No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
15#include "TSystem.h"
16#include "TGrid.h"
17#include "TObjString.h"
18#include "TObjArray.h"
19#include "TPCBase/RDHUtils.h"
23using namespace o2::tpc;
25void CalibRawBase::setupContainers(TString fileInfo, uint32_t verbosity, uint32_t debugLevel)
27 int iSize = 4000000;
28 int iCRU = 0;
29 int iLink = 0;
30 int iSampaVersion = -1;
32 // auto contPtr = std::unique_ptr<GBTFrameContainer>(new GBTFrameContainer(iSize,iCRU,iLink));
33 // input data
34 TString rorcType = "cru";
35 auto arrData = fileInfo.Tokenize("; ");
37 std::shared_ptr<RawReaderEventSync> eventSync = std::make_shared<RawReaderEventSync>();
39 for (auto o : *arrData) {
40 const TString& data = static_cast<TObjString*>(o)->String();
42 std::cout << " data: " << data << "\n";
43 if (data.Contains(".root")) {
44 rorcType = "digits";
45 std::cout << "Setting digits\n";
46 }
48 // get file info: file name, cru, link
49 auto arrDataInfo = data.Tokenize(":");
50 if (arrDataInfo->GetEntriesFast() == 1) {
51 TString& rorcTypeTmp = static_cast<TObjString*>(arrDataInfo->At(0))->String();
52 if (rorcTypeTmp == "grorc") {
53 rorcType = rorcTypeTmp;
54 } else if (rorcTypeTmp == "trorc") {
55 rorcType = rorcTypeTmp;
56 } else if (rorcTypeTmp == "trorc2") {
57 rorcType = rorcTypeTmp;
58 } else if (rorcTypeTmp == "raw") {
59 rorcType = rorcTypeTmp;
60 } else if (rorcTypeTmp == "cru") {
61 rorcType = rorcTypeTmp;
62 } else {
63 printf("Error, unrecognized option: %s\n", rorcTypeTmp.Data());
64 }
65 std::cout << "Found decoder type: " << rorcType << "\n";
66 delete arrDataInfo;
67 continue;
68 } else if (rorcType == "cru") {
69 TString files = gSystem->GetFromPipe(TString::Format("ls %s", arrDataInfo->At(0)->GetName()));
70 const int timeBins = static_cast<TObjString*>(arrDataInfo->At(1))->String().Atoi();
71 std::unique_ptr<TObjArray> arr(files.Tokenize("\n"));
72 mRawReaderCRUManager.reset();
73 mPresentEventNumber = 0; // reset event number for readers
74 mRawReaderCRUManager.setDebugLevel(debugLevel);
75 mRawReaderCRUManager.setADCDataCallback([this](const PadROCPos& padROCPos, const CRU& cru, const gsl::span<const uint32_t> data) -> Int_t {
76 Int_t timeBins = update(padROCPos, cru, data);
77 mProcessedTimeBins = std::max(mProcessedTimeBins, size_t(timeBins));
78 return timeBins;
79 });
80 mRawReaderCRUManager.setLinkZSCallback([this](int cru, int rowInSector, int padInRow, int timeBin, float adcValue) -> bool {
81 CRU cruID(cru);
82 updateROC(cruID.roc(), rowInSector - (rowInSector > 62) * 63, padInRow, timeBin, adcValue);
83 const PadRegionInfo& regionInfo = mMapper.getPadRegionInfo(cruID.region());
84 updateCRU(cruID, rowInSector - regionInfo.getGlobalRowOffset(), padInRow, timeBin, adcValue);
85 return true;
86 });
88 for (auto file : *arr) {
89 // fix the number of time bins
90 auto& reader = mRawReaderCRUManager.createReader(file->GetName(), timeBins);
91 reader.setVerbosity(verbosity);
92 reader.setDebugLevel(debugLevel);
93 reader.setFillADCdataMap(false); // switch off filling and use callback above
94 printf("Adding file: %s\n", file->GetName());
95 if (arrDataInfo->GetEntriesFast() == 3) {
96 const int cru = static_cast<TObjString*>(arrDataInfo->At(2))->String().Atoi();
97 reader.forceCRU(cru);
98 printf("Forcing CRU %03d\n", cru);
99 }
100 }
101 mRawReaderCRUManager.init();
102 } else if (rorcType == "digits") {
103 const TString name = arrDataInfo->At(0)->GetName();
104 TString cmd = "ls";
105 if (name.EndsWith(".list")) {
106 cmd = "cat";
107 }
108 TString files = gSystem->GetFromPipe(TString::Format("%s %s", cmd.Data(), name.Data()));
109 // const int timeBins = static_cast<TObjString*>(arrDataInfo->At(1))->String().Atoi();
110 std::unique_ptr<TObjArray> arr(files.Tokenize("\n"));
111 mDigitTree = std::make_unique<TChain>("o2sim", "Digit chain");
112 // mDigitTree = new TChain("Digits","Digit chain");
113 for (auto file : *arr) {
114 if (TString(file->GetName()).BeginsWith("alien://") && !gGrid) {
115 TGrid::Connect("alien");
116 }
117 mDigitTree->AddFile(file->GetName());
118 LOGP(info, "Adding file {}", file->GetName());
119 }
120 } else if (arrDataInfo->GetEntriesFast() < 3) {
121 printf("Error, badly formatte input data string: %s, expected format is <filename:cru:link[:sampaVersion]>\n",
122 data.Data());
123 delete arrDataInfo;
124 continue;
125 }
127 if (rorcType == "raw") {
128 auto rawReader = new RawReader;
129 rawReader->addEventSynchronizer(eventSync);
130 rawReader->addInputFile(data.Data());
132 addRawReader(rawReader);
133 } else if ((rorcType != "cru") && (rorcType != "digits")) {
134 TString& filename = static_cast<TObjString*>(arrDataInfo->At(0))->String();
135 iCRU = static_cast<TObjString*>(arrDataInfo->At(1))->String().Atoi();
136 iLink = static_cast<TObjString*>(arrDataInfo->At(2))->String().Atoi();
137 if (arrDataInfo->GetEntriesFast() > 3) {
138 iSampaVersion = static_cast<TObjString*>(arrDataInfo->At(3))->String().Atoi();
139 }
141 auto cont = new GBTFrameContainer(iSize, iCRU, iLink, iSampaVersion);
143 cont->setEnableAdcClockWarning(false);
144 cont->setEnableSyncPatternWarning(false);
145 cont->setEnableStoreGBTFrames(false);
146 cont->setEnableCompileAdcValues(true);
148 std::cout << "Read digits from file " << filename << " with cru " << iCRU << ", link " << iLink << ", rorc type "
149 << rorcType << ", SAMPA Version " << iSampaVersion << "...\n";
150 cont->addGBTFramesFromBinaryFile(filename.Data(), rorcType.Data(), -1);
151 std::cout << " ... done. Read " << cont->getSize() << "\n";
154 }
155 }
157 delete arrData;
162 for (auto& c : mGBTFrameContainers) {
163 c.get()->reProcessAllFrames();
164 }
#define verbosity
bool o
uint32_t c
Definition RawData.h:2
unsigned char region() const
Definition CRU.h:64
const ROC roc() const
Definition CRU.h:61
Int_t update(const PadROCPos &padROCPos, const CRU &cru, const gsl::span< const uint32_t > data)
virtual Int_t updateROC(const Int_t roc, const Int_t row, const Int_t pad, const Int_t timeBin, const Float_t signal)=0
void addGBTFrameContainer(GBTFrameContainer *cont)
add GBT frame container to process
void setupContainers(TString fileInfo, uint32_t verbosity=0, uint32_t debugLevel=0)
void rewindEvents()
Rewind the events.
const Mapper & mMapper
TPC mapper.
void addRawReader(RawReader *reader)
add RawReader
virtual Int_t updateCRU(const CRU &cru, const Int_t row, const Int_t pad, const Int_t timeBin, const Float_t signal)=0
GBT Frame container class.
const PadRegionInfo & getPadRegionInfo(const unsigned char region) const
Definition Mapper.h:385
Pad and row inside a ROC.
Definition PadROCPos.h:37
unsigned char getGlobalRowOffset() const
Reader for RAW TPC data.
Definition RawReader.h:38
void addEventSynchronizer(std::shared_ptr< RawReaderEventSync > eventSync)
Definition RawReader.h:199
void init()
initialize all readers
RawReaderCRU & createReader(const std::string_view inputFileName, uint32_t numTimeBins=0, uint32_t link=0, uint32_t stream=0, uint32_t debugLevel=0, uint32_t verbosity=0, const std::string_view outputFilePrefix="")
create a new raw reader
void setDebugLevel(uint32_t debugLevel)
set debug level
void setLinkZSCallback(LinkZSCallback function)
set a callback function for decoded LinkZS data
void setADCDataCallback(ADCDataCallback function)
set a callback function
void setVerbosity(uint32_t verbosity=1)
set verbosity level
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition glcorearb.h:781
GLboolean * data
Definition glcorearb.h:298
Global TPC definitions and constants.
Definition SimTraits.h:167
std::string filename()