const TString | o2::upgrades_utils::gTreeName [kTrees] = {"O2collision", "DbgEventExtra", "O2track", "O2calo", "O2calotrigger", "O2muon", "O2zdc", "O2fv0a", "O2fv0c", "O2ft0", "O2fdd", "O2v0", "O2cascade", "O2tof", "O2mcparticle", "O2mccollision", "O2mctracklabel", "O2mccalolabel", "O2mccollisionlabel", "O2bc"} |
const TString | o2::upgrades_utils::gTreeTitle [kTrees] = {"Collision tree", "Collision extra", "Barrel tracks", "Calorimeter cells", "Calorimeter triggers", "MUON tracks", "ZDC", "FV0A", "FV0C", "FT0", "FDD", "V0s", "Cascades", "TOF hits", "Kinematics", "MC collisions", "MC track labels", "MC calo labels", "MC collision labels", "BC info"} |
const Bool_t | o2::upgrades_utils::gSaveTree [kTrees] |
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u | |
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosX = -999.f | |
| Index to BC table. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosY = -999.f | |
| Primary vertex x coordinate. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosZ = -999.f | |
| Primary vertex y coordinate. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXX = 999.f | |
| Primary vertex z coordinate. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXY = 0.f | |
| cov[0] More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovXZ = 0.f | |
| cov[1] More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovYY = 999.f | |
| cov[2] More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovYZ = 0.f | |
| cov[3] More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCovZZ = 999.f | |
| cov[4] More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fChi2 = 999.f | |
| cov[5] More...
UInt_t o2::upgrades_utils::fN = 0u | |
| Chi2 of the vertex. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTime = 10 | |
| Number of contributors. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTimeRes = 1e-3 | |
| Event time (t0) obtained with different methods (best, T0, T0-TOF, ...) More...
UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionTimeMask = 0u | |
| Resolution on the event time (t0) obtained with different methods (best, T0, T0-TOF, ...) More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::collision | |
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fStart [kTrees] = {0} | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fNentries [kTrees] = {0} | |
| Start entry indices for data in the other trees matching this vertex. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::eventextra | |
| structure to keep the primary vertex (avoid name conflicts)
struct { | |
int o2::upgrades_utils::fRunNumber = -1 | |
ULong64_t o2::upgrades_utils::fGlobalBC = 0u | |
| Run number. More...
ULong64_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0u | |
| Unique bunch crossing id. Contains period, orbit and bunch crossing numbers. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::bc | |
| structure for benchmarking information
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fCollisionsID = -1 | |
uint8_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackType = 0 | |
| The index of the collision vertex in the TF, to which the track is attached. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fX = -999.f | |
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAlpha = -999.f | |
| X coordinate for the point of parametrisation. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fY = -999.f | |
| Local <--> global coor.system rotation angle. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fZ = -999.f | |
| fP[0] local Y-coordinate of a track (cm) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSnp = -999.f | |
| fP[1] local Z-coordinate of a track (cm) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTgl = -999.f | |
| fP[2] local sine of the track momentum azimuthal angle More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigned1Pt = -999.f | |
| fP[3] tangent of the track momentum dip angle More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaY = -999.f | |
| fP[4] 1/pt (1/(GeV/c)) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaZ = -999.f | |
| Sqrt(fC[0]) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaSnp = -999.f | |
| Sqrt(fC[2]) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigmaTgl = -999.f | |
| Sqrt(fC[5]) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fSigma1Pt = -999.f | |
| Sqrt(fC[9]) More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoZY = 0 | |
| Sqrt(fC[14]) More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoSnpY = 0 | |
| 128*fC[1]/SigmaZ/SigmaY More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoSnpZ = 0 | |
| 128*fC[3]/SigmaSnp/SigmaY More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglY = 0 | |
| 128*fC[4]/SigmaSnp/SigmaZ More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglZ = 0 | |
| 128*fC[6]/SigmaTgl/SigmaY More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRhoTglSnp = 0 | |
| 128*fC[7]/SigmaTgl/SigmaZ More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtY = 0 | |
| 128*fC[8]/SigmaTgl/SigmaSnp More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtZ = 0 | |
| 128*fC[10]/Sigma1Pt/SigmaY More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtSnp = 0 | |
| 128*fC[11]/Sigma1Pt/SigmaZ More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fRho1PtTgl = 0 | |
| 128*fC[12]/Sigma1Pt/SigmaSnp More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCinnerP = -999.f | |
| 128*fC[13]/Sigma1Pt/SigmaTgl More...
UInt_t o2::upgrades_utils::fFlags = 0u | |
| Full momentum at the inner wall of TPC for dE/dx PID. More...
UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fITSClusterMap = 0u | |
| Reconstruction status flags. More...
UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindable = 0u | |
| ITS map of clusters, one bit per a layer. More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindableMinusFound = 0 | |
| number of clusters that could be assigned in the TPC More...
Char_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows = 0 | |
| difference between foundable and found clusters More...
UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCNClsShared = 0u | |
| difference between foundable clsuters and crossed rows More...
UChar_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDPattern = 0u | |
| Number of shared clusters. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fITSChi2NCl = -999.f | |
| Bit 0-5 if tracklet from TRD layer used for this track. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCChi2NCl = -999.f | |
| chi2/Ncl ITS More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDChi2 = -999.f | |
| chi2/Ncl TPC More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFChi2 = -999.f | |
| chi2 TRD match (?) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTPCSignal = -999.f | |
| chi2 TOF match (?) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTRDSignal = -999.f | |
| dE/dX TPC More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFSignal = -999.f | |
| dE/dX TRD More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fLength = -999.f | |
| TOFsignal. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTOFExpMom = -999.f | |
| Int.Lenght @ TOF. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackEtaEMCAL = -999.f | |
| TOF Expected momentum based on the expected time of pions. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTrackPhiEMCAL = -999.f | |
| Track eta at the EMCAL surface. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::tracks | |
| structure to keep trigger-related info
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u | |
Short_t o2::upgrades_utils::fGeneratorsID = 0u | |
| Index to BC table. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosX = -999.f | |
| Generator ID used for the MC. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosY = -999.f | |
| Primary vertex x coordinate from MC. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPosZ = -999.f | |
| Primary vertex y coordinate from MC. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fT = -999.f | |
| Primary vertex z coordinate from MC. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fWeight = -999.f | |
| Time of the collision from MC. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fImpactParameter = -999.f | |
| Weight from MC. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::mccollision | |
| structure to keep track information
struct { | |
UInt_t o2::upgrades_utils::fLabel = 0 | |
UShort_t o2::upgrades_utils::fLabelMask = 0 | |
| Track label. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::mctracklabel | |
| MC collisions = vertices.
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fMcCollisionsID = -1 | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPdgCode = -99999 | |
| The index of the MC collision vertex. More...
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fStatusCode = -99999 | |
| PDG code of the particle. More...
uint8_t o2::upgrades_utils::fFlags = 0 | |
| generation status code More...
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fMother0 = 0 | |
| See enum MCParticleFlags. More...
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fMother1 = 0 | |
| Indices of the mother particles. More...
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fDaughter0 = 0 | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fDaughter1 = 0 | |
| Indices of the daughter particles. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fWeight = 1 | |
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPx = -999.f | |
| particle weight from the generator or ML More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPy = -999.f | |
| x component of momentum More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fPz = -999.f | |
| y component of momentum More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fE = -999.f | |
| z component of momentum More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fVx = -999.f | |
| Energy (covers the case of resonances, no need for calculated mass) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fVy = -999.f | |
| x of production vertex More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fVz = -999.f | |
| y of production vertex More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fVt = -999.f | |
| z of production vertex More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::mcparticle | |
| Track labels.
struct { | |
UInt_t o2::upgrades_utils::fLabel = 0 | |
UShort_t o2::upgrades_utils::fLabelMask = 0 | |
| Collision label. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::mccollisionlabel | |
| MC particles from the kinematics tree.
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u | |
| FDD (AD) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeA [4] = {0.f} | |
| Index to BC table. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeC [4] = {0.f} | |
| Multiplicity for each A-side channel. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeA = 56.7f | |
| Multiplicity for each C-side channel. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeC = 65.3f | |
| Average A-side time. More...
uint8_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0 | |
| Average C-side time. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::fdd | |
| Collision labels.
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u | |
| V0A (32 cells in Run2, 48 cells in Run3) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitude [48] = {0.f} | |
| Index to BC table. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTime = 11.f | |
| Multiplicity for each channel. More...
uint8_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0 | |
| Average A-side time. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::fv0a | |
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u | |
| V0C (32 cells in Run2) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitude [32] = {0.f} | |
| Index to BC table. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTime = 3.6f | |
| Multiplicity for each channel. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::fv0c | |
| structure to keep V0A information
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u | |
| FT0 (12+12 channels in Run2, 96+112 channels in Run3) More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeA [96] = {0.f} | |
| Index to BC table. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fAmplitudeC [112] = {0.f} | |
| Multiplicity for each A-side channel. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeA = 0.02f | |
| Multiplicity for each C-side channel. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeC = 0.03f | |
| Average A-side time. More...
uint8_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTriggerMask = 0 | |
| Average C-side time. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::ft0 | |
| structure to keep V0C information
struct { | |
Int_t o2::upgrades_utils::fBCsID = 0u | |
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyZEM1 = 0.f | |
| Index to BC table. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyZEM2 = 0.f | |
| E in ZEM2. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZNA = 0.f | |
| E in common ZNA PMT - high gain chain. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZNC = 0.f | |
| E in common ZNC PMT - high gain chain. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZPA = 0.f | |
| E in common ZPA PMT - high gain chain. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergyCommonZPC = 0.f | |
| E in common ZPC PMT - high gain chain. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZNA [4] = {0.f} | |
| E in 4 ZNA sectors - high gain chain. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZNC [4] = {0.f} | |
| E in 4 ZNC sectors - high gain chain. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZPA [4] = {0.f} | |
| E in 4 ZPA sectors - high gain chain. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fEnergySectorZPC [4] = {0.f} | |
| E in 4 ZPC sectors - high gain chain. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZEM1 = 0.f | |
| Corrected time in ZEM1. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZEM2 = 0.f | |
| Corrected time in ZEM2. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZNA = 0.055f | |
| Corrected time in ZNA. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZNC = -0.049f | |
| Corrected time in ZNC. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZPA = 0.f | |
| Corrected time in ZPA. More...
Float_t o2::upgrades_utils::fTimeZPC = 0.f | |
| Corrected time in ZPC. More...
} | o2::upgrades_utils::zdc | |
| structure to keep FT0 information