List of tables defined in the AO2D data files

The tables which are extracted from the AO2D files are declared in Framework/AnalysisDataModel.h and listed below. They are available by default when using an AO2D file as input to an analysis work flow.

Click on the labels to display the table content. Click buttons to / all tables.

For better overview the tables are grouped into the following categories: | General | Tracks | Detectors | Strangeness | Indices | MonteCarlo | Run2 | Others |


Root of data model for tables pointing to a bunch crossing
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::bc::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t Bunch crossing number (globally unique in this run)
o2::aod::bc::TriggerMask triggerMask uint64_t CTP trigger mask
Root of data model for tables pointing to a bunch crossing, version 1
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::BCs = o2::aod::BCs_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::bc::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t Bunch crossing number (globally unique in this run)
o2::aod::bc::TriggerMask triggerMask uint64_t CTP trigger mask
o2::aod::bc::InputMask inputMask uint64_t CTP input mask
Table which holds the timestamp of a BC
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::BCsWithTimestamps = soa::Join<o2::aod::BCs, o2::aod::Timestamps>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
Time and vertex information of collision
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXX covXX float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXY covXY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXZ covXZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYY covYY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYZ covYZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovZZ covZZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::Flags flags uint16_t Run 2: see CollisionFlagsRun2 | Run 3: see Vertex::Flags
o2::aod::‌collision::Chi2 chi2 float Chi2 of vertex fit
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTime collisionTime float Collision time in ns relative to BC stored in bc()
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTimeRes collisionTimeRes float Resolution of collision time
Time and vertex information of collision
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Collisions = o2::aod::Collisions_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXX covXX float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXY covXY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYY covYY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXZ covXZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYZ covYZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovZZ covZZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::Flags flags uint16_t Run 2: see CollisionFlagsRun2 | Run 3: see Vertex::Flags
o2::aod::‌collision::Chi2 chi2 float Chi2 of vertex fit
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTime collisionTime float Collision time in ns relative to BC stored in bc()
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTimeRes collisionTimeRes float Resolution of collision time


Track parameters at collision vertex
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Track = o2::aod::Tracks::iterator
  • o2::aod::FullTracks = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::FullTrack = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksExtra>::iterator
  • o2::aod::TracksWCov = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov>
  • o2::aod::TracksWDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::TracksWDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::TracksWMc = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::McTrackLabels>
  • o2::analysis::TracksWExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksExtra, o2::analysis::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::TrackSelectionExtension, o2::analysis::aod::TracksPidPi, o2::analysis::aod::PidTpcTofFullPi, o2::analysis::aod::TracksPidKa, o2::analysis::aod::PidTpcTofFullKa, o2::analysis::aod::pidTPCFullPi>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe D isWithinBeamPipe bool Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex)
o2::aod::track::Px D px float Momentum in x-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Py D py float Momentum in y-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Pz D pz float Momentum in z-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Energy D energy float Track energy, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Rapidity D rapidity float Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Sign D sign short Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1
o2::aod::track::Pt E pt float Transverse momentum of the track in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::P E p float Momentum in Gev/c
o2::aod::track::Eta E eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::track::Phi E phi float Phi of the track, in radians within [0, 2pi)
Track parameters at inner most update (e.g. ITS) as it comes from the tracking
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackIU = o2::aod::TracksIU::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe D isWithinBeamPipe bool Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex)
o2::aod::track::Px D px float Momentum in x-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Py D py float Momentum in y-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Pz D pz float Momentum in z-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Energy D energy float Track energy, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Rapidity D rapidity float Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Sign D sign short Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1
o2::aod::track::Pt E pt float Transverse momentum of the track in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::P E p float Momentum in Gev/c
o2::aod::track::Eta E eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::track::Phi E phi float Phi of the track, in radians within [0, 2pi)
Track covariance matrix at collision vertex
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackCov = o2::aod::TracksCov::iterator
  • o2::aod::TracksWCov = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaSnp sigmaSnp float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::RhoZY rhoZY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpY rhoSnpY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpZ rhoSnpZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglZ rhoTglZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglSnp rhoTglSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtZ rho1PtZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtSnp rho1PtSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::track::CZY E cZY float
o2::aod::track::CZZ E cZZ float
o2::aod::track::CSnpY E cSnpY float
o2::aod::track::CSnpZ E cSnpZ float
o2::aod::track::CSnpSnp E cSnpSnp float
o2::aod::track::CTglY E cTglY float
o2::aod::track::CTglZ E cTglZ float
o2::aod::track::CTglSnp E cTglSnp float
o2::aod::track::CTglTgl E cTglTgl float
o2::aod::track::C1PtY E c1PtY float
o2::aod::track::C1PtZ E c1PtZ float
o2::aod::track::C1PtSnp E c1PtSnp float
o2::aod::track::C1PtTgl E c1PtTgl float
o2::aod::track::C1Pt21Pt2 E c1Pt21Pt2 float
Track covariance matrix at inner most update (e.g. ITS) as it comes from the tracking
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackCovIU = o2::aod::TracksCovIU::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaSnp sigmaSnp float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::RhoZY rhoZY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpY rhoSnpY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpZ rhoSnpZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglZ rhoTglZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglSnp rhoTglSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtZ rho1PtZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtSnp rho1PtSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::track::CZY E cZY float
o2::aod::track::CZZ E cZZ float
o2::aod::track::CSnpY E cSnpY float
o2::aod::track::CSnpZ E cSnpZ float
o2::aod::track::CSnpSnp E cSnpSnp float
o2::aod::track::CTglY E cTglY float
o2::aod::track::CTglZ E cTglZ float
o2::aod::track::CTglSnp E cTglSnp float
o2::aod::track::CTglTgl E cTglTgl float
o2::aod::track::C1PtY E c1PtY float
o2::aod::track::C1PtZ E c1PtZ float
o2::aod::track::C1PtSnp E c1PtSnp float
o2::aod::track::C1PtTgl E c1PtTgl float
o2::aod::track::C1Pt21Pt2 E c1Pt21Pt2 float
Additional track information (clusters, PID, etc.)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::Flags flags uint32_t Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::track::PIDForTracking D pidForTracking uint32_t PID hypothesis used during tracking. See the constants in the class PID in PID.h
o2::aod::track::IsPVContributor D isPVContributor bool Run 3: Has this track contributed to the collision vertex fit
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTime D tofExpTime float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePi D tofExpTimePi float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the pion hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeKa D tofExpTimeKa float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the kaon hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePr D tofExpTimePr float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the proton hypothesis
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::ITSNClsInnerBarrel D itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the Inner Barrel
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFractionSharedCls D tpcFractionSharedCls float Fraction of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TrackEtaEMCAL trackEtaEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackPhiEMCAL trackPhiEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange)
o2::aod::track::DetectorMap E detectorMap uint8_t Detector map: see enum DetectorMapEnum
Additional track information (clusters, PID, etc.)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksExtra = o2::aod::TracksExtra_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::Flags flags uint32_t Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterSizes itsClusterSizes uint32_t Clusters sizes, four bits per a layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTFwd D tpcDeltaTFwd float Delta Forward of track time in TPC time bis
o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTBwd D tpcDeltaTBwd float Delta Backward of track time in TPC time bis
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::track::PIDForTracking D pidForTracking uint32_t PID hypothesis used during tracking. See the constants in the class PID in PID.h
o2::aod::track::IsPVContributor D isPVContributor bool Run 3: Has this track contributed to the collision vertex fit
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClusterMap D itsClusterMap uint8_t ITS cluster map, one bit per a layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNClsInnerBarrel D itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the Inner Barrel
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClsSizeInLayer D itsClsSizeInLayer uint8_t Size of the ITS cluster in a given layer
o2::aod::track::v001::IsITSAfterburner D isITSAfterburner bool If the track used the afterburner in the ITS
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTime D tofExpTime float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePi D tofExpTimePi float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the pion hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeKa D tofExpTimeKa float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the kaon hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePr D tofExpTimePr float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the proton hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFractionSharedCls D tpcFractionSharedCls float Fraction of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TrackEtaEMCAL trackEtaEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackPhiEMCAL trackPhiEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange)
o2::aod::track::v001::DetectorMap E detectorMap uint8_t Detector map version 1, see enum DetectorMapEnum
On disk version of the track parameters at collision vertex
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe D isWithinBeamPipe bool Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex)
o2::aod::track::Px D px float Momentum in x-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Py D py float Momentum in y-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Pz D pz float Momentum in z-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Energy D energy float Track energy, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Rapidity D rapidity float Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Sign D sign short Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1
On disk version of the track parameters at inner most update (e.g. ITS) as it comes from the tracking
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe D isWithinBeamPipe bool Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex)
o2::aod::track::Px D px float Momentum in x-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Py D py float Momentum in y-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Pz D pz float Momentum in z-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Energy D energy float Track energy, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Rapidity D rapidity float Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Sign D sign short Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1
On disk version of the TracksCov table at collision vertex
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaSnp sigmaSnp float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::RhoZY rhoZY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpY rhoSnpY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpZ rhoSnpZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglZ rhoTglZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglSnp rhoTglSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtZ rho1PtZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtSnp rho1PtSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
On disk version of the TracksCov table at inner most update (e.g. ITS) as it comes from the tracking
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaSnp sigmaSnp float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::RhoZY rhoZY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpY rhoSnpY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpZ rhoSnpZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglZ rhoTglZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglSnp rhoTglSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtZ rho1PtZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtSnp rho1PtSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
On disk version of TracksExtra, version 0
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::Flags flags uint32_t Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::track::PIDForTracking D pidForTracking uint32_t PID hypothesis used during tracking. See the constants in the class PID in PID.h
o2::aod::track::IsPVContributor D isPVContributor bool Run 3: Has this track contributed to the collision vertex fit
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTime D tofExpTime float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePi D tofExpTimePi float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the pion hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeKa D tofExpTimeKa float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the kaon hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePr D tofExpTimePr float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the proton hypothesis
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::ITSNClsInnerBarrel D itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the Inner Barrel
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFractionSharedCls D tpcFractionSharedCls float Fraction of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TrackEtaEMCAL trackEtaEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackPhiEMCAL trackPhiEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredTracksExtra = o2::aod::StoredTracksExtra_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::Flags flags uint32_t Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterSizes itsClusterSizes uint32_t Clusters sizes, four bits per a layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTFwd D tpcDeltaTFwd float Delta Forward of track time in TPC time bis
o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTBwd D tpcDeltaTBwd float Delta Backward of track time in TPC time bis
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::track::PIDForTracking D pidForTracking uint32_t PID hypothesis used during tracking. See the constants in the class PID in PID.h
o2::aod::track::IsPVContributor D isPVContributor bool Run 3: Has this track contributed to the collision vertex fit
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClusterMap D itsClusterMap uint8_t ITS cluster map, one bit per a layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNClsInnerBarrel D itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the Inner Barrel
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClsSizeInLayer D itsClsSizeInLayer uint8_t Size of the ITS cluster in a given layer
o2::aod::track::v001::IsITSAfterburner D isITSAfterburner bool If the track used the afterburner in the ITS
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTime D tofExpTime float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePi D tofExpTimePi float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the pion hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeKa D tofExpTimeKa float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the kaon hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePr D tofExpTimePr float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the proton hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFractionSharedCls D tpcFractionSharedCls float Fraction of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TrackEtaEMCAL trackEtaEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackPhiEMCAL trackPhiEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange)
Additional MFTTracks information (Pt, Eta, P), version 0
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt E pt float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta E eta float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P E p float
Additional MFTTracks information (Pt, Eta, P), version 1
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MFTTracks = o2::aod::MFTTracks_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::v001::NClusters D nClusters int8_t Number of MFT clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTClusterSizesAndTrackFlags mftClusterSizesAndTrackFlags uint64_t Cluster sizes per track, stored per layer (each 6 bits). Remaining 4 bits for MFT flags
o2::aod::fwdtrack::IsCA D isCA bool Returns true if used track-finding algorithm was Cellular Automaton
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt E pt float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta E eta float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P E p float
On disk version of MFTTracks, version 0
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
On disk version of MFTTracks, version 1
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredMFTTracks = o2::aod::StoredMFTTracks_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::v001::NClusters D nClusters int8_t Number of MFT clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTClusterSizesAndTrackFlags mftClusterSizesAndTrackFlags uint64_t Cluster sizes per track, stored per layer (each 6 bits). Remaining 4 bits for MFT flags
o2::aod::fwdtrack::IsCA D isCA bool Returns true if used track-finding algorithm was Cellular Automaton
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FwdTrack = o2::aod::FwdTracks::iterator
  • o2::aod::FullFwdTracks = soa::Join<o2::aod::FwdTracks, o2::aod::FwdTracksCov>
  • o2::aod::FullFwdTrack = soa::Join<o2::aod::FwdTracks, o2::aod::FwdTracksCov>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum ForwardTrackTypeEnum
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMFT chi2MatchMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Match Chi2 for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MatchScoreMCHMFT matchScoreMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Machine Learning Matching Score for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTTrackId I matchMFTTrackId int32 ID of matching MFT track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHTrackId SI matchMCHTrackId int Index of matching MCH track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta E eta float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt E pt float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P E p float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FwdTrackCovFwd = o2::aod::FwdTracksCov::iterator
  • o2::aod::FullFwdTracks = soa::Join<o2::aod::FwdTracks, o2::aod::FwdTracksCov>
  • o2::aod::FullFwdTrack = soa::Join<o2::aod::FwdTracks, o2::aod::FwdTracksCov>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaX sigmaX float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaPhi sigmaPhi float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoXY rhoXY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiY rhoPhiY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiX rhoPhiX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglX rhoTglX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglPhi rhoTglPhi int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtX rho1PtX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtPhi rho1PtPhi int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXX E cXX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXY E cXY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiX E cPhiX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiY E cPhiY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiPhi E cPhiPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglX E cTglX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglY E cTglY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglPhi E cTglPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglTgl E cTglTgl float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtX E c1PtX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtY E c1PtY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtPhi E c1PtPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtTgl E c1PtTgl float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1Pt21Pt2 E c1Pt21Pt2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum ForwardTrackTypeEnum
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMFT chi2MatchMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Match Chi2 for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MatchScoreMCHMFT matchScoreMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Machine Learning Matching Score for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTTrackId I matchMFTTrackId int32 ID of matching MFT track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHTrackId SI matchMCHTrackId int Index of matching MCH track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaX sigmaX float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaPhi sigmaPhi float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoXY rhoXY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiY rhoPhiY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiX rhoPhiX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglX rhoTglX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglPhi rhoTglPhi int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtX rho1PtX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtPhi rho1PtPhi int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
Forward Track Cluster information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FwdTrkCl = o2::aod::FwdTrkCls::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::FwdTrackId I fwdtrackId int32 Track index
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::X x float Cluster x coordinate
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::Y y float Cluster y coordinate
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::Z z float Cluster z coordinate
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::ClInfo clInfo uint16_t Encoded detection element of cluster and cluster type along x and y
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::DEId D deId uint16_t
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::IsGoodX D isGoodX bool
o2::aod::fwdtrkcl::IsGoodY D isGoodY bool
Table for tracks which are not uniquely associated with a collision
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::AmbiguousTrack = o2::aod::AmbiguousTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::ambiguous::TrackId I trackId int32 Track index
o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice SLI bcIds int32_t BC index (slice for 1 to N entries)
Table for MFT tracks which are not uniquely associated with a collision
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::AmbiguousMFTTrack = o2::aod::AmbiguousMFTTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::ambiguous::MFTTrackId I mfttrackId int32 MFTTrack index
o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice SLI bcIds int32_t BC index (slice for 1 to N entries)
Table for Fwd tracks which are not uniquely associated with a collision
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::AmbiguousFwdTrack = o2::aod::AmbiguousFwdTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::ambiguous::FwdTrackId I fwdtrackId int32 FwdTrack index
o2::aod::ambiguous::BCIdSlice SLI bcIds int32_t BC index (slice for 1 to N entries)


Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FV0A = o2::aod::FV0As::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fv0a::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::fv0a::Amplitude amplitude std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in Channel (at the same index)
o2::aod::fv0a::Channel channel std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 48 channels.
o2::aod::fv0a::Time time float Time in ns
o2::aod::fv0a::TriggerMask triggerMask uint8_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FT0 = o2::aod::FT0s::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::ft0::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::ft0::AmplitudeA amplitudeA std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the A-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelA (at the same index)
o2::aod::ft0::ChannelA channelA std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs on the A side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 96 channels.
o2::aod::ft0::AmplitudeC amplitudeC std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels on the C-side. The channel IDs are given in ChannelC (at the same index)
o2::aod::ft0::ChannelC channelC std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs on the C side which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 112 channels.
o2::aod::ft0::TimeA timeA float Average A-side time
o2::aod::ft0::TimeC timeC float Average C-side time
o2::aod::ft0::TriggerMask triggerMask uint8_t
o2::aod::ft0::PosZ D posZ float Z position calculated from timeA and timeC in cm
o2::aod::ft0::CollTime D collTime float Collision time, one need also check validation (code below) for timeA and timeC
o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTimeA D isValidTimeA bool Checks if time from A side was calculated, and if is not dummy
o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTimeC D isValidTimeC bool Checks if time from C side was calculated
o2::aod::ft0::IsValidTime D isValidTime bool Checks if times from A and C side were calculated simultaneously
o2::aod::ft0::SumAmpA D sumAmpA float Calculates sum of positive amplitudes from side A
o2::aod::ft0::SumAmpC D sumAmpC float Calculates sum of positive amplitudes from side C
FDD table, version 000
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fdd::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::fdd::AmplitudeA amplitudeA float[4] Amplitude in adjacent pairs A-side
o2::aod::fdd::AmplitudeC amplitudeC float[4] Amplitude in adjacent pairs C-side
o2::aod::fdd::TimeA timeA float
o2::aod::fdd::TimeC timeC float
o2::aod::fdd::TriggerMask triggerMask uint8_t
FDD table, version 001
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDDs = o2::aod::FDDs_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fdd::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::fdd::ChargeA chargeA int16_t[8] Amplitude per channel A-side
o2::aod::fdd::ChargeC chargeC int16_t[8] Amplitude per channel C-side
o2::aod::fdd::TimeA timeA float
o2::aod::fdd::TimeC timeC float
o2::aod::fdd::TriggerMask triggerMask uint8_t
Calorimeter cells
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Calo = o2::aod::Calos::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::calo::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::calo::CellNumber cellNumber int16_t
o2::aod::calo::Amplitude amplitude float
o2::aod::calo::Time time float
o2::aod::calo::CellType cellType int8_t
o2::aod::calo::CaloType caloType int8_t
Trigger information from the calorimeter detectors
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CaloTrigger = o2::aod::CaloTriggers::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::calotrigger::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::calotrigger::FastOrAbsID fastOrAbsID int16_t FastOR absolute ID
o2::aod::calotrigger::LnAmplitude lnAmplitude int16_t L0 amplitude (ADC) := Peak Amplitude
o2::aod::calotrigger::TriggerBits triggerBits int32_t Online trigger bits
o2::aod::calotrigger::CaloType caloType int8_t Calorimeter type (-1 is undefined, 0 is PHOS, 1 is EMCAL)
ZDC information
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::zdc::BCId I bcId int32 BC index, to be used by both legacy and new table
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyZEM1 energyZEM1 float
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyZEM2 energyZEM2 float
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZNA energyCommonZNA float
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZNC energyCommonZNC float
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZPA energyCommonZPA float
o2::aod::zdc::EnergyCommonZPC energyCommonZPC float
o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZNA energySectorZNA float[4]
o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZNC energySectorZNC float[4]
o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZPA energySectorZPA float[4]
o2::aod::zdc::EnergySectorZPC energySectorZPC float[4]
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZEM1 timeZEM1 float
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZEM2 timeZEM2 float
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZNA timeZNA float
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZNC timeZNC float
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZPA timeZPA float
o2::aod::zdc::TimeZPC timeZPC float
ZDC information, version 1, std::vector format
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Zdcs = o2::aod::Zdcs_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::zdc::BCId I bcId int32 BC index, to be used by both legacy and new table
o2::aod::zdc::Energy energy std::vector<float> Energy of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelE (at the same index)
o2::aod::zdc::ChannelE channelE std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which have reconstructed energy. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::zdc::Amplitude amplitude std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::zdc::Time time std::vector<float> Times of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::zdc::ChannelT channelT std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM1 D energyZEM1 float return ZEM1 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM2 D energyZEM2 float return ZEM2 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNA D energyCommonZNA float return common ZNA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNC D energyCommonZNC float return common ZNC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPA D energyCommonZPA float return common ZPA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPC D energyCommonZPC float return common ZPC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNA D energySectorZNA std::array<float,4> return sector ZNA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNC D energySectorZNC std::array<float,4> return sector ZNC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPA D energySectorZPA std::array<float,4> return sector ZPA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPC D energySectorZPC std::array<float,4> return sector ZPC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM1 D timeZEM1 float return ZEM1 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM2 D timeZEM2 float return ZEM2 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNA D timeZNA float return ZNA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNC D timeZNC float return ZNC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPA D timeZPA float return ZPA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPC D timeZPC float return ZPC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM1 D amplitudeZEM1 float return ZEM1 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM2 D amplitudeZEM2 float return ZEM2 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNA D amplitudeZNA float return ZNA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNC D amplitudeZNC float return ZNC amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPA D amplitudeZPA float return ZPA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPC D amplitudeZPC float return ZPC amplitude
Only for RUN 2 converted data: V0C table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FV0C = o2::aod::FV0Cs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fv0c::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::fv0c::Amplitude amplitude std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in Channel (at the same index)
o2::aod::fv0a::Channel channel std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 48 channels.
o2::aod::fv0c::Time time float Time in ns
CPV clusters
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CPVCluster = o2::aod::CPVClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cpvcluster::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::cpvcluster::PosX posX float X position in cm
o2::aod::cpvcluster::PosZ posZ float Z position in cm
o2::aod::cpvcluster::Amplitude amplitude float Signal amplitude
o2::aod::cpvcluster::ClusterStatus clusterStatus uint8_t 8 bits packed cluster status (bits 0-4 = pads mult, bits 5-6 = (module number - 2), bit 7 = isUnfolded)
o2::aod::cpvcluster::PadMult D padMult uint8_t
o2::aod::cpvcluster::ModuleNumber D moduleNumber uint8_t
o2::aod::cpvcluster::IsUnfolded D isUnfolded bool
HMPID information
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hmpid::TrackId I trackId int32 Track index
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDSignal hmpidSignal float Signal of the HMPID
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDDistance hmpidDistance float Distance between the matched HMPID signal and the propagated track
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDNPhotons hmpidNPhotons int Number of detected photons in HMPID
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDQMip hmpidQMip float Matched MIP cluster charge
HMPID information version 1
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HMPIDs = o2::aod::HMPID_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hmpid::TrackId I trackId int32 Track index
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDSignal hmpidSignal float Signal of the HMPID
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDXTrack hmpidXTrack float Extrapolated track point x coordinate
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDYTrack hmpidYTrack float Extrapolated track point y coordinate
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDXMip hmpidXMip float Matched MIP track point x coordinate
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDYMip hmpidYMip float Matched MIP track point y coordinate
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDNPhotons hmpidNPhotons int Number of detected photons in HMPID
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDQMip hmpidQMip float Matched MIP cluster charge
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDClusSize hmpidClusSize int Matched MIP cluster size
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDMom hmpidMom float Track momentum at the HMPID
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDPhotsCharge hmpidPhotsCharge float[10] Photon cluster charge


Run 2 V0 table (version 000)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Positive track
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Negative track
Run 3 V0 table (version 001)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Positive track
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Negative track
Run 3 V0 table (version 002)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0s = o2::aod::V0s_002
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Positive track
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Negative track
o2::aod::v0::V0Type v0Type uint8_t custom bitmap for various selections (see below)
o2::aod::v0::IsStandardV0 D isStandardV0 bool is standard V0
o2::aod::v0::IsPhotonV0 D isPhotonV0 bool is TPC-only V0 for which the photon-mass-hypothesis was good
o2::aod::v0::IsCollinearV0 D isCollinearV0 bool is V0 for which the photon-mass-hypothesis was good and was fitted collinearly
Strangeness tracking V0 table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackedV0s = o2::aod::TrackedV0s
  • o2::aod::TrackedV0 = o2::aod::TrackedV0s::iterator
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedV0s = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedV0s, o2::aod::TrackedV0Colls>
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedV0 = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedV0s, o2::aod::TrackedV0Colls>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId I trackId int32 Strange track index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId I itsTrackId int ITS index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::V0Id I v0Id int32 V0 index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX decayX float X coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY decayY float Y coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ decayZ float Z coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H3Lmass h3Lmass float H3L mass
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H4Lmass h4Lmass float H4L mass
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 matchingChi2 float Matching Chi2
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 topologyChi2 float Topology Chi2
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize itsClsSize float Average ITS cluster size
Run 2 cascade table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascade::V0Id I v0Id int32 V0 index
o2::aod::cascade::BachelorId I bachelorId int Bachelor track index
Run 3 cascade table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Cascades = o2::aod::Cascades_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascade::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::cascade::V0Id I v0Id int32 V0 index
o2::aod::cascade::BachelorId I bachelorId int Bachelor track index
Strangeness tracking cascade table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackedCascades = o2::aod::TrackedCascades
  • o2::aod::TrackedCascade = o2::aod::TrackedCascades::iterator
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedCascades = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedCascades, o2::aod::TrackedCascadeColls>
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedCascade = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedCascades, o2::aod::TrackedCascadeColls>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId I trackId int32 Strange track index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId I itsTrackId int ITS index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::CascadeId I cascadeId int32 Cascade index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX decayX float X coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY decayY float Y coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ decayZ float Z coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::XiMass xiMass float Xi mass
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::OmegaMass omegaMass float Omega mass
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 matchingChi2 float Matching Chi2
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 topologyChi2 float Topology Chi2
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize itsClsSize float Average ITS cluster size
Strangeness tracking V0 table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackedV0s = o2::aod::TrackedV0s
  • o2::aod::TrackedV0 = o2::aod::TrackedV0s::iterator
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedV0s = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedV0s, o2::aod::TrackedV0Colls>
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedV0 = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedV0s, o2::aod::TrackedV0Colls>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId I trackId int32 Strange track index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId I itsTrackId int ITS index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::V0Id I v0Id int32 V0 index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX decayX float X coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY decayY float Y coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ decayZ float Z coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H3Lmass h3Lmass float H3L mass
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H4Lmass h4Lmass float H4L mass
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 matchingChi2 float Matching Chi2
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 topologyChi2 float Topology Chi2
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize itsClsSize float Average ITS cluster size
3-body decay table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Decay3Bodys = o2::aod::Decay3Bodys
  • o2::aod::Decay3Body = o2::aod::Decay3Bodys::iterator
  • o2::aod::Decay3BodysLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Decay3Bodys, o2::aod::Decay3BodyDataLink>
  • o2::aod::Decay3BodyLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Decay3Bodys, o2::aod::Decay3BodyDataLink>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::decay3body::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::decay3body::Track0Id I track0Id int Track 0 index
o2::aod::decay3body::Track1Id I track1Id int Track 1 index
o2::aod::decay3body::Track2Id I track2Id int Track 2 index
Strangeness tracking 3-body decay table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Tracked3Bodys = o2::aod::Tracked3Bodys
  • o2::aod::Tracked3body = o2::aod::Tracked3Bodys::iterator
  • o2::aod::AssignedTracked3Bodys = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracked3Bodys, o2::aod::Tracked3BodyColls>
  • o2::aod::AssignedTracked3Body = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracked3Bodys, o2::aod::Tracked3BodyColls>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TrackId I trackId int32 Strange track index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSTrackId I itsTrackId int ITS index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::Decay3BodyId I decay3BodyId int32 Decay 3 body index
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayX decayX float X coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayY decayY float Y coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::DecayZ decayZ float Z coordinate of decay vertex
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::H3Lmass h3Lmass float H3L mass
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::He4Lmass he4Lmass float He4L mass
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::MatchingChi2 matchingChi2 float Matching Chi2
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::TopologyChi2 topologyChi2 float Topology Chi2
o2::aod::strangenesstracking::ITSclsSize itsClsSize float Average ITS cluster size


Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId I zdcId int32 Pointer into Zdcs
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id I ft0Id int32 Pointer into FT0s
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId I fv0aId int32 Pointer into FV0As
o2::aod::indices::FDDId I fddId int32 Pointer into FDDs
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CollisionMatchedRun3Sparse = soa::Join<o2::aod::Collisions, o2::aod::Run3MatchedSparse>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId I zdcId int32 Pointer into Zdcs
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id I ft0Id int32 Pointer into FT0s
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId I fv0aId int32 Pointer into FV0As
o2::aod::indices::FDDId I fddId int32 Pointer into FDDs
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId I zdcId int32 Pointer into Zdcs
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id I ft0Id int32 Pointer into FT0s
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId I fv0aId int32 Pointer into FV0As
o2::aod::indices::FDDId I fddId int32 Pointer into FDDs
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId I zdcId int32 Pointer into Zdcs
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id I ft0Id int32 Pointer into FT0s
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId I fv0aId int32 Pointer into FV0As
o2::aod::indices::FDDId I fddId int32 Pointer into FDDs
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::CollisionIds GI ?
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::CollisionIds GI ?


MC collision table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID generatorsID short disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX posX float X vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY posY float Y vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ posZ float Z vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::T t float Collision time relative to given bc in ns
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter impactParameter float Impact parameter for A-A
o2::aod::mccollision::GetGeneratorId D getGeneratorId int The global generator ID which might have been assigned by the user
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSubGeneratorId D getSubGeneratorId int A specific sub-generator ID in case the generator has some sub-generator logic
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSourceId D getSourceId int The source ID to differentiate between signals and background in an embedding simulation
MC collision table with event plane
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McCollisions = o2::aod::McCollisions_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID generatorsID short disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX posX float X vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY posY float Y vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ posZ float Z vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::T t float Collision time relative to given bc in ns
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter impactParameter float Impact parameter for A-A
o2::aod::mccollision::EventPlaneAngle eventPlaneAngle float Event plane angle for A-A
o2::aod::mccollision::GetGeneratorId D getGeneratorId int The global generator ID which might have been assigned by the user
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSubGeneratorId D getSubGeneratorId int A specific sub-generator ID in case the generator has some sub-generator logic
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSourceId D getSourceId int The source ID to differentiate between signals and background in an embedding simulation
Basic MC particle properties
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision of this particle
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother0Id SI mother0Id int Track index of the first mother
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother1Id SI mother1Id int Track index of the last mother
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter0Id SI daughter0Id int Track index of the first daugther
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter1Id SI daughter1Id int Track index of the last daugther
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::E e float Energy
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode D getHepMCStatusCode int The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
o2::aod::mcparticle::Phi E phi float Phi in the range [0, 2pi)
o2::aod::mcparticle::Eta E eta float Pseudorapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pt E pt float Transverse momentum in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::P E p float Total momentum in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Y E y float Particle rapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs
Basic MC particle properties
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McParticles = o2::aod::McParticles_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision of this particle
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::mcparticle::MothersIds SAI mothersIds Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::E e float Energy
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode D getHepMCStatusCode int The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
o2::aod::mcparticle::Phi E phi float Phi in the range [0, 2pi)
o2::aod::mcparticle::Eta E eta float Pseudorapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pt E pt float Transverse momentum in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::P E p float Total momentum in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Y E y float Particle rapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs
MC particle table, version 000
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision of this particle
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother0Id SI mother0Id int Track index of the first mother
o2::aod::mcparticle::Mother1Id SI mother1Id int Track index of the last mother
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter0Id SI daughter0Id int Track index of the first daugther
o2::aod::mcparticle::Daughter1Id SI daughter1Id int Track index of the last daugther
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::E e float Energy
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode D getHepMCStatusCode int The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
MC particle table, version 001
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredMcParticles = o2::aod::StoredMcParticles_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision of this particle
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::mcparticle::MothersIds SAI mothersIds Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::E e float Energy
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode D getHepMCStatusCode int The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
Table joined to the track table containing the MC index
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McTrackLabel = o2::aod::McTrackLabels::iterator
  • o2::aod::TracksWMc = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::McTrackLabels>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksMC = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::McTrackLabels>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mctracklabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle
o2::aod::mctracklabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t Bit mask to indicate detector mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 0-6: mismatch at ITS layer. Bit 7-9: # of TPC mismatches in the ranges 0, 1, 2-3, 4-7, 8-15, 16-31, 32-63, >64. Bit 10: TRD, bit 11: TOF, bit 15: indicates negative label
Table joined to the mft track table containing the MC index
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McMFTTrackLabel = o2::aod::McMFTTrackLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcmfttracklabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle
o2::aod::mcmfttracklabel::McMask mcMask uint8_t
Table joined to the mft track table containing the MC index
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McFwdTrackLabel = o2::aod::McFwdTrackLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcfwdtracklabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle
o2::aod::mcfwdtracklabel::McMask mcMask uint8_t
Table joined to the calo table containing the MC index (version 000, Run 2 format)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McCaloLabels = o2::aod::McCaloLabels_000
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t Bit mask to indicate detector mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 15: indicates negative label
Table joined to the calo table containing multiple MC indices and the amplitude fraction (version 001)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McParticleIds GI ?
o2::aod::mccalolabel::AmplitudeA amplitudeA std::vector<float> Energy fraction deposited by a particle inside this calo cell.
Table joined to the collision table containing the MC index
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McCollisionLabel = o2::aod::McCollisionLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mccollisionlabel::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision
o2::aod::mccollisionlabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t Bit mask to indicate collision mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 15: indicates negative label
HepMC table for cross sections
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HepMCXSection = o2::aod::HepMCXSections::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision index
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::GeneratorsID generatorsID short
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::Accepted accepted uint64_t The number of events generated so far
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::Attempted attempted uint64_t The number of events attempted so far
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::XsectGen xsectGen float Cross section in pb
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::XsectErr xsectErr float Error associated with this cross section
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::PtHard ptHard float PT-hard (event scale, for pp collisions)
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::NMPI nMPI int number of MPIs (for pp collisions)
o2::aod::hepmcxsection::ProcessId processId int process id from MC generator
HepMC table for PDF infos
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HepMCPdfInfo = o2::aod::HepMCPdfInfos::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision index
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::GeneratorsID generatorsID short
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Id1 id1 int flavour code of first parton
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Id2 id2 int flavour code of second parton
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::PdfId1 pdfId1 int LHAPDF set id of first parton
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::PdfId2 pdfId2 int LHAPDF set id of second parton
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::X1 x1 float fraction of beam momentum carried by first parton ("beam side")
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::X2 x2 float fraction of beam momentum carried by second parton ("target side")
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::ScalePdf scalePdf float Q-scale used in evaluation of PDF's (in GeV)
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Pdf1 pdf1 float PDF (id1, x1, Q) = x*f(x)
o2::aod::hepmcpdfinfo::Pdf2 pdf2 float PDF (id2, x2, Q) = x*f(x)
HepMC table for cross sections
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HepMCHeavyIon = o2::aod::HepMCHeavyIons::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision index
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::GeneratorsID generatorsID short
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NcollHard ncollHard int Number of hard scatterings
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NpartProj npartProj int Number of projectile participants
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NpartTarg npartTarg int Number of target participants
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Ncoll ncoll int Number of NN (nucleon-nucleon) collisions
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NNwoundedCollisions nNwoundedCollisions int Number of N-Nwounded collisions
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NwoundedNCollisions nwoundedNCollisions int Number of Nwounded-N collisions
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::NwoundedNwoundedCollisions nwoundedNwoundedCollisions int Number of Nwounded-Nwounded collisions
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SpectatorNeutrons spectatorNeutrons int Number of spectator neutrons
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SpectatorProtons spectatorProtons int Number of spectator protons
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::ImpactParameter impactParameter float Impact Parameter(fm) of collision
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::EventPlaneAngle eventPlaneAngle float Azimuthal angle of event plane
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Eccentricity eccentricity float eccentricity of participating nucleons in the transverse plane (as in phobos nucl-ex/0510031)
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::SigmaInelNN sigmaInelNN float nucleon-nucleon inelastic (including diffractive) cross-section
o2::aod::hepmcheavyion::Centrality centrality float centrality (prcentile of geometric cross section)


Legacy information for Run 2 event selection
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Run2BCInfo = o2::aod::Run2BCInfos::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::run2::EventCuts eventCuts uint32_t Event selection flags. Check enum Run2EventSelectionCut
o2::aod::run2::TriggerMaskNext50 triggerMaskNext50 uint64_t 50 further trigger classes after bc.triggerMask()
o2::aod::run2::L0TriggerInputMask l0TriggerInputMask uint32_t CTP L0 trigger input mask
o2::aod::run2::SPDClustersL0 spdClustersL0 uint16_t Number of clusters in the first layer of the SPD
o2::aod::run2::SPDClustersL1 spdClustersL1 uint16_t Number of clusters in the second layer of the SPD
o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredChipsL0 spdFiredChipsL0 uint16_t Fired chips in the first layer of the SPD (offline)
o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredChipsL1 spdFiredChipsL1 uint16_t Fired chips in the second layer of the SPD (offline)
o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredFastOrL0 spdFiredFastOrL0 uint16_t Fired FASTOR signals in the first layer of the SPD (online)
o2::aod::run2::SPDFiredFastOrL1 spdFiredFastOrL1 uint16_t Fired FASTOR signals in the first layer of the SPD (online)
o2::aod::run2::V0TriggerChargeA v0TriggerChargeA uint16_t V0A trigger charge
o2::aod::run2::V0TriggerChargeC v0TriggerChargeC uint16_t V0C trigger charge
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId I zdcId int32 Pointer into Zdcs
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id I ft0Id int32 Pointer into FT0s
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId I fv0aId int32 Pointer into FV0As
o2::aod::indices::FV0CId I fv0cId int32 Pointer into FV0Cs
o2::aod::indices::FDDId I fddId int32 Pointer into FDDs
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CollisionMatchedRun2Sparse = soa::Join<o2::aod::Collisions, o2::aod::Run2MatchedSparse>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId I zdcId int32 Pointer into Zdcs
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id I ft0Id int32 Pointer into FT0s
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId I fv0aId int32 Pointer into FV0As
o2::aod::indices::FV0CId I fv0cId int32 Pointer into FV0Cs
o2::aod::indices::FDDId I fddId int32 Pointer into FDDs
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::ZdcId I zdcId int32 Pointer into Zdcs
o2::aod::indices::FT0Id I ft0Id int32 Pointer into FT0s
o2::aod::indices::FV0AId I fv0aId int32 Pointer into FV0As
o2::aod::indices::FV0CId I fv0cId int32 Pointer into FV0Cs
o2::aod::indices::FDDId I fddId int32 Pointer into FDDs


flag for tagging UPCs, joinable with BCs
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::bc::Flags flags uint8_t BC flags (e.g. tagging of UPC tracking settings, etc)
trackQA information - sampled QA information currently for the TPC
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackQA = o2::aod::TracksQA::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::trackqa::TrackId I trackId int32 track to which this QA information belongs
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCTime0 tpcTime0 float tpc only time0 (mTime0 in TPC track)
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAR tpcdcaR int16_t tpc only DCAr
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCDCAZ tpcdcaZ int16_t tpc only DCAz
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCClusterByteMask tpcClusterByteMask uint8_t tracklet bitmask - track defining 8 tracklets (152=8*19 rows) bit set if nCluster>thr (default 5)
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax0R tpcdEdxMax0R uint8_t TPC dEdxQMax -ROC0/dEdx
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax1R tpcdEdxMax1R uint8_t TPC dEdxQMax -ROC1/dEdx
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax2R tpcdEdxMax2R uint8_t TPC dEdxQMax -ROC2/dEdx
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxMax3R tpcdEdxMax3R uint8_t TPC dEdxQMax -ROC3/dEdx
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot0R tpcdEdxTot0R uint8_t TPC dEdxQtot -ROC0/dEdx
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot1R tpcdEdxTot1R uint8_t TPC dEdxQtot -ROC1/dEdx
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot2R tpcdEdxTot2R uint8_t TPC dEdxQtot -ROC2/dEdx
o2::aod::trackqa::TPCdEdxTot3R tpcdEdxTot3R uint8_t TPC dEdxQtot -ROC3/dEdx
Table which contains the IDs of all dataframes merged into this dataframe
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Origin = o2::aod::Origins::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::origin::DataframeID dataframeID uint64_t Data frame ID (what is usually found in directory name in the AO2D.root, i.e. DF_XXX)