No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
20using namespace o2::framework;
22namespace o2
24namespace zdc
27ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec::ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec(const RawReaderZDC& rawReader) : mRawReader(rawReader)
33 mVerbosity = ic.options().get<int>("log-level");
34 // 0: minimal output
35 // 1: event summary per channel
36 // 2: debug inconsistencies
37 // 3: dump of associated input data
38 // 4: dump of raw input data
43 // we call these methods just to trigger finaliseCCDB callback
44 pc.inputs().get<o2::zdc::ModuleConfig*>("moduleconfig");
49 if (matcher == ConcreteDataMatcher("ZDC", "MODULECONFIG", 0)) {
50 mRawReader.setModuleConfig((const o2::zdc::ModuleConfig*)obj);
51 mRawReader.setTriggerMask();
52 }
57 mRawReader.clear();
58 if (!mInitialized) {
59 mInitialized = true;
61 mRawReader.setVerbosity(mVerbosity);
62 }
64 // if we see requested data type input with 0xDEADBEEF subspec and 0 payload this means that the "delayed message"
65 // mechanism created it in absence of real data from upstream. Processor should send empty output to not block the workflow
66 {
67 static size_t contDeadBeef = 0; // number of times 0xDEADBEEF was seen continuously
68 std::vector<InputSpec> dummy{InputSpec{"dummy", ConcreteDataMatcher{o2::header::gDataOriginZDC, o2::header::gDataDescriptionRawData, 0xDEADBEEF}}};
69 for (const auto& ref : InputRecordWalker(pc.inputs(), dummy)) {
70 const auto dh = o2::framework::DataRefUtils::getHeader<o2::header::DataHeader*>(ref);
71 auto payloadSize = DataRefUtils::getPayloadSize(ref);
72 if (payloadSize == 0) {
74 if (++contDeadBeef <= maxWarn) {
75 LOGP(alarm, "Found input [{}/{}/{:#x}] TF#{} 1st_orbit:{} Payload {} : assuming no payload for all links in this TF{}",
76 dh->dataOrigin.str, dh->dataDescription.str, dh->subSpecification, dh->tfCounter, dh->firstTForbit, payloadSize,
77 contDeadBeef == maxWarn ? fmt::format(". {} such inputs in row received, stopping reporting", contDeadBeef) : "");
78 }
79 mRawReader.makeSnapshot(pc); // send empty output
80 return;
81 }
82 }
83 contDeadBeef = 0; // if good data, reset the counter
84 }
86 DPLRawParser parser(pc.inputs(), o2::framework::select("zdc:ZDC/RAWDATA"));
88 uint64_t count = 0;
89 static uint64_t nErr[4] = {0};
90 for (auto it = parser.begin(), end = parser.end(); it != end; ++it) {
91 // Processing each page
92 auto rdhPtr = reinterpret_cast<const o2::header::RDHAny*>(it.raw());
93 if (rdhPtr == nullptr || !o2::raw::RDHUtils::checkRDH(rdhPtr, true)) {
94 nErr[0]++;
95 if (nErr[0] < 5) {
96 LOG(warning) << "ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec::run - Missing RAWDataHeader on page " << count;
97 } else if (nErr[0] == 5) {
98 LOG(warning) << "ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec::run - Missing RAWDataHeader on page " << count << " suppressing further messages";
99 }
100 } else {
101 if ( == nullptr) {
102 nErr[1]++;
103 } else if (it.size() == 0) {
104 nErr[2]++;
105 } else {
106 gsl::span<const uint8_t> payload(, it.size());
107 auto lid = o2::raw::RDHUtils::getLinkID(rdhPtr);
108 auto dataFormat = o2::raw::RDHUtils::getDataFormat(rdhPtr);
109#ifdef O2_ZDC_DEBUG
110 LOG(info) << count << " processBinaryData: size=" << it.size() << " link=" << lid;
112 if (mRawReader.processBinaryData(payload, lid, dataFormat)) {
113 nErr[3]++;
114 break;
115 }
116 }
117 }
118 count++;
119 }
120 LOG(info) << "ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec::run processed pages: " << count;
121 if (nErr[0] > 0) {
122 LOG(warning) << "ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec::run - Missing RAWDataHeader occurrences " << nErr[0];
123 }
124 if (nErr[1] > 0) {
125 LOG(warning) << "ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec::run - Null payload pointer occurrences " << nErr[1];
126 }
127 if (nErr[2] > 0) {
128 LOG(warning) << "ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec::run - No payload occurrences " << nErr[2];
129 }
130 if (nErr[0] == 0 && nErr[3] == 0) {
131 mRawReader.accumulateDigits();
132 } else {
133 LOG(warning) << "Not sending output";
134 }
135 mRawReader.makeSnapshot(pc);
140 LOG(info) << "DataProcessorSpec initDataProcSpec() for RawReaderZDC";
141 std::vector<OutputSpec> outputSpec;
143 std::vector<InputSpec> inputSpec{{"STF", ConcreteDataTypeMatcher{o2::header::gDataOriginZDC, "RAWDATA"}, Lifetime::Timeframe}};
144 inputSpec.emplace_back("moduleconfig", "ZDC", "MODULECONFIG", 0, Lifetime::Condition, o2::framework::ccdbParamSpec(;
145 if (askSTFDist) {
146 inputSpec.emplace_back("STFDist", "FLP", "DISTSUBTIMEFRAME", 0, Lifetime::Timeframe);
147 }
148 return DataProcessorSpec{
149 "zdc-datareader-dpl",
150 inputSpec,
151 outputSpec,
152 adaptFromTask<ZDCDataReaderDPLSpec>(rawReader),
154 {"log-level", o2::framework::VariantType::Int, 0, {"ZDC data reader verbosity level"}}}};
156} // namespace zdc
157} // namespace o2
Definition of the Names Generator class.
static std::string getCCDBServer()
Definition NameConf.cxx:110
The parser handles transparently input in the format of raw pages.
const_iterator end() const
const_iterator begin() const
ConfigParamRegistry const & options()
Definition InitContext.h:33
A helper class to iteratate over all parts of all input routes.
decltype(auto) get(R binding, int part=0) const
InputRecord & inputs()
The inputs associated with this processing context.
void setVerbosity(int v)
void setModuleConfig(const ModuleConfig *moduleConfig)
int processBinaryData(gsl::span< const uint8_t > payload, int linkID, uint8_t dataFormat)
static void prepareOutputSpec(std::vector< o2::framework::OutputSpec > &outputSpec)
void makeSnapshot(o2::framework::ProcessingContext &pc)
void init(InitContext &ic) final
void run(ProcessingContext &pc) final
void updateTimeDependentParams(ProcessingContext &pc)
void finaliseCCDB(o2::framework::ConcreteDataMatcher &matcher, void *obj) final
GLint GLsizei count
Definition glcorearb.h:399
GLuint GLuint end
Definition glcorearb.h:469
GLboolean * data
Definition glcorearb.h:298
constexpr o2::header::DataOrigin gDataOriginZDC
Definition DataHeader.h:578
constexpr o2::header::DataDescription gDataDescriptionRawData
Definition DataHeader.h:597
Defining PrimaryVertex explicitly as messageable.
Definition TFIDInfo.h:20
std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > ccdbParamSpec(std::string const &path, int runDependent, std::vector< CCDBMetadata > metadata={}, int qrate=0)
std::vector< ConfigParamSpec > Options
std::vector< InputSpec > select(char const *matcher="")
struct o2::upgrades_utils::@463 zdc
structure to keep FT0 information
framework::DataProcessorSpec getZDCDataReaderDPLSpec(const RawReaderZDC &rawReader, const bool askSTFDist)
const std::string CCDBPathConfigModule
Definition Constants.h:219
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
static o2::header::DataHeader::PayloadSizeType getPayloadSize(const DataRef &ref)
static bool checkRDH(const RDHv4 &rdh, bool verbose=true, bool checkZeros=false)
Definition RDHUtils.cxx:133
LOG(info)<< "Compressed in "<< sw.CpuTime()<< " s"