Build packages

In order to build our software and manage its internal and external dependencies, we use a tool called aliBuild (repo). It uses recipes to know how to build each package. The recipes are stored in a dedicated github repository: alidist.

alienv is the companion to aliBuild. It sets up the environment to be able to run the software. You can either load or enter the environment, depending whether you wish to stay in the same shell or launch a new one.

To build our software, please follow carefully this extensive tutorial.

If you just want to run our software, not develop it, please head directly to the section about binaries.

Developing O2 on the FLP (Experimental)

This is intended for quick tests of the O2 code on the FLP, without having to go through the whole deployment cycle. It’s not meant to be a way to deploy software.

NOTE: for now this will only work using FLPSuite-0.14.0.

# FIXME: this will not be necessary once is fixed
sudo yum install -y alisw-CMake+v3.19.2-5  \
                    alisw-FreeType+v2.10.1-15  \
                    alisw-GMP+v6.0.0-62  \
                    alisw-MPFR+v3.1.3-74  \
                    alisw-O2-customization+v1.0.0-2  \
                    alisw-Python-modules-list+1.0-23  \
                    alisw-RapidJSON+v1.1.0-alice2-3  \
                    alisw-alibuild-recipe-tools+0.2.2-1  \
                    alisw-autotools+v1.6.3-9  \
                    alisw-bz2+1.0.8-14  \
                    alisw-capstone+4.0.2-20  \
                    alisw-defaults-release+v1-11  \
                    alisw-double-conversion+v3.1.5-34  \
                    alisw-flatbuffers+v1.11.0-38  \
                    alisw-googlebenchmark+1.3.0-42  \
                    alisw-googletest+1.8.0-48  \
                    alisw-libffi+v3.2.1-21  \
                    alisw-ms_gsl+2.1.0-2  \
                    alisw-re2+2019-09-01-34  \

Then you need to configure a few environment variables:

export WORK_DIR=/opt/alisw
# FIXME: this will need to change according to the release.
export O2FULLVERSION="v21.05-1"
# Fixed upstream. This is only needed because ms_gsl was not bumped.
export MS_GSL_ROOT=/opt/alisw/el7/ms_gsl/2.1.0-2/

you can then load the build environment with:

# Ignore the errors about missing files for now. Fixed upstream.

Assuming that you have cloned your O2 with:

git config --global http.proxy
git clone O2

you can then build with:

mkdir -p O2/objs
cd O2/objs
cmake .. 
cmake --build . --target all -j40

Developing on the EPN (Experimental)

This is intended for quick tests of the O2 code on the EPN, without having to go through the whole deployment cycle. It’s not meant to be a way to deploy software.

NOTE: for now this will only work using FLPSuite-0.15.1 as the packages to install might differ.

sudo yum install -y alisw-defaults-release+v1-1      \
                    alisw-AliEn-CAs+v1-1             \
                    alisw-libtirpc+libtirpc-1-1-4-1  \
                    alisw-UUID+v2.27.1-1             \
                    alisw-alibuild-recipe-tool+0.2.2-1 \
                    alisw-Python-modules-list+1.0-1 \
                    alisw-bz2+1.0.8-1 \
                    alisw-flatbuffers+v1.11.0-1 \
                    alisw-RapidJSON+v1.1.0-alice2-1 \
                    alisw-double-conversion+v3.1.5-1 \
                    alisw-re2+2019-09-01-1 \
                    alisw-googletest+1.8.0-1 \
                    alisw-capstone+4.0.2-1 \
                    alisw-GMP+v6.0.0-1 \
                    alisw-MPFR+v3.1.3-1 \
                    alisw-googlebenchmark+1.3.0-1 \

Then you need to configure a few environment variables every time you login:

export WORK_DIR=/opt/alisw
# FIXME: this will need to change according to the release.
export O2FULLVERSION="v21.07-1"

which will allow you to load the build environment with:

# Ignore the errors about missing files for now. Fixed upstream.

Assuming that you have cloned your O2 with:

git config --global http.proxy
git clone O2

you can then build with:

mkdir -p O2/objs
cd O2/objs
cmake .. 
cmake --build . --target all -j40

In order to run you need to make sure you have stage/bin in PATH and stage/lib64 in LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

export PATH=$PWD/stage/bin:$PATH

(alternatively you can use --target install but that will override the current installation).