78 std::vector<ChannelInfoDetailed> mChannelInfosDetailed{};
79 uint64_t mNDigitsSeen{0};
static const TRDCalibParams & Instance()
void collectChannelInfo()
bool hasEnoughData() const
const std::vector< ChannelInfoDetailed > & getInternalChannelInfos()
const ChannelInfoContainer & getCcdbObject() const
GLenum GLuint GLint GLint layer
constexpr int NCHANNELSTOTAL
the total number of readout channels for TRD
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
ClassDefNV(ChannelInfoDetailed, 1)
uint64_t adcSumSquared
sum of ADC_i^2
uint32_t channelGlb
global channel number within pad row 0..NCHANNELSPERROW
float adcMean
mean ADC value for this pad
ChannelInfoDetailed(const ChannelInfoDetailed &)=default
uint32_t det
detector number
bool isShared
flag, whether this is a shared pad
uint32_t nEntries
number of ADC values stored
int col
pad column, not unsigned, since outer shared pads get negative value assigned
ChannelInfoDetailed & operator=(const ChannelInfoDetailed &rhs)=default
float variance
the sum of (ADC_i - ADC_mean)^2
uint64_t adcSum
sum of ADC_i values
uint32_t indexGlb
global channel index 0..NCHANNELSTOTAL
size_t minNumberOfDigits
when reached, noise calibration will be finalized
std::vector< Digit > digits