39#include <TMatrixDSym.h>
62namespace globaltracking
68class TrackletTransformer;
72class TreeStreamRedirector;
88class ResidualsControllerFast;
182 bool readParameters(
const std::string& parfile =
bool useErrors =
243 void Print(
const Option_t* opt =
"") const final;
248 static void MPRec2Mille(
const std::string& mprecfile,
const std::string& millefile =
bool bindata =
249 static void MPRec2Mille(TTree* mprTree,
const std::string& millefile =
bool bindata =
254 void checkSol(TTree* mpRecTree,
bool store =
bool verbose =
bool loc =
const char* outName =
Base class for detector: wrapper for set of volumes.
Track model for the alignment.
Helper class to access correction maps.
Collection of auxillary methods.
Definition of the GeometryManager class.
Descriptor of geometrical constraint.
Class to write C binary file.
Millepede record in root format (can be converted to proper pede binary format.
Container for control residuals.
Result of top-bottom cosmic tracks leg matching.
calibration data from laser track calibration
void setDebugStream(o2::utils::TreeStreamRedirector *d)
static const int sSkipLayers[kNLrSkip]
const ResidualsController & getContResid() const
const GeometricalConstraint & getConstraint(int i) const
o2::tpc::VDriftCorrFact mTPCDrift
o2::gpu::CorrectionMapsHelper * mTPCCorrMapsHelper
const o2::globaltracking::RecoContainer * getRecoContainer() const
void addAutoConstraints()
void writeCalibrationResults() const
bool getUseRecoOCDB() const
bool mTRDTrigRecFilterActive
std::unique_ptr< TTree > mMPRecTree
control residuals
bool readParameters(const std::string &parfile="millepede.res", bool useErrors=true)
ResidualsController mCResid
MP record.
AlignableDetector * getDetector(DetID id) const
bool fillControlData(o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID tid)
void setObligatoryDetector(DetID id, int tp, bool v=true)
std::vector< GeometricalConstraint > mConstraints
AlignableDetector * getDetOfDOFID(int id) const
void setControlFrac(float v=1.)
void setTimingInfo(const o2::framework::TimingInfo &ti)
std::string mMilleFileName
file to store control residuals tree
int getRefOCDBLoaded() const
bool getTRDTrigRecFilterActive() const
void setUseRecoOCDB(bool v=true)
void setInstanceID(int i)
int getDebugOutputLevel() const
AlignmentTrack * getAlgTrack() const
const o2::gpu::GPUParam * mTPCParam
bool checkDetectorPattern(DetID::mask_t patt) const
Char_t * getDOFLabelTxt(int idf) const
const Millepede2Record & getMPRecord() const
void expandGlobalsBy(int n)
std::unique_ptr< Mille > mMille
int getTracksType() const
void checkSol(TTree *mpRecTree, bool store=true, bool verbose=false, bool loc=true, const char *outName="resFast")
void addDetector(AlignableDetector *det)
bool storeProcessedTrack(o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID tid={})
const std::vector< GeometricalConstraint > & getConstraints() const
static const Char_t * sDetectorName[kNDetectors]
std::array< DetID::mask_t, utils::NTrackTypes > mObligatoryDetPattern
TTree * getMPRecTree() const
float getControlFrac() const
int getGloParLab(int i) const
void checkConstraints(const char *params=nullptr)
AlignmentPoint * getRefPoint() const
int parID2Label(int i) const
int getInstanceID() const
o2::utils::TreeStreamRedirector * mDBGOut
void setRecoContainer(const o2::globaltracking::RecoContainer *cont)
std::vector< float > mGloParErr
void setDebugOutputLevel(int i)
void setTrackSourceMask(GTrackID::mask_t m)
bool getInitDOFsDone() const
void writeLabeledPedeResults() const
void setFieldOn(bool v=true)
o2::utils::TreeStreamRedirector * getDebugStream()
const o2::gpu::GPUParam * getTPCParam() const
std::unique_ptr< AlignmentPoint > mRefPoint
std::vector< int > mTrackSources
void setTRDTransformer(const o2::trd::TrackletTransformer *trans)
int label2ParID(int lab) const
bool getMPAlignDone() const
void genPedeSteerFile(const Option_t *opt="") const
void setAllowAfterburnerTracks(bool v)
int getNDetectors() const
Millepede2Record * mMPRecordPtr
MP record.
bool getAllowAfterburnerTracks() const
static Char_t * getDetNameByDetID(int id)
bool getInitGeomDone() const
GTrackID::mask_t getTrackSourceMask() const
void writePedeConstraints() const
const o2::globaltracking::RecoContainer * mRecoData
Controller(const Controller &)
std::unique_ptr< AlignmentTrack > mAlgTrack
auto getStat(int cls, int tp) const
static const Char_t * sMPDataTxtExt
const o2::trd::TrackletTransformer * getTRDTransformer() const
bool fillMPRecData(o2::dataformats::GlobalTrackID tid)
std::vector< float > mGloParVal
ResidualsController * mCResidPtr
control residuals
void setTRDTrigRecFilterActive(bool v)
static const Char_t * sMPDataExt
const o2::trd::TrackletTransformer * mTRDTransformer
int mDebugOutputLevel
reference point for track definition
void Print(const Option_t *opt="") const final
void applyAlignmentFromMPSol()
Controller & operator=(const Controller &)
std::unique_ptr< EventVertex > mVtxSens
void setDetectorsMask(DetID::mask_t m)
void setCosmic(bool v=true)
int getNConstraints() const
void setTPCParam(const o2::gpu::GPUParam *par)
DetID::mask_t getDetectorsMask() const
std::unique_ptr< TFile > mMPRecFile
tree to store control residuals
int getRefRunNumber() const
AlignableVolume * getVolOfLabel(int label) const
std::unique_ptr< TFile > mResidFile
file to store MP record tree
std::array< std::unique_ptr< AlignableDetector >, DetID::nDetectors > mDetectors
void setRefRunNumber(int r=-1)
const o2::tpc::VDriftCorrFact & getTPCVDrift() const
std::vector< GeometricalConstraint > & getConstraints()
void setTracksType(int t=utils::Coll)
void printStatistics() const
bool addVertexConstraint(const o2::dataformats::PrimaryVertex &vtx)
static void MPRec2Mille(const std::string &mprecfile, const std::string &millefile="mpData.mille", bool bindata=true)
std::unique_ptr< TTree > mResidTree
tree to store MP record
bool mAllowAfterburnerTracks
std::unordered_map< int, int > mLbl2ID
AlignableVolume * getVolOfDOFID(int id) const
Millepede2Record mMPRecord
Mille interface.
o2::gpu::CorrectionMapsHelper * getTPCCorrMaps()
o2::framework::TimingInfo mTimingInfo
void setTPCCorrMaps(o2::gpu::CorrectionMapsHelper *maph)
void setTPCVDrift(const o2::tpc::VDriftCorrFact &v)
EventVertex * getVertexSensor() const
bool checkDetectorPoints(const int *npsel) const
std::vector< int > mGloParLab
Static class with identifiers, bitmasks and names for ALICE detectors.
static constexpr int nDetectors
number of defined detectors
GLenum const GLfloat * params
GLuint GLsizei const GLchar * label
void align(gsl::span< ElinkEncoder< BareFormat, CHARGESUM > > elinks)
a couple of static helper functions to create timestamp values for CCDB queries or override obsolete ...
Common utility functions.
std::array< std::array< size_t, kMaxStat >, kNStatCl > data