IDE support



  1. Install direnv. Make sure you follow the procedure until the end, including the “install hooks” part.
  2. Build with aliBuild as you would do normally.
  3. Go to the directory from where you would usually run CLion.
  4. Create a new file “.envrc” which loads all the build environments of the projects that you will run on CLion. Use /alice/sw/BUILD/O2-latest/O2/.envrc as a starting point. [See below](#.envrc) for an example.
  5. Run direnv allow.
  6. Run clion.
  7. If you haven’t opened your project, go to File->Open. Choose your project’s directory. It should compile out of the box.


  1. Options - By default, no CMake options are needed in “File->Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->CMake->CMake options”. However, when “install” is added to the “Build options”, a valid CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX has to be added in “CMake options”, for example “-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home//alice/sw/slc7_x86-64/O2/latest".
  2. Mac clion exe - On Mac the path to the clion executable can either be /Applications/ or ~/Library/Application\ Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/CLion/ch-0/201.5616.31/CLion\ 2020.1\ (adapt the version numbers) if installed with Jetbrains Toolbox.
  3. Pre-existing projects - For projects that already existed, it is better to remove them by deleting the folder .idea in the source directory.


# Source the build environment which was used for this package
source $WORK_DIR/slc7_x86-64/O2/latest/etc/profile.d/
source $WORK_DIR/slc7_x86-64/QualityControl/latest/etc/profile.d/

# On mac we build with the proper installation relative RPATH,
# so this is not actually used and it's actually harmful since
# startup time is reduced a lot by the extra overhead from the 
# dynamic loader

Full Remote Mode

  1. Setup the remote host for alibuild
  2. Run aliBuild on the remote host as usual
  3. Append the following in ~/.bashrc
     export ALIBUILD_WORK_DIR="/home/$USER/alice/sw"
     source /home/$USER/alice/sw/slc8_x86-64/QualityControl/latest/etc/profile.d/  # Replace with your package
  4. Follow the instructions from here to start a full remote project on CLion running on your local host, with the options outlined below.

Toolchain (Addresses on remote host)

  • ssh://clion@$HOSTNAME:22
  • gcc: /home/$USER/alice/sw/slc8_x86-64/GCC-Toolchain/latest/bin/gcc
  • g++: /home/$USER/alice/sw/slc8_x86-64/GCC-Toolchain/latest/bin/g++
  • gdb: /home/$USER/alice/sw/slc8_x86-64/GCC-Toolchain/latest/bin/gdb


  • Toolchain: the name of the toolchain just created
  • CMake options: -DLLVM_ROOT=/home/$USER/alice/sw/slc8_x86-64/Clang/latest -DLIBJALIENO2=/home/$USER/alice/sw/slc8_x86-64/libjalienO2/latest
    1. Load CMake Project
    2. Build / Run


Coding guidelines can be applied by using a special settings file. See here.