No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
20#include "MathUtils/Utils.h"
23namespace o2
25namespace track
29//< precalculated track radius, center, alpha sin,cos and their combinations
31 float c, s, cc, ss, cs; // cos ans sin of track alpha and their products
33 GPUdDefault() TrackAuxPar() = default;
35 template <typename T>
36 GPUd() TrackAuxPar(const T& trc, float bz)
37 {
38 set(trc, bz);
39 }
40 GPUd() float cosDif(const TrackAuxPar& t) const { return c * t.c + s * t.s; } // cos(alpha_this - alha_t)
41 GPUd() float sinDif(const TrackAuxPar& t) const { return s * t.c - c * t.s; } // sin(alpha_this - alha_t)
43 template <typename T>
44 GPUd() void set(const T& trc, float bz)
45 {
46 trc.getCircleParams(bz, *this, s, c);
47 cc = c * c;
48 ss = s * s;
49 cs = c * s;
50 }
55//< crossing coordinates of 2 circles
56struct CrossInfo {
57 static constexpr float MaxDistXYDef = 10.;
58 float xDCA[2] = {};
59 float yDCA[2] = {};
60 int nDCA = 0;
63 {
64 const auto& trcA = trax0.rC > trax1.rC ? trax0 : trax1; // designate the largest circle as A
65 const auto& trcB = trax0.rC > trax1.rC ? trax1 : trax0;
66 float xDist = trcB.xC - trcA.xC, yDist = trcB.yC - trcA.yC;
67 float dist2 = xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist, dist = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(dist2), rsum = trcA.rC + trcB.rC;
68 if (o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(dist) < 1e-12) {
69 return nDCA; // circles are concentric?
70 }
71 if (dist > rsum) { // circles don't touch, chose a point in between
72 // the parametric equation of lines connecting the centers is
73 // x = x0 + t/dist * (x1-x0), y = y0 + t/dist * (y1-y0)
74 if (dist - rsum > maxDistXY) { // too large distance
75 return nDCA;
76 }
77 notTouchingXY(dist, xDist, yDist, trcA, trcB.rC, isCollinear);
78 } else if (dist + trcB.rC < trcA.rC) { // the small circle is nestled into large one w/o touching
79 // select the point of closest approach of 2 circles
80 notTouchingXY(dist, xDist, yDist, trcA, -trcB.rC, isCollinear);
81 } else { // 2 intersection points
82 if (isCollinear) {
86 float r2r = trcA.rC + trcB.rC;
87 float r1_r = trcA.rC / r2r;
88 float r2_r = trcB.rC / r2r;
89 xDCA[0] = r2_r * trcA.xC + r1_r * trcB.xC;
90 yDCA[0] = r2_r * trcA.yC + r1_r * trcB.yC;
91 nDCA = 1;
92 } else if (o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(xDist) < o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(yDist)) {
93 // to simplify calculations, we move to new frame x->x+Xc0, y->y+Yc0, so that
94 // the 1st one is centered in origin
95 float a = (trcA.rC * trcA.rC - trcB.rC * trcB.rC + dist2) / (2. * yDist), b = -xDist / yDist, ab = a * b, bb = b * b;
96 float det = ab * ab - (1. + bb) * (a * a - trcA.rC * trcA.rC);
97 if (det > 0.) {
98 det = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(det);
99 xDCA[0] = (-ab + det) / (1. + b * b);
100 yDCA[0] = a + b * xDCA[0] + trcA.yC;
101 xDCA[0] += trcA.xC;
102 xDCA[1] = (-ab - det) / (1. + b * b);
103 yDCA[1] = a + b * xDCA[1] + trcA.yC;
104 xDCA[1] += trcA.xC;
105 nDCA = 2;
106 } else { // due to the finite precision the det<=0, i.e. the circles are barely touching, fall back to this special case
107 notTouchingXY(dist, xDist, yDist, trcA, trcB.rC);
108 }
109 } else {
110 float a = (trcA.rC * trcA.rC - trcB.rC * trcB.rC + dist2) / (2. * xDist), b = -yDist / xDist, ab = a * b, bb = b * b;
111 float det = ab * ab - (1. + bb) * (a * a - trcA.rC * trcA.rC);
112 if (det > 0.) {
113 det = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(det);
114 yDCA[0] = (-ab + det) / (1. + bb);
115 xDCA[0] = a + b * yDCA[0] + trcA.xC;
116 yDCA[0] += trcA.yC;
117 yDCA[1] = (-ab - det) / (1. + bb);
118 xDCA[1] = a + b * yDCA[1] + trcA.xC;
119 yDCA[1] += trcA.yC;
120 nDCA = 2;
121 } else { // due to the finite precision the det<=0, i.e. the circles are barely touching, fall back to this special case
122 notTouchingXY(dist, xDist, yDist, trcA, trcB.rC);
123 }
124 }
125 }
126 return nDCA;
127 }
129 GPUd() void notTouchingXY(float dist, float xDist, float yDist, const TrackAuxPar& trcA, float rBSign, bool isCollinear = false)
130 {
131 if (isCollinear) {
134 float r2r = trcA.rC + o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(rBSign);
135 float r1_r = trcA.rC / r2r;
136 float r2_r = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(rBSign) / r2r;
137 xDCA[0] = r2_r * trcA.xC + r1_r * (xDist + trcA.xC);
138 yDCA[0] = r2_r * trcA.yC + r1_r * (yDist + trcA.yC);
139 } else {
140 // fast method to calculate DCA between 2 circles, assuming that they don't touch each outer:
141 // the parametric equation of lines connecting the centers is x = xA + t/dist * xDist, y = yA + t/dist * yDist
142 // with xA,yY being the center of the circle A ( = trcA.xC, trcA.yC ), xDist = trcB.xC = trcA.xC ...
143 // There are 2 special cases:
144 // (a) small circle is inside the large one: provide rBSign as -trcB.rC
145 // (b) circle are side by side: provide rBSign as trcB.rC
146 auto t2d = (dist + trcA.rC - rBSign) / dist;
147 xDCA[0] = trcA.xC + 0.5 * (xDist * t2d);
148 yDCA[0] = trcA.yC + 0.5 * (yDist * t2d);
149 }
150 nDCA = 1;
151 }
153 template <typename T>
154 GPUd() int linesCrossInfo(const TrackAuxPar& trax0, const T& tr0,
155 const TrackAuxPar& trax1, const T& tr1, float maxDistXY = MaxDistXYDef)
156 {
171 float dx = trax1.xC - trax0.xC; // for straight line TrackAuxPar stores lab coordinates at referene point!!!
172 float dy = trax1.yC - trax0.yC; //
173 float dz = tr1.getZ() - tr0.getZ();
174 auto csp0i2 = 1. / tr0.getCsp2(); // 1 / csp^2
175 auto csp0i = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(csp0i2);
176 auto tgp0 = tr0.getSnp() * csp0i;
177 float kx0 = trax0.c - trax0.s * tgp0;
178 float ky0 = trax0.s + trax0.c * tgp0;
179 float kz0 = tr0.getTgl() * csp0i;
180 auto csp1i2 = 1. / tr1.getCsp2(); // 1 / csp^2
181 auto csp1i = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(csp1i2);
182 auto tgp1 = tr1.getSnp() * o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(csp1i2);
183 float kx1 = trax1.c - trax1.s * tgp1;
184 float ky1 = trax1.s + trax1.c * tgp1;
185 float kz1 = tr1.getTgl() * csp1i;
194 float a00 = (1.f + tr0.getTgl() * tr0.getTgl()) * csp0i2, a11 = (1.f + tr1.getTgl() * tr1.getTgl()) * csp1i2, a01 = -(kx0 * kx1 + ky0 * ky1 + kz0 * kz1);
195 float b0 = dx * kx0 + dy * ky0 + dz * kz0, b1 = -(dx * kx1 + dy * ky1 + dz * kz1);
196 float det = a00 * a11 - a01 * a01, det0 = b0 * a11 - b1 * a01, det1 = a00 * b1 - a01 * b0;
197 if (o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(det) > o2::constants::math::Almost0) {
198 auto detI = 1. / det;
199 auto t0 = det0 * detI;
200 auto t1 = det1 * detI;
201 float addx0 = kx0 * t0, addy0 = ky0 * t0, addx1 = kx1 * t1, addy1 = ky1 * t1;
202 dx += addx1 - addx0; // recalculate XY distance at DCA
203 dy += addy1 - addy0;
204 if (dx * dx + dy * dy > maxDistXY * maxDistXY) {
205 return nDCA;
206 }
207 xDCA[0] = (trax0.xC + addx0 + trax1.xC + addx1) * 0.5;
208 yDCA[0] = (trax0.yC + addy0 + trax1.yC + addy1) * 0.5;
209 nDCA = 1;
210 }
211 return nDCA;
212 }
214 template <typename T>
215 GPUd() int circleLineCrossInfo(const TrackAuxPar& trax0, const T& tr0,
216 const TrackAuxPar& trax1, const T& tr1, float maxDistXY = MaxDistXYDef)
217 {
232 const auto& traxH = trax0.rC > trax1.rC ? trax0 : trax1; // circle (for the line rC is set to 0)
233 const auto& traxL = trax0.rC > trax1.rC ? trax1 : trax0; // line
234 const auto& trcL = trax0.rC > trax1.rC ? tr1 : tr0; // track of the line
236 // solve quadratic equation of line crossing the circle
237 float dx = traxL.xC - traxH.xC; // X distance between the line lab reference and circle center
238 float dy = traxL.yC - traxH.yC; // Y...
239 // t^2(kx^2+ky^2) + 2t(dx*kx+dy*ky) + dx^2 + dy^2 - r^2 = 0
240 auto cspi2 = 1. / trcL.getCsp2(); // 1 / csp^2 == kx^2 + ky^2
241 auto cspi = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(cspi2);
242 auto tgp = trcL.getSnp() * cspi;
243 float kx = traxL.c - traxL.s * tgp;
244 float ky = traxL.s + traxL.c * tgp;
245 double dk = dx * kx + dy * ky;
246 double det = dk * dk - cspi2 * (dx * dx + dy * dy - traxH.rC * traxH.rC);
247 if (det > 0) { // 2 crossings
248 det = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(det);
249 float t0 = (-dk + det) * cspi2;
250 float t1 = (-dk - det) * cspi2;
251 xDCA[0] = traxL.xC + kx * t0;
252 yDCA[0] = traxL.yC + ky * t0;
253 xDCA[1] = traxL.xC + kx * t1;
254 yDCA[1] = traxL.yC + ky * t1;
255 nDCA = 2;
256 } else {
257 // there is no crossing, find the point of the closest approach on the line which is closest to the circle center
258 float t = -dk * cspi2;
259 float xL = traxL.xC + kx * t, yL = traxL.yC + ky * t; // point on the line, need to average with point on the circle
260 float dxc = xL - traxH.xC, dyc = yL - traxH.yC, dist = o2::gpu::GPUCommonMath::Sqrt(dxc * dxc + dyc * dyc);
261 if (dist - traxH.rC > maxDistXY) { // too large distance
262 return nDCA;
263 }
264 float drcf = traxH.rC / dist; // radius / distance to circle center
265 float xH = traxH.xC + dxc * drcf, yH = traxH.yC + dyc * drcf;
266 xDCA[0] = (xL + xH) * 0.5;
267 yDCA[0] = (yL + yH) * 0.5;
268 nDCA = 1;
269 }
270 return nDCA;
271 }
273 template <typename T>
274 GPUd() int set(const TrackAuxPar& trax0, const T& tr0, const TrackAuxPar& trax1, const T& tr1, float maxDistXY = MaxDistXYDef, bool isCollinear = false)
275 {
276 // calculate up to 2 crossings between 2 circles
277 nDCA = 0;
278 if (trax0.rC > o2::constants::math::Almost0 && trax1.rC > o2::constants::math::Almost0) { // both are not straight lines
280 } else if (trax0.rC < o2::constants::math::Almost0 && trax1.rC < o2::constants::math::Almost0) { // both are straigt lines
282 } else {
284 }
285 //
286 return nDCA;
287 }
289 GPUdDefault() CrossInfo() = default;
291 template <typename T>
292 GPUd() CrossInfo(const TrackAuxPar& trax0, const T& tr0, const TrackAuxPar& trax1, const T& tr1, float maxDistXY = MaxDistXYDef, bool isCollinear = false)
293 {
294 set(trax0, tr0, trax1, tr1, maxDistXY, isCollinear);
295 }
299} // namespace track
300} // namespace o2
General auxilliary methods.
#define GPUdDefault()
const GPUTPCGMMerger::trackCluster & b1
const int16_t bb
useful math constants
Declarations of 2D primitives.
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat t0
Definition glcorearb.h:5034
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition glcorearb.h:1233
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat t1
Definition glcorearb.h:5034
constexpr float Almost0
GPUd() value_T BetheBlochSolid(value_T bg
Definition TrackUtils.h:150
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
int set(const TrackAuxPar &trax0, const T &tr0, const TrackAuxPar &trax1, const T &tr1, float maxDistXY=MaxDistXYDef)
int linesCrossInfo(const TrackAuxPar &trax0, const T &tr0, const TrackAuxPar &trax1, const T &tr1, float maxDistXY=MaxDistXYDef)
const TrackAuxPar & trax1
Definition HelixHelper.h:62
const TrackAuxPar float bool isCollinear
Definition HelixHelper.h:62
GPUd() int circlesCrossInfo(const TrackAuxPar &trax0
ClassDefNV(CrossInfo, 1)
const T const TrackAuxPar const T & tr1
int circlesCrossInfo(const TrackAuxPar &trax0, const TrackAuxPar &trax1, float maxDistXY=MaxDistXYDef)
Definition HelixHelper.h:62
const TrackAuxPar float maxDistXY
Definition HelixHelper.h:62
static constexpr float MaxDistXYDef
Definition HelixHelper.h:57
int circleLineCrossInfo(const TrackAuxPar &trax0, const T &tr0, const TrackAuxPar &trax1, const T &tr1, float maxDistXY=MaxDistXYDef)
void notTouchingXY(float dist, float xDist, float yDist, const TrackAuxPar &trcA, float rBSign)
float sinDif(const TrackAuxPar &t) const
Definition HelixHelper.h:41
GPUd() float cosDif(const TrackAuxPar &t) const
Definition HelixHelper.h:40
GPUd() void set(const T &trc
GPUdDefault() TrackAuxPar()=default
ClassDefNV(TrackAuxPar, 1)
void set(const T &trc, float bz)
Definition HelixHelper.h:44
GPUd() float sinDif(const TrackAuxPar &t) const
Definition HelixHelper.h:41
float cosDif(const TrackAuxPar &t) const
Definition HelixHelper.h:40