16#ifndef O2_FT0_CTFCODER_H
17#define O2_FT0_CTFCODER_H
44 template <typename VEC>
48 template <typename VDIG, typename VCHAN>
49 o2::ctf::CTFIOSize
CTF::base& ec, VDIG& digitVec, VCHAN& channelVec);
55 template <
60 template <
int MINOR_VERSION, typename VDIG, typename VCHAN>
61 void decompress(const
CompressedDigits& cd, VDIG& digitVec, VCHAN& channelVec);
63 void appendToTree(TTree&
CTF& ec);
65 void assignDictVersion(
h) const final;
69template <typename VEC>
88 compress<1, 0>(cd, digitVec, channelVec);
90 compress<1, 1>(cd, digitVec, channelVec);
93 compress<1, 1>(cd, digitVec, channelVec);
96 auto szIni = estimateCompressedSize(cd);
102 ec->setHeader(cd.header);
107#define ENCODEFT0(part, slot, bits) CTF::get(buff.data())->encode(part, int(slot), bits, optField[int(slot)], &buff, mCoders[int(slot)], getMemMarginFactor());
120 finaliseCTFOutput<CTF>(buff);
126template <
typename VDIG,
typename VCHAN>
135#define DECODEFT0(part, slot) ec.decode(part, int(slot), mCoders[int(slot)])
148 if (hd.minorVersion == 0 && hd.majorVersion == 1) {
149 decompress<1, 0>(cd, digitVec, channelVec);
151 decompress<1, 1>(cd, digitVec, channelVec);
158template <
typename VDIG,
typename VCHAN>
159void CTFCoder::decompress(
const CompressedDigits& cd, VDIG& digitVec, VCHAN& channelVec)
164 channelVec.reserve(cd.
166 uint32_t firstEntry = 0, clCount = 0, chipCount = 0;
178 int triggerGate =
179 firstEntry = channelVec.size();
184 for (uint8_t ic = 0; ic < cd.
nChan[idig]; ic++) {
185 auto icc = channelVec.size();
186 if constexpr (MINOR_VERSION == 0 && MAJOR_VERSION == 1) {
194 if (std::abs(chan.CFDTime) < triggerGate) {
196 amplA += chan.QTCAmpl;
197 timeA += chan.CFDTime;
200 amplC += chan.QTCAmpl;
201 timeC += chan.CFDTime;
222 auto& d = digitVec.emplace_back(firstEntry, cd.
ir, trig, idig);
228template <
229void CTFCoder::compress(CompressedDigits& cd,
const gsl::span<const Digit>& digitVec,
const gsl::span<const ChannelData>& channelVec)
233 cd.header.det =
234 if (!digitVec.size()) {
237 uint32_t firstDig = digitVec.size(), nDigSel = digitVec.size(), nChanSel = channelVec.size();
238 std::vector<bool> reject(digitVec.size());
240 for (
size_t id = 0;
id < digitVec.size();
id++) {
244 nChanSel -= digitVec[
245 }
else if (firstDig == digitVec.size()) {
256 const auto& dig0 = digitVec[firstDig];
257 cd.header.nTriggers = nDigSel;
258 cd.header.firstOrbit = dig0.getOrbit();
259 cd.header.firstBC = dig0.getBC();
262 cd.trigger.resize(cd.header.nTriggers);
263 cd.bcInc.resize(cd.header.nTriggers);
264 cd.orbitInc.resize(cd.header.nTriggers);
265 cd.eventStatus.resize(cd.header.nTriggers);
266 cd.nChan.resize(cd.header.nTriggers);
268 cd.idChan.resize(nChanSel);
269 cd.qtcChain.resize(nChanSel);
270 cd.cfdTime.resize(nChanSel);
271 cd.qtcAmpl.resize(nChanSel);
273 uint16_t prevBC = cd.header.firstBC;
274 uint32_t prevOrbit = cd.header.firstOrbit;
275 uint32_t ccount = 0, dcount = 0;
276 for (uint32_t idig = 0; idig < digitVec.size(); idig++) {
280 const auto& digit = digitVec[idig];
281 const auto chanels = digit.getBunchChannelData(channelVec);
284 cd.trigger[dcount] = digit.getTriggers().getTriggersignals();
285 cd.eventStatus[dcount] = digit.getEventStatusWord();
286 if (prevOrbit == digit.getOrbit()) {
287 cd.bcInc[dcount] = digit.getBC() - prevBC;
288 cd.orbitInc[dcount] = 0;
290 cd.bcInc[dcount] = digit.getBC();
291 cd.orbitInc[dcount] = digit.getOrbit() - prevOrbit;
293 prevBC = digit.getBC();
294 prevOrbit = digit.getOrbit();
296 cd.nChan[dcount] = chanels.size();
297 if (!cd.nChan[dcount]) {
298 LOG(
debug) <<
"Digits with no channels";
303 for (uint8_t ic = 0; ic < cd.nChan[dcount]; ic++) {
304 if constexpr (MINOR_VERSION == 0 && MAJOR_VERSION == 1) {
305 cd.idChan[ccount] = chanels[ic].ChId - prevChan;
307 cd.idChan[ccount] = chanels[ic].ChId;
309 cd.qtcChain[ccount] = chanels[ic].ChainQTC;
310 cd.cfdTime[ccount] = chanels[ic].CFDTime;
311 cd.qtcAmpl[ccount] = chanels[ic].QTCAmpl;
312 prevChan = chanels[ic].ChId;
Declarations for CTFCoderBase class (support of external dictionaries)
#define ENCODEFT0(part, slot, bits)
#define DECODEFT0(part, slot)
Configurable digitization parameters.
Class for time synchronization of RawReader instances.
static const FT0DigParam & Instance()
void checkDictVersion(const CTFDictHeader &h) const
ctf::ANSHeader mANSVersion
std::string getPrefix() const
o2::utils::IRFrameSelector mIRFrameSelector
<<======================== Auxiliary classes =======================<<
static auto get(void *head)
cast arbitrary buffer head to container class. Head is supposed to respect the alignment
const H & getHeader() const
void print(const std::string &prefix="", int verbosity=1) const
print itself
static constexpr int getNBlocks()
EncodedBlocks< CTFHeader, N, uint32_t > base
static auto create(void *head, size_t sz)
create container from arbitrary buffer of predefined size (in bytes!!!). Head is supposed to respect ...
Static class with identifiers, bitmasks and names for ALICE detectors.
static const int16_t DEFAULT_AMP
static const int16_t DEFAULT_TIME
void setTriggers(uint8_t trgsig, uint8_t chanA, uint8_t chanC, int32_t aamplA, int32_t aamplC, int16_t atimeA, int16_t atimeC)
CTFCoder(o2::ctf::CTFCoderBase::OpType op)
void createCoders(const std::vector< char > &bufVec, o2::ctf::CTFCoderBase::OpType op) final
o2::ctf::CTFIOSize encode(VEC &buff, const gsl::span< const Digit > &digitVec, const gsl::span< const ChannelData > &channelVec)
entropy-encode digits to buffer with CTF
o2::ctf::CTFIOSize decode(const CTF::base &ec, VDIG &digitVec, VCHAN &channelVec)
entropy decode clusters from buffer with CTF
~CTFCoder() final=default
static constexpr int NCellsA
long check(o2::dataformats::IRFrame fr, size_t bwd=0, size_t fwd=0)
GLenum const GLfloat * params
uint8_t itsSharedClusterMap uint8_t
o2::fit::Triggers Triggers
struct o2::upgrades_utils::@462 ft0
structure to keep V0C information
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
Defining DataPointCompositeObject explicitly as copiable.
uint16_t bc
bunch crossing ID of interaction
wrapper for the Entropy-encoded clusters of the TF
Intermediate, compressed but not yet entropy-encoded digits.
std::vector< uint8_t > trigger
std::vector< uint8_t > idChan
std::vector< uint8_t > eventStatus
std::vector< int16_t > bcInc
std::vector< uint8_t > nChan
std::vector< int32_t > orbitInc
std::vector< int32_t > qtcAmpl
std::vector< int16_t > cfdTime
std::vector< uint8_t > qtcChain
std::vector< o2::mch::ChannelCode > cc
LOG(info)<< "Compressed in "<< sw.CpuTime()<< " s"
o2::InteractionRecord ir(0, 0)
std::unique_ptr< TTree > tree((TTree *) flIn.Get(std::string(o2::base::NameConf::CTFTREENAME).c_str()))