No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
21#include "FT0Base/Geometry.h"
25#include "FT0Base/FT0DigParam.h"
27#include <array>
28#include <bitset>
29#include <vector>
30#include <deque>
31#include <optional>
32#include <set>
34namespace o2
36namespace ft0
40 private:
43 static constexpr int NCHANNELS = o2::ft0::Geometry::Nchannels;
45 public:
46 Digitizer(Int_t mode = 0) : mMode(mode), mRndGaus(NoiseRandomRingType::RandomType::Gaus), mNumNoiseSamples(), mNoiseSamples(), mSincTable(), mSignalTable(), mSignalCache() { initParameters(); }
47 ~Digitizer() = default;
49 void process(const std::vector<o2::ft0::HitType>* hits, std::vector<o2::ft0::Digit>& digitsBC,
50 std::vector<o2::ft0::ChannelData>& digitsCh,
51 std::vector<o2::ft0::DetTrigInput>& digitsTrig,
53 void flush(std::vector<o2::ft0::Digit>& digitsBC,
54 std::vector<o2::ft0::ChannelData>& digitsCh,
55 std::vector<o2::ft0::DetTrigInput>& digitsTrig,
57 void flush_all(std::vector<o2::ft0::Digit>& digitsBC,
58 std::vector<o2::ft0::ChannelData>& digitsCh,
59 std::vector<o2::ft0::DetTrigInput>& digitsTrig,
61 void initParameters();
62 void printParameters() const;
63 void setEventID(Int_t id) { mEventID = id; }
64 void setSrcID(Int_t id) { mSrcID = id; }
65 const o2::InteractionRecord& getInteractionRecord() const { return mIntRecord; }
68 uint32_t getOrbit() const { return mIntRecord.orbit; }
69 uint16_t getBC() const { return mIntRecord.bc; }
70 int getEvent() const { return mEventID; }
71 double measure_amplitude(const std::vector<float>& times) const;
72 void init();
73 void finish();
76 caliboffsets) { mCalibOffset = caliboffsets; };
77 void setDeadChannelMap(o2::fit::DeadChannelMap const* deadChannelMap) { mDeadChannelMap = deadChannelMap; };
78 double getTimeOffsetWrtBC() const { return mIntRecord.getTimeOffsetWrtBC(); }
80 struct CFDOutput {
81 std::optional<double> particle;
82 double deadTime;
83 };
84 CFDOutput get_time(const std::vector<float>& times, float deadTime);
86 void setContinuous(bool v = true) { mIsContinuous = v; }
87 bool isContinuous() const { return mIsContinuous; }
88 struct BCCache {
89 struct particle {
90 int hit_ch;
91 double hit_time;
92 friend bool operator<(particle const& a, particle const& b)
93 {
94 return (a.hit_ch != b.hit_ch) ? (a.hit_ch < b.hit_ch) : (a.hit_time < b.hit_time);
95 }
96 };
97 std::vector<particle> hits;
98 std::set<ft0::MCLabel> labels;
99 };
105 protected:
106 inline float signalForm(float x) const
107 { // table lookup for the signal shape
108 if (x <= 0.0f) {
109 return 0.0f;
110 }
111 float const y = x / FT0DigParam::Instance().mBunchWidth * DP::SIGNAL_TABLE_SIZE;
112 int const index = std::floor(y);
113 if (index + 1 >= DP::SIGNAL_TABLE_SIZE) {
114 return mSignalTable.back();
115 }
116 float const rem = y - index;
117 return mSignalTable[index] + rem * (mSignalTable[index + 1] - mSignalTable[index]);
118 }
120 template <typename VcType>
121 inline VcType signalFormVc(VcType x) const
122 { // table lookup for the signal shape (SIMD version)
123 // implemented as template function, so that we don't need to include <Vc/Vc> here
124 auto const y = x / FT0DigParam::Instance().mBunchWidth * DP::SIGNAL_TABLE_SIZE;
125 typename VcType::IndexType const index = floor(y);
126 auto const rem = y - index;
127 VcType val(0);
128 for (size_t i = 0; i < VcType::size(); ++i) {
129 if (y[i] < 0.0f) {
130 continue;
131 }
132 if (index[i] + 1 < DP::SIGNAL_TABLE_SIZE) {
133 val[i] = mSignalTable[index[i]] + rem[i] * (mSignalTable[index[i] + 1] - mSignalTable[index[i]]);
134 } else {
135 val[i] = mSignalTable.back();
136 }
137 }
138 return val;
139 }
141 private:
142 // digit info
143 // parameters
144 Int_t mMode; // triggered or continuos
145 o2::InteractionTimeRecord mIntRecord; // Interaction record (orbit, bc)
146 Int_t mEventID;
147 Int_t mSrcID; // signal, background or QED
148 bool mIsContinuous = true; // continuous (self-triggered) or externally-triggered readout
150 o2::InteractionRecord firstBCinDeque = 0;
151 std::deque<BCCache> mCache;
152 std::array<GoodInteractionTimeRecord, NCHANNELS> mDeadTimes;
154 o2::ft0::Geometry mGeometry;
156 NoiseRandomRingType mRndGaus;
157 int mNumNoiseSamples; // number of noise samples in one BC
158 std::vector<float> mNoiseSamples;
159 std::array<std::vector<float>, DP::SINC_TABLE_SIZE> mSincTable;
160 std::array<float, DP::SIGNAL_TABLE_SIZE> mSignalTable;
161 std::vector<float> mSignalCache; // cached summed signal used by the CFD
163 void storeBC(BCCache& bc,
164 std::vector<o2::ft0::Digit>& digitsBC,
165 std::vector<o2::ft0::ChannelData>& digitsCh,
166 std::vector<o2::ft0::DetTrigInput>& digitsTrig,
169 o2::ft0::FT0ChannelTimeCalibrationObject const* mCalibOffset = nullptr;
170 o2::fit::DeadChannelMap const* mDeadChannelMap = nullptr;
172 ClassDefNV(Digitizer, 3);
175} // namespace ft0
176} // namespace o2
std::vector< unsigned long > times
Dead channel map for FIT.
Class to describe fired and stored channels for the BC and to refer to channel data.
Definition of the Detector class.
uint64_t bc
Definition RawEventData.h:5
Configurable digitization parameters.
int32_t i
Definition of a container to keep Monte Carlo truth external to simulation objects.
A container to hold and manage MC truth information/labels.
void flush(std::vector< o2::ft0::Digit > &digitsBC, std::vector< o2::ft0::ChannelData > &digitsCh, std::vector< o2::ft0::DetTrigInput > &digitsTrig, o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< o2::ft0::MCLabel > &label)
uint32_t getOrbit() const
Definition Digitizer.h:68
void printParameters() const
Digitizer(Int_t mode=0)
Definition Digitizer.h:46
double getTimeOffsetWrtBC() const
Definition Digitizer.h:78
void setContinuous(bool v=true)
Definition Digitizer.h:86
void setDeadChannelMap(o2::fit::DeadChannelMap const *deadChannelMap)
Definition Digitizer.h:77
CFDOutput get_time(const std::vector< float > &times, float deadTime)
Definition Digitizer.cxx:69
VcType signalFormVc(VcType x) const
Definition Digitizer.h:121
bool isContinuous() const
Definition Digitizer.h:87
void setInteractionRecord(const o2::InteractionTimeRecord &src)
Definition Digitizer.h:67
uint16_t getBC() const
Definition Digitizer.h:69
void setSrcID(Int_t id)
Definition Digitizer.h:64
const o2::InteractionRecord & getInteractionRecord() const
Definition Digitizer.h:65
void flush_all(std::vector< o2::ft0::Digit > &digitsBC, std::vector< o2::ft0::ChannelData > &digitsCh, std::vector< o2::ft0::DetTrigInput > &digitsTrig, o2::dataformats::MCTruthContainer< o2::ft0::MCLabel > &label)
void SetChannelOffset(o2::ft0::FT0ChannelTimeCalibrationObject const *caliboffsets)
Definition Digitizer.h:75
double measure_amplitude(const std::vector< float > &times) const
o2::InteractionRecord & getInteractionRecord(o2::InteractionRecord &src)
Definition Digitizer.h:66
int getEvent() const
Definition Digitizer.h:70
void setEventID(Int_t id)
Definition Digitizer.h:63
float signalForm(float x) const
Definition Digitizer.h:106
static constexpr int Nchannels
Definition Geometry.h:50
GLint GLenum GLint x
Definition glcorearb.h:403
GLenum mode
Definition glcorearb.h:266
GLenum src
Definition glcorearb.h:1767
const GLdouble * v
Definition glcorearb.h:832
GLuint index
Definition glcorearb.h:781
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
GLuint GLsizei const GLchar * label
Definition glcorearb.h:2519
GLuint GLfloat * val
Definition glcorearb.h:1582
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
GLuint id
Definition glcorearb.h:650
struct o2::upgrades_utils::@462 ft0
structure to keep V0C information
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
uint32_t orbit
LHC orbit.
uint16_t bc
bunch crossing ID of interaction
static constexpr int NOISE_RANDOM_RING_SIZE
friend bool operator<(particle const &a, particle const &b)
Definition Digitizer.h:92
std::set< ft0::MCLabel > labels
Definition Digitizer.h:98
std::vector< particle > hits
Definition Digitizer.h:97
std::optional< double > particle
Definition Digitizer.h:81