List of tables created with helper tasks

The AO2D data files contain the basic set of data which is available for data analysis and from which other quantities are deduced (see AO2D tables). There are however quantities like PID information, V0 characteristics, etc. which are commonly used in analysis. In order to prevent that tasks to compute such quantities are repeatingly developed, a set of helper tasks is provided by the O2 framework. These tasks are listed below together with the tables they provide.

Click on the labels to display the table content. Click buttons to / all tables.


Code file: caloClusterProducer.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CaloCluster = o2::aod::CaloClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::calocluster::CollisionId I collisionId int32 collisionID used as index for matched clusters
o2::aod::calocluster::Px px float momenta components
o2::aod::calocluster::Py py float
o2::aod::calocluster::Pz pz float
o2::aod::calocluster::E e float
o2::aod::calocluster::Module mod uint8_t module/supermodule number
o2::aod::calocluster::Ncell ncell uint8_t cluster multiplicity
o2::aod::calocluster::X x float cluster local coordinates
o2::aod::calocluster::Z z float
o2::aod::calocluster::GlobalX globalx float cluster global coordinates
o2::aod::calocluster::GlobalY globaly float cluster global coordinates
o2::aod::calocluster::GlobalZ globalz float cluster global coordinates
o2::aod::calocluster::Time time float cluster time (seconds)
o2::aod::calocluster::NLM nlm uint8_t number of local maxima
o2::aod::calocluster::M02 m02 float longer dispersion axis
o2::aod::calocluster::M20 m20 float shorter dispersion axis
o2::aod::calocluster::TrackDist trackdist float distance to closest track
o2::aod::calocluster::TrackIndex trackIndex uint8_t index of closest track
o2::aod::calocluster::FiredTrigger firedTrigger uint8_t Matched with trigger tile
o2::aod::calocluster::DistBad distBad float distance to closest bad channel
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CaloAMBCluster = o2::aod::CaloAmbiguousClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::calocluster::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::calocluster::Px px float momenta components
o2::aod::calocluster::Py py float
o2::aod::calocluster::Pz pz float
o2::aod::calocluster::E e float
o2::aod::calocluster::Module mod uint8_t module/supermodule number
o2::aod::calocluster::Ncell ncell uint8_t cluster multiplicity
o2::aod::calocluster::X x float cluster local coordinates
o2::aod::calocluster::Z z float
o2::aod::calocluster::GlobalX globalx float cluster global coordinates
o2::aod::calocluster::GlobalY globaly float cluster global coordinates
o2::aod::calocluster::GlobalZ globalz float cluster global coordinates
o2::aod::calocluster::Time time float cluster time (seconds)
o2::aod::calocluster::NLM nlm uint8_t number of local maxima
o2::aod::calocluster::M02 m02 float longer dispersion axis
o2::aod::calocluster::M20 m20 float shorter dispersion axis
o2::aod::calocluster::TrackDist trackdist float distance to closest track
o2::aod::calocluster::TrackIndex trackIndex uint8_t index of closest track
o2::aod::calocluster::FiredTrigger firedTrigger uint8_t Matched with trigger tile
o2::aod::calocluster::DistBad distBad float distance to closest bad channel
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::PHOSMatchedTrack = o2::aod::PHOSMatchedTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::phosmatchedtrack::CaloClusterId I caloClusterId int32 linked to CaloClusters table only for tracks that were matched
o2::aod::phosmatchedtrack::TrackId I trackId int32 linked to Track table only for tracks that were matched
o2::aod::phosmatchedtrack::PhosSigma phosSigma float distance to PHOS cluster in sigma
o2::aod::phosmatchedtrack::CpvSigma cpvSigma float distance to CPV cluster in sigma
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::PHOSCluLabel = o2::aod::PHOSCluLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::phosclulabel::Labels labels std::vector<int> array of labels
o2::aod::phosclulabel::Amplitudes amplitides std::vector<float> array of energy depositions
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::PHOSAmbCluLabel = o2::aod::PHOSAmbCluLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::phosclulabel::Labels labels std::vector<int> array of labels
o2::aod::phosclulabel::Amplitudes amplitides std::vector<float> array of energy depositions


Code file: centralityTable.cxx

Run2 V0M estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentRun2V0M = o2::aod::CentRun2V0Ms::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentRun2V0M centRun2V0M float Run2 Centrality percentile estimated from V0C+V0A multiplicities
Run2 V0A estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentRun2V0A = o2::aod::CentRun2V0As::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentRun2V0A centRun2V0A float Run2 Centrality percentile estimated from V0A multiplicities
Run2 SPD tracklets estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentRun2SPDTrk = o2::aod::CentRun2SPDTrks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentRun2SPDTracklets centRun2SPDTracklets float Run2 centrality percentile estimated from SPD tracklets multiplicity
Run2 SPD clusters estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentRun2SPDCls = o2::aod::CentRun2SPDClss::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentRun2SPDClusters centRun2SPDClusters float Run2 centrality percentile estimated from SPD clusters multiplicity
Run2 CL0 estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentRun2CL0 = o2::aod::CentRun2CL0s::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentRun2CL0 centRun2CL0 float Run2 centrality percentile estimated from CL0 multiplicity
Run2 CL1 estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentRun2CL1 = o2::aod::CentRun2CL1s::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentRun2CL1 centRun2CL1 float Run2 centrality percentile estimated from CL1 multiplicity
Run3 FV0A estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentFV0A = o2::aod::CentFV0As::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentFV0A centFV0A float Run3 Centrality percentile estimated from FV0A multiplicities
Run3 FT0M estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentFT0M = o2::aod::CentFT0Ms::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0M centFT0M float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0A+FT0C multiplicities
Run3 FT0A estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentFT0A = o2::aod::CentFT0As::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0A centFT0A float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0A multiplicity
Run3 FT0C estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentFT0C = o2::aod::CentFT0Cs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0C centFT0C float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0C multiplicity
Run3 FDDM estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentFDDM = o2::aod::CentFDDMs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentFDDM centFDDM float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FDDA+FDDC multiplicity
Run3 NTPV estimated centrality table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CentNTPV = o2::aod::CentNTPVs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentNTPV centNTPV float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from the number of tracks contributing to the PV


Code file: eventSelection.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::BcSel = o2::aod::BcSels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::evsel::Alias GI ?
o2::aod::evsel::Selection GI ?
o2::aod::evsel::FoundFT0Id I foundFT0Id int FT0 entry index in FT0s table (-1 if doesn't exist)
o2::aod::evsel::FoundFV0Id I foundFV0Id int FV0 entry index in FV0As table (-1 if doesn't exist)
o2::aod::evsel::FoundFDDId I foundFDDId int FDD entry index in FDDs table (-1 if doesn't exist)
o2::aod::evsel::FoundZDCId I foundZDCId int ZDC entry index in ZDCs table (-1 if doesn't exist)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EvSel = o2::aod::EvSels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::evsel::Alias GI ?
o2::aod::evsel::Selection GI ?
o2::aod::evsel::Sel7 sel7 bool Event selection decision based on V0A & V0C
o2::aod::evsel::Sel8 sel8 bool Event selection decision based on TVX
o2::aod::evsel::FoundBCId I foundBCId int BC entry index in BCs table (-1 if doesn't exist)
o2::aod::evsel::FoundFT0Id I foundFT0Id int FT0 entry index in FT0s table (-1 if doesn't exist)
o2::aod::evsel::FoundFV0Id I foundFV0Id int FV0 entry index in FV0As table (-1 if doesn't exist)
o2::aod::evsel::FoundFDDId I foundFDDId int FDD entry index in FDDs table (-1 if doesn't exist)
o2::aod::evsel::FoundZDCId I foundZDCId int ZDC entry index in ZDCs table (-1 if doesn't exist)
o2::aod::evsel::NumTracksInTimeRange trackOccupancyInTimeRange int Occupancy in specified time interval


Code file: ft0CorrectedTable.cxx

Table with corrected FT0 values
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FT0Corrected = o2::aod::FT0sCorrected::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::ft0::T0ACorrected t0ACorrected float Collision time A-side, corrected with primary vertex
o2::aod::ft0::T0CCorrected t0CCorrected float Collision time C-side, corrected with primary vertex
o2::aod::ft0::T0AC D t0AC float Collision time (A+C)/2
o2::aod::ft0::T0ACorrectedValid D t0ACorrectedValid bool Was T0ACorrected computable?
o2::aod::ft0::T0CCorrectedValid D t0CCorrectedValid bool Was T0CCorrected computable?
o2::aod::ft0::T0ACValid D t0ACValid bool Was T0AC computable?
o2::aod::ft0::T0resolution D t0resolution float Was T0CCorrected computable?


Code file: fwdtrackToCollisionAssociator.cxx

Table for fwdtrack-to-collision association
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track_association::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::track_association::FwdTrackId I fwdtrackId int32 FwdTrack index
Table with vectors of collision indices stored per fwdtrack
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track_association::CollisionIds GI ?
Table for mfttrack-to-collision association
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track_association::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::track_association::MFTTrackId I mfttrackId int32 MFTTrack index
Table with vectors of collision indices stored per mfttrack
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track_association::CollisionIds GI ?


Code file: fwdtrackextension.cxx

DCA information for the forward track
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::FwdDcaX fwdDcaX float Impact parameter in X of forward track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::fwdtrack::FwdDcaY fwdDcaY float Impact parameter in Y of forward track to the primary vertex


Code file: match-mft-ft0.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::indices::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
o2::aod::indices::FT0Ids GI ?
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::ambii::MFTTrackId I trackId int32 Pointer into MFTTracks
o2::aod::indices::BCIds GI ?


Code file: mcCollsExtra.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mccollisionprop::NumRecoCollision numRecoCollision int stores N times this PV was recoed
o2::aod::mccollisionprop::BestCollisionIndex bestCollisionIndex int stores N times this PV was recoed
o2::aod::mccollisionprop::BestCollisionCentFT0C bestCollisionCentFT0C float stores best FT0C centrality
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mccollisionprop::ForwardCollisionMap forwardCollisionMap uint32_t stores bitmap telling if PoI found in collisions after this one (bits forward in time)
o2::aod::mccollisionprop::BackwardCollisionMap backwardCollisionMap uint32_t stores bitmap telling if PoI found in collisions before this one (bits backward in time)


Code file: mftmchMatchingML.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum ForwardTrackTypeEnum
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMFT chi2MatchMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Match Chi2 for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MatchScoreMCHMFT matchScoreMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Machine Learning Matching Score for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTTrackId I matchMFTTrackId int32 ID of matching MFT track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHTrackId SI matchMCHTrackId int Index of matching MCH track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta E eta float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt E pt float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P E p float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::FwdDcaX fwdDcaX float Impact parameter in X of forward track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::fwdtrack::FwdDcaY fwdDcaY float Impact parameter in Y of forward track to the primary vertex


Code file: multiplicityExtraTable.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::TimeToPrePrevious timeToPrePrevious float
o2::aod::mult::TimeToPrevious timeToPrevious float
o2::aod::mult::TimeToNext timeToNext float
o2::aod::mult::TimeToNeNext timeToNeNext float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MultBC = o2::aod::MultBCs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFT0A multBCFT0A float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFT0C multBCFT0C float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFT0PosZ multBCFT0PosZ float Position along Z computed with the FT0 information within the BC
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFT0PosZValid multBCFT0PosZValid bool Validity of the position along Z computed with the FT0 information within the BC
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFV0A multBCFV0A float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFDDA multBCFDDA float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFDDC multBCFDDC float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCZNA multBCZNA float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCZNC multBCZNC float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCZEM1 multBCZEM1 float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCZEM2 multBCZEM2 float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCZPA multBCZPA float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCZPC multBCZPC float
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCTVX multBCTVX bool
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFV0OrA multBCFV0OrA bool
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCV0triggerBits multBCV0triggerBits uint8_t
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCT0triggerBits multBCT0triggerBits uint8_t
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCFDDtriggerBits multBCFDDtriggerBits uint8_t
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCTriggerMask multBCTriggerMask uint64_t CTP trigger mask
o2::aod::multBC::MultBCColliding multBCColliding bool CTP trigger mask
o2::aod::bc::Flags flags uint8_t BC flags (e.g. tagging of UPC tracking settings, etc)
Relate mult -> BC
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mult::MultBCId I multBCId int32 Pointer into MultBCs
Relate BC -> mult
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::multBC::FT0MultId I ft0MultId int32 Pointer into FT0Mults


Code file: multiplicityTable.cxx

Multiplicity with the FV0 detector
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Mults = soa::Join<o2::aod::BarrelMults, o2::aod::FV0Mults, o2::aod::FT0Mults, o2::aod::FDDMults, o2::aod::ZDCMults>
  • o2::aod::Mult = soa::Join<o2::aod::BarrelMults, o2::aod::FV0Mults, o2::aod::FT0Mults, o2::aod::FDDMults, o2::aod::ZDCMults>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0A multFV0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0C multFV0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0M D multFV0M float
Multiplicity with the FT0 detector
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Mults = soa::Join<o2::aod::BarrelMults, o2::aod::FV0Mults, o2::aod::FT0Mults, o2::aod::FDDMults, o2::aod::ZDCMults>
  • o2::aod::FT0Mult = o2::aod::FT0Mults::iterator
  • o2::aod::Mult = soa::Join<o2::aod::BarrelMults, o2::aod::FV0Mults, o2::aod::FT0Mults, o2::aod::FDDMults, o2::aod::ZDCMults>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0A multFT0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0C multFT0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0M D multFT0M float
Multiplicity with the FDD detector
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Mults = soa::Join<o2::aod::BarrelMults, o2::aod::FV0Mults, o2::aod::FT0Mults, o2::aod::FDDMults, o2::aod::ZDCMults>
  • o2::aod::Mult = soa::Join<o2::aod::BarrelMults, o2::aod::FV0Mults, o2::aod::FT0Mults, o2::aod::FDDMults, o2::aod::ZDCMults>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDA multFDDA float
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDC multFDDC float
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDM D multFDDM float
Multiplicity with the ZDC detector
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Mults = soa::Join<o2::aod::BarrelMults, o2::aod::FV0Mults, o2::aod::FT0Mults, o2::aod::FDDMults, o2::aod::ZDCMults>
  • o2::aod::Mult = soa::Join<o2::aod::BarrelMults, o2::aod::FV0Mults, o2::aod::FT0Mults, o2::aod::FDDMults, o2::aod::ZDCMults>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultZNA multZNA float
o2::aod::mult::MultZNC multZNC float
o2::aod::mult::MultZEM1 multZEM1 float
o2::aod::mult::MultZEM2 multZEM2 float
o2::aod::mult::MultZPA multZPA float
o2::aod::mult::MultZPC multZPC float
Multiplicity with tracklets (only Run2)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::BarrelMults = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackletMults, o2::aod::TPCMults, o2::aod::PVMults>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultTracklets multTracklets int
Multiplicity with TPC
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::BarrelMults = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackletMults, o2::aod::TPCMults, o2::aod::PVMults>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultTPC multTPC int
Multiplicity from the PV contributors
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::BarrelMults = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackletMults, o2::aod::TPCMults, o2::aod::PVMults>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksPV multNTracksPV int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksPVeta1 multNTracksPVeta1 int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksPVetaHalf multNTracksPVetaHalf int
o2::aod::mult::IsInelGt0 D isInelGt0 bool is INEL > 0
o2::aod::mult::IsInelGt1 D isInelGt1 bool is INEL > 1
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MultExtra = o2::aod::MultsExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultPVTotalContributors multPVTotalContributors int
o2::aod::mult::MultPVChi2 multPVChi2 float
o2::aod::mult::MultCollisionTimeRes multCollisionTimeRes float
o2::aod::mult::MultRunNumber multRunNumber int
o2::aod::mult::MultPVz multPVz float
o2::aod::mult::MultSel8 multSel8 bool
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksHasITS multNTracksHasITS int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksHasTPC multNTracksHasTPC int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksHasTOF multNTracksHasTOF int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksHasTRD multNTracksHasTRD int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksITSOnly multNTracksITSOnly int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksTPCOnly multNTracksTPCOnly int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksITSTPC multNTracksITSTPC int
o2::aod::mult::MultAllTracksTPCOnly multAllTracksTPCOnly int
o2::aod::mult::MultAllTracksITSTPC multAllTracksITSTPC int
o2::aod::evsel::NumTracksInTimeRange trackOccupancyInTimeRange int Occupancy in specified time interval
o2::aod::‌collision::Flags flags uint16_t Run 2: see CollisionFlagsRun2 | Run 3: see Vertex::Flags
counters that use Track Selection (optional)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksGlobal multNTracksGlobal int
o2::aod::mult::MultNGlobalTracksPV multNGlobalTracksPV int
o2::aod::mult::MultNGlobalTracksPVeta1 multNGlobalTracksPVeta1 int
o2::aod::mult::MultNGlobalTracksPVetaHalf multNGlobalTracksPVetaHalf int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::evsel::Selection GI ?
Table for the MC information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MultMCExtra = o2::aod::MultMCExtras::iterator
  • o2::aod::MultsExtraMC = o2::aod::MultMCExtras
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultMCFT0A multMCFT0A int
o2::aod::mult::MultMCFT0C multMCFT0C int
o2::aod::mult::MultMCNParticlesEta05 multMCNParticlesEta05 int
o2::aod::mult::MultMCNParticlesEta08 multMCNParticlesEta08 int
o2::aod::mult::MultMCNParticlesEta10 multMCNParticlesEta10 int
o2::aod::mult::MultMCPVz multMCPVz float
o2::aod::mult::IsInelGt0 D isInelGt0 bool is INEL > 0
o2::aod::mult::IsInelGt1 D isInelGt1 bool is INEL > 1
Relate reco mult entry to MC extras entry
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mult::MultMCExtraId I multMCExtraId int32 Pointer into MultMCExtras
Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position with the FV0 detector
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MultZeqs = soa::Join<o2::aod::FV0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FT0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FDDMultZeqs, o2::aod::PVMultZeqs>
  • o2::aod::MultZeq = soa::Join<o2::aod::FV0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FT0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FDDMultZeqs, o2::aod::PVMultZeqs>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::multZeq::MultZeqFV0A multZeqFV0A float Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position with the FV0A detector
Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position with the FT0 detector
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MultZeqs = soa::Join<o2::aod::FV0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FT0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FDDMultZeqs, o2::aod::PVMultZeqs>
  • o2::aod::MultZeq = soa::Join<o2::aod::FV0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FT0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FDDMultZeqs, o2::aod::PVMultZeqs>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::multZeq::MultZeqFT0A multZeqFT0A float Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position with the FT0A detector
o2::aod::multZeq::MultZeqFT0C multZeqFT0C float Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position with the FT0C detector
Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position with the FDD detector
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MultZeqs = soa::Join<o2::aod::FV0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FT0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FDDMultZeqs, o2::aod::PVMultZeqs>
  • o2::aod::MultZeq = soa::Join<o2::aod::FV0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FT0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FDDMultZeqs, o2::aod::PVMultZeqs>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::multZeq::MultZeqFDDA multZeqFDDA float Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position with the FDDA detector
o2::aod::multZeq::MultZeqFDDC multZeqFDDC float Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position with the FDDC detector
Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position from the PV contributors
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MultZeqs = soa::Join<o2::aod::FV0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FT0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FDDMultZeqs, o2::aod::PVMultZeqs>
  • o2::aod::MultZeq = soa::Join<o2::aod::FV0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FT0MultZeqs, o2::aod::FDDMultZeqs, o2::aod::PVMultZeqs>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::multZeq::MultZeqNTracksPV multZeqNTracksPV float Multiplicity equalized for the vertex position from the PV contributors


Code file: qVectorsTable.cxx

Table with all Qvectors.
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Qvector = o2::aod::Qvectors::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::Cent cent float
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecRe qvecRe std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecIm qvecIm std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecAmp qvecAmp std::vector<float>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorFT0C = o2::aod::QvectorFT0Cs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0CRe qvecFT0CRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0CIm qvecFT0CIm float
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0C sumAmplFT0C float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorFT0A = o2::aod::QvectorFT0As::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0ARe qvecFT0ARe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0AIm qvecFT0AIm float
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0A sumAmplFT0A float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorFT0M = o2::aod::QvectorFT0Ms::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0MRe qvecFT0MRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0MIm qvecFT0MIm float
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0M sumAmplFT0M float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorFV0A = o2::aod::QvectorFV0As::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFV0ARe qvecFV0ARe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFV0AIm qvecFV0AIm float
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFV0A sumAmplFV0A float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorTPCpos = o2::aod::QvectorTPCposs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCposRe qvecTPCposRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCposIm qvecTPCposIm float
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkTPCpos nTrkTPCpos int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsTPCpos labelsTPCpos std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorTPCneg = o2::aod::QvectorTPCnegs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCnegRe qvecTPCnegRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCnegIm qvecTPCnegIm float
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkTPCneg nTrkTPCneg int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsTPCneg labelsTPCneg std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorTPCall = o2::aod::QvectorTPCalls::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCallRe qvecTPCallRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCallIm qvecTPCallIm float
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkTPCall nTrkTPCall int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsTPCall labelsTPCall std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorFT0CVec = o2::aod::QvectorFT0CVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0CReVec qvecFT0CReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0CImVec qvecFT0CImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0C sumAmplFT0C float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorFT0AVec = o2::aod::QvectorFT0AVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0AReVec qvecFT0AReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0AImVec qvecFT0AImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0A sumAmplFT0A float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorFT0MVec = o2::aod::QvectorFT0MVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0MReVec qvecFT0MReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0MImVec qvecFT0MImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0M sumAmplFT0M float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorFV0AVec = o2::aod::QvectorFV0AVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFV0AReVec qvecFV0AReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFV0AImVec qvecFV0AImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFV0A sumAmplFV0A float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorTPCposVec = o2::aod::QvectorTPCposVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCposReVec qvecTPCposReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCposImVec qvecTPCposImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkTPCpos nTrkTPCpos int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsTPCpos labelsTPCpos std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorTPCnegVec = o2::aod::QvectorTPCnegVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCnegReVec qvecTPCnegReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCnegImVec qvecTPCnegImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkTPCneg nTrkTPCneg int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsTPCneg labelsTPCneg std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorTPCallVec = o2::aod::QvectorTPCallVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCallReVec qvecTPCallReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecTPCallImVec qvecTPCallImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkTPCall nTrkTPCall int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsTPCall labelsTPCall std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorBPos = o2::aod::QvectorBPoss::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBPosRe qvecBPosRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBPosIm qvecBPosIm float
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkBPos nTrkBPos int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsBPos labelsBPos std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorBNeg = o2::aod::QvectorBNegs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBNegRe qvecBNegRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBNegIm qvecBNegIm float
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkBNeg nTrkBNeg int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsBNeg labelsBNeg std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorBTot = o2::aod::QvectorBTots::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBTotRe qvecBTotRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBTotIm qvecBTotIm float
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkBTot nTrkBTot int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsBTot labelsBTot std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorBPosVec = o2::aod::QvectorBPosVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBPosReVec qvecBPosReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBPosImVec qvecBPosImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkBPos nTrkBPos int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsBPos labelsBPos std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorBNegVec = o2::aod::QvectorBNegVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBNegReVec qvecBNegReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBNegImVec qvecBNegImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkBNeg nTrkBNeg int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsBNeg labelsBNeg std::vector<int>
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::QvectorBTotVec = o2::aod::QvectorBTotVecs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::IsCalibrated isCalibrated bool
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBTotReVec qvecBTotReVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::QvecBTotImVec qvecBTotImVec std::vector<float>
o2::aod::qvec::NTrkBTot nTrkBTot int
o2::aod::qvec::LabelsBTot labelsBTot std::vector<int>


Code file: timestamp.cxx

Table which holds the timestamp of a BC
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::BCsWithTimestamps = soa::Join<o2::aod::BCs, o2::aod::Timestamps>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)


Code file: trackPropagation.cxx

On disk version of the track parameters at collision vertex
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe D isWithinBeamPipe bool Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex)
o2::aod::track::Px D px float Momentum in x-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Py D py float Momentum in y-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Pz D pz float Momentum in z-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Energy D energy float Track energy, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Rapidity D rapidity float Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Sign D sign short Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1
On disk version of the TracksCov table at collision vertex
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaSnp sigmaSnp float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::RhoZY rhoZY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpY rhoSnpY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpZ rhoSnpZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglZ rhoTglZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglSnp rhoTglSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtZ rho1PtZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtSnp rho1PtSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
DCA information for the track
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksWDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPIDExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::TrackSelectionExtension>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::SigmaDcaXY2 sigmaDcaXY2 float Impact parameter sigma^2 in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::SigmaDcaZ2 sigmaDcaZ2 float Impact parameter sigma^2 in Z of the track to the primary vertex


Code file: trackPropagationTester.cxx

On disk version of the track parameters at collision vertex
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe D isWithinBeamPipe bool Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex)
o2::aod::track::Px D px float Momentum in x-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Py D py float Momentum in y-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Pz D pz float Momentum in z-direction in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Energy D energy float Track energy, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Rapidity D rapidity float Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::track::Sign D sign short Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1
On disk version of the TracksCov table at collision vertex
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaSnp sigmaSnp float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::RhoZY rhoZY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpY rhoSnpY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoSnpZ rhoSnpZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglZ rhoTglZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::RhoTglSnp rhoTglSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtZ rho1PtZ int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtSnp rho1PtSnp int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::track::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
DCA information for the track
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksWDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPIDExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::TrackSelectionExtension>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex


Code file: trackToCollisionAssociator.cxx

Table for track-to-collision association for e.g. HF vertex finding - tracks can appear for several collisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track_association::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::track_association::TrackId I trackId int32 Track index
Table with vectors of collision indices stored per track
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track_association::CollisionIds GI ?


Code file: trackextension.cxx

DCA information for the track
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksWDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDca = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::TracksWDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::TracksWCovDcaExtra = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksCov, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TracksExtra>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPIDExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::TrackSelectionExtension>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex


Code file: trackselection.cxx

Information on the track selection decision + split dynamic information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPIDExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::TrackSelectionExtension>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::IsGlobalTrackSDD isGlobalTrackSDD uint8_t
o2::aod::track::TrackCutFlag trackCutFlag TrackSelectionFlags::flagtype Flag with the single cut passed flagged (general selection... stil being tuned)
o2::aod::track::TrackCutFlagFb1 trackCutFlagFb1 bool Flag with the single cut passed flagged for the first selection criteria (as general but 1 point in ITS IB)
o2::aod::track::TrackCutFlagFb2 trackCutFlagFb2 bool Flag with the single cut passed flagged for the second selection criteria (as general but 2 point2 in ITS IB)
o2::aod::track::TrackCutFlagFb3 trackCutFlagFb3 bool Flag with the single cut passed flagged for the third selection criteria (HF-like: global w/o tight DCA selection)
o2::aod::track::TrackCutFlagFb4 trackCutFlagFb4 bool Flag with the single cut passed flagged for the fourth selection criteria (nuclei)
o2::aod::track::TrackCutFlagFb5 trackCutFlagFb5 bool Flag with the single cut passed flagged for the fith selection criteria (jet validation - reduced set of cuts)
o2::aod::track::IsQualityTrack D isQualityTrack bool
o2::aod::track::IsQualityTrackITS D isQualityTrackITS bool
o2::aod::track::IsQualityTrackTPC D isQualityTrackTPC bool
o2::aod::track::IsPrimaryTrack D isPrimaryTrack bool
o2::aod::track::IsInAcceptanceTrack D isInAcceptanceTrack bool
o2::aod::track::IsGlobalTrack D isGlobalTrack bool
o2::aod::track::IsGlobalTrackWoTPCCluster D isGlobalTrackWoTPCCluster bool
o2::aod::track::IsGlobalTrackWoPtEta D isGlobalTrackWoPtEta bool
o2::aod::track::IsGlobalTrackWoDCA D isGlobalTrackWoDCA bool
o2::aod::track::IsGlobalTrackWoDCATPCCluster D isGlobalTrackWoDCATPCCluster bool
Information on the track selections set by each Filter Bit
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPIDExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::TrackSelectionExtension>
  • o2::analysis::TracksWExt = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::TracksExtra, o2::analysis::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::TrackSelectionExtension, o2::analysis::aod::TracksPidPi, o2::analysis::aod::PidTpcTofFullPi, o2::analysis::aod::TracksPidKa, o2::analysis::aod::PidTpcTofFullKa, o2::analysis::aod::pidTPCFullPi>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::PassedTrackType passedTrackType bool Passed the track cut: kTrackType
o2::aod::track::PassedPtRange passedPtRange bool Passed the track cut: kPtRange
o2::aod::track::PassedEtaRange passedEtaRange bool Passed the track cut: kEtaRange
o2::aod::track::PassedTPCNCls passedTPCNCls bool Passed the track cut: kTPCNCls
o2::aod::track::PassedTPCCrossedRows passedTPCCrossedRows bool Passed the track cut: kTPCCrossedRows
o2::aod::track::PassedTPCCrossedRowsOverNCls passedTPCCrossedRowsOverNCls bool Passed the track cut: kTPCCrossedRowsOverNCls
o2::aod::track::PassedTPCChi2NDF passedTPCChi2NDF bool Passed the track cut: kTPCChi2NDF
o2::aod::track::PassedTPCRefit passedTPCRefit bool Passed the track cut: kTPCRefit
o2::aod::track::PassedITSNCls passedITSNCls bool Passed the track cut: kITSNCls
o2::aod::track::PassedITSChi2NDF passedITSChi2NDF bool Passed the track cut: kITSChi2NDF
o2::aod::track::PassedITSRefit passedITSRefit bool Passed the track cut: kITSRefit
o2::aod::track::PassedITSHits passedITSHits bool Passed the track cut: kITSHits
o2::aod::track::PassedGoldenChi2 passedGoldenChi2 bool Passed the track cut: kGoldenChi2
o2::aod::track::PassedDCAxy passedDCAxy bool Passed the track cut: kDCAxy
o2::aod::track::PassedDCAz passedDCAz bool Passed the track cut: kDCAz
o2::aod::track::PassedITSHitsFB1 passedITSHitsFB1 bool Passed the track cut: kITSHits defined for FB1
o2::aod::track::PassedITSHitsFB2 passedITSHitsFB2 bool Passed the track cut: kITSHits defined for FB2


Code file: weakDecayIndices.cxx

Run 3 V0 table (version 001)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Positive track
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Negative track
Run 3 cascade table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Cascades = o2::aod::Cascades_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascade::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::cascade::V0Id I v0Id int32 V0 index
o2::aod::cascade::BachelorId I bachelorId int Bachelor track index


Code file: zdc-task-intercalib.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::znoutput::pmcZNA ZNAcommonPM float PMC ZNA
o2::aod::znoutput::pm1ZNA ZNAPM1 float PM1 ZNA
o2::aod::znoutput::pm2ZNA ZNAPM2 float PM2 ZNA
o2::aod::znoutput::pm3ZNA ZNAPM3 float PM3 ZNA
o2::aod::znoutput::pm4ZNA ZNAPM4 float PM4 ZNA
o2::aod::znoutput::pmcZNC ZNCcommonPM float PMC ZNC
o2::aod::znoutput::pm1ZNC ZNCPM1 float PM1 ZNC
o2::aod::znoutput::pm2ZNC ZNCPM2 float PM2 ZNC
o2::aod::znoutput::pm3ZNC ZNCPM3 float PM3 ZNC
o2::aod::znoutput::pm4ZNC ZNCPM4 float PM4 ZNC


Code file: pidBayes.cxx

Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Electron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesEl bayesEl int8_t Bayesian probability for electron expressed in %
Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Muon
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesMu bayesMu int8_t Bayesian probability for muon expressed in %
Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Pion
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesPi bayesPi int8_t Bayesian probability for pion expressed in %
Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Kaon
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesKa bayesKa int8_t Bayesian probability for kaon expressed in %
Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Proton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesPr bayesPr int8_t Bayesian probability for proton expressed in %
Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesDe bayesDe int8_t Bayesian probability for deuteron expressed in %
Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesTr bayesTr int8_t Bayesian probability for triton expressed in %
Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesHe bayesHe int8_t Bayesian probability for helium3 expressed in %
Binned (in percentage) Bayesian probability of having a Alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesAl bayesAl int8_t Bayesian probability for alpha expressed in %
Index of the most probable ID and its bayesian probability
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesProb bayesProb int8_t Bayesian probability of the most probable ID
o2::aod::pidbayes::BayesID bayesID o2::track::pid_constants::ID Most probable ID


Code file: pidTOF.cxx

Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for electron
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyEl = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreEl tofNSigmaStoreEl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaEl GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for muon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyMu = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCMu, o2::aod::pidTOFMu>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreMu tofNSigmaStoreMu binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaMu GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for pion
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyPi = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTOFPi>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStorePi tofNSigmaStorePi binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaPi GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for kaon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyKa = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTOFKa>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreKa tofNSigmaStoreKa binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaKa GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyPr = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTOFPr>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStorePr tofNSigmaStorePr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaPr GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreDe tofNSigmaStoreDe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaDe GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreTr tofNSigmaStoreTr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaTr GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreHe tofNSigmaStoreHe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaHe GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreAl tofNSigmaStoreAl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaAl GI ?


Code file: pidTOFBase.cxx

Table of the TOF signal
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtofsignal::TOFSignal tofSignal float TOF signal from track time
o2::aod::pidtofsignal::EventCollisionTime D eventCollisionTime float Event collision time used for the track. Needs the TOF
Table of the flags for TOF signal quality on the track level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidflags::GoodTOFMatch goodTOFMatch bool Bool for the TOF PID information on the single track information
Table of the PID flags for the event time tables
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidflags::TOFFlags tofFlags uint8_t Flag for the complementary TOF PID information for the event time
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeDefined D isEvTimeDefined bool True if the Event Time was computed with any method i.e. there is a usable event time
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeTOF D isEvTimeTOF bool True if the Event Time was computed with the TOF
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeT0AC D isEvTimeT0AC bool True if the Event Time was computed with the T0AC
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeTOFT0AC D isEvTimeTOFT0AC bool True if the Event Time was computed with the TOF and T0AC


Code file: pidTOFFull.cxx

Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for electron
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidEl = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullEl, o2::aod::pidTOFFullEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffEl D tofExpSignalDiffEl float Difference between signal and expected for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalEl D tofExpSignalEl float Expected time for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaEl tofExpSigmaEl float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for muon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidMu = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullMu, o2::aod::pidTOFFullMu>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffMu D tofExpSignalDiffMu float Difference between signal and expected for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalMu D tofExpSignalMu float Expected time for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaMu tofExpSigmaMu float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for pion
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidPi = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullPi, o2::aod::pidTOFFullPi>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffPi D tofExpSignalDiffPi float Difference between signal and expected for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalPi D tofExpSignalPi float Expected time for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaPi tofExpSigmaPi float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for kaon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidKa = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullKa, o2::aod::pidTOFFullKa>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffKa D tofExpSignalDiffKa float Difference between signal and expected for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalKa D tofExpSignalKa float Expected time for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaKa tofExpSigmaKa float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidPr = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullPr, o2::aod::pidTOFFullPr>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffPr D tofExpSignalDiffPr float Difference between signal and expected for proton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalPr D tofExpSignalPr float Expected time for proton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaPr tofExpSigmaPr float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffDe D tofExpSignalDiffDe float Difference between signal and expected for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDe D tofExpSignalDe float Expected time for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaDe tofExpSigmaDe float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaDe tofNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for deuteron
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffTr D tofExpSignalDiffTr float Difference between signal and expected for triton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalTr D tofExpSignalTr float Expected time for triton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaTr tofExpSigmaTr float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaTr tofNSigmaTr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for triton
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffHe D tofExpSignalDiffHe float Difference between signal and expected for helium3
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalHe D tofExpSignalHe float Expected time for helium3
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaHe tofExpSigmaHe float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaHe tofNSigmaHe float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for helium3
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffAl D tofExpSignalDiffAl float Difference between signal and expected for alpha
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalAl D tofExpSignalAl float Expected time for alpha
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaAl tofExpSigmaAl float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaAl tofNSigmaAl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for alpha


Code file: pidTOFMerge.cxx

Table of the TOF signal
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtofsignal::TOFSignal tofSignal float TOF signal from track time
o2::aod::pidtofsignal::EventCollisionTime D eventCollisionTime float Event collision time used for the track. Needs the TOF
Table of the flags for TOF signal quality on the track level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidflags::GoodTOFMatch goodTOFMatch bool Bool for the TOF PID information on the single track information
Table of the TOF beta
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::BetaError betaerror float Uncertainty on the TOF beta
Table of the TOF mass
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtofmass::TOFMass mass float TOF mass
Table of the PID flags for the event time tables
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidflags::TOFFlags tofFlags uint8_t Flag for the complementary TOF PID information for the event time
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeDefined D isEvTimeDefined bool True if the Event Time was computed with any method i.e. there is a usable event time
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeTOF D isEvTimeTOF bool True if the Event Time was computed with the TOF
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeT0AC D isEvTimeT0AC bool True if the Event Time was computed with the T0AC
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeTOFT0AC D isEvTimeTOFT0AC bool True if the Event Time was computed with the TOF and T0AC
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for electron
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidEl = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullEl, o2::aod::pidTOFFullEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffEl D tofExpSignalDiffEl float Difference between signal and expected for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalEl D tofExpSignalEl float Expected time for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaEl tofExpSigmaEl float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for muon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidMu = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullMu, o2::aod::pidTOFFullMu>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffMu D tofExpSignalDiffMu float Difference between signal and expected for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalMu D tofExpSignalMu float Expected time for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaMu tofExpSigmaMu float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for pion
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidPi = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullPi, o2::aod::pidTOFFullPi>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffPi D tofExpSignalDiffPi float Difference between signal and expected for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalPi D tofExpSignalPi float Expected time for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaPi tofExpSigmaPi float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for kaon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidKa = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullKa, o2::aod::pidTOFFullKa>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffKa D tofExpSignalDiffKa float Difference between signal and expected for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalKa D tofExpSignalKa float Expected time for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaKa tofExpSigmaKa float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidPr = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullPr, o2::aod::pidTOFFullPr>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffPr D tofExpSignalDiffPr float Difference between signal and expected for proton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalPr D tofExpSignalPr float Expected time for proton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaPr tofExpSigmaPr float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffDe D tofExpSignalDiffDe float Difference between signal and expected for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDe D tofExpSignalDe float Expected time for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaDe tofExpSigmaDe float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaDe tofNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for deuteron
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffTr D tofExpSignalDiffTr float Difference between signal and expected for triton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalTr D tofExpSignalTr float Expected time for triton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaTr tofExpSigmaTr float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaTr tofNSigmaTr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for triton
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffHe D tofExpSignalDiffHe float Difference between signal and expected for helium3
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalHe D tofExpSignalHe float Expected time for helium3
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaHe tofExpSigmaHe float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaHe tofNSigmaHe float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for helium3
Table of the TOF (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalDiffAl D tofExpSignalDiffAl float Difference between signal and expected for alpha
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSignalAl D tofExpSignalAl float Expected time for alpha
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFExpSigmaAl tofExpSigmaAl float Expected resolution with the TOF detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaAl tofNSigmaAl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for alpha
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for electron
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyEl = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreEl tofNSigmaStoreEl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaEl GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for muon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyMu = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCMu, o2::aod::pidTOFMu>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreMu tofNSigmaStoreMu binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaMu GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for pion
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyPi = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTOFPi>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStorePi tofNSigmaStorePi binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaPi GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for kaon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyKa = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTOFKa>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreKa tofNSigmaStoreKa binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaKa GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyPr = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTOFPr>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStorePr tofNSigmaStorePr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaPr GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreDe tofNSigmaStoreDe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaDe GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreTr tofNSigmaStoreTr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaTr GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreHe tofNSigmaStoreHe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaHe GI ?
Table of the TOF response with binned Nsigma for alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreAl tofNSigmaStoreAl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaAl GI ?


Code file: pidTOFbeta.cxx

Table of the TOF beta
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::BetaError betaerror float Uncertainty on the TOF beta
Table of the TOF mass
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtofmass::TOFMass mass float TOF mass


Code file: pidTPC.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcpidtpc::DeDxTunedMc mcTunedTPCSignal float TPC signal after TuneOnData application for MC
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for electron
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidEl = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullEl, o2::aod::pidTOFFullEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalEl D tpcExpSignalEl float Expected signal with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffEl D tpcExpSignalDiffEl float Difference between signal and expected for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaEl tpcExpSigmaEl float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for muon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidMu = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullMu, o2::aod::pidTOFFullMu>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalMu D tpcExpSignalMu float Expected signal with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffMu D tpcExpSignalDiffMu float Difference between signal and expected for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaMu tpcExpSigmaMu float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for pion
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidPi = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullPi, o2::aod::pidTOFFullPi>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalPi D tpcExpSignalPi float Expected signal with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffPi D tpcExpSignalDiffPi float Difference between signal and expected for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaPi tpcExpSigmaPi float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for kaon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidKa = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullKa, o2::aod::pidTOFFullKa>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalKa D tpcExpSignalKa float Expected signal with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffKa D tpcExpSignalDiffKa float Difference between signal and expected for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaKa tpcExpSigmaKa float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidPr = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCFullPr, o2::aod::pidTOFFullPr>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalPr D tpcExpSignalPr float Expected signal with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffPr D tpcExpSignalDiffPr float Difference between signal and expected for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaPr tpcExpSigmaPr float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDe D tpcExpSignalDe float Expected signal with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffDe D tpcExpSignalDiffDe float Difference between signal and expected for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaDe tpcExpSigmaDe float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaDe tpcNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for deuteron
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalTr D tpcExpSignalTr float Expected signal with the TPC detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffTr D tpcExpSignalDiffTr float Difference between signal and expected for triton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaTr tpcExpSigmaTr float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaTr tpcNSigmaTr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for triton
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalHe D tpcExpSignalHe float Expected signal with the TPC detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffHe D tpcExpSignalDiffHe float Difference between signal and expected for helium3
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaHe tpcExpSigmaHe float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaHe tpcNSigmaHe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for helium3
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalAl D tpcExpSignalAl float Expected signal with the TPC detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffAl D tpcExpSignalDiffAl float Difference between signal and expected for alpha
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaAl tpcExpSigmaAl float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaAl tpcNSigmaAl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for alpha
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for electron
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyEl = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreEl tpcNSigmaStoreEl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaEl GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for muon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyMu = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCMu, o2::aod::pidTOFMu>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreMu tpcNSigmaStoreMu binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaMu GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for pion
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyPi = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTOFPi>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStorePi tpcNSigmaStorePi binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaPi GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for kaon
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyKa = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTOFKa>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreKa tpcNSigmaStoreKa binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaKa GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TracksPidTinyPr = soa::Join<o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTOFPr>
  • o2::aod::Reso2TracksPID = soa::Join<o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::pidTPCPi, o2::aod::pidTPCKa, o2::aod::pidTPCPr, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFPi, o2::aod::pidTOFKa, o2::aod::pidTOFPr, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStorePr tpcNSigmaStorePr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaPr GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreDe tpcNSigmaStoreDe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaDe GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreTr tpcNSigmaStoreTr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaTr GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreHe tpcNSigmaStoreHe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaHe GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreAl tpcNSigmaStoreAl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaAl GI ?


Code file: pidTPCBase.cxx


Code file: bcConverter.cxx

Root of data model for tables pointing to a bunch crossing, version 1
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::BCs = o2::aod::BCs_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::bc::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t Bunch crossing number (globally unique in this run)
o2::aod::bc::TriggerMask triggerMask uint64_t CTP trigger mask
o2::aod::bc::InputMask inputMask uint64_t CTP input mask


Code file: bcFlagsCreator.cxx

flag for tagging UPCs, joinable with BCs
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::bc::Flags flags uint8_t BC flags (e.g. tagging of UPC tracking settings, etc)


Code file: caloLabelConverter.cxx

Table joined to the calo table containing multiple MC indices and the amplitude fraction (version 001)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mccalolabel::McParticleIds GI ?
o2::aod::mccalolabel::AmplitudeA amplitudeA std::vector<float> Energy fraction deposited by a particle inside this calo cell.


Code file: collisionConverter.cxx

Time and vertex information of collision
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Collisions = o2::aod::Collisions_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXX covXX float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXY covXY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYY covYY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXZ covXZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYZ covYZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovZZ covZZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::Flags flags uint16_t Run 2: see CollisionFlagsRun2 | Run 3: see Vertex::Flags
o2::aod::‌collision::Chi2 chi2 float Chi2 of vertex fit
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTime collisionTime float Collision time in ns relative to BC stored in bc()
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTimeRes collisionTimeRes float Resolution of collision time


Code file: fddConverter.cxx

FDD table, version 001
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDDs = o2::aod::FDDs_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fdd::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::fdd::ChargeA chargeA int16_t[8] Amplitude per channel A-side
o2::aod::fdd::ChargeC chargeC int16_t[8] Amplitude per channel C-side
o2::aod::fdd::TimeA timeA float
o2::aod::fdd::TimeC timeC float
o2::aod::fdd::TriggerMask triggerMask uint8_t


Code file: hmpConverter.cxx

HMPID information version 1
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HMPIDs = o2::aod::HMPID_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hmpid::TrackId I trackId int32 Track index
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDSignal hmpidSignal float Signal of the HMPID
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDXTrack hmpidXTrack float Extrapolated track point x coordinate
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDYTrack hmpidYTrack float Extrapolated track point y coordinate
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDXMip hmpidXMip float Matched MIP track point x coordinate
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDYMip hmpidYMip float Matched MIP track point y coordinate
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDNPhotons hmpidNPhotons int Number of detected photons in HMPID
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDQMip hmpidQMip float Matched MIP cluster charge
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDClusSize hmpidClusSize int Matched MIP cluster size
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDMom hmpidMom float Track momentum at the HMPID
o2::aod::hmpid::HMPIDPhotsCharge hmpidPhotsCharge float[10] Photon cluster charge


Code file: mcCollisionConverter.cxx

MC collision table with event plane
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McCollisions = o2::aod::McCollisions_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::BCId I bcId int32 BC index
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID generatorsID short disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX posX float X vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY posY float Y vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ posZ float Z vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::T t float Collision time relative to given bc in ns
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter impactParameter float Impact parameter for A-A
o2::aod::mccollision::EventPlaneAngle eventPlaneAngle float Event plane angle for A-A
o2::aod::mccollision::GetGeneratorId D getGeneratorId int The global generator ID which might have been assigned by the user
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSubGeneratorId D getSubGeneratorId int A specific sub-generator ID in case the generator has some sub-generator logic
o2::aod::mccollision::GetSourceId D getSourceId int The source ID to differentiate between signals and background in an embedding simulation


Code file: mcConverter.cxx

MC particle table, version 001
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredMcParticles = o2::aod::StoredMcParticles_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision of this particle
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::mcparticle::MothersIds SAI mothersIds Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::E e float Energy
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::mcparticle::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3> Momentum vector in x,y,z-directions in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetHepMCStatusCode D getHepMCStatusCode int The HepMC status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition


Code file: mftTracksConverter.cxx

On disk version of MFTTracks, version 1
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredMFTTracks = o2::aod::StoredMFTTracks_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::v001::NClusters D nClusters int8_t Number of MFT clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTClusterSizesAndTrackFlags mftClusterSizesAndTrackFlags uint64_t Cluster sizes per track, stored per layer (each 6 bits). Remaining 4 bits for MFT flags
o2::aod::fwdtrack::IsCA D isCA bool Returns true if used track-finding algorithm was Cellular Automaton
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns


Code file: tracksExtraConverter.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredTracksExtra = o2::aod::StoredTracksExtra_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::Flags flags uint32_t Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterSizes itsClusterSizes uint32_t Clusters sizes, four bits per a layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTFwd D tpcDeltaTFwd float Delta Forward of track time in TPC time bis
o2::aod::track::v001::extensions::TPCDeltaTBwd D tpcDeltaTBwd float Delta Backward of track time in TPC time bis
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::track::PIDForTracking D pidForTracking uint32_t PID hypothesis used during tracking. See the constants in the class PID in PID.h
o2::aod::track::IsPVContributor D isPVContributor bool Run 3: Has this track contributed to the collision vertex fit
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClusterMap D itsClusterMap uint8_t ITS cluster map, one bit per a layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNClsInnerBarrel D itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the Inner Barrel
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClsSizeInLayer D itsClsSizeInLayer uint8_t Size of the ITS cluster in a given layer
o2::aod::track::v001::IsITSAfterburner D isITSAfterburner bool If the track used the afterburner in the ITS
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTime D tofExpTime float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePi D tofExpTimePi float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the pion hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimeKa D tofExpTimeKa float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the kaon hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TOFExpTimePr D tofExpTimePr float Expected time for the track to reach the TOF under the proton hypothesis
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFractionSharedCls D tpcFractionSharedCls float Fraction of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TrackEtaEMCAL trackEtaEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackPhiEMCAL trackPhiEmcal float
o2::aod::track::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange)


Code file: v0converter.cxx

Run 3 V0 table (version 002)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0s = o2::aod::V0s_002
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Positive track
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Negative track
o2::aod::v0::V0Type v0Type uint8_t custom bitmap for various selections (see below)
o2::aod::v0::IsStandardV0 D isStandardV0 bool is standard V0
o2::aod::v0::IsPhotonV0 D isPhotonV0 bool is TPC-only V0 for which the photon-mass-hypothesis was good
o2::aod::v0::IsCollinearV0 D isCollinearV0 bool is V0 for which the photon-mass-hypothesis was good and was fitted collinearly


Code file: zdcConverter.cxx

ZDC information, version 1, std::vector format
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Zdcs = o2::aod::Zdcs_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::zdc::BCId I bcId int32 BC index, to be used by both legacy and new table
o2::aod::zdc::Energy energy std::vector<float> Energy of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelE (at the same index)
o2::aod::zdc::ChannelE channelE std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which have reconstructed energy. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::zdc::Amplitude amplitude std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::zdc::Time time std::vector<float> Times of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::zdc::ChannelT channelT std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM1 D energyZEM1 float return ZEM1 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM2 D energyZEM2 float return ZEM2 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNA D energyCommonZNA float return common ZNA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNC D energyCommonZNC float return common ZNC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPA D energyCommonZPA float return common ZPA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPC D energyCommonZPC float return common ZPC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNA D energySectorZNA std::array<float,4> return sector ZNA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNC D energySectorZNC std::array<float,4> return sector ZNC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPA D energySectorZPA std::array<float,4> return sector ZPA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPC D energySectorZPC std::array<float,4> return sector ZPC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM1 D timeZEM1 float return ZEM1 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM2 D timeZEM2 float return ZEM2 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNA D timeZNA float return ZNA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNC D timeZNC float return ZNC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPA D timeZPA float return ZPA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPC D timeZPC float return ZPC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM1 D amplitudeZEM1 float return ZEM1 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM2 D amplitudeZEM2 float return ZEM2 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNA D amplitudeZNA float return ZNA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNC D amplitudeZNC float return ZNC amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPA D amplitudeZPA float return ZPA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPC D amplitudeZPC float return ZPC amplitude