No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
2// See for details of the copyright holders.
3// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
5// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
8// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
9// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
10// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
16#define ENABLE_WARNING 0
17#define ENABLE_INFO 0
19#include "GPUTRDTracker.h"
20#include "GPUTRDTrackletWord.h"
21#include "GPUTRDGeometry.h"
22#include "GPUTRDTrackerDebug.h"
23#include "GPUCommonMath.h"
24#include "GPUCommonAlgorithm.h"
26using namespace o2::gpu;
31#include "GPUMemoryResource.h"
32#include "GPUReconstruction.h"
33#include <chrono>
34#include <vector>
36#include "GPUChainTracking.h"
38template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
41 mNMaxTracks = std::max(std::max(io.nOutputTracksTPCO2, io.nTracksTPCITSO2), std::max(io.nMergedTracks, io.nOutputTracksTPCO2)); // TODO: This is a bit stupid, we should just take the correct number, not the max of all
42 mNMaxSpacePoints = io.nTRDTracklets;
43 mNMaxCollisions = io.nTRDTriggerRecords;
46template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
49 AllocateAndInitializeLate();
50 mMemoryPermanent = mRec->RegisterMemoryAllocation(this, &GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::SetPointersBase, GPUMemoryResource::MEMORY_PERMANENT, "TRDInitialize");
51 mMemoryTracklets = mRec->RegisterMemoryAllocation(this, &GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::SetPointersTracklets, GPUMemoryResource::MEMORY_INPUT, "TRDTracklets");
52 mMemoryTracks = mRec->RegisterMemoryAllocation(this, &GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::SetPointersTracks, GPUMemoryResource::MEMORY_INOUT, "TRDTracks");
55template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
58 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
59 // Allocate memory for fixed size objects (needs to be done only once)
60 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
61 mMaxBackendThreads = mRec->GetMaxBackendThreads();
62 computePointerWithAlignment(base, mR, kNChambers);
63 computePointerWithAlignment(base, mHypothesis, mNCandidates * mMaxBackendThreads);
64 computePointerWithAlignment(base, mCandidates, mNCandidates * 2 * mMaxBackendThreads);
65 return base;
68template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
71 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
72 // Allocate memory for tracklets and space points
73 // (size might change for different events)
74 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
75 if (mGenerateSpacePoints) {
76 computePointerWithAlignment(base, mSpacePoints, mNMaxSpacePoints);
77 }
78 computePointerWithAlignment(base, mTrackletIndexArray, (kNChambers + 1) * mNMaxCollisions);
79 return base;
82template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
85 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
86 // Allocate memory for tracks (this is done once per event)
87 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
88 computePointerWithAlignment(base, mTracks, mNMaxTracks);
89 computePointerWithAlignment(base, mTrackAttribs, mNMaxTracks);
90 return base;
93template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
94GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::GPUTRDTracker_t() : mR(nullptr), mIsInitialized(false), mGenerateSpacePoints(false), mProcessPerTimeFrame(false), mNAngleHistogramBins(25), mAngleHistogramRange(50), mMemoryPermanent(-1), mMemoryTracklets(-1), mMemoryTracks(-1), mNMaxCollisions(0), mNMaxTracks(0), mNMaxSpacePoints(0), mTracks(nullptr), mTrackAttribs(nullptr), mNCandidates(1), mNTracks(0), mNEvents(0), mMaxBackendThreads(100), mTrackletIndexArray(nullptr), mHypothesis(nullptr), mCandidates(nullptr), mSpacePoints(nullptr), mGeo(nullptr), mRPhiA2(0), mRPhiB(0), mRPhiC2(0), mDyA2(0), mDyB(0), mDyC2(0), mAngleToDyA(0), mAngleToDyB(0), mAngleToDyC(0), mDebugOutput(false), mMaxEta(0.84f), mRoadZ(18.f), mZCorrCoefNRC(1.4f), mTPCVdrift(2.58f), mTPCTDriftOffset(0.f), mDebug(new GPUTRDTrackerDebug<TRDTRK>())
96 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
97 // Default constructor
98 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
101template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
104 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
105 // Destructor
106 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
107 delete mDebug;
110template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
113 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
114 // Initialise tracker
115 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
117 UpdateGeometry();
119 mDebug->ExpandVectors();
120 mIsInitialized = true;
123template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
126 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
127 // Update Geometry of TRDTracker
128 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
129 mGeo = (const GPUTRDGeometry*)GetConstantMem()->calibObjects.trdGeometry;
130 if (!mGeo) {
131 GPUFatal("TRD geometry must be provided externally");
132 }
133 float Bz = Param().bzkG;
134 float resRPhiIdeal2 = Param().rec.trd.trkltResRPhiIdeal * Param().rec.trd.trkltResRPhiIdeal;
135 GPUInfo("Initializing with B-field: %f kG", Bz);
136 if (CAMath::Abs(CAMath::Abs(Bz) - 2) < 0.1f) {
137 // magnetic field +-0.2 T
138 if (Bz > 0) {
139 GPUInfo("Loading error parameterization for Bz = +2 kG");
140 mRPhiA2 = resRPhiIdeal2, mRPhiB = -1.43e-2f, mRPhiC2 = 4.55e-2f;
141 mDyA2 = 1.225e-3f, mDyB = -9.8e-3f, mDyC2 = 3.88e-2f;
142 mAngleToDyA = -0.1f, mAngleToDyB = 1.89f, mAngleToDyC = -0.4f;
143 } else {
144 GPUInfo("Loading error parameterization for Bz = -2 kG");
145 mRPhiA2 = resRPhiIdeal2, mRPhiB = 1.43e-2f, mRPhiC2 = 4.55e-2f;
146 mDyA2 = 1.225e-3f, mDyB = 9.8e-3f, mDyC2 = 3.88e-2f;
147 mAngleToDyA = 0.1f, mAngleToDyB = 1.89f, mAngleToDyC = 0.4f;
148 }
149 } else if (CAMath::Abs(CAMath::Abs(Bz) - 5) < 0.1f) {
150 // magnetic field +-0.5 T
151 if (Bz > 0) {
152 GPUInfo("Loading error parameterization for Bz = +5 kG");
153 mRPhiA2 = resRPhiIdeal2, mRPhiB = 0.125f, mRPhiC2 = 0.0961f;
154 mDyA2 = 1.681e-3f, mDyB = 0.15f, mDyC2 = 0.1849f;
155 mAngleToDyA = 0.13f, mAngleToDyB = 2.43f, mAngleToDyC = -0.58f;
156 } else {
157 GPUInfo("Loading error parameterization for Bz = -5 kG");
158 mRPhiA2 = resRPhiIdeal2, mRPhiB = -0.14f, mRPhiC2 = 0.1156f;
159 mDyA2 = 2.209e-3f, mDyB = -0.15f, mDyC2 = 0.2025f;
160 mAngleToDyA = -0.15f, mAngleToDyB = 2.34f, mAngleToDyC = 0.56f;
161 }
162 } else {
163 // magnetic field 0 T or another value which is not covered by the error parameterizations
164 // using default values instead
165 GPUWarning("No error parameterization available for Bz = %.2f kG. Keeping default value (sigma_y = const. = 1cm)", Bz);
166 mRPhiA2 = 1.f;
167 }
169 // obtain average radius of TRD chambers
170 float x0[kNLayers] = {300.2f, 312.8f, 325.4f, 338.0f, 350.6f, 363.2f}; // used as default value in case no transformation matrix can be obtained
171 auto* matrix = mGeo->GetClusterMatrix(0);
172 float loc[3] = {mGeo->AnodePos(), 0.f, 0.f};
173 float glb[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
174 for (int32_t iDet = 0; iDet < kNChambers; ++iDet) {
175 matrix = mGeo->GetClusterMatrix(iDet);
176 if (!matrix) {
177 mR[iDet] = x0[mGeo->GetLayer(iDet)];
178 continue;
179 }
180 matrix->LocalToMaster(loc, glb);
181 mR[iDet] = glb[0];
182 }
185template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
188 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
189 // Reset tracker
190 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
191 mNTracks = 0;
194template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
197 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
198 // Prepare tracklet index array and if requested calculate space points
199 // in part duplicated from DoTracking() method to allow for calling
200 // this function on the host prior to GPU processing
201 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
202 for (uint32_t iColl = 0; iColl < GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.nTRDTriggerRecords; ++iColl) {
203 if (GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrigRecMask && GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrigRecMask[iColl] == 0) {
204 // this trigger is masked as there is no ITS information available for it
205 continue;
206 }
207 int32_t nTrklts = 0;
208 int32_t idxOffset = 0;
209 if (mProcessPerTimeFrame) {
210 idxOffset = GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrackletIdxFirst[iColl];
211 nTrklts = (iColl < GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.nTRDTriggerRecords - 1) ? GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrackletIdxFirst[iColl + 1] - GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrackletIdxFirst[iColl] : GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.nTRDTracklets - GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrackletIdxFirst[iColl];
212 } else {
213 nTrklts = GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.nTRDTracklets;
214 }
215 const GPUTRDTrackletWord* tracklets = &((GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTracklets)[idxOffset]);
216 int32_t* trkltIndexArray = &mTrackletIndexArray[iColl * (kNChambers + 1) + 1];
217 trkltIndexArray[-1] = 0;
218 int32_t currDet = 0;
219 int32_t nextDet = 0;
220 int32_t trkltCounter = 0;
221 for (int32_t iTrklt = 0; iTrklt < nTrklts; ++iTrklt) {
222 if (tracklets[iTrklt].GetDetector() > currDet) {
223 nextDet = tracklets[iTrklt].GetDetector();
224 for (int32_t iDet = currDet; iDet < nextDet; ++iDet) {
225 trkltIndexArray[iDet] = trkltCounter;
226 }
227 currDet = nextDet;
228 }
229 ++trkltCounter;
230 }
231 for (int32_t iDet = currDet; iDet <= kNChambers; ++iDet) {
232 trkltIndexArray[iDet] = trkltCounter;
233 }
234 if (mGenerateSpacePoints) {
235 if (!CalculateSpacePoints(iColl)) {
236 GPUError("Space points for at least one chamber could not be calculated (for interaction %i)", iColl);
237 break;
238 }
239 }
240 }
241 if (mGenerateSpacePoints) {
242 chainTracking->mIOPtrs.trdSpacePoints = mSpacePoints;
243 }
244 mNEvents++;
247template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
250 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
251 // set the number of candidates to be used
252 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
253 if (!mIsInitialized) {
254 mNCandidates = n;
255 } else {
256 GPUError("Cannot change mNCandidates after initialization");
257 }
260template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
263 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
264 // print current settings to screen
265 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
266 GPUInfo("##############################################################");
267 GPUInfo("Current settings for GPU TRD tracker:");
268 GPUInfo(" maxChi2(%.2f), chi2Penalty(%.2f), nCandidates(%i), maxMissingLayers(%i)", Param().rec.trd.maxChi2, Param().rec.trd.penaltyChi2, mNCandidates, Param().rec.trd.stopTrkAfterNMissLy);
269 GPUInfo(" ptCut = %.2f GeV, abs(eta) < %.2f", Param().rec.trd.minTrackPt, mMaxEta);
270 GPUInfo("##############################################################");
273template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
276 mDebug->CreateStreamer();
281template <>
282GPUdi() const GPUTRDPropagatorGPU::propagatorParam* GPUTRDTracker_t<GPUTRDTrackGPU, GPUTRDPropagatorGPU>::getPropagatorParam()
284 return &Param().polynomialField;
287template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
288GPUdi() const typename PROP::propagatorParam* GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::getPropagatorParam()
290 return GetConstantMem()->calibObjects.o2Propagator;
293template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
294GPUd() bool GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::CheckTrackTRDCandidate(const TRDTRK& trk) const
296 if (!trk.CheckNumericalQuality()) {
297 return false;
298 }
299 if (CAMath::Abs(trk.getEta()) > mMaxEta) {
300 return false;
301 }
302 if (trk.getPt() < Param().rec.trd.minTrackPt) {
303 return false;
304 }
305 return true;
308template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
309GPUd() int32_t GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::LoadTrack(const TRDTRK& trk, uint32_t tpcTrackId, bool checkTrack, HelperTrackAttributes* attribs)
311 if (mNTracks >= mNMaxTracks) {
312#ifndef GPUCA_GPUCODE
313 GPUError("Error: Track dropped (no memory available) -> must not happen");
315 return (1);
316 }
317 if (checkTrack && !CheckTrackTRDCandidate(trk)) {
318 return 2;
319 }
320 mTracks[mNTracks] = trk;
321 mTracks[mNTracks].setRefGlobalTrackIdRaw(tpcTrackId);
322 if (attribs) {
323 mTrackAttribs[mNTracks] = *attribs;
324 }
325 mNTracks++;
326 return (0);
330template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
331GPUd() void GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::DumpTracks()
333 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
334 // helper function (only for debugging purposes)
335 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
336 GPUInfo("There are in total %i tracklets loaded", GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.nTRDTracklets);
337 GPUInfo("There are %i tracks loaded. mNMaxTracks(%i)", mNTracks, mNMaxTracks);
338 for (int32_t i = 0; i < mNTracks; ++i) {
339 auto* trk = &(mTracks[i]);
340 GPUInfo("track %i: x=%f, alpha=%f, nTracklets=%i, pt=%f, time=%f", i, trk->getX(), trk->getAlpha(), trk->getNtracklets(), trk->getPt(), mTrackAttribs[i].mTime);
341 }
344template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
345GPUd() int32_t GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::GetCollisionIDs(int32_t iTrk, int32_t* collisionIds) const
347 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
348 // Check which TRD trigger times possibly match given input track.
349 // If ITS-TPC matches or CE-crossing TPC tracks the time is precisely
350 // known and max 1 trigger time can be assigned.
351 // For TPC-only tracks the collision IDs are stored in collisionIds array
352 // and the number of valid entries in the array is returned
353 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
354 int32_t nColls = 0;
355 for (uint32_t iColl = 0; iColl < GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.nTRDTriggerRecords; ++iColl) {
356 if (GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrigRecMask && GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrigRecMask[iColl] == 0) {
357 continue;
358 }
359 if (GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTriggerTimes[iColl] > mTrackAttribs[iTrk].GetTimeMin() && GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTriggerTimes[iColl] < mTrackAttribs[iTrk].GetTimeMax()) {
360 if (nColls == 20) {
361 GPUError("Found too many collision candidates for track with tMin(%f) and tMax(%f)", mTrackAttribs[iTrk].GetTimeMin(), mTrackAttribs[iTrk].GetTimeMax());
362 return nColls;
363 }
364 collisionIds[nColls++] = iColl;
365 }
366 }
367 return nColls;
370template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
371GPUd() void GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::DoTrackingThread(int32_t iTrk, int32_t threadId)
373 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
374 // perform the tracking for one track (must be threadsafe)
375 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
376 int32_t collisionIds[20] = {0}; // due to the dead time there will never exist more possible TRD triggers for a single track
377 int32_t nCollisionIds = 1; // initialize with 1 for AliRoot compatibility
378 if (mProcessPerTimeFrame) {
379 nCollisionIds = GetCollisionIDs(iTrk, collisionIds);
380 if (nCollisionIds == 0) {
381 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
382 GPUInfo("Did not find TRD data for track %i with t=%f. tMin(%f), tMax(%f)", iTrk, mTrackAttribs[iTrk].mTime, mTrackAttribs[iTrk].GetTimeMin(), mTrackAttribs[iTrk].GetTimeMax());
383 }
384 // no TRD data available for the bunch crossing this track originates from
385 return;
386 }
387 }
388 PROP prop(getPropagatorParam());
389 mTracks[iTrk].setChi2(Param().rec.trd.penaltyChi2); // TODO check if this should not be higher
390 auto trkStart = mTracks[iTrk];
391 for (int32_t iColl = 0; iColl < nCollisionIds; ++iColl) {
392 // do track following for each collision candidate and keep best track
393 auto trkCopy = trkStart;
394 prop.setTrack(&trkCopy);
395 prop.setFitInProjections(true);
396 if (!FollowProlongation(&prop, &trkCopy, iTrk, threadId, collisionIds[iColl])) {
397 // track following failed
398 continue;
399 }
400 if (trkCopy.getReducedChi2() < mTracks[iTrk].getReducedChi2()) {
401 mTracks[iTrk] = trkCopy; // copy back the resulting track
402 }
403 }
406template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
407GPUd() bool GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::CalculateSpacePoints(int32_t iCollision)
409 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
410 // Calculates TRD space points in sector tracking coordinates
411 // from online tracklets
412 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
414 bool result = true;
415 int32_t idxOffset = iCollision * (kNChambers + 1); // offset for accessing mTrackletIndexArray for collision iCollision
417 const GPUTRDTrackletWord* tracklets = GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTracklets;
419 for (int32_t iDet = 0; iDet < kNChambers; ++iDet) {
420 int32_t iFirstTrackletInDet = mTrackletIndexArray[idxOffset + iDet];
421 int32_t iFirstTrackletInNextDet = mTrackletIndexArray[idxOffset + iDet + 1];
422 int32_t nTrackletsInDet = iFirstTrackletInNextDet - iFirstTrackletInDet;
423 if (nTrackletsInDet == 0) {
424 continue;
425 }
426 if (!mGeo->ChamberInGeometry(iDet)) {
427 GPUError("Found TRD tracklets in chamber %i which is not included in the geometry", iDet);
428 return false;
429 }
430 auto* matrix = mGeo->GetClusterMatrix(iDet);
431 if (!matrix) {
432 GPUError("No cluster matrix available for chamber %i. Skipping it...", iDet);
433 result = false;
434 continue;
435 }
436 const GPUTRDpadPlane* pp = mGeo->GetPadPlane(iDet);
438 int32_t trkltIdxOffset = (mProcessPerTimeFrame) ? GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrackletIdxFirst[iCollision] : 0; // global index of first tracklet in iCollision
439 int32_t trkltIdxStart = trkltIdxOffset + iFirstTrackletInDet;
440 for (int32_t trkltIdx = trkltIdxStart; trkltIdx < trkltIdxStart + nTrackletsInDet; ++trkltIdx) {
441 int32_t trkltZbin = tracklets[trkltIdx].GetZbin();
442 float xTrkltDet[3] = {0.f}; // trklt position in chamber coordinates
443 float xTrkltSec[3] = {0.f}; // trklt position in sector coordinates
444 xTrkltDet[0] = mGeo->AnodePos() + sRadialOffset;
445 xTrkltDet[1] = tracklets[trkltIdx].GetY();
446 xTrkltDet[2] = pp->GetRowPos(trkltZbin) - pp->GetRowSize(trkltZbin) / 2.f - pp->GetRowPos(pp->GetNrows() / 2);
447 //GPUInfo("Space point local %i: x=%f, y=%f, z=%f", trkltIdx, xTrkltDet[0], xTrkltDet[1], xTrkltDet[2]);
448 matrix->LocalToMaster(xTrkltDet, xTrkltSec);
449 mSpacePoints[trkltIdx].setX(xTrkltSec[0]);
450 mSpacePoints[trkltIdx].setY(xTrkltSec[1]);
451 mSpacePoints[trkltIdx].setZ(xTrkltSec[2]);
452 mSpacePoints[trkltIdx].setDy(tracklets[trkltIdx].GetdY());
454 //GPUInfo("Space point global %i: x=%f, y=%f, z=%f", trkltIdx, mSpacePoints[trkltIdx].getX(), mSpacePoints[trkltIdx].getY(), mSpacePoints[trkltIdx].getZ());
455 }
456 }
457 return result;
460template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
461GPUd() bool GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::FollowProlongation(PROP* prop, TRDTRK* t, int32_t iTrk, int32_t threadId, int32_t collisionId)
463 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
464 // Propagate TPC track layerwise through TRD and pick up closest
465 // tracklet(s) on the way
466 // -> returns false if prolongation could not be executed fully
467 // or track does not fullfill threshold conditions
468 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
470 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
471 GPUInfo("Start track following for track %i at x=%f with pt=%f", t->getRefGlobalTrackIdRaw(), t->getX(), t->getPt());
472 }
473 mDebug->Reset();
474 t->setChi2(0.f);
475 float zShiftTrk = 0.f;
476 if (mProcessPerTimeFrame) {
477 zShiftTrk = (mTrackAttribs[iTrk].mTime - GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTriggerTimes[collisionId]) * mTPCVdrift * mTrackAttribs[iTrk].mSide;
478 //float addZerr = (mTrackAttribs[iTrk].mTimeAddMax + mTrackAttribs[iTrk].mTimeSubMax) * .5f * mTPCVdrift;
479 // increase Z error based on time window
480 // -> this is here since it was done before, but the efficiency seems to be better if the covariance is not updated (more tracklets are attached)
481 //t->updateCovZ2(addZerr * addZerr); // TODO check again once detailed performance study tools are available, maybe this can be tuned
482 }
483 const GPUTRDpadPlane* pad = nullptr;
484 const GPUTRDTrackletWord* tracklets = GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTracklets;
485 const GPUTRDSpacePoint* spacePoints = GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdSpacePoints;
488 TRDTRK trackNoUp(*t);
491 int32_t candidateIdxOffset = threadId * 2 * mNCandidates;
492 int32_t hypothesisIdxOffset = threadId * mNCandidates;
493 int32_t trkltIdxOffset = collisionId * (kNChambers + 1); // offset for accessing mTrackletIndexArray for given collision
494 int32_t glbTrkltIdxOffset = (mProcessPerTimeFrame) ? GetConstantMem()->ioPtrs.trdTrackletIdxFirst[collisionId] : 0; // offset of first tracklet in given collision in global tracklet array
496 auto trkWork = t;
497 if (mNCandidates > 1) {
498 // copy input track to first candidate
499 mCandidates[candidateIdxOffset] = *t;
500 }
502 int32_t nCandidates = 1; // we always start with one candidate
503 int32_t nCurrHypothesis = 0; // the number of track hypothesis in given iLayer
505 // search window
506 float roadY = 0.f;
507 float roadZ = 0.f;
508 const int32_t nMaxChambersToSearch = 4;
510 mDebug->SetGeneralInfo(mNEvents, mNTracks, iTrk, t->getPt());
512 for (int32_t iLayer = 0; iLayer < kNLayers; ++iLayer) {
513 nCurrHypothesis = 0;
514 bool isOK = false; // if at least one candidate could be propagated or the track was stopped this becomes true
515 int32_t currIdx = candidateIdxOffset + iLayer % 2;
516 int32_t nextIdx = candidateIdxOffset + (iLayer + 1) % 2;
517 pad = mGeo->GetPadPlane(iLayer, 0);
518 float tilt = CAMath::Tan(CAMath::Pi() / 180.f * pad->GetTiltingAngle()); // tilt is signed!
519 const float zMaxTRD = pad->GetRow0();
521 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
522 //
523 // for each candidate, propagate to layer radius and look for close tracklets
524 //
525 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
526 for (int32_t iCandidate = 0; iCandidate < nCandidates; iCandidate++) {
528 int32_t det[nMaxChambersToSearch] = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; // TRD chambers to be searched for tracklets
530 if (mNCandidates > 1) {
531 trkWork = &mCandidates[2 * iCandidate + currIdx];
532 prop->setTrack(trkWork);
533 }
535 if (trkWork->getIsStopped()) {
536 Hypothesis hypo(trkWork->getNlayersFindable(), iCandidate, -1, trkWork->getChi2());
537 InsertHypothesis(hypo, nCurrHypothesis, hypothesisIdxOffset);
538 isOK = true;
539 continue;
540 }
542 // propagate track to average radius of TRD layer iLayer (sector 0, stack 2 is chosen as a reference)
543 if (!prop->propagateToX(mR[2 * kNLayers + iLayer], .8f, 2.f)) {
544 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
545 GPUInfo("Track propagation failed for track %i candidate %i in layer %i (pt=%f, x=%f, mR[layer]=%f)", iTrk, iCandidate, iLayer, trkWork->getPt(), trkWork->getX(), mR[2 * kNLayers + iLayer]);
546 }
547 continue;
548 }
550 // rotate track in new sector in case of sector crossing
551 if (!AdjustSector(prop, trkWork)) {
552 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
553 GPUInfo("Adjusting sector failed for track %i candidate %i in layer %i", iTrk, iCandidate, iLayer);
554 }
555 continue;
556 }
558 // check if track is findable
559 if (IsGeoFindable(trkWork, iLayer, prop->getAlpha(), zShiftTrk)) {
560 trkWork->setIsFindable(iLayer);
561 }
563 // define search window
564 roadY = 7.f * CAMath::Sqrt(trkWork->getSigmaY2() + 0.1f * 0.1f) + Param().rec.trd.extraRoadY; // add constant to the road to account for uncertainty due to radial deviations (few mm)
565 // roadZ = 7.f * CAMath::Sqrt(trkWork->getSigmaZ2() + 9.f * 9.f / 12.f); // take longest pad length
566 roadZ = mRoadZ + Param().rec.trd.extraRoadZ; // simply twice the longest pad length -> efficiency 99.996%
567 //
568 if (CAMath::Abs(trkWork->getZ() + zShiftTrk) - roadZ >= zMaxTRD) {
569 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
570 GPUInfo("Track out of TRD acceptance with z=%f in layer %i (eta=%f)", trkWork->getZ() + zShiftTrk, iLayer, trkWork->getEta());
571 }
572 continue;
573 }
575 // determine chamber(s) to be searched for tracklets
576 FindChambersInRoad(trkWork, roadY, roadZ, iLayer, det, zMaxTRD, prop->getAlpha(), zShiftTrk);
578 // track debug information to be stored in case no matching tracklet can be found
579 mDebug->SetTrackParameter(*trkWork, iLayer);
581 // look for tracklets in chamber(s)
582 for (int32_t iDet = 0; iDet < nMaxChambersToSearch; iDet++) {
583 int32_t currDet = det[iDet];
584 if (currDet == -1) {
585 continue;
586 }
587 pad = mGeo->GetPadPlane(currDet);
588 int32_t currSec = mGeo->GetSector(currDet);
589 if (currSec != GetSector(prop->getAlpha())) {
590 if (!prop->rotate(GetAlphaOfSector(currSec))) {
592 GPUWarning("Track could not be rotated in tracklet coordinate system");
593 }
594 break;
595 }
596 }
597 if (currSec != GetSector(prop->getAlpha())) {
598 GPUError("Track is in sector %i and sector %i is searched for tracklets", GetSector(prop->getAlpha()), currSec);
599 continue;
600 }
601 // propagate track to radius of chamber
602 if (!prop->propagateToX(mR[currDet], .8f, .2f)) {
604 GPUWarning("Track parameter for track %i, x=%f at chamber %i x=%f in layer %i cannot be retrieved", iTrk, trkWork->getX(), currDet, mR[currDet], iLayer);
605 }
606 }
607 // first propagate track to x of tracklet
608 for (int32_t trkltIdx = glbTrkltIdxOffset + mTrackletIndexArray[trkltIdxOffset + currDet]; trkltIdx < glbTrkltIdxOffset + mTrackletIndexArray[trkltIdxOffset + currDet + 1]; ++trkltIdx) {
609 if (CAMath::Abs(trkWork->getY() - spacePoints[trkltIdx].getY()) > roadY || CAMath::Abs(trkWork->getZ() + zShiftTrk - spacePoints[trkltIdx].getZ()) > roadZ) {
610 // skip tracklets which are too far away
611 // although the radii of space points and tracks may differ by ~ few mm the roads are large enough to allow no efficiency loss by this cut
612 continue;
613 }
614 float projY, projZ;
615 prop->getPropagatedYZ(spacePoints[trkltIdx].getX(), projY, projZ);
616 // correction for tilted pads (only applied if deltaZ < lPad && track z err << lPad)
617 float tiltCorr = tilt * (spacePoints[trkltIdx].getZ() - projZ);
618 float lPad = pad->GetRowSize(tracklets[trkltIdx].GetZbin());
619 if (!((CAMath::Abs(spacePoints[trkltIdx].getZ() - projZ) < lPad) && (trkWork->getSigmaZ2() < (lPad * lPad / 12.f)))) {
620 tiltCorr = 0.f; // will be zero also for TPC tracks which are shifted in z
621 }
622 // correction for mean z position of tracklet (is not the center of the pad if track eta != 0)
623 float zPosCorr = spacePoints[trkltIdx].getZ() + mZCorrCoefNRC * trkWork->getTgl();
624 float yPosCorr = spacePoints[trkltIdx].getY() - tiltCorr;
625 zPosCorr -= zShiftTrk; // shift tracklet instead of track in order to avoid having to do a re-fit for each collision
626 float deltaY = yPosCorr - projY;
627 float deltaZ = zPosCorr - projZ;
628 float trkltPosTmpYZ[2] = {yPosCorr, zPosCorr};
629 float trkltCovTmp[3] = {0.f};
630 if ((CAMath::Abs(deltaY) < roadY) && (CAMath::Abs(deltaZ) < roadZ)) { // TODO: check if this is still necessary after the cut before propagation of track
631 // tracklet is in windwow: get predicted chi2 for update and store tracklet index if best guess
632 RecalcTrkltCov(tilt, trkWork->getSnp(), pad->GetRowSize(tracklets[trkltIdx].GetZbin()), trkltCovTmp);
633 float chi2 = prop->getPredictedChi2(trkltPosTmpYZ, trkltCovTmp);
634 // TODO cut on angular pull should be made stricter when proper v-drift calibration for the TRD tracklets is implemented
635 if ((chi2 > Param().rec.trd.maxChi2) || (Param().rec.trd.applyDeflectionCut && CAMath::Abs(GetAngularPull(spacePoints[trkltIdx].getDy(), trkWork->getSnp())) > 4)) {
636 continue;
637 }
638 Hypothesis hypo(trkWork->getNlayersFindable(), iCandidate, trkltIdx, trkWork->getChi2() + chi2);
639 InsertHypothesis(hypo, nCurrHypothesis, hypothesisIdxOffset);
640 } // end tracklet in window
641 } // tracklet loop
642 } // chamber loop
644 // add no update to hypothesis list
645 Hypothesis hypoNoUpdate(trkWork->getNlayersFindable(), iCandidate, -1, trkWork->getChi2() + Param().rec.trd.penaltyChi2);
646 InsertHypothesis(hypoNoUpdate, nCurrHypothesis, hypothesisIdxOffset);
647 isOK = true;
648 } // end candidate loop
650 mDebug->SetChi2Update(mHypothesis[0 + hypothesisIdxOffset].mChi2 - t->getChi2(), iLayer); // only meaningful for ONE candidate!!!
651 mDebug->SetRoad(roadY, roadZ, iLayer); // only meaningful for ONE candidate
652 bool wasTrackStored = false;
653 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
654 //
655 // loop over the best N_candidates hypothesis
656 //
657 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
658 // GPUInfo("nCurrHypothesis=%i, nCandidates=%i", nCurrHypothesis, nCandidates);
659 // for (int32_t idx=0; idx<10; ++idx) { GPUInfo("mHypothesis[%i]: candidateId=%i, nLayers=%i, trackletId=%i, chi2=%f", idx, mHypothesis[idx].mCandidateId, mHypothesis[idx].mLayers, mHypothesis[idx].mTrackletId, mHypothesis[idx].mChi2); }
660 for (int32_t iUpdate = 0; iUpdate < nCurrHypothesis && iUpdate < mNCandidates; iUpdate++) {
661 if (mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mCandidateId == -1) {
662 // no more candidates
663 if (iUpdate == 0) {
664 return false; // no valid candidates for this track (probably propagation failed)
665 }
666 break; // go to next layer
667 }
668 nCandidates = iUpdate + 1;
669 if (mNCandidates > 1) {
670 mCandidates[2 * iUpdate + nextIdx] = mCandidates[2 * mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mCandidateId + currIdx];
671 trkWork = &mCandidates[2 * iUpdate + nextIdx];
672 }
673 if (mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId == -1) {
674 // no matching tracklet found
675 if (trkWork->getIsFindable(iLayer)) {
676 if (trkWork->getNmissingConsecLayers(iLayer) > Param().rec.trd.stopTrkAfterNMissLy) {
677 trkWork->setIsStopped();
678 }
679 trkWork->setChi2(trkWork->getChi2() + Param().rec.trd.penaltyChi2);
680 }
681 if (iUpdate == 0 && mNCandidates > 1) { // TODO: is thie really necessary????? CHECK!
682 *t = mCandidates[2 * iUpdate + nextIdx];
683 }
684 continue;
685 }
686 // matching tracklet found
687 if (mNCandidates > 1) {
688 prop->setTrack(trkWork);
689 }
690 int32_t trkltSec = mGeo->GetSector(tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetDetector());
691 if (trkltSec != GetSector(prop->getAlpha())) {
692 // if after a matching tracklet was found another sector was searched for tracklets the track needs to be rotated back
693 prop->rotate(GetAlphaOfSector(trkltSec));
694 }
695 if (!prop->propagateToX(spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getX(), .8f, 2.f)) {
697 GPUWarning("Final track propagation for track %i update %i in layer %i failed", iTrk, iUpdate, iLayer);
698 }
699 trkWork->setChi2(trkWork->getChi2() + Param().rec.trd.penaltyChi2);
700 if (trkWork->getIsFindable(iLayer)) {
701 if (trkWork->getNmissingConsecLayers(iLayer) >= Param().rec.trd.stopTrkAfterNMissLy) {
702 trkWork->setIsStopped();
703 }
704 }
705 if (iUpdate == 0 && mNCandidates > 1) {
706 *t = mCandidates[2 * iUpdate + nextIdx];
707 }
708 continue;
709 }
711 pad = mGeo->GetPadPlane(tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetDetector());
712 float tiltCorrUp = tilt * (spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getZ() - trkWork->getZ());
713 float zPosCorrUp = spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getZ() + mZCorrCoefNRC * trkWork->getTgl();
714 zPosCorrUp -= zShiftTrk;
715 float padLength = pad->GetRowSize(tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetZbin());
716 if (!((trkWork->getSigmaZ2() < (padLength * padLength / 12.f)) && (CAMath::Abs(spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getZ() - trkWork->getZ()) < padLength))) {
717 tiltCorrUp = 0.f;
718 }
719 float trkltPosUp[2] = {spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getY() - tiltCorrUp, zPosCorrUp};
720 float trkltCovUp[3] = {0.f};
721 RecalcTrkltCov(tilt, trkWork->getSnp(), pad->GetRowSize(tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetZbin()), trkltCovUp);
724 prop->setTrack(&trackNoUp);
725 prop->rotate(GetAlphaOfSector(trkltSec));
726 //prop->propagateToX(spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getX(), .8f, 2.f);
727 prop->propagateToX(mR[tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetDetector()], .8f, 2.f);
728 prop->setTrack(trkWork);
731 if (!wasTrackStored) {
733 mDebug->SetTrackParameterNoUp(trackNoUp, iLayer);
735 mDebug->SetTrackParameter(*trkWork, iLayer);
736 mDebug->SetRawTrackletPosition(spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getX(), spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getY(), spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getZ(), iLayer);
737 mDebug->SetCorrectedTrackletPosition(trkltPosUp, iLayer);
738 mDebug->SetTrackletCovariance(trkltCovUp, iLayer);
739 mDebug->SetTrackletProperties(spacePoints[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].getDy(), tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetDetector(), iLayer);
740 wasTrackStored = true;
741 }
743 if (!prop->update(trkltPosUp, trkltCovUp)) {
745 GPUWarning("Failed to update track %i with space point in layer %i", iTrk, iLayer);
746 }
747 trkWork->setChi2(trkWork->getChi2() + Param().rec.trd.penaltyChi2);
748 if (trkWork->getIsFindable(iLayer)) {
749 if (trkWork->getNmissingConsecLayers(iLayer) >= Param().rec.trd.stopTrkAfterNMissLy) {
750 trkWork->setIsStopped();
751 }
752 }
753 if (iUpdate == 0 && mNCandidates > 1) {
754 *t = mCandidates[2 * iUpdate + nextIdx];
755 }
756 continue;
757 }
758 if (!trkWork->CheckNumericalQuality()) {
759 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
760 GPUInfo("Track %i has invalid covariance matrix. Aborting track following\n", iTrk);
761 }
762 return false;
763 }
764 trkWork->addTracklet(iLayer, mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId);
765 trkWork->setChi2(mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mChi2);
766 trkWork->setIsFindable(iLayer);
767 trkWork->setCollisionId(collisionId);
768 // check if track crosses padrows
769 float projZEntry, projYEntry;
770 // Get Z for Entry of Track
771 prop->getPropagatedYZ(trkWork->getX() - mGeo->GetCdrHght(), projYEntry, projZEntry);
772 // Get Padrow number for Exit&Entry and compare. If is not equal mark
773 // as padrow crossing. While simple, this comes with the cost of not
774 // properly handling Tracklets that hit a different Pad but still get
775 // attached to the Track. It is estimated that the probability for
776 // this is low.
777 const auto padrowEntry = pad->GetPadRowNumber(projZEntry);
778 const auto padrowExit = pad->GetPadRowNumber(trkWork->getZ());
779 if (padrowEntry != padrowExit) {
780 trkWork->setIsCrossingNeighbor(iLayer);
781 trkWork->setHasPadrowCrossing();
782 }
783 const auto currDet = tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetDetector();
784 // Mark tracklets as Padrow crossing if they have a neighboring tracklet.
785 for (int32_t trkltIdx = glbTrkltIdxOffset + mTrackletIndexArray[trkltIdxOffset + currDet]; trkltIdx < glbTrkltIdxOffset + mTrackletIndexArray[trkltIdxOffset + currDet + 1]; ++trkltIdx) {
786 // skip orig tracklet
787 if (mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId == trkltIdx) {
788 continue;
789 }
790 if (GPUCommonMath::Abs(tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetZbin() - tracklets[trkltIdx].GetZbin()) == 1 &&
791 GPUCommonMath::Abs(tracklets[mHypothesis[iUpdate + hypothesisIdxOffset].mTrackletId].GetY() - tracklets[trkltIdx].GetY()) < 1) {
792 trkWork->setIsCrossingNeighbor(iLayer);
793 trkWork->setHasNeighbor();
794 break;
795 }
796 }
797 if (iUpdate == 0 && mNCandidates > 1) {
798 *t = mCandidates[2 * iUpdate + nextIdx];
799 }
800 } // end update loop
802 if (!isOK) {
803 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
804 GPUInfo("Track %i cannot be followed. Stopped in layer %i", iTrk, iLayer);
805 }
806 return false;
807 }
808 } // end layer loop
810 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
811 // add some debug information (compare labels of attached tracklets to track label)
812 // and store full track information
813 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
814 if (mDebugOutput) {
815 mDebug->SetTrack(*t);
816 mDebug->Output();
817 }
818 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
819 GPUInfo("Ended track following for track %i at x=%f with pt=%f. Attached %i tracklets", t->getRefGlobalTrackIdRaw(), t->getX(), t->getPt(), t->getNtracklets());
820 }
821 if (nCurrHypothesis > 1) {
822 if (CAMath::Abs(mHypothesis[hypothesisIdxOffset + 1].GetReducedChi2() - mHypothesis[hypothesisIdxOffset].GetReducedChi2()) < Param().rec.trd.chi2SeparationCut) {
823 t->setIsAmbiguous();
824 }
825 }
826 return true;
829template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
830GPUd() void GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::InsertHypothesis(Hypothesis hypo, int32_t& nCurrHypothesis, int32_t idxOffset)
832 // Insert hypothesis into the array. If the array is full and the reduced chi2 is worse
833 // than the worst hypothesis in the array it is dropped.
834 // The hypothesis array is always sorted.
836 if (nCurrHypothesis == 0) {
837 // this is the first hypothesis in the array
838 mHypothesis[idxOffset] = hypo;
839 ++nCurrHypothesis;
840 } else if (nCurrHypothesis > 0 && nCurrHypothesis < mNCandidates) {
841 // insert the hypothesis into the right position and shift all worse hypothesis to the right
842 for (int32_t i = idxOffset; i < nCurrHypothesis + idxOffset; ++i) {
843 if (hypo.GetReducedChi2() < mHypothesis[i].GetReducedChi2()) {
844 for (int32_t k = nCurrHypothesis + idxOffset; k > i; --k) {
845 mHypothesis[k] = mHypothesis[k - 1];
846 }
847 mHypothesis[i] = hypo;
848 ++nCurrHypothesis;
849 return;
850 }
851 }
852 mHypothesis[nCurrHypothesis + idxOffset] = hypo;
853 ++nCurrHypothesis;
854 return;
855 } else {
856 // array is already full, check if new hypothesis should be inserted
857 int32_t i = nCurrHypothesis + idxOffset - 1;
858 for (; i >= idxOffset; --i) {
859 if (mHypothesis[i].GetReducedChi2() < hypo.GetReducedChi2()) {
860 break;
861 }
862 }
863 if (i < (nCurrHypothesis + idxOffset - 1)) {
864 // new hypothesis should be inserted into the array
865 for (int32_t k = nCurrHypothesis + idxOffset - 1; k > i + 1; --k) {
866 mHypothesis[k] = mHypothesis[k - 1];
867 }
868 mHypothesis[i + 1] = hypo;
869 }
870 }
873template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
874GPUd() int32_t GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::GetDetectorNumber(const float zPos, const float alpha, const int32_t layer) const
876 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
877 // if track position is within chamber return the chamber number
878 // otherwise return -1
879 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
880 int32_t stack = mGeo->GetStack(zPos, layer);
881 if (stack < 0) {
882 return -1;
883 }
884 int32_t sector = GetSector(alpha);
886 return mGeo->GetDetector(layer, stack, sector);
889template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
890GPUd() bool GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::AdjustSector(PROP* prop, TRDTRK* t) const
892 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
893 // rotate track in new sector if necessary and
894 // propagate to previous x afterwards
895 // cancel if track crosses two sector boundaries
896 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
897 float alpha = mGeo->GetAlpha();
898 float xTmp = t->getX();
899 float y = t->getY();
900 float yMax = t->getX() * CAMath::Tan(0.5f * alpha);
901 float alphaCurr = t->getAlpha();
903 if (CAMath::Abs(y) > 2.f * yMax) {
904 if (ENABLE_INFO) {
905 GPUInfo("AdjustSector: Track %i with pT = %f crossing two sector boundaries at x = %f", t->getRefGlobalTrackIdRaw(), t->getPt(), t->getX());
906 }
907 return false;
908 }
910 int32_t nTries = 0;
911 while (CAMath::Abs(y) > yMax) {
912 if (nTries >= 2) {
913 return false;
914 }
915 int32_t sign = (y > 0) ? 1 : -1;
916 float alphaNew = alphaCurr + alpha * sign;
917 if (alphaNew > CAMath::Pi()) {
918 alphaNew -= 2 * CAMath::Pi();
919 } else if (alphaNew < -CAMath::Pi()) {
920 alphaNew += 2 * CAMath::Pi();
921 }
922 if (!prop->rotate(alphaNew)) {
923 return false;
924 }
925 if (!prop->propagateToX(xTmp, .8f, 2.f)) {
926 return false;
927 }
928 y = t->getY();
929 ++nTries;
930 }
931 return true;
934template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
935GPUd() int32_t GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::GetSector(float alpha) const
937 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
938 // TRD sector number for reference system alpha
939 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
940 if (alpha < 0) {
941 alpha += 2.f * CAMath::Pi();
942 } else if (alpha >= 2.f * CAMath::Pi()) {
943 alpha -= 2.f * CAMath::Pi();
944 }
945 return (int32_t)(alpha * (float)kNSectors / (2.f * CAMath::Pi()));
948template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
949GPUd() float GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::GetAlphaOfSector(const int32_t sec) const
951 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
952 // rotation angle for TRD sector sec
953 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
954 float alpha = 2.0f * CAMath::Pi() / (float)kNSectors * ((float)sec + 0.5f);
955 if (alpha > CAMath::Pi()) {
956 alpha -= 2 * CAMath::Pi();
957 }
958 return alpha;
961template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
962GPUd() void GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::RecalcTrkltCov(const float tilt, const float snp, const float rowSize, float (&cov)[3])
964 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
965 // recalculate tracklet covariance taking track phi angle into account
966 // store the new values in cov
967 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
968 float t2 = tilt * tilt; // tan^2 (tilt)
969 float c2 = 1.f / (1.f + t2); // cos^2 (tilt)
970 float sy2 = GetRPhiRes(snp);
971 float sz2 = rowSize * rowSize / 12.f;
972 cov[0] = c2 * (sy2 + t2 * sz2);
973 cov[1] = c2 * tilt * (sz2 - sy2);
974 cov[2] = c2 * (t2 * sy2 + sz2);
977template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
978GPUd() float GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::GetAngularPull(float dYtracklet, float snp) const
980 float dYtrack = ConvertAngleToDy(snp);
981 float dYresolution = GetAngularResolution(snp);
982 if (dYresolution < 1e-6f) {
983 return 999.f;
984 }
985 return (dYtracklet - dYtrack) / CAMath::Sqrt(dYresolution);
988template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
989GPUd() void GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::FindChambersInRoad(const TRDTRK* t, const float roadY, const float roadZ, const int32_t iLayer, int32_t* det, const float zMax, const float alpha, const float zShiftTrk) const
991 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
992 // determine initial chamber where the track ends up
993 // add more chambers of the same sector or (and) neighbouring
994 // stack if track is close the edge(s) of the chamber
995 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
997 const float yMax = CAMath::Abs(mGeo->GetCol0(iLayer));
998 float zTrk = t->getZ() + zShiftTrk;
1000 int32_t currStack = mGeo->GetStack(zTrk, iLayer);
1001 int32_t currSec = GetSector(alpha);
1002 int32_t currDet;
1004 int32_t nDets = 0;
1006 if (currStack > -1) {
1007 // chamber unambiguous
1008 currDet = mGeo->GetDetector(iLayer, currStack, currSec);
1009 det[nDets++] = currDet;
1010 const GPUTRDpadPlane* pp = mGeo->GetPadPlane(iLayer, currStack);
1011 int32_t lastPadRow = mGeo->GetRowMax(iLayer, currStack, 0);
1012 float zCenter = pp->GetRowPos(lastPadRow / 2);
1013 if ((zTrk + roadZ) > pp->GetRow0() || (zTrk - roadZ) < pp->GetRowEnd()) {
1014 int32_t addStack = zTrk > zCenter ? currStack - 1 : currStack + 1;
1015 if (addStack < kNStacks && addStack > -1) {
1016 det[nDets++] = mGeo->GetDetector(iLayer, addStack, currSec);
1017 }
1018 }
1019 } else {
1020 if (CAMath::Abs(zTrk) > zMax) {
1021 // shift track in z so it is in the TRD acceptance
1022 if (zTrk > 0) {
1023 currDet = mGeo->GetDetector(iLayer, 0, currSec);
1024 } else {
1025 currDet = mGeo->GetDetector(iLayer, kNStacks - 1, currSec);
1026 }
1027 det[nDets++] = currDet;
1028 currStack = mGeo->GetStack(currDet);
1029 } else {
1030 // track in between two stacks, add both surrounding chambers
1031 // gap between two stacks is 4 cm wide
1032 currDet = GetDetectorNumber(zTrk + 4.0f, alpha, iLayer);
1033 if (currDet != -1) {
1034 det[nDets++] = currDet;
1035 }
1036 currDet = GetDetectorNumber(zTrk - 4.0f, alpha, iLayer);
1037 if (currDet != -1) {
1038 det[nDets++] = currDet;
1039 }
1040 }
1041 }
1042 // add chamber(s) from neighbouring sector in case the track is close to the boundary
1043 if ((CAMath::Abs(t->getY()) + roadY) > yMax) {
1044 const int32_t nStacksToSearch = nDets;
1045 int32_t newSec;
1046 if (t->getY() > 0) {
1047 newSec = (currSec + 1) % kNSectors;
1048 } else {
1049 newSec = (currSec > 0) ? currSec - 1 : kNSectors - 1;
1050 }
1051 for (int32_t idx = 0; idx < nStacksToSearch; ++idx) {
1052 currStack = mGeo->GetStack(det[idx]);
1053 det[nDets++] = mGeo->GetDetector(iLayer, currStack, newSec);
1054 }
1055 }
1056 // skip PHOS hole and non-existing chamber 17_4_4
1057 for (int32_t iDet = 0; iDet < nDets; iDet++) {
1058 if (!mGeo->ChamberInGeometry(det[iDet])) {
1059 det[iDet] = -1;
1060 }
1061 }
1064template <class TRDTRK, class PROP>
1065GPUd() bool GPUTRDTracker_t<TRDTRK, PROP>::IsGeoFindable(const TRDTRK* t, const int32_t layer, const float alpha, const float zShiftTrk) const
1067 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1068 // returns true if track position inside active area of the TRD
1069 // and not too close to the boundaries
1070 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
1072 float zTrk = t->getZ() + zShiftTrk;
1074 int32_t det = GetDetectorNumber(zTrk, alpha, layer);
1076 // reject tracks between stacks
1077 if (det < 0) {
1078 return false;
1079 }
1081 // reject tracks in PHOS hole and for non existent chamber 17_4_4
1082 if (!mGeo->ChamberInGeometry(det)) {
1083 return false;
1084 }
1086 const GPUTRDpadPlane* pp = mGeo->GetPadPlane(det);
1087 float yMax = pp->GetColEnd();
1088 float zMax = pp->GetRow0();
1089 float zMin = pp->GetRowEnd();
1091 float epsY = 5.f;
1092 float epsZ = 5.f;
1094 // reject tracks closer than epsY cm to pad plane boundary
1095 if (yMax - CAMath::Abs(t->getY()) < epsY) {
1096 return false;
1097 }
1098 // reject tracks closer than epsZ cm to stack boundary
1099 if (!((zTrk > zMin + epsZ) && (zTrk < zMax - epsZ))) {
1100 return false;
1101 }
1103 return true;
1107#ifndef GPUCA_GPUCODE
1108namespace o2::gpu
1112} // namespace o2::gpu
int32_t i
bool const GPUTPCGMMerger::trackCluster const clcomparestruct * c2
float float float & zMax
float float & zMin
float & yMax
For performance analysis + error parametrization of the TRD tracker.
Online TRD tracker based on extrapolated TPC tracks.
TRD Tracklet word for GPU tracker - 32bit tracklet info + half chamber ID + index.
uint32_t stack
Definition RawData.h:1
GPUTrackingInOutPointers & mIOPtrs
void * SetPointersTracks(void *base)
void * SetPointersBase(void *base)
void SetNCandidates(int32_t n)
void SetMaxData(const GPUTrackingInOutPointers &io)
void PrepareTracking(GPUChainTracking *chainTracking)
void * SetPointersTracklets(void *base)
GLdouble n
Definition glcorearb.h:1982
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat alpha
Definition glcorearb.h:279
GLuint64EXT * result
Definition glcorearb.h:5662
GLuint GLfloat x0
Definition glcorearb.h:5034
GLenum GLuint GLint GLint layer
Definition glcorearb.h:1310
GPUdi() o2
Definition TrackTRD.h:38
GPUd() const expr uint32_t MultivariatePolynomialHelper< Dim
double * getX(double *xyDxy, int N)
double * getY(double *xyDxy, int N)
bool isOK(const SanityError &error)
GPUReconstruction * rec
GPUChainTracking * chainTracking
const GPUTRDSpacePoint * trdSpacePoints
std::vector< Tracklet64 > tracklets