSource()][mOrder[id].getIndex()].interactionRecord;
203 const auto irP = (*mData)[mOrder[id - 1].getSource()][mOrder[id - 1].getIndex()].interactionRecord;
204 return value_type(ir.orbit - irP.orbit);
205 }
206 return 0;
207 }
208 };
210 //_______________________________________________
211 // Number of entries in the ROF
212 class Iter_entriesROF : public _Iter<Iter_entriesROF, ROFRecord, uint16_t>
213 {
214 public:
215 using _Iter<Iter_entriesROF, ROFRecord, uint16_t>::_Iter;
216 value_type operator*() const { return (*mData)[mOrder[mIndex].getSource()][mOrder[mIndex].getIndex()].nEntries; }
218 {
219 size_t id = mIndex + i;
220 return (*mData)[mOrder[id].getSource()][mOrder[id].getIndex()].nEntries;
221 }
222 };
224 //_______________________________________________
225 // Event type for the ROF
226 class Iter_evtypeROF : public _Iter<Iter_evtypeROF, ROFRecord, uint8_t>
227 {
228 public:
229 using _Iter<Iter_evtypeROF, ROFRecord, uint8_t>::_Iter;
230 value_type operator*() const { return value_type((*mData)[mOrder[mIndex].getSource()][mOrder[mIndex].getIndex()].eventType); }
232 {
233 size_t id = mIndex + i;
234 return value_type((*mData)[mOrder[id].getSource()][mOrder[id].getIndex()].eventType);
235 }
236 };
238 //_______________________________________________
239 class Iter_pattern : public _Iter<Iter_pattern, ColumnData, uint16_t, 5>
240 {
241 public:
242 using _Iter<Iter_pattern, ColumnData, uint16_t, 5>::_Iter;
244 {
245 auto idx = mOrder[mIndex / 5];
246 return (*mData)[idx.getSource()][idx.getIndex()].patterns[mIndex % 5];
247 }
249 {
250 size_t id = mIndex + i;
251 auto idx = mOrder[id / 5];
252 return (*mData)[idx.getSource()][idx.getIndex()].patterns[id % 5];
253 }
254 };
256 //_______________________________________________
257 class Iter_deId : public _Iter<Iter_deId, ColumnData, uint8_t>
258 {
259 public:
260 using _Iter<Iter_deId, ColumnData, uint8_t>::_Iter;
262 {
263 auto idx = mOrder[mIndex];
264 return (*mData)[idx.getSource()][idx.getIndex()].deId;
265 }
267 {
268 auto idx = mOrder[mIndex + i];
269 return (*mData)[idx.getSource()][idx.getIndex()].deId;
270 }
271 };
273 //_______________________________________________
274 class Iter_colId : public _Iter<Iter_colId, ColumnData, uint8_t>
275 {
276 public:
277 using _Iter<Iter_colId, ColumnData, uint8_t>::_Iter;
279 {
280 auto idx = mOrder[mIndex];
281 return (*mData)[idx.getSource()][idx.getIndex()].columnId;
282 }
284 {
285 auto idx = mOrder[mIndex + i];
286 return (*mData)[idx.getSource()][idx.getIndex()].columnId;
287 }
288 };
290 //<<< =========================== ITERATORS ========================================
292 Iter_bcIncROF begin_bcIncROF() const { return Iter_bcIncROF(mTFData.rofDataRefs, mTFData.rofData, false); }
293 Iter_bcIncROF end_bcIncROF() const { return Iter_bcIncROF(mTFData.rofDataRefs, mTFData.rofData, true); }
295 Iter_orbitIncROF begin_orbitIncROF() const { return Iter_orbitIncROF(mTFData.rofDataRefs, mTFData.rofData, false); }
296 Iter_orbitIncROF end_orbitIncROF() const { return Iter_orbitIncROF(mTFData.rofDataRefs, mTFData.rofData, true); }
298 Iter_entriesROF begin_entriesROF() const { return Iter_entriesROF(mTFData.rofDataRefs, mTFData.rofData, false); }
299 Iter_entriesROF end_entriesROF() const { return Iter_entriesROF(mTFData.rofDataRefs, mTFData.rofData, true); }
301 Iter_evtypeROF begin_evtypeROF() const { return Iter_evtypeROF(mTFData.rofDataRefs, mTFData.rofData, false); }
302 Iter_evtypeROF end_evtypeROF() const { return Iter_evtypeROF(mTFData.rofDataRefs, mTFData.rofData, true); }
304 Iter_pattern begin_pattern() const { return Iter_pattern(mTFData.colDataRefs, mTFData.colData, false); }
305 Iter_pattern end_pattern() const { return Iter_pattern(mTFData.colDataRefs, mTFData.colData, true); }
307 Iter_deId begin_deId() const { return Iter_deId(mTFData.colDataRefs, mTFData.colData, false); }
308 Iter_deId end_deId() const { return Iter_deId(mTFData.colDataRefs, mTFData.colData, true); }
310 Iter_colId begin_colId() const { return Iter_colId(mTFData.colDataRefs, mTFData.colData, false); }
311 Iter_colId end_colId() const { return Iter_colId(mTFData.colDataRefs, mTFData.colData, true); }
313 private:
314 const TFData& mTFData;
317} // namespace mid
318} // namespace o2
Class to refer to object indicating its Indec, Source and status flags.
Strip pattern (aka digits)
int32_t i
Definitions for MID CTF data.
Definition of the MID event record.
uint32_t res
Definition RawData.h:0
Class for time synchronization of RawReader instances.
static constexpr ID MID
Definition DetID.h:73
value_type operator[](difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:167
value_type operator*() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:278
value_type operator[](difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:283
value_type operator*() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:261
value_type operator[](difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:266
value_type operator[](difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:217
value_type operator[](difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:231
value_type operator[](difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:198
value_type operator[](difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:248
value_type operator*() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:243
I & operator+=(difference_type i) noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:106
friend I operator+(difference_type i, const I &iter)
Definition CTFHelper.h:132
I operator+(difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:112
difference_type operator-(const I &other) const noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:130
I operator-(difference_type i) const
Definition CTFHelper.h:124
bool operator<=(const I &other) const noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:139
const std::array< gsl::span< const D >, NEvTypes > * mData
Definition CTFHelper.h:143
_Iter(const std::vector< OrderRef > &ord, const std::array< gsl::span< const D >, NEvTypes > &data, bool end=false)
Definition CTFHelper.h:77
I & operator-=(difference_type i) noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:118
bool operator>=(const I &other) const noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:138
bool operator==(const I &other) const noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:135
bool operator>(const I &other) const noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:136
std::ptrdiff_t difference_type
Definition CTFHelper.h:71
I & operator--() noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:93
bool operator!=(const I &other) const noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:134
bool operator<(const I &other) const noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:137
difference_type mIndex
Definition CTFHelper.h:144
std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition CTFHelper.h:75
gsl::span< const OrderRef > mOrder
Definition CTFHelper.h:142
I & operator++() noexcept
Definition CTFHelper.h:80
Iter_orbitIncROF begin_orbitIncROF() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:295
size_t getSize() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:63
Iter_pattern end_pattern() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:305
Iter_deId end_deId() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:308
Iter_evtypeROF end_evtypeROF() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:302
Iter_deId begin_deId() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:307
Iter_pattern begin_pattern() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:304
Iter_evtypeROF begin_evtypeROF() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:301
Iter_orbitIncROF end_orbitIncROF() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:296
Iter_entriesROF end_entriesROF() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:299
Iter_bcIncROF begin_bcIncROF() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:292
Iter_bcIncROF end_bcIncROF() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:293
CTFHeader createHeader()
Definition CTFHelper.h:50
Iter_entriesROF begin_entriesROF() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:298
CTFHelper(const TFData &data)
Definition CTFHelper.h:47
Iter_colId end_colId() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:311
Iter_colId begin_colId() const
Definition CTFHelper.h:310
GLsizeiptr size
Definition glcorearb.h:659
GLuint GLuint end
Definition glcorearb.h:469
GLboolean * data
Definition glcorearb.h:298
GLuint id
Definition glcorearb.h:650
constexpr uint32_t NEvTypes
Definition ROFRecord.h:37
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
Common utility functions.
uint32_t orbit
LHC orbit.
uint16_t bc
bunch crossing ID of interaction
Header for a single CTF.
Definition CTF.h:31
std::vector< OrderRef > rofDataRefs
Definition CTFHelper.h:41
std::array< gsl::span< const o2::mid::ROFRecord >, NEvTypes > rofData
Definition CTFHelper.h:43
std::array< gsl::span< const o2::mid::ColumnData >, NEvTypes > colData
Definition CTFHelper.h:42
void buildReferences(o2::utils::IRFrameSelector &irSelector)
Definition CTFHelper.cxx:21
std::vector< OrderRef > colDataRefs
Definition CTFHelper.h:40
Column data structure for MID.
Definition ColumnData.h:29
VectorOfTObjectPtrs other
o2::InteractionRecord ir(0, 0)
o2::utils::IRFrameSelector irSelector