No Matches
o2::mid Namespace Reference


namespace  crateconfig
namespace  crateparams
namespace  dcs
namespace  detparams
 MID detector parameters.
namespace  gbtmapper
 Functions to relate the unique local board ID with the corresponding GBT ID.
namespace  geoparams
namespace  impl
namespace  raw
namespace  specs


class  CalibData
class  CalibDataProcessorDPL
class  ChamberEfficiency
class  ChamberEfficiencyResponse
class  ChamberHV
class  ChamberResponse
class  ChamberResponseParams
class  ChannelCalibrator
class  ChannelCalibratorDeviceDPL
class  ChannelCalibratorFinalizer
class  ChannelCalibratorParam
 Configurable parameters for the Bad Channel Calibrator. More...
class  ChannelMasksHandler
class  ChannelScalers
struct  ChEffCounter
 Column data structure for MID. More...
struct  Cluster
 cluster structure for MID More...
class  Clusterizer
 Clusterizing algorithm for MID. More...
class  ClusterizerDeviceDPL
class  ClusterLabeler
struct  ColumnData
 Column data structure for MID. More...
class  ColumnDataHandler
class  ColumnDataToLocalBoard
class  CrateMapper
class  CrateMasks
struct  CTF
 wrapper for the Entropy-encoded clusters of the TF More...
class  CTFCoder
struct  CTFHeader
 Header for a single CTF. More...
class  CTFHelper
class  DecodedDataAggregator
class  DecodedDataAggregatorDeviceDPL
class  Decoder
class  Detector
class  Digitizer
class  DigitsMerger
class  DigitsReaderDeviceDPL
class  Efficiency
 Class to estimate the MID chamber efficiency. More...
class  EfficiencyTask
struct  ElectronicsDelay
class  ELinkDataShaper
class  ELinkDecoder
class  ELinkManager
class  Encoder
class  EntropyDecoderSpec
class  EntropyEncoderSpec
struct  ExtendedMappingInfo
 Extended mapping info. More...
class  FEEIdConfig
class  FetToDead
class  FiltererBC
 Filtering algorithm for MID. More...
class  FiltererBCParam
 Configurable parameters for the BC filterer. More...
class  FilteringBCDeviceDPL
class  FilteringDeviceDPL
class  GBTRawDataChecker
class  GBTUserLogicEncoder
struct  GenTrack
class  GeometryTransformer
class  GlobalMapper
 Global mapper for MID. More...
struct  Helper
class  Hit
class  HitFinder
 Class to find the impact point of a track on the chamber. More...
class  HitMapBuilder
 Hit map builder for MID. More...
class  LinkDecoder
class  Mapping
class  MaskHandlerDeviceDPL
class  MaskMakerDeviceDPL
class  MCClusterLabel
class  MCLabel
class  MIDDPLDigitizerTask
class  MpArea
class  MyFixture
struct  PreCluster
class  PreClusterHelper
class  PreClusterizer
 Pre-clustering algorithm for MID. More...
class  PreClusterLabeler
class  PreClustersDE
class  RawCheckerDeviceDPL
class  RawDataChecker
class  RawDecoderDeviceDPL
class  RawDumpDeviceDPL
class  RawFileReader
class  RawGBTDecoderDeviceDPL
class  RawWriterDeviceDPL
struct  ROBoard
struct  ROBoardConfig
class  ROBoardConfigHandler
class  ROBoardResponse
struct  ROFRecord
struct  SimBase
struct  SimClustering
struct  SimDigitizer
struct  SimTracking
class  Stepper
class  TimingDeviceDPL
class  Track
 This class defines the MID track. More...
struct  TrackClusters
class  Tracker
 Tracking algorithm for MID. More...
class  TrackerDeviceDPL
struct  TrackerParam
 Configurable parameters for MID tracking. More...
class  TrackGenerator
 Class to generate tracks for MID. More...
class  TrackLabeler
struct  TrackReader
class  UserLogicChecker
class  ZeroSuppressionDeviceDPL


using Slot = o2::calibration::TimeSlot< CalibData >
template<typename T >
using BranchDefinition = framework::MakeRootTreeWriterSpec::BranchDefinition< T >


enum class  EffCountType { BendPlane , NonBendPlane , BothPlanes , AllTracks }
enum class  EventType { Standard = 0 , Calib = 1 , FET = 2 }
enum  Medium {
  Gas , Bakelite , Inox , Aluminium ,
  Copper , Mylar , Styrofoam , Nomex


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Cluster &data)
ColumnData operator| (const ColumnData &col1, const ColumnData &col2)
ColumnDataoperator|= (ColumnData &col1, const ColumnData &col2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ColumnData &col)
uint16_t getColumnDataUniqueId (uint8_t deId, uint8_t columnId)
 Gets an unique ID for the ColumnData.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ROBoard &board)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Track &track)
ROOT::Math::Transform3D getDefaultChamberTransform (int ichamber)
ROOT::Math::Transform3D getDefaultRPCTransform (bool isRight, int chamber, int rpc)
GeometryTransformer createDefaultTransformer ()
GeometryTransformer createTransformationFromManager (const TGeoManager *geoManager)
bool areEqual (const Mapping::MpStripIndex &strip1, const Mapping::MpStripIndex &strip2, int cathode)
bool findInNeighbours (const Mapping::MpStripIndex &refStrip, const std::vector< Mapping::MpStripIndex > &neighbours, int cathode)
int findInNeighbours (float xPos, float yPos, int cathode, int deId, bool checkUpDown, const std::vector< Mapping::MpStripIndex > &neighbours, const Mapping &mapping)
bool areNeighboursOk (const Mapping::MpStripIndex &stripIndex, const std::vector< Mapping::MpStripIndex > &neighbours, const Mapping &mapping, int cathode, int deId)
 for (int icolumn=mapping.getFirstColumn(deId);icolumn< 7;++icolumn)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PreCluster &data)
std::vector< ColumnDatagetColumnsFixed (int event)
std::vector< ClustergetClusters (int event)
bool areClustersEqual (const Cluster &cl1, const Cluster &cl2)
gsl::span< const PreClusterpreClusters (preClusterizer.getPreClusters().data(), preClusterizer.getPreClusters().size())
clusterizer process (preClusters)
 BOOST_TEST (clusters.size()==clusterizer.getClusters().size())
 if (clusterizer.getClusters().size()< minNcl)
bool isWithinUncertainties (float xPos, float yPos, const Cluster &cl)
std::vector< ColumnDatagetFiredStrips (float xPos, float yPos, int deId, const Mapping &mapping)
std::mt19937 mt (rd())
std::uniform_real_distribution< float > distX (-127.5, 127.5)
std::uniform_real_distribution< float > distY (-68., 68.)
ChamberEfficiency createDefaultChamberEfficiency ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ChannelScalers &channelScalers)
 Stream operator.
std::vector< ColumnDatamakeBadChannels (const ChannelScalers &scalers, double timeOrTriggers, double threshold)
std::vector< ColumnDatamakeMasks (const ChannelScalers &scalers, double timeOrTriggers, double threshold, const std::vector< ColumnData > &refMasks={})
std::vector< ColumnDatamakeDefaultMasks ()
std::vector< ColumnDatamakeDefaultMasksFromCrateConfig (const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig=FEEIdConfig(), const CrateMasks &crateMasks=CrateMasks())
std::vector< ROBoardgetActiveBoards (const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &masks)
std::vector< ColumnDatagenerateData (size_t nData=10)
int getStripId (int deId, int columnId, int lineId, int stripId, int cathode)
 Gets the unique strip ID.
std::unique_ptr< DecodercreateDecoder (const o2::header::RDHAny &rdh, bool isDebugMode, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig)
std::unique_ptr< DecodercreateDecoder (const o2::header::RDHAny &rdh, bool isDebugMode, const char *electronicsDelayFile="", const char *crateMasksFile="", const char *feeIdConfigFile="")
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ElectronicsDelay &delay)
ElectronicsDelay readElectronicsDelay (const char *filename)
void applyElectronicsDelay (uint32_t &orbit, uint16_t &bc, int16_t delay, uint16_t maxBunches=constants::lhc::LHCMaxBunches)
std::unique_ptr< LinkDecodercreateGBTDecoder (const o2::header::RDHAny &rdh, uint16_t feeId, bool isDebugMode, uint8_t mask, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay)
std::unique_ptr< LinkDecodercreateLinkDecoder (const o2::header::RDHAny &rdh, uint16_t feeId, bool isDebugMode, uint8_t mask, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig)
std::unique_ptr< LinkDecodercreateLinkDecoder (uint16_t feeId, bool isBare=false, bool isDebugMode=false, uint8_t mask=0xFF, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay=ElectronicsDelay(), const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig=FEEIdConfig())
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ROBoardConfig &cfg)
std::vector< ROBoardConfigmakeDefaultROBoardConfig (uint16_t gbtUniqueId=0xFFFF)
std::vector< ROBoardConfigmakeNoZSROBoardConfig (uint16_t gbtUniqueId=0xFFFF)
std::vector< ROBoardConfigmakeZSROBoardConfig (uint16_t gbtUniqueId=0xFFFF)
ChamberEfficiencyResponse createDefaultChamberEfficiencyResponse ()
ChamberHV createDefaultChamberHV ()
 Creates the default chamber voltages.
ChamberResponse createDefaultChamberResponse ()
ChamberResponseParams createDefaultChamberResponseParams ()
Digitizer createDefaultDigitizer ()
void createGeometry (TGeoVolume &topVolume)
 create MID geometry and attach it to existing topVolume
std::vector< TGeoVolume * > getSensitiveVolumes ()
 get a list of MID sensitive volumes
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Hit &hit)
std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, double > > getValues (const std::unordered_map< o2::dcs::DataPointIdentifier, std::vector< o2::dcs::DataPointValue > > &dpMap, std::string alias)
double getAverage (std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, double > > &values)
TGeoVolume * createVerticalSupport (int iChamber)
TGeoVolume * createHorizontalSupport (int iChamber)
TGeoVolume * createRPC (geoparams::RPCtype type, int iChamber)
TGeoMatrix * getTransformation (const ROOT::Math::Transform3D &matrix)
TGeoVolume * createChamber (int iChamber)
void createMaterials ()
TGeoMedium * assertMedium (int imed)
std::vector< ColumnDatagetColumnDataNonMC (const o2::mid::DigitsMerger &dm)
Digitizer createDigitizerNoClusterSize ()
std::vector< HitgenerateHits (size_t nHits, int deId, const Mapping &mapping, const GeometryTransformer geoTrans)
std::vector< size_t > getCompatibleGenTrackIds (size_t igen, const std::vector< GenTrack > &genTracks)
std::vector< GenTrackgenerateTracks (int nTracks)
bool checkLabel (const ColumnData &digit, MCLabel &label, std::string &errorMessage)
std::vector< PreClustergetRelatedPreClusters (const Hit &hit, int cathode, const std::vector< PreCluster > &preClusters, const o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< MCCompLabel > &labels, const ROFRecord &rofRecord)
bool isContiguous (const std::vector< PreCluster > &sortedPC)
bool isInside (double localX, double localY, const std::vector< PreCluster > &sortedPC, std::string &errorMsg)
std::string getDebugInfo (const std::vector< GenTrack > &genTracks, Tracker &tracker, TrackLabeler &trackLabeler, const ROFRecord &rofTrack, const ROFRecord &rofCluster)
std::vector< intgetDEList ()
 BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE (MID_DigitMerger, boost::unit_test::data::make(getDEList()), deId)
 BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE (MID_Digitizer, boost::unit_test::data::make(getDEList()), deId)
 BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE (MID_SingleCluster, boost::unit_test::data::make(getDEList()), deId)
 BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE (MID_SimClusters, boost::unit_test::data::make(getDEList()), deId)
simDigitizer digitsMerger process (digitsAccum, digitLabelsAccum, digitsROF)
simClustering preClusterizer process (getColumnDataNonMC(simDigitizer.digitsMerger), simDigitizer.digitsMerger.getROFRecords())
simClustering correlation clear ()
simClustering clusterizer process (simClustering.preClusterizer.getPreClusters(), simClustering.preClusterizer.getROFRecords())
simClustering preClusterLabeler process (simClustering.preClusterizer.getPreClusters(), simDigitizer.digitsMerger.getMCContainer(), simClustering.preClusterizer.getROFRecords(), simDigitizer.digitsMerger.getROFRecords())
simClustering clusterLabeler process (simClustering.preClusterizer.getPreClusters(), simClustering.preClusterLabeler.getContainer(), simClustering.clusterizer.getClusters(), simClustering.correlation)
simTracking tracker process (simClustering.clusterizer.getClusters(), simClustering.clusterizer.getROFRecords())
simTracking trackLabeler process (simTracking.tracker.getClusters(), simTracking.tracker.getTracks(), simClustering.clusterLabeler.getContainer())
 BOOST_TEST (simTracking.tracker.getClusters().size()==simClustering.clusterizer.getClusters().size())
TrackClusters getTrackClusters (const Track &track)
std::vector< TrackClustersgetTrackClusters (int nTracks)
std::string getTrackInfo (const Track &track)
 BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE ("Fraction of fake tracks: "<<(double) nTotFakes/(double) nTotReconstructible)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getCalibDataProcessorSpec (const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getChannelCalibratorSpec (const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getClusterizerSpec (bool isMC, std::string_view inDataDesc, std::string_view inRofDesc, std::string_view inLabelsDesc)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getDecodedDataAggregatorSpec ()
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawDumpSpec ()
framework::DataProcessorSpec getDigitReaderSpec (bool useMC, const char *baseDescription="DATAMC")
framework::DataProcessorSpec getEntropyDecoderSpec (int verbosity, unsigned int sspec)
 create a processor spec
framework::DataProcessorSpec getEntropyEncoderSpec (bool selIR=false)
 create a processor spec
framework::DataProcessorSpec getFilteringBCSpec (bool useMC=true, std::string_view inDesc="FDATA")
framework::DataProcessorSpec getFilteringSpec (bool useMC=true, std::string_view inDesc="DATA", std::string_view outDesc="FDATA")
framework::DataProcessorSpec getMaskHandlerSpec ()
framework::DataProcessorSpec getMaskMakerSpec (const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawAggregatorSpec ()
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawCheckerSpec (const std::vector< uint16_t > &feeIds, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, bool perGBT=false)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawDecoderSpec (bool isDebugMode=false)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawDecoderSpec (bool isDebugMode, const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, bool askDISTSTF)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawDecoderSpec (bool isDebugMode, const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, bool askDISTSTF, header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType subSpec)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawDumpSpec (bool isDebugMode=true)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawDumpSpec (bool isDebugMode, const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, bool askDISTSTF)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawDumpSpec (bool isDebugMode, const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, bool askDISTSTF, header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType subSpec)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawGBTDecoderSpec (bool isDebugMode, const std::vector< uint16_t > &feeIds, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay)
o2::framework::InputSpec getDiSTSTFSpec ()
bool isDroppedTF (o2::framework::ProcessingContext &pc, o2::header::DataOrigin origin=o2::header::gDataOriginMID)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getRawWriterSpec ()
framework::DataProcessorSpec getTimingSpec (int localToBC, std::string_view inRofDesc)
framework::DataProcessorSpec getTrackerSpec (bool isMC, bool checkMasked)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getTrackReaderSpec (bool useMC, const char *specName="mid-tracks-reader")
framework::DataProcessorSpec getZeroSuppressionSpec (bool useMC=true, std::string_view dataDesc="DATAMC")
template<typename RAWCHECKER >
std::string getSummary (const RAWCHECKER &checker, size_t maxErrors)
of::DataProcessorSpec getRawDecoderSpec (bool isDebugMode, const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, std::vector< of::InputSpec > inputSpecs, bool askDISTSTF, o2::header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType subSpecType)
of::DataProcessorSpec getRawDumpSpec (bool isDebugMode, const FEEIdConfig &feeIdConfig, const CrateMasks &crateMasks, const ElectronicsDelay &electronicsDelay, std::vector< of::InputSpec > inputSpecs, bool askDISTSTF, o2::header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType subSpecType)
template<typename T >
void printBranch (char *data, const char *what)
DataProcessorSpec getChamberEfficiencySpec (bool selectMatched)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getMIDDigitizerSpec (int channel, bool mctruth)
o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec getMIDDigitWriterSpec (bool mctruth)


constexpr uint32_t NEvTypes = 3
std::vector< Clusterclusters = getClusters(sample)
size_t minNcl = clusters.size()
const float kGasHalfThickness = 0.2 / 2.
 RPC thickness.
const float kSpacerHalfThickness = 0.2 / 2.
const float kElectrodHalfThickness = 0.2 / 2.
const float kInsulatorHalfThickness = 0.01 / 2.
const float kStyrofoamHalfThickness = 0.3 / 2.
const float kMylarHalfThickness = 0.019 / 2.
const float kCopperHalfThickness = 0.002 / 2.
const float kNomexHalfThickness = 0.88 / 2.
const float kAluminiumHalfThickness = 0.06 / 2.
const float kVerticalSupportHalfExtDim [] = {1.5, 311., 1.5}
 Service parameters.
const float kVerticalSupportHalfIntDim [] = {1.2, 311., 1.2}
const float kVerticalSupportXPos [] = {61.45, 122.45, 192.95, 236.95}
const float kHorizontalSupportHalfExtDim [] = {96.775, 2., 3.}
const float kHorizontalSupportHalfIntDim [] = {96.775, 1.9, 2.8}
const double kHorizontalSupportPos [] = {geoparams::RPCCenterPos + geoparams::RPCHalfLength - kHorizontalSupportHalfExtDim[0], 17., kVerticalSupportHalfExtDim[2] + kHorizontalSupportHalfExtDim[2]}
const float kZHydrogen = 1.
const float kAHydrogen = 1.00794
const float kZCarbon = 6.
const float kACarbon = 12.0107
const float kZNitrogen = 7.
const float kANitrogen = 14.0067
const float kZOxygen = 8.
const float kAOxygen = 15.9994
const float kZFluorine = 9.
const float kAFluorine = 18.998403163
const float kZAluminium = 13.
const float kAAluminium = 26.9815385
const float kDensAluminium = 2.699
const float kZSulfur = 16.
const float kASulfur = 32.06
const float kZChromium = 24.
const float kAChromium = 51.9961
const float kZIron = 26.
const float kAIron = 55.845
const float kZNickel = 28.
const float kANickel = 58.6934
const float kZCopper = 29.
const float kACopper = 63.546
const float kDensCopper = 8.96
const float kEpsil = 0.001
 Tracking parameters (values taken from AliMUONCommonGeometryBuilder)
const float kMaxfd = -20.
const float kStemax = -1.
const float kDeemax = -0.3
const float kStmin = -0.8
const charkModuleName = "MID"
o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< MCLabeldigitLabelsMC
o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< MCLabeldigitLabelsAccum
std::vector< ROFRecorddigitsROF
std::vector< std::vector< GenTrack > > genTrackCollection
float chi2Cut = simTracking.tracker.getSigmaCut() * simTracking.tracker.getSigmaCut()
unsigned long int nGood = 0
unsigned long int nUntagged = 0
unsigned long int nTaggedNonCompatible = 0
unsigned long int nReconstructible = 0
unsigned long int nFakes = 0
std::stringstream outMsg
int nTotFakes = 0
int nTotReconstructible = 0
RootTreeReader::SpecialPublishHook logging

Typedef Documentation

◆ BranchDefinition

Definition at line 30 of file MIDDigitWriterSpec.h.

◆ Slot

Definition at line 29 of file ChannelCalibrator.cxx.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EffCountType

enum class o2::mid::EffCountType

Bending plane counters.


Non-bending plane counters.


Both plane counters.


All tracks counters.

Definition at line 28 of file ChEffCounter.h.

◆ EventType

enum class o2::mid::EventType

Definition at line 32 of file ROFRecord.h.

◆ Medium


Definition at line 28 of file Materials.h.

Function Documentation

◆ applyElectronicsDelay()

void o2::mid::applyElectronicsDelay ( uint32_t &  orbit,
uint16_t &  bc,
int16_t  delay,
uint16_t  maxBunches = constants::lhc::LHCMaxBunches 

Applies the electronics delay

orbitOrbit ID
bcBunch-crossing ID
delayElectronics delay to be applied
maxBunchesMaximum number of BCs before changing orbit

Definition at line 63 of file ElectronicsDelay.cxx.

◆ areClustersEqual()

bool o2::mid::areClustersEqual ( const Cluster cl1,
const Cluster cl2 

Definition at line 139 of file testClusterizer.cxx.

◆ areEqual()

bool o2::mid::areEqual ( const Mapping::MpStripIndex strip1,
const Mapping::MpStripIndex strip2,
int  cathode 

Definition at line 37 of file testMapping.cxx.

◆ areNeighboursOk()

bool o2::mid::areNeighboursOk ( const Mapping::MpStripIndex stripIndex,
const std::vector< Mapping::MpStripIndex > &  neighbours,
const Mapping mapping,
int  cathode,
int  deId 

Definition at line 86 of file testMapping.cxx.

◆ assertMedium()

TGeoMedium * o2::mid::assertMedium ( int  imed)

Definition at line 174 of file Materials.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( FETConversion  )

Tests the conversion of Fet data to dead channels

Definition at line 137 of file testFilter.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( filterBC  )

Tests the BC filtering

Definition at line 172 of file testFilter.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( mask  )

Definition at line 62 of file testFilter.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( maskMaker  )

Definition at line 118 of file testFilter.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( scalers  )

Definition at line 81 of file testFilter.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( TestHitMapBuilder  )

Definition at line 229 of file testTracker.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE ( MID_Digitizer  ,
boost::unit_test::data::make(getDEList())  ,

Checks the merged pattern

Definition at line 363 of file testSimulation.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE ( MID_DigitMerger  ,
boost::unit_test::data::make(getDEList())  ,

Definition at line 329 of file testSimulation.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE ( MID_SimClusters  ,
boost::unit_test::data::make(getDEList())  ,

Definition at line 459 of file testSimulation.cxx.


o2::mid::BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE ( MID_SingleCluster  ,
boost::unit_test::data::make(getDEList())  ,

Definition at line 411 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ BOOST_TEST() [1/2]

o2::mid::BOOST_TEST ( clusters.  size() = =clusterizer.getClusters().size())

◆ BOOST_TEST() [2/2]

o2::mid::BOOST_TEST ( simTracking.tracker.  getClusters).size( = =simClustering.clusterizer.getClusters().size())


o2::mid::BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE ( "Fraction of fake tracks: "<<(double) nTotFakes/(double)  nTotReconstructible)

◆ checkLabel()

bool o2::mid::checkLabel ( const ColumnData digit,
MCLabel label,
std::string &  errorMessage 

Definition at line 200 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ clear()

simClustering correlation o2::mid::clear ( )

◆ createChamber()

TGeoVolume * o2::mid::createChamber ( int  iChamber)

Function creating a trigger chamber, an assembly of RPCs (and services)

Definition at line 269 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ createDecoder() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< Decoder > o2::mid::createDecoder ( const o2::header::RDHAny rdh,
bool  isDebugMode,
const char electronicsDelayFile = "",
const char crateMasksFile = "",
const char feeIdConfigFile = "" 

Creates the decoder from the RDH info

Creates the decoder from the RDH info

Definition at line 69 of file Decoder.cxx.

◆ createDecoder() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< Decoder > o2::mid::createDecoder ( const o2::header::RDHAny rdh,
bool  isDebugMode,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig 

Creates the decoder from the RDH info

Creates the decoder from the RDH info

Definition at line 63 of file Decoder.cxx.

◆ createDefaultChamberEfficiency()

ChamberEfficiency o2::mid::createDefaultChamberEfficiency ( )

Creates the default parameters

Creates the default parameters

Definition at line 88 of file ChamberEfficiency.cxx.

◆ createDefaultChamberEfficiencyResponse()

ChamberEfficiencyResponse o2::mid::createDefaultChamberEfficiencyResponse ( )

Definition at line 62 of file ChamberEfficiencyResponse.cxx.

◆ createDefaultChamberHV()

ChamberHV o2::mid::createDefaultChamberHV ( )

Creates the default chamber voltages.

Default chamber HV values

Definition at line 65 of file ChamberHV.cxx.

◆ createDefaultChamberResponse()

ChamberResponse o2::mid::createDefaultChamberResponse ( )

Returns the default chamber response

Returns the default chamber response

Definition at line 83 of file ChamberResponse.cxx.

◆ createDefaultChamberResponseParams()

ChamberResponseParams o2::mid::createDefaultChamberResponseParams ( )

Creates the default parameters

Creates the default parameters

Definition at line 77 of file ChamberResponseParams.cxx.

◆ createDefaultDigitizer()

Digitizer o2::mid::createDefaultDigitizer ( )

Definition at line 184 of file Digitizer.cxx.

◆ createDefaultTransformer()

GeometryTransformer o2::mid::createDefaultTransformer ( )

Creates the default transformer

Creates the default transformer

Definition at line 69 of file GeometryTransformer.cxx.

◆ createDigitizerNoClusterSize()

Digitizer o2::mid::createDigitizerNoClusterSize ( )

Returns the default chamber response

Definition at line 52 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ createGBTDecoder()

std::unique_ptr< LinkDecoder > o2::mid::createGBTDecoder ( const o2::header::RDHAny rdh,
uint16_t  feeId,
bool  isDebugMode,
uint8_t  mask,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay 

Creates the correct implementation of the GBT decoder

Creates the correct implementation of the GBT decoder

Definition at line 218 of file LinkDecoder.cxx.

◆ createGeometry()

void o2::mid::createGeometry ( TGeoVolume &  topVolume)

create MID geometry and attach it to existing topVolume

Definition at line 347 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ createHorizontalSupport()

TGeoVolume * o2::mid::createHorizontalSupport ( int  iChamber)

Function creating a horizontal support, an aluminium rod

Definition at line 78 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ createLinkDecoder() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< LinkDecoder > o2::mid::createLinkDecoder ( const o2::header::RDHAny rdh,
uint16_t  feeId,
bool  isDebugMode,
uint8_t  mask,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig 

Creates the correct implementation of the GBT decoder

Creates the correct implementation of the GBT decoder

Definition at line 228 of file LinkDecoder.cxx.

◆ createLinkDecoder() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< LinkDecoder > o2::mid::createLinkDecoder ( uint16_t  feeId,
bool  isBare = false,
bool  isDebugMode = false,
uint8_t  mask = 0xFF,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay = ElectronicsDelay(),
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig = FEEIdConfig() 

Creates the correct implementation of the GBT decoder

Creates the correct implementation of the GBT decoder

Definition at line 237 of file LinkDecoder.cxx.

◆ createMaterials()

void o2::mid::createMaterials ( )

Create all the materials needed to build the MID geometry

Trigger gas : C2 H2 F4 - Isobutane(C4 H10) - SF6 (89.7%+10%+0.3%)

Bakelite : C6 H6-O.C H2 O

Stainless steel : Fe(73%) Cr(18%) Ni(9%)



Mylar PET (C8 H10 O4)

Styrofoam (C8 H8)

Nomex : C14 H10 N2 O2

Definition at line 88 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ createRPC()

TGeoVolume * o2::mid::createRPC ( geoparams::RPCtype  type,
int  iChamber 

Function building a resisitive plate chamber (RPC), the detection element of the MID, of a given type and for the given chamber number.

create the volume of each material (a box by default)

Gas gap


Strip plane

Stiffener plane

place all the layers in the RPC

Definition at line 91 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ createTransformationFromManager()

GeometryTransformer o2::mid::createTransformationFromManager ( const TGeoManager *  geoManager)

Creates the transformations from the manager

Creates the transformations from the manager

Definition at line 86 of file GeometryTransformer.cxx.

◆ createVerticalSupport()

TGeoVolume * o2::mid::createVerticalSupport ( int  iChamber)

Function creating a vertical support, an aluminium rod

Definition at line 65 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ distX()

std::uniform_real_distribution< float > o2::mid::distX ( -127.  5,
127.  5 

◆ distY()

std::uniform_real_distribution< float > o2::mid::distY ( 68.,

◆ findInNeighbours() [1/2]

bool o2::mid::findInNeighbours ( const Mapping::MpStripIndex refStrip,
const std::vector< Mapping::MpStripIndex > &  neighbours,
int  cathode 

Definition at line 46 of file testMapping.cxx.

◆ findInNeighbours() [2/2]

int o2::mid::findInNeighbours ( float  xPos,
float  yPos,
int  cathode,
int  deId,
bool  checkUpDown,
const std::vector< Mapping::MpStripIndex > &  neighbours,
const Mapping mapping 

Definition at line 59 of file testMapping.cxx.

◆ for()

o2::mid::for ( )

Definition at line 142 of file testMapping.cxx.

◆ generateData()

std::vector< ColumnData > o2::mid::generateData ( size_t  nData = 10)

Definition at line 39 of file testFilter.cxx.

◆ generateHits()

std::vector< Hit > o2::mid::generateHits ( size_t  nHits,
int  deId,
const Mapping mapping,
const GeometryTransformer  geoTrans 

Definition at line 118 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ generateTracks()

std::vector< GenTrack > o2::mid::generateTracks ( int  nTracks)

Definition at line 171 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ getActiveBoards()

std::vector< ROBoard > o2::mid::getActiveBoards ( const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks masks 

Gets the list of the active boards from the crate configuration

Definition at line 88 of file MaskMaker.cxx.

◆ getAverage()

double o2::mid::getAverage ( std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, double > > &  values)

Definition at line 44 of file ChamberHV.cxx.

◆ getCalibDataProcessorSpec()

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getCalibDataProcessorSpec ( const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks 

Definition at line 151 of file CalibDataProcessorSpec.cxx.

◆ getChamberEfficiencySpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getChamberEfficiencySpec ( bool  selectMatched)

Definition at line 121 of file ChamberEfficiencySpec.cxx.

◆ getChannelCalibratorSpec()

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getChannelCalibratorSpec ( const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks 

Definition at line 210 of file ChannelCalibratorSpec.cxx.

◆ getClusterizerSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getClusterizerSpec ( bool  isMC,
std::string_view  inDataDesc,
std::string_view  inRofDesc,
std::string_view  inLabelsDesc 

Definition at line 128 of file ClusterizerSpec.cxx.

◆ getClusters()

std::vector< Cluster > o2::mid::getClusters ( int  event)

Definition at line 91 of file testClusterizer.cxx.

◆ getColumnDataNonMC()

std::vector< ColumnData > o2::mid::getColumnDataNonMC ( const o2::mid::DigitsMerger dm)

Definition at line 44 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ getColumnDataUniqueId()

uint16_t o2::mid::getColumnDataUniqueId ( uint8_t  deId,
uint8_t  columnId 

Gets an unique ID for the ColumnData.

Definition at line 66 of file ColumnData.h.

◆ getColumnsFixed()

std::vector< ColumnData > o2::mid::getColumnsFixed ( int  event)

Definition at line 40 of file testClusterizer.cxx.

◆ getCompatibleGenTrackIds()

std::vector< size_t > o2::mid::getCompatibleGenTrackIds ( size_t  igen,
const std::vector< GenTrack > &  genTracks 

Definition at line 136 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ getDebugInfo()

std::string o2::mid::getDebugInfo ( const std::vector< GenTrack > &  genTracks,
Tracker tracker,
TrackLabeler trackLabeler,
const ROFRecord rofTrack,
const ROFRecord rofCluster 

Definition at line 275 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ getDecodedDataAggregatorSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getDecodedDataAggregatorSpec ( )

Definition at line 78 of file DecodedDataAggregatorSpec.cxx.

◆ getDefaultChamberTransform()

ROOT::Math::Transform3D o2::mid::getDefaultChamberTransform ( int  ichamber)

Returns the default chamber transformation

Returns the default chamber transformation

Definition at line 40 of file GeometryTransformer.cxx.

◆ getDefaultRPCTransform()

ROOT::Math::Transform3D o2::mid::getDefaultRPCTransform ( bool  isRight,
int  chamber,
int  rpc 

Returns the default RPC transformation in the chamber plane

Returns the default RPC transformation in the chamber plane

Definition at line 49 of file GeometryTransformer.cxx.

◆ getDEList()

std::vector< int > o2::mid::getDEList ( )

Definition at line 316 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ getDigitReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getDigitReaderSpec ( bool  useMC,
const char baseDescription = "DATAMC" 

Definition at line 193 of file DigitReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getDiSTSTFSpec()

o2::framework::InputSpec o2::mid::getDiSTSTFSpec ( )

Definition at line 29 of file RawInputSpecHandler.h.

◆ getEntropyDecoderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getEntropyDecoderSpec ( int  verbosity,
unsigned int  sspec 

create a processor spec

Definition at line 87 of file EntropyDecoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getEntropyEncoderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getEntropyEncoderSpec ( bool  selIR = false)

create a processor spec

Definition at line 103 of file EntropyEncoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getFilteringBCSpec()

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getFilteringBCSpec ( bool  useMC = true,
std::string_view  inDesc = "FDATA" 

Definition at line 100 of file FilteringBCSpec.cxx.

◆ getFilteringSpec()

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getFilteringSpec ( bool  useMC = true,
std::string_view  inDesc = "DATA",
std::string_view  outDesc = "FDATA" 

Definition at line 143 of file FilteringSpec.cxx.

◆ getFiredStrips()

std::vector< ColumnData > o2::mid::getFiredStrips ( float  xPos,
float  yPos,
int  deId,
const Mapping mapping 

Definition at line 217 of file testClusterizer.cxx.

◆ getMaskHandlerSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getMaskHandlerSpec ( )

Definition at line 139 of file MaskHandlerSpec.cxx.

◆ getMaskMakerSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getMaskMakerSpec ( const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks 

Definition at line 145 of file MaskMakerSpec.cxx.

◆ getMIDDigitizerSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getMIDDigitizerSpec ( int  channel,
bool  mctruth 

Definition at line 153 of file MIDDigitizerSpec.cxx.

◆ getMIDDigitWriterSpec()

o2::framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getMIDDigitWriterSpec ( bool  mctruth)

Definition at line 32 of file MIDDigitWriterSpec.h.

◆ getRawAggregatorSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawAggregatorSpec ( )

◆ getRawCheckerSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawCheckerSpec ( const std::vector< uint16_t > &  feeIds,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
bool  perGBT = false 

Definition at line 132 of file RawCheckerSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDecoderSpec() [1/4]

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDecoderSpec ( bool  isDebugMode,
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
bool  askDISTSTF 

Definition at line 122 of file RawDecoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDecoderSpec() [2/4]

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDecoderSpec ( bool  isDebugMode,
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
bool  askDISTSTF,
header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType  subSpec 

Definition at line 129 of file RawDecoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDecoderSpec() [3/4]

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDecoderSpec ( bool  isDebugMode,
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
std::vector< of::InputSpec inputSpecs,
bool  askDISTSTF,
o2::header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType  subSpecType 

Definition at line 104 of file RawDecoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDecoderSpec() [4/4]

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDecoderSpec ( bool  isDebugMode = false)

Definition at line 117 of file RawDecoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDumpSpec() [1/5]

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDumpSpec ( )

Definition at line 69 of file DecodedDataDumpSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDumpSpec() [2/5]

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDumpSpec ( bool  isDebugMode,
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
bool  askDISTSTF 

Definition at line 183 of file RawDumpSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDumpSpec() [3/5]

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDumpSpec ( bool  isDebugMode,
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
bool  askDISTSTF,
header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType  subSpec 

Definition at line 190 of file RawDumpSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDumpSpec() [4/5]

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDumpSpec ( bool  isDebugMode,
const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay,
std::vector< of::InputSpec inputSpecs,
bool  askDISTSTF,
o2::header::DataHeader::SubSpecificationType  subSpecType 

Definition at line 162 of file RawDumpSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawDumpSpec() [5/5]

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawDumpSpec ( bool  isDebugMode = true)

Definition at line 178 of file RawDumpSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawGBTDecoderSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawGBTDecoderSpec ( bool  isDebugMode,
const std::vector< uint16_t > &  feeIds,
const CrateMasks crateMasks,
const ElectronicsDelay electronicsDelay 

Definition at line 104 of file RawGBTDecoderSpec.cxx.

◆ getRawWriterSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getRawWriterSpec ( )

Definition at line 89 of file RawWriterSpec.cxx.

◆ getRelatedPreClusters()

std::vector< PreCluster > o2::mid::getRelatedPreClusters ( const Hit hit,
int  cathode,
const std::vector< PreCluster > &  preClusters,
const o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< MCCompLabel > &  labels,
const ROFRecord rofRecord 

Definition at line 232 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ getSensitiveVolumes()

std::vector< TGeoVolume * > o2::mid::getSensitiveVolumes ( )

get a list of MID sensitive volumes

Create a vector containing the sensitive volume's name of the RPCs for the Detector class

Create a vector containing the sensitive volume's name of the RPCs for the Detector class

Definition at line 359 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ getStripId()

int o2::mid::getStripId ( int  deId,
int  columnId,
int  lineId,
int  stripId,
int  cathode 

Gets the unique strip ID.

deIdDetection element ID
columnIdColumn ID
lineIdLine ID
stripIdStrip ID
cathodeBending (0) or non-bending (1) plane
Unique strip ID

Definition at line 27 of file GlobalMapper.cxx.

◆ getSummary()

template<typename RAWCHECKER >
std::string o2::mid::getSummary ( const RAWCHECKER &  checker,
size_t  maxErrors 

Definition at line 36 of file RawCheckerSpec.cxx.

◆ getTimingSpec()

of::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getTimingSpec ( int  localToBC,
std::string_view  inRofDesc 

Definition at line 72 of file TimingSpec.cxx.

◆ getTrackClusters() [1/2]

TrackClusters o2::mid::getTrackClusters ( const Track track)

Definition at line 66 of file testTracker.cxx.

◆ getTrackClusters() [2/2]

std::vector< TrackClusters > o2::mid::getTrackClusters ( int  nTracks)

Definition at line 105 of file testTracker.cxx.

◆ getTrackerSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getTrackerSpec ( bool  isMC,
bool  checkMasked 

Definition at line 160 of file TrackerSpec.cxx.

◆ getTrackInfo()

std::string o2::mid::getTrackInfo ( const Track track)

Definition at line 115 of file testTracker.cxx.

◆ getTrackReaderSpec()

DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getTrackReaderSpec ( bool  useMC,
const char specName = "mid-tracks-reader" 

Definition at line 115 of file TrackReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ getTransformation()

TGeoMatrix * o2::mid::getTransformation ( const ROOT::Math::Transform3D matrix)

Converts Transform3D into TGeoMatrix

Definition at line 256 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ getValues()

std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, double > > o2::mid::getValues ( const std::unordered_map< o2::dcs::DataPointIdentifier, std::vector< o2::dcs::DataPointValue > > &  dpMap,
std::string  alias 

Definition at line 26 of file ChamberHV.cxx.

◆ getZeroSuppressionSpec()

framework::DataProcessorSpec o2::mid::getZeroSuppressionSpec ( bool  useMC = true,
std::string_view  dataDesc = "DATAMC" 

Definition at line 104 of file ZeroSuppressionSpec.cxx.

◆ if()

o2::mid::if ( )

Definition at line 192 of file testClusterizer.cxx.

◆ isContiguous()

bool o2::mid::isContiguous ( const std::vector< PreCluster > &  sortedPC)

Definition at line 246 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ isDroppedTF()

bool o2::mid::isDroppedTF ( o2::framework::ProcessingContext pc,
o2::header::DataOrigin  origin = o2::header::gDataOriginMID 

Tests it the TF was dropped

Tests it the TF was dropped

Definition at line 28 of file RawInputSpecHandler.cxx.

◆ isInside()

bool o2::mid::isInside ( double  localX,
double  localY,
const std::vector< PreCluster > &  sortedPC,
std::string &  errorMsg 

Definition at line 257 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ isWithinUncertainties()

bool o2::mid::isWithinUncertainties ( float  xPos,
float  yPos,
const Cluster cl 

Definition at line 200 of file testClusterizer.cxx.

◆ makeBadChannels()

std::vector< ColumnData > o2::mid::makeBadChannels ( const ChannelScalers scalers,
double  timeOrTriggers,
double  threshold 

Makes the mask from the scalers

Makes the mask from the scalers

Definition at line 30 of file MaskMaker.cxx.

◆ makeDefaultMasks()

std::vector< ColumnData > o2::mid::makeDefaultMasks ( )

Makes the default mask from the mapping

Makes the default mask from the mapping

Definition at line 62 of file MaskMaker.cxx.

◆ makeDefaultMasksFromCrateConfig()

std::vector< ColumnData > o2::mid::makeDefaultMasksFromCrateConfig ( const FEEIdConfig feeIdConfig = FEEIdConfig(),
const CrateMasks crateMasks = CrateMasks() 

Makes the default masks from the crate configuration

Makes the default masks from the crate configuration

Definition at line 111 of file MaskMaker.cxx.

◆ makeDefaultROBoardConfig()

std::vector< ROBoardConfig > o2::mid::makeDefaultROBoardConfig ( uint16_t  gbtUniqueId = 0xFFFF)

Creates the default local board configurations

gbtUniqueIdGBT unique ID
Vector of Readout boards configuration

Definition at line 177 of file ROBoardConfigHandler.cxx.

◆ makeMasks()

std::vector< ColumnData > o2::mid::makeMasks ( const ChannelScalers scalers,
double  timeOrTriggers,
double  threshold,
const std::vector< ColumnData > &  refMasks = {} 

Definition at line 43 of file MaskMaker.cxx.

◆ makeNoZSROBoardConfig()

std::vector< ROBoardConfig > o2::mid::makeNoZSROBoardConfig ( uint16_t  gbtUniqueId = 0xFFFF)

Creates a local board configuration where no zero suppression is required

gbtUniqueIdGBT unique ID
Vector of Readout boards configuration with no zero suppression

Definition at line 166 of file ROBoardConfigHandler.cxx.

◆ makeZSROBoardConfig()

std::vector< ROBoardConfig > o2::mid::makeZSROBoardConfig ( uint16_t  gbtUniqueId = 0xFFFF)

Creates a local board configuration with zero suppression

gbtUniqueIdGBT unique ID
Vector of Readout boards configuration with zero suppression

Definition at line 149 of file ROBoardConfigHandler.cxx.

◆ mt()

std::mt19937 o2::mid::mt ( rd()  )

◆ operator<<() [1/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ChannelScalers channelScalers 

Stream operator.

Definition at line 47 of file ChannelScalers.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [2/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Cluster data 

Overload ostream operator

Overload ostream operator

Definition at line 27 of file Cluster.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [3/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ColumnData col 

Output streamer for ColumnData

Output streamer for ColumnData

Definition at line 107 of file ColumnData.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [4/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ElectronicsDelay delay 

Output streamer for ElectronicsDelay

osOutput stream
delayElectronics delay structure

Definition at line 28 of file ElectronicsDelay.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [5/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PreCluster data 

Output streamer for PreClusterNBP

Output streamer for PreClusterNBP

Definition at line 23 of file PreCluster.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [6/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ROBoard board 

Stream operator for ROBoard

osOutput stream
boardReadout board

Definition at line 26 of file ROBoard.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [7/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ROBoardConfig cfg 

Stream operator for ROBoardConfig

Stream operator for ROBoardConfig

Definition at line 26 of file ROBoardConfig.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [8/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Hit hit 

Definition at line 48 of file Hit.h.

◆ operator<<() [9/9]

std::ostream & o2::mid::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Track track 

Definition at line 170 of file Track.cxx.

◆ operator|()

ColumnData o2::mid::operator| ( const ColumnData col1,
const ColumnData col2 

Merge operator for ColumnData

Merge operator for ColumnData

Definition at line 99 of file ColumnData.cxx.

◆ operator|=()

ColumnData & o2::mid::operator|= ( ColumnData col1,
const ColumnData col2 

Merge operator for ColumnData

Merge operator for ColumnData

Definition at line 87 of file ColumnData.cxx.

◆ preClusters()

gsl::span< const PreCluster > o2::mid::preClusters ( preClusterizer.  getPreClusters).data(,
preClusterizer.  getPreClusters).size( 

◆ printBranch()

template<typename T >
void o2::mid::printBranch ( char data,
const char what 

Definition at line 36 of file TrackReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ process() [1/8]

simDigitizer digitsMerger o2::mid::process ( digitsAccum  ,
digitLabelsAccum  ,

◆ process() [2/8]

simClustering preClusterizer o2::mid::process ( getColumnDataNonMC(simDigitizer.digitsMerger)  ,
simDigitizer.digitsMerger.  getROFRecords() 

◆ process() [3/8]

clusterizer o2::mid::process ( preClusters  )

◆ process() [4/8]

simTracking tracker o2::mid::process ( simClustering.clusterizer.  getClusters(),
simClustering.clusterizer.  getROFRecords() 

◆ process() [5/8]

simClustering clusterizer o2::mid::process ( simClustering.preClusterizer.  getPreClusters(),
simClustering.preClusterizer.  getROFRecords() 

◆ process() [6/8]

simClustering clusterLabeler o2::mid::process ( simClustering.preClusterizer.  getPreClusters(),
simClustering.preClusterLabeler.  getContainer(),
simClustering.clusterizer.  getClusters(),
simClustering.  correlation 

◆ process() [7/8]

simClustering preClusterLabeler o2::mid::process ( simClustering.preClusterizer.  getPreClusters(),
simDigitizer.digitsMerger.  getMCContainer(),
simClustering.preClusterizer.  getROFRecords(),
simDigitizer.digitsMerger.  getROFRecords() 

◆ process() [8/8]

simTracking trackLabeler o2::mid::process ( simTracking.tracker.  getClusters(),
simTracking.tracker.  getTracks(),
simClustering.clusterLabeler.  getContainer() 

◆ readElectronicsDelay()

ElectronicsDelay o2::mid::readElectronicsDelay ( const char filename)

Reads the electronic delays from file

The file must be in the form:

  • keyword1 value1
  • keyword2 value2 The available keywords are:
  • calibToFET
  • localToBC
  • localToReg with the same meaning as the corresponding data member of the ElectronicsDelay structure. If the keyword is not present in the file, the default value is used.
    filenamePath to file with delays
    ElectronicDelay structure

Definition at line 36 of file ElectronicsDelay.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ chi2Cut

float o2::mid::chi2Cut = simTracking.tracker.getSigmaCut() * simTracking.tracker.getSigmaCut()

Definition at line 550 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ clusters

std::vector<Cluster> o2::mid::clusters = getClusters(sample)

Definition at line 189 of file testClusterizer.cxx.

◆ digitLabelsAccum

o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer<MCLabel> o2::mid::digitLabelsAccum

Definition at line 539 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ digitLabelsMC

o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer<MCLabel> o2::mid::digitLabelsMC
Initial value:
std::vector<ColumnData> digitStoreMC, digitsAccum

Definition at line 539 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ digitsROF

std::vector<ROFRecord> o2::mid::digitsROF

Definition at line 540 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ genTrackCollection

std::vector<std::vector<GenTrack> > o2::mid::genTrackCollection

Definition at line 541 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ kAAluminium

const float o2::mid::kAAluminium = 26.9815385

Definition at line 53 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kACarbon

const float o2::mid::kACarbon = 12.0107

Definition at line 37 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kAChromium

const float o2::mid::kAChromium = 51.9961

Definition at line 62 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kACopper

const float o2::mid::kACopper = 63.546

Definition at line 74 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kAFluorine

const float o2::mid::kAFluorine = 18.998403163

Definition at line 49 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kAHydrogen

const float o2::mid::kAHydrogen = 1.00794

Definition at line 33 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kAIron

const float o2::mid::kAIron = 55.845

Definition at line 66 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kAluminiumHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kAluminiumHalfThickness = 0.06 / 2.

Definition at line 52 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kANickel

const float o2::mid::kANickel = 58.6934

Definition at line 70 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kANitrogen

const float o2::mid::kANitrogen = 14.0067

Definition at line 41 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kAOxygen

const float o2::mid::kAOxygen = 15.9994

Definition at line 45 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kASulfur

const float o2::mid::kASulfur = 32.06

Definition at line 58 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kCopperHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kCopperHalfThickness = 0.002 / 2.

Definition at line 48 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kDeemax

const float o2::mid::kDeemax = -0.3

Definition at line 83 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kDensAluminium

const float o2::mid::kDensAluminium = 2.699

Definition at line 54 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kDensCopper

const float o2::mid::kDensCopper = 8.96

Definition at line 75 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kElectrodHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kElectrodHalfThickness = 0.2 / 2.

Definition at line 40 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kEpsil

const float o2::mid::kEpsil = 0.001

Tracking parameters (values taken from AliMUONCommonGeometryBuilder)

Definition at line 78 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kGasHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kGasHalfThickness = 0.2 / 2.

RPC thickness.

Definition at line 38 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kHorizontalSupportHalfExtDim

const float o2::mid::kHorizontalSupportHalfExtDim[] = {96.775, 2., 3.}

Definition at line 61 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kHorizontalSupportHalfIntDim

const float o2::mid::kHorizontalSupportHalfIntDim[] = {96.775, 1.9, 2.8}

Definition at line 62 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kHorizontalSupportPos

Definition at line 63 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kInsulatorHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kInsulatorHalfThickness = 0.01 / 2.

Definition at line 43 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kMaxfd

const float o2::mid::kMaxfd = -20.

Definition at line 81 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kModuleName

const char* o2::mid::kModuleName = "MID"

Definition at line 86 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kMylarHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kMylarHalfThickness = 0.019 / 2.

Definition at line 47 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kNomexHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kNomexHalfThickness = 0.88 / 2.

Definition at line 51 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kSpacerHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kSpacerHalfThickness = 0.2 / 2.

Definition at line 39 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kStemax

const float o2::mid::kStemax = -1.

Definition at line 82 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kStmin

const float o2::mid::kStmin = -0.8

Definition at line 84 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kStyrofoamHalfThickness

const float o2::mid::kStyrofoamHalfThickness = 0.3 / 2.

Definition at line 46 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kVerticalSupportHalfExtDim

const float o2::mid::kVerticalSupportHalfExtDim[] = {1.5, 311., 1.5}

Service parameters.

Definition at line 56 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kVerticalSupportHalfIntDim

const float o2::mid::kVerticalSupportHalfIntDim[] = {1.2, 311., 1.2}

Definition at line 57 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kVerticalSupportXPos

const float o2::mid::kVerticalSupportXPos[] = {61.45, 122.45, 192.95, 236.95}

Definition at line 58 of file Geometry.cxx.

◆ kZAluminium

const float o2::mid::kZAluminium = 13.

Definition at line 52 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZCarbon

const float o2::mid::kZCarbon = 6.

Definition at line 36 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZChromium

const float o2::mid::kZChromium = 24.

Definition at line 61 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZCopper

const float o2::mid::kZCopper = 29.

Definition at line 73 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZFluorine

const float o2::mid::kZFluorine = 9.

Definition at line 48 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZHydrogen

const float o2::mid::kZHydrogen = 1.

Definition of constants for the elements The atomic number and the atomic masse values are taken from the 2016 PDG booklet For the radiation and absorption lengths, we let the Virtual Monte-Carlo compute them internally

Definition at line 32 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZIron

const float o2::mid::kZIron = 26.

Definition at line 65 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZNickel

const float o2::mid::kZNickel = 28.

Definition at line 69 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZNitrogen

const float o2::mid::kZNitrogen = 7.

Definition at line 40 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZOxygen

const float o2::mid::kZOxygen = 8.

Definition at line 44 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ kZSulfur

const float o2::mid::kZSulfur = 16.

Definition at line 57 of file Materials.cxx.

◆ logging

Initial value:
[](std::string_view name, ProcessingContext&, Output const&, char* data) -> bool {
if (name == "MIDTrackROF") {
printBranch<ROFRecord>(data, "TRACKROFS");
if (name == "MIDTrackClusterROF") {
printBranch<ROFRecord>(data, "TRCLUSROFS");
if (name == "MIDTrack") {
printBranch<Track>(data, "TRACKS");
if (name == "MIDTrackCluster") {
printBranch<Cluster>(data, "TRACKCLUSTERS");
if (name == "MIDTrackLabels") {
printBranch<MCCompLabel>(data, "TRACKLABELS");
if (name == "MIDTrackClusterLabels") {
auto tdata = reinterpret_cast<o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer<MCClusterLabel>*>(data);
LOGP(info, "MID {:d} {:s}", tdata->getNElements(), "TRCLUSLABELS");
return false;
A container to hold and manage MC truth information/labels.
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition glcorearb.h:781
GLboolean * data
Definition glcorearb.h:298

Definition at line 42 of file TrackReaderSpec.cxx.

◆ minNcl

size_t o2::mid::minNcl = clusters.size()

Definition at line 191 of file testClusterizer.cxx.

◆ NEvTypes

constexpr uint32_t o2::mid::NEvTypes = 3

Definition at line 37 of file ROFRecord.h.

◆ nFakes

unsigned long int o2::mid::nFakes = 0

Definition at line 552 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ nGood

unsigned long int o2::mid::nGood = 0

Definition at line 552 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ nReconstructible

unsigned long int o2::mid::nReconstructible = 0

Definition at line 552 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ nTaggedNonCompatible

unsigned long int o2::mid::nTaggedNonCompatible = 0

Definition at line 552 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ nTotFakes

int o2::mid::nTotFakes = 0

Definition at line 128 of file testTracker.cxx.

◆ nTotReconstructible

int o2::mid::nTotReconstructible = 0

Definition at line 128 of file testTracker.cxx.

◆ nUntagged

unsigned long int o2::mid::nUntagged = 0

Definition at line 552 of file testSimulation.cxx.

◆ outMsg

std::stringstream o2::mid::outMsg

Definition at line 655 of file testSimulation.cxx.