All the ALICE O2 code is stored in the AliceO2Group GitHub group. It is divided into 10 repositories, ranging from the pretty large, like AliceO2
, to smaller common modules, such as Monitoring or QualityControl. We try to stay on the thin line between 1 huge monolithic repository and a multitude of tiny inter-coupled repositories.
The detector specific code usually goes to AliceO2 (simulation, reconstruction and calibration) or to QualityControl.
Here is the list of our software repositories :
- AliceO2 - Doxygen
The ALICE O2 software repository contains the framework, as well as the detector specific, code for the reconstruction, calibration and simulation for the ALICE experiment at CERN for Run 3 and 4. It also encompasses the commonalities such as the data format, and the global algorithms like the global tracking.
The code organization of this specific repository is explained here. - Control
- Configuration - Doxygen
- Monitoring - Doxygen
- DataDistribution
- InfoLogger - Docs
- QualityControl - Doxygen
Framework and infrastructure for all aspects related to the quality of the data (traditionally called online Data Quality Monitoring, DQM, and offline Quality Assurance, QA). - Readout
- ReadoutCard
- WebUi