List of tables defined by PWG specific tasks.

Click on the labels to display the table content. Click buttons to / all tables.



Code file: dptdptfilter.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DptDptCFAcceptedCollision = o2::aod::DptDptCFAcceptedCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFCollisionAccepted collisionaccepted uint8_t If the collision/event has been accepted or not
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFCollisionCentMult centmult float The centrality/multiplicity pecentile
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::IsCollisionAccepted D iscollisionaccepted uint8_t Is the collision/event accepted
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DptDptCFAcceptedTrueCollision = o2::aod::DptDptCFAcceptedTrueCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ posZ float Z vertex position in cm
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFCollisionAccepted collisionaccepted uint8_t If the collision/event has been accepted or not
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFCollisionCentMult centmult float The centrality/multiplicity pecentile
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::IsGenCollisionAccepted D isgencollisionaccepted uint8_t Is the generated collision/event accepted
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFCollisionAccepted collisionaccepted uint8_t If the collision/event has been accepted or not
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFCollisionCentMult centmult float The centrality/multiplicity pecentile
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::IsCollisionAccepted D iscollisionaccepted uint8_t Is the collision/event accepted
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFCollisionAccepted collisionaccepted uint8_t If the collision/event has been accepted or not
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFCollisionCentMult centmult float The centrality/multiplicity pecentile
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::IsGenCollisionAccepted D isgencollisionaccepted uint8_t Is the generated collision/event accepted
The reconstructed tracks filtered table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFAcceptedCollisionId I eventId int32 Reconstructed collision/event
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::TrackacceptedId trackacceptedid int8_t
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Pt pt float The track transverse momentum
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Eta eta float The track pseudorapidity
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Phi phi float The track azimuthal angle
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Sign D sign int8_t
The generated particles filtered table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::DptDptCFAcceptedTrueCollisionId I mceventId int32 Generated collision/event
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::TrackacceptedId trackacceptedid int8_t
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Pt pt float The track transverse momentum
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Eta eta float The track pseudorapidity
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Phi phi float The track azimuthal angle
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Sign D sign int8_t
The additional information Tracks joinable table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::TrackacceptedId trackacceptedid int8_t
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::TrkID D trkid int8_t
The additional information mcParticle joinable table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::TrackacceptedId trackacceptedid int8_t
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::Sign D sign int8_t
o2::aod::dptdptfilter::PartID D partid int8_t


Code file: filter2Prong.cxx

Reduced track table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CF2ProngTrack = o2::aod::CF2ProngTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cftrack::CFCollisionId I cfCollisionId int32 Index to collision
o2::aod::cf2prongtrack::CFTrackProng0Id I cfTrackProng0Id int Index to prong 1 CFTrack
o2::aod::cf2prongtrack::CFTrackProng1Id I cfTrackProng1Id int Index to prong 2 CFTrack
o2::aod::cf2prongtrack::Pt pt float pT (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cf2prongtrack::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::cf2prongtrack::Phi phi float Phi angle
o2::aod::cf2prongtrack::Decay decay uint8_t Particle decay


Code file: filterCorrelations.cxx

Reduced MC collision table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFMcCollision = o2::aod::CFMcCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ posZ float Z vertex position in cm
o2::aod::cfmccollision::Multiplicity multiplicity float Centrality/multiplicity value
Reduced MC particle table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFMcParticle = o2::aod::CFMcParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cfmcparticle::CFMcCollisionId I cfMcCollisionId int32 Index to reduced MC collision
o2::aod::cfmcparticle::Pt pt float pT (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cfmcparticle::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::cfmcparticle::Phi phi float Phi angle
o2::aod::cfmcparticle::Sign sign int8_t Sign (positive, negative)
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
Reduced collision table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFCollision = o2::aod::CFCollisions::iterator
  • o2::aod::CFCollisionsWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFCollisions, o2::aod::CFCollLabels>
  • o2::aod::CFCollisionWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFCollisions, o2::aod::CFCollLabels>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::cfcollision::Multiplicity multiplicity float Centrality/multiplicity value
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
Labels for reduced collision table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFCollLabel = o2::aod::CFCollLabels::iterator
  • o2::aod::CFCollisionsWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFCollisions, o2::aod::CFCollLabels>
  • o2::aod::CFCollisionWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFCollisions, o2::aod::CFCollLabels>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cfcollision::CFMcCollisionId I cfMcCollisionId int32 Index to reduced MC collision
Reduced track table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFTrack = o2::aod::CFTracks::iterator
  • o2::aod::CFTracksWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFTracks, o2::aod::CFTrackLabels>
  • o2::aod::CFTrackWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFTracks, o2::aod::CFTrackLabels>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cftrack::CFCollisionId I cfCollisionId int32 Index to collision
o2::aod::cftrack::Pt pt float pT (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cftrack::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::cftrack::Phi phi float Phi angle
o2::aod::cftrack::Sign sign int8_t Sign (positive, negative)
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
Labels for reduced track table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFTrackLabel = o2::aod::CFTrackLabels::iterator
  • o2::aod::CFTracksWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFTracks, o2::aod::CFTrackLabels>
  • o2::aod::CFTrackWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFTracks, o2::aod::CFTrackLabels>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cftrack::CFMcParticleId I cfMCParticleId int32 Index to MC particle
Transient cf collision index table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFCollRef = o2::aod::CFCollRefs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
Transient cf track index table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFTrackRef = o2::aod::CFTrackRefs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
o2::aod::cftrackref::TrackId I trackId int32 Pointer into Tracks


Code file: femtoUniverseProducerMCTruthTask.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDCollision = o2::aod::FDCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MultV0M multV0M float V0M multiplicity
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MultNtr multNtr int multiplicity of charged tracks as defined in the producer
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::Sphericity sphericity float Sphericity of the event
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MagField magField float Magnetic field of the event
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDParticle = o2::aod::FDParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::FDCollisionId I fdCollisionId int32 Pointer into FDCollisions
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::PartType partType uint8_t Type of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleType
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Cut cut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different selection criteria
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::PIDCut pidcut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different PID selection criteria \todo since bit-masking cannot be done yet with filters we use a second field for the PID
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TempFitVar tempFitVar float Observable for the template fitting (Track: DCA_xy, V0: CPA)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ChildrenIds SAI childrenIds Field for the track indices to remove auto-correlations
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MLambda mLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming lambda
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MAntiLambda mAntiLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming antilambda
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Theta D theta float Compute the theta of the track
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Px D px float Compute the momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Py D py float Compute the momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pz D pz float Compute the momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::P D p float Compute the overall momentum in GeV/c


Code file: femtoUniverseProducerReducedTask.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDCollision = o2::aod::FDCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MultV0M multV0M float V0M multiplicity
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MultNtr multNtr int multiplicity of charged tracks as defined in the producer
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::Sphericity sphericity float Sphericity of the event
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MagField magField float Magnetic field of the event
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDParticle = o2::aod::FDParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::FDCollisionId I fdCollisionId int32 Pointer into FDCollisions
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::PartType partType uint8_t Type of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleType
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Cut cut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different selection criteria
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::PIDCut pidcut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different PID selection criteria \todo since bit-masking cannot be done yet with filters we use a second field for the PID
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TempFitVar tempFitVar float Observable for the template fitting (Track: DCA_xy, V0: CPA)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ChildrenIds SAI childrenIds Field for the track indices to remove auto-correlations
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MLambda mLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming lambda
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MAntiLambda mAntiLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming antilambda
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Theta D theta float Compute the theta of the track
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Px D px float Compute the momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Py D py float Compute the momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pz D pz float Compute the momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::P D p float Compute the overall momentum in GeV/c
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDFullParticle = o2::aod::FDExtParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Sign sign int8_t Sign of the track charge
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNClsFound tpcNClsFound uint8_t Number of TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNClsCrossedRows tpcNClsCrossedRows uint8_t Number of TPC crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ITSNCls itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ITSNClsInnerBarrel itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the inner barrel TPC signal
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaDe tpcNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaDe tofNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DaughDCA daughDCA float DCA between daughters
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TransRadius transRadius float Transverse radius of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxX decayVtxX float X position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxY decayVtxY float Y position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxZ decayVtxZ float Z position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MKaon mKaon float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Compute the number of crossed rows over findable TPC clusters
o2::aod::``AOD'' GI ?
o2::aod::``FDMCPARTICLE'' GI ?
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PartOriginMCTruth partOriginMCTruth uint8_t Origin of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleOriginMCTruth
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PDGMCTruth pdgMCTruth int Particle PDG
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDMCParticle = o2::aod::FDMCParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PartOriginMCTruth partOriginMCTruth uint8_t Origin of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleOriginMCTruth
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PDGMCTruth pdgMCTruth int Particle PDG
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDExtMCParticle = o2::aod::FDExtMCParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::MotherPDG motherPDG int Checks mother PDG, where mother is the primary particle for that decay chain
Table joinable to FemtoDreamParticle containing the MC labels
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcfdlabel::FDMCParticleId I fdMCParticleId int32 MC particle for femtodreamparticle


Code file: femtoUniverseProducerTask.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDCollision = o2::aod::FDCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MultV0M multV0M float V0M multiplicity
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MultNtr multNtr int multiplicity of charged tracks as defined in the producer
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::Sphericity sphericity float Sphericity of the event
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MagField magField float Magnetic field of the event
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDParticle = o2::aod::FDParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::FDCollisionId I fdCollisionId int32 Pointer into FDCollisions
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::PartType partType uint8_t Type of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleType
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Cut cut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different selection criteria
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::PIDCut pidcut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different PID selection criteria \todo since bit-masking cannot be done yet with filters we use a second field for the PID
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TempFitVar tempFitVar float Observable for the template fitting (Track: DCA_xy, V0: CPA)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ChildrenIds SAI childrenIds Field for the track indices to remove auto-correlations
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MLambda mLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming lambda
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MAntiLambda mAntiLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming antilambda
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Theta D theta float Compute the theta of the track
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Px D px float Compute the momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Py D py float Compute the momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pz D pz float Compute the momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::P D p float Compute the overall momentum in GeV/c
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDFullParticle = o2::aod::FDExtParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Sign sign int8_t Sign of the track charge
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNClsFound tpcNClsFound uint8_t Number of TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNClsCrossedRows tpcNClsCrossedRows uint8_t Number of TPC crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ITSNCls itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ITSNClsInnerBarrel itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the inner barrel TPC signal
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaDe tpcNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaDe tofNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DaughDCA daughDCA float DCA between daughters
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TransRadius transRadius float Transverse radius of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxX decayVtxX float X position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxY decayVtxY float Y position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxZ decayVtxZ float Z position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MKaon mKaon float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Compute the number of crossed rows over findable TPC clusters
o2::aod::``AOD'' GI ?
o2::aod::``FDMCPARTICLE'' GI ?
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PartOriginMCTruth partOriginMCTruth uint8_t Origin of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleOriginMCTruth
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PDGMCTruth pdgMCTruth int Particle PDG
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDMCParticle = o2::aod::FDMCParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PartOriginMCTruth partOriginMCTruth uint8_t Origin of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleOriginMCTruth
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PDGMCTruth pdgMCTruth int Particle PDG
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDExtMCParticle = o2::aod::FDExtMCParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::MotherPDG motherPDG int Checks mother PDG, where mother is the primary particle for that decay chain
Table joinable to FemtoDreamParticle containing the MC labels
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcfdlabel::FDMCParticleId I fdMCParticleId int32 MC particle for femtodreamparticle


Code file: femtoUniverseProducerTaskV0Only.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDCollision = o2::aod::FDCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MultV0M multV0M float V0M multiplicity
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MultNtr multNtr int multiplicity of charged tracks as defined in the producer
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::Sphericity sphericity float Sphericity of the event
o2::aod::femtodreamcollision::MagField magField float Magnetic field of the event
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDParticle = o2::aod::FDParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::FDCollisionId I fdCollisionId int32 Pointer into FDCollisions
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::PartType partType uint8_t Type of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleType
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Cut cut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different selection criteria
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::PIDCut pidcut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different PID selection criteria \todo since bit-masking cannot be done yet with filters we use a second field for the PID
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TempFitVar tempFitVar float Observable for the template fitting (Track: DCA_xy, V0: CPA)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ChildrenIds SAI childrenIds Field for the track indices to remove auto-correlations
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MLambda mLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming lambda
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MAntiLambda mAntiLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming antilambda
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Theta D theta float Compute the theta of the track
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Px D px float Compute the momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Py D py float Compute the momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pz D pz float Compute the momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::P D p float Compute the overall momentum in GeV/c
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FDFullParticle = o2::aod::FDExtParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Sign sign int8_t Sign of the track charge
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNClsFound tpcNClsFound uint8_t Number of TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNClsCrossedRows tpcNClsCrossedRows uint8_t Number of TPC crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ITSNCls itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::ITSNClsInnerBarrel itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the inner barrel TPC signal
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCNSigmaDe tpcNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TOFNSigmaDe tofNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DaughDCA daughDCA float DCA between daughters
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TransRadius transRadius float Transverse radius of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxX decayVtxX float X position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxY decayVtxY float Y position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::DecayVtxZ decayVtxZ float Z position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::MKaon mKaon float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming kaon
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Compute the number of crossed rows over findable TPC clusters
o2::aod::``AOD'' GI ?
o2::aod::``FDMCPARTICLE'' GI ?
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PartOriginMCTruth partOriginMCTruth uint8_t Origin of the particle, according to femtodreamparticle::ParticleOriginMCTruth
o2::aod::femtodreamMCparticle::PDGMCTruth pdgMCTruth int Particle PDG
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtodreamparticle::Phi phi float Phi


Code file: femtoWorldProducerTask.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FemtoWorldCollision = o2::aod::FemtoWorldCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::femtoworldcollision::MultV0M multV0M float V0M multiplicity
o2::aod::femtoworldcollision::Sphericity sphericity float Sphericity of the event
o2::aod::femtoworldcollision::MagField magField float Sphericity of the event
o2::aod::femtoworldcollision::RunCentrality runCent float Sphericity of the event
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::FemtoWorldParticle = o2::aod::FemtoWorldParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::FemtoWorldCollisionId I femtoWorldCollisionId int32 Pointer into FemtoWorldCollisions
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::track::P E p float Momentum in Gev/c
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Mass mass float Mass of the particle
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::MassD0 massD0 float Mass of the D0 meson
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::MassD0bar massD0bar float Mass of the D0bar meson
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::FlagD0 flagD0 uint8_t HF-Flag of the D0 meson
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::FlagD0bar flagD0bar uint8_t HF-Flag of the D0bar meson
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::PartType partType uint8_t Type of the particle, according to femtoworldparticle::ParticleType
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Cut cut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different selection criteria
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::PIDCut pidcut cutContainerType Bit-wise container for the different PID selection criteria \todo since bit-masking cannot be done yet with filters we use a second field for the PID
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::TempFitVar tempFitVar float Observable for the template fitting (Track: DCA_xy, V0: CPA)
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Indices indices int[2] Field for the track indices to remove auto-correlations
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::MLambda mLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming lambda
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::MAntiLambda mAntiLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming antilambda
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Theta D theta float Compute the theta of the track
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Px D px float Compute the momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Py D py float Compute the momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Pz D pz float Compute the momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::Sign sign int8_t Sign of the track charge
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::TPCNSigmaKaon tpcNSigmaKaon float TPCNSigmaKaon
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::TOFNSigmaKaon tofNSigmaKaon float TOFNSigmaKaon
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::TPCNClsFound tpcNClsFound uint8_t Number of TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::TPCNClsCrossedRows tpcNClsCrossedRows uint8_t Number of TPC crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::ITSNCls itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::ITSNClsInnerBarrel itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the inner barrel TPC signal
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreEl tpcNSigmaStoreEl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStorePi tpcNSigmaStorePi binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreKa tpcNSigmaStoreKa binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStorePr tpcNSigmaStorePr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreDe tpcNSigmaStoreDe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreEl tofNSigmaStoreEl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStorePi tofNSigmaStorePi binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreKa tofNSigmaStoreKa binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStorePr tofNSigmaStorePr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaStoreDe tofNSigmaStoreDe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for deuteron
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::DaughDCA daughDCA float DCA between daughters
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of the D0/D0bar meson
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::TransRadius transRadius float Transverse radius of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::DecayVtxX decayVtxX float X position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::DecayVtxY decayVtxY float Y position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::DecayVtxZ decayVtxZ float Z position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::MKaon mKaon float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming kaon
o2::aod::femtoworldparticle::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Compute the number of crossed rows over findable TPC clusters
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaEl GI ?
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaPi GI ?
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaKa GI ?
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaPr GI ?
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaDe GI ?
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaEl GI ?
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaPi GI ?
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaKa GI ?
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaPr GI ?
o2::aod::pidtof_tiny::TOFNSigmaDe GI ?


Code file: JCatalyst.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::particleTrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 collision ID
o2::aod::particleTrack::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::particleTrack::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::particleTrack::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::particleTrack::WeightNUA weightNUA float Phi acceptance correction weight
o2::aod::particleTrack::WeightEff weightEff float Efficiency correction factor
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collisionData::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collisionData::Cent cent float Collision centrality
o2::aod::‌collisionData::CBin cbin Int_t Centrality bin


Code file: twoParticleCorrelationsFiltering.cxx

Accepted reconstructed collisions/events filtered table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TowPAcceptedCollision = o2::aod::TwoPAcceptedCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::twopfilter::TwoPCollisionCentMult centmult float The centrality/multiplicity pecentile
o2::aod::twopfilter::TwoPCollisionAccepted accepted uint8_t If the collision/event has been accepted or not
Accepted generated collisions/events filtered table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TwoPAcceptedGenCollision = o2::aod::TwoPAcceptedGenCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::twopfilter::TwoPMCCollisionCentMult mccentmult float The centrality/multiplicity pecentile
o2::aod::twopfilter::TwoPCollisionAccepted accepted uint8_t If the collision/event has been accepted or not
The reconstructed tracks filtered table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::twopfilter::TwoPTrackAcceptedAs acceptedas uint8_t Track accepted as type 0..255, even positive, odd negative, < 0 not accepted
The generated particles filtered table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::twopfilter::TwoPParticleAcceptedAs mcacceptedas uint8_t Particle accepted as type 0..255, even positive, odd negative, < 0 not accepted


Code file: twoParticleCorrelationsFullSkimming.cxx

Reduced collision table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFCollision = o2::aod::CFCollisions::iterator
  • o2::aod::CFCollisionsWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFCollisions, o2::aod::CFCollLabels>
  • o2::aod::CFCollisionWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFCollisions, o2::aod::CFCollLabels>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::cfcollision::Multiplicity multiplicity float Centrality/multiplicity value
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
Reduced track table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFTrack = o2::aod::CFTracks::iterator
  • o2::aod::CFTracksWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFTracks, o2::aod::CFTrackLabels>
  • o2::aod::CFTrackWithLabel = soa::Join<o2::aod::CFTracks, o2::aod::CFTrackLabels>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cftrack::CFCollisionId I cfCollisionId int32 Index to collision
o2::aod::cftrack::Pt pt float pT (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cftrack::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::cftrack::Phi phi float Phi angle
o2::aod::cftrack::Sign sign int8_t Sign (positive, negative)
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
Accepted generated collisions/events filtered table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFMCCollision = o2::aod::CFMCCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ posZ float Z vertex position in cm
o2::aod::cfskim::CFMCCollisionFlags mcselflags uint64_t The skimming flags for generated collision selection
o2::aod::cfskim::CFCollisionCentMult centmult std::vector<float> The centrality/multiplicity pecentile
The reconstructed tracks PID filtered table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFTrackPID = o2::aod::CFTrackPIDs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cfskim::CFPidFlags pidflags uint64_t The PID skimming flags for track selection
The generated particles filtered table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFMCParticle = o2::aod::CFMCParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cfskim::CFMCCollisionId I cfmccollisionId int32 Generated collision/event
o2::aod::cfskim::CFMCTrackFlags mctrackflags uint64_t The skimming flags for particle selection, B0 track/particle positive charge, B1 track/particle negative charge
o2::aod::cfskim::Pt pt float The track transverse momentum
o2::aod::cfskim::Eta eta float The track pseudorapidity
o2::aod::cfskim::Phi phi float The track azimuthal angle


Code file: twoParticleCorrelationsNotStoredSkimming.cxx

Generated collision/event minimal filtered table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFMCCollMask = o2::aod::CFMCCollMasks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cfskim::CFMCCollisionFlags mcselflags uint64_t The skimming flags for generated collision selection
o2::aod::cfskim::CFCollisionCentMult centmult std::vector<float> The centrality/multiplicity pecentile
The reconstructed tracks PID filtered table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CFTrackPID = o2::aod::CFTrackPIDs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cfskim::CFPidFlags pidflags uint64_t The PID skimming flags for track selection
The generated particles filtered table
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cfskim::CFMCTrackFlags mctrackflags uint64_t The skimming flags for particle selection, B0 track/particle positive charge, B1 track/particle negative charge



Code file: tableMaker.cxx

Main event information table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedEvent = o2::aod::ReducedEvents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::reducedevent::Tag tag uint64_t Bit-field for storing event information (e.g. high level info, cut decisions)
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTime collisionTime float Collision time in ns relative to BC stored in bc()
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTimeRes collisionTimeRes float Resolution of collision time
Extended event information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedEventExtended = o2::aod::ReducedEventsExtended::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::bc::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t Bunch crossing number (globally unique in this run)
o2::aod::bc::TriggerMask triggerMask uint64_t CTP trigger mask
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
o2::aod::reducedevent::TriggerAlias triggerAlias uint32_t Trigger aliases bit field
o2::aod::cent::CentRun2V0M centRun2V0M float Run2 Centrality percentile estimated from V0C+V0A multiplicities
o2::aod::mult::MultTPC multTPC int
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0A multFV0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0C multFV0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0A multFT0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0C multFT0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDA multFDDA float
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDC multFDDC float
o2::aod::mult::MultZNA multZNA float
o2::aod::mult::MultZNC multZNC float
o2::aod::mult::MultTracklets multTracklets int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksPV multNTracksPV int
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0C centFT0C float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0C multiplicity
Event vertex covariance matrix
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedEventVtxCov = o2::aod::ReducedEventsVtxCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXX covXX float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXY covXY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXZ covXZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYY covYY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYZ covYZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovZZ covZZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::Chi2 chi2 float Chi2 of vertex fit
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrack = o2::aod::ReducedTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::reducedtrack::ReducedEventId I reducedeventId int32 Pointer into ReducedEvents
o2::aod::reducedtrack::FilteringFlags filteringFlags uint64_t
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Pt pt float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Eta eta float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Phi phi float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::reducedtrack::IsAmbiguous isAmbiguous int
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::P D p float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrackBarrel = o2::aod::ReducedTracksBarrel::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::Flags flags uint32_t Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::reducedtrack::DcaXY dcaXY float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::DcaZ dcaZ float
o2::aod::track::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange)
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::reducedtrack::DetectorMap detectorMap uint8_t Detector map: see enum DetectorMapEnum
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::reducedtrack::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::reducedtrack::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::reducedtrack::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::reducedtrack::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrackBarrelCov = o2::aod::ReducedTracksBarrelCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe D isWithinBeamPipe bool Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex)
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::track::CZY E cZY float
o2::aod::track::CZZ E cZZ float
o2::aod::track::CSnpY E cSnpY float
o2::aod::track::CSnpZ E cSnpZ float
o2::aod::track::CSnpSnp E cSnpSnp float
o2::aod::track::CTglY E cTglY float
o2::aod::track::CTglZ E cTglZ float
o2::aod::track::CTglSnp E cTglSnp float
o2::aod::track::CTglTgl E cTglTgl float
o2::aod::track::C1PtY E c1PtY float
o2::aod::track::C1PtZ E c1PtZ float
o2::aod::track::C1PtSnp E c1PtSnp float
o2::aod::track::C1PtTgl E c1PtTgl float
o2::aod::track::C1Pt21Pt2 E c1Pt21Pt2 float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrackBarrelPID = o2::aod::ReducedTracksBarrelPID::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrackBarrelInfo = o2::aod::ReducedTracksBarrelInfo::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::reducedtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMFTTrack = o2::aod::ReducedMFTTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::reducedmft::ReducedEventId I reducedeventId int32 Pointer into ReducedEvents
o2::aod::reducedmft::FilteringFlags filteringFlags uint8_t
o2::aod::reducedmft::Pt pt float
o2::aod::reducedmft::Eta eta float
o2::aod::reducedmft::Phi phi float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::reducedmft::MftClusterSizesAndTrackFlags mftClusterSizesAndTrackFlags uint64_t
o2::aod::reducedmft::Sign sign int
o2::aod::reducedmft::FwdDcaX fwdDcaX float
o2::aod::reducedmft::FwdDcaY fwdDcaY float
o2::aod::reducedmft::MftNClusters mftNClusters int
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMuon = o2::aod::ReducedMuons::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::reducedmuon::ReducedEventId I reducedeventId int32 Pointer into ReducedEvents
o2::aod::reducedmuon::FilteringFlags filteringFlags uint8_t
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Pt pt float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Eta eta float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Phi phi float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Sign sign int
o2::aod::reducedmuon::IsAmbiguous isAmbiguous int
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Px D px float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Py D py float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::P D p float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMuonExtra = o2::aod::ReducedMuonsExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMFT chi2MatchMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Match Chi2 for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MatchScoreMCHMFT matchScoreMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Machine Learning Matching Score for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::reducedmuon::MCHTrackId SI matchMCHTrackId int
o2::aod::reducedmuon::ReducedMFTTrackId I matchMFTTrackId int32 matching index pointing to the ReducedMFTTrack table if filled
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum ForwardTrackTypeEnum
o2::aod::reducedmuon::FwdDcaX fwdDcaX float Impact parameter in X of forward track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::reducedmuon::FwdDcaY fwdDcaY float Impact parameter in Y of forward track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMuonCov = o2::aod::ReducedMuonsCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::reducedmuon::RawPhi rawPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXX E cXX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXY E cXY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiX E cPhiX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiY E cPhiY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiPhi E cPhiPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglX E cTglX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglY E cTglY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglPhi E cTglPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglTgl E cTglTgl float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtX E c1PtX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtY E c1PtY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtPhi E c1PtPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtTgl E c1PtTgl float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1Pt21Pt2 E c1Pt21Pt2 float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMuonInfo = o2::aod::ReducedMuonsInfo::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::reducedmuon::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm


Code file: tableMakerJpsiHf.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::RedJpDmCollId I redJpDmCollId int32 Pointer into RedJpDmColls
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::Px px float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::Py py float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::Pz pz float
o2::aod::reducedpair::Mass mass float
o2::aod::reducedpair::Sign sign int
o2::aod::reducedpair::McDecision mcDecision uint32_t
o2::aod::reducedpair::Tauz tauz float Longitudinal pseudo-proper time of lepton pair (in ns)
o2::aod::reducedpair::Lz lz float Longitudinal projection of decay length
o2::aod::reducedpair::Lxy lxy float Transverse projection of decay length
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::NumColls numColls uint64_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::RedJpDmCollId I redJpDmCollId int32 Pointer into RedJpDmColls
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::Px px float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::Py py float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::Pz pz float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::DecVtxX decVtxX float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::DecVtxY decVtxY float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::DecVtxZ decVtxZ float
o2::aod::reducedpair::Sign sign int
o2::aod::reducedpair::McDecision mcDecision uint32_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::MassD0 massD0 float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::MassD0bar massD0bar float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::BdtBkgMassHypo0 bdtBkgMassHypo0 float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::BdtPromptMassHypo0 bdtPromptMassHypo0 float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::BdtNonpromptMassHypo0 bdtNonpromptMassHypo0 float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::BdtBkgMassHypo1 bdtBkgMassHypo1 float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::BdtPromptMassHypo1 bdtPromptMassHypo1 float
o2::aod::jpsidmescorr::BdtNonpromptMassHypo1 bdtNonpromptMassHypo1 float


Code file: tableMakerMC.cxx

Main event information table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedEvent = o2::aod::ReducedEvents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::reducedevent::Tag tag uint64_t Bit-field for storing event information (e.g. high level info, cut decisions)
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTime collisionTime float Collision time in ns relative to BC stored in bc()
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTimeRes collisionTimeRes float Resolution of collision time
Extended event information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedEventExtended = o2::aod::ReducedEventsExtended::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::bc::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t Bunch crossing number (globally unique in this run)
o2::aod::bc::TriggerMask triggerMask uint64_t CTP trigger mask
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
o2::aod::reducedevent::TriggerAlias triggerAlias uint32_t Trigger aliases bit field
o2::aod::cent::CentRun2V0M centRun2V0M float Run2 Centrality percentile estimated from V0C+V0A multiplicities
o2::aod::mult::MultTPC multTPC int
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0A multFV0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0C multFV0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0A multFT0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0C multFT0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDA multFDDA float
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDC multFDDC float
o2::aod::mult::MultZNA multZNA float
o2::aod::mult::MultZNC multZNC float
o2::aod::mult::MultTracklets multTracklets int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksPV multNTracksPV int
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0C centFT0C float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0C multiplicity
Event vertex covariance matrix
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedEventVtxCov = o2::aod::ReducedEventsVtxCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXX covXX float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXY covXY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovXZ covXZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYY covYY float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovYZ covYZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::CovZZ covZZ float Vertex covariance matrix
o2::aod::‌collision::Chi2 chi2 float Chi2 of vertex fit
Event level MC truth information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMCEvent = o2::aod::ReducedMCEvents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID generatorsID short disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId
o2::aod::reducedevent::MCPosX mcPosX float
o2::aod::reducedevent::MCPosY mcPosY float
o2::aod::reducedevent::MCPosZ mcPosZ float
o2::aod::mccollision::T t float Collision time relative to given bc in ns
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter impactParameter float Impact parameter for A-A
Table joined to the ReducedEvents table containing the MC index
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMCEventLabel = o2::aod::ReducedMCEventLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::reducedeventlabel::ReducedMCEventId I reducedMCeventId int32 MC collision
o2::aod::reducedeventlabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t Bit mask to indicate collision mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 15: indicates negative label
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrack = o2::aod::ReducedTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::reducedtrack::ReducedEventId I reducedeventId int32 Pointer into ReducedEvents
o2::aod::reducedtrack::FilteringFlags filteringFlags uint64_t
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Pt pt float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Eta eta float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Phi phi float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::reducedtrack::IsAmbiguous isAmbiguous int
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::P D p float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrackBarrel = o2::aod::ReducedTracksBarrel::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::Flags flags uint32_t Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::reducedtrack::DcaXY dcaXY float
o2::aod::reducedtrack::DcaZ dcaZ float
o2::aod::track::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::track::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns (see TrackFlags::TrackTimeResIsRange)
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::reducedtrack::DetectorMap detectorMap uint8_t Detector map: see enum DetectorMapEnum
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::reducedtrack::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::reducedtrack::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::reducedtrack::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::reducedtrack::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrackBarrelCov = o2::aod::ReducedTracksBarrelCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::IsWithinBeamPipe D isWithinBeamPipe bool Is the track within the beam pipe (= successfully propagated to a collision vertex)
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::track::CZY E cZY float
o2::aod::track::CZZ E cZZ float
o2::aod::track::CSnpY E cSnpY float
o2::aod::track::CSnpZ E cSnpZ float
o2::aod::track::CSnpSnp E cSnpSnp float
o2::aod::track::CTglY E cTglY float
o2::aod::track::CTglZ E cTglZ float
o2::aod::track::CTglSnp E cTglSnp float
o2::aod::track::CTglTgl E cTglTgl float
o2::aod::track::C1PtY E c1PtY float
o2::aod::track::C1PtZ E c1PtZ float
o2::aod::track::C1PtSnp E c1PtSnp float
o2::aod::track::C1PtTgl E c1PtTgl float
o2::aod::track::C1Pt21Pt2 E c1Pt21Pt2 float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrackBarrelPID = o2::aod::ReducedTracksBarrelPID::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
MC track information (on disk)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMCTrack = o2::aod::ReducedMCTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::ReducedMCEventId I reducedMCeventId int32 Pointer into ReducedMCEvents
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::MothersIds SAI mothersIds Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::Pt pt float
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::Eta eta float
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::Phi phi float
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::E e float
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::McReducedFlags mcReducedFlags uint16_t Flags to hold compressed MC selection information
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::Px D px float
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::Py D py float
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::P D p float
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::Y D y float Particle rapidity
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedTrackBarrelLabel = o2::aod::ReducedTracksBarrelLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::reducedbarreltracklabel::ReducedMCTrackId I reducedMCTrackId int32 Pointer into ReducedMCTracks
o2::aod::reducedbarreltracklabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::McReducedFlags mcReducedFlags uint16_t Flags to hold compressed MC selection information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMuon = o2::aod::ReducedMuons::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::reducedmuon::ReducedEventId I reducedeventId int32 Pointer into ReducedEvents
o2::aod::reducedmuon::FilteringFlags filteringFlags uint8_t
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Pt pt float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Eta eta float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Phi phi float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Sign sign int
o2::aod::reducedmuon::IsAmbiguous isAmbiguous int
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Px D px float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Py D py float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::reducedmuon::P D p float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMuonExtra = o2::aod::ReducedMuonsExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMFT chi2MatchMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Match Chi2 for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MatchScoreMCHMFT matchScoreMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Machine Learning Matching Score for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::reducedmuon::MCHTrackId SI matchMCHTrackId int
o2::aod::reducedmuon::ReducedMFTTrackId I matchMFTTrackId int32 matching index pointing to the ReducedMFTTrack table if filled
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum ForwardTrackTypeEnum
o2::aod::reducedmuon::FwdDcaX fwdDcaX float Impact parameter in X of forward track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::reducedmuon::FwdDcaY fwdDcaY float Impact parameter in Y of forward track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMuonCov = o2::aod::ReducedMuonsCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::reducedmuon::RawPhi rawPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXX E cXX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CXY E cXY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiX E cPhiX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiY E cPhiY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CPhiPhi E cPhiPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglX E cTglX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglY E cTglY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglPhi E cTglPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CTglTgl E cTglTgl float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtX E c1PtX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtY E c1PtY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtPhi E c1PtPhi float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1PtTgl E c1PtTgl float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::C1Pt21Pt2 E c1Pt21Pt2 float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ReducedMuonsLabel = o2::aod::ReducedMuonsLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::reducedmuonlabel::ReducedMCTrackId I reducedMCTrackId int32 Pointer into ReducedMCTracks
o2::aod::reducedmuonlabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t
o2::aod::reducedtrackMC::McReducedFlags mcReducedFlags uint16_t Flags to hold compressed MC selection information


Code file: tableMakerMuonMchTrkEfficiency.cxx

table with muon track properties and mch bit map
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mch_trk_eff::Eta eta float reconstructed eta
o2::aod::mch_trk_eff::Pt pt float reconstructed pt
o2::aod::mch_trk_eff::Phi phi float reconstructed phi
o2::aod::mch_trk_eff::MchBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t mch bit map
o2::aod::mch_trk_eff::TrackType trackType int track type
table with simulated muon track properties
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mch_trk_eff::EtaGen etaGen float simulated eta
o2::aod::mch_trk_eff::PtGen ptGen float simulated pt
o2::aod::mch_trk_eff::PhiGen phiGen float simulated phi



Code file: associateMCinfo.cxx

MC event information table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedMCEvent = o2::aod::EMReducedMCEvents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID generatorsID short disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId
o2::aod::emreducedmcevent::PosX posX float
o2::aod::emreducedmcevent::PosY posY float
o2::aod::emreducedmcevent::PosZ posZ float
o2::aod::mccollision::T t float Collision time relative to given bc in ns
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter impactParameter float Impact parameter for A-A
Table joined to the EMReducedEvents table containing the MC index
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedMCEventLabel = o2::aod::EMReducedMCEventLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emmceventlabel::EMReducedMCEventId I emreducedmceventId int32 MC collision
o2::aod::emmceventlabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t Bit mask to indicate collision mismatches (bit ON means mismatch). Bit 15: indicates negative label
MC track information (on disk)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMMCParticle = o2::aod::EMMCParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emmcparticle::EMReducedMCEventId I emreducedmceventId int32 Pointer into EMReducedMCEvents
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::emmcparticle::MothersIds SAI mothersIds Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::emmcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::emmcparticle::Pt pt float
o2::aod::emmcparticle::Eta eta float
o2::aod::emmcparticle::Phi phi float
o2::aod::emmcparticle::E e float
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::emmcparticle::Px D px float
o2::aod::emmcparticle::Py D py float
o2::aod::emmcparticle::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::emmcparticle::P D p float
o2::aod::emmcparticle::Y D y float Particle rapidity
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0LegMCLabel = o2::aod::V0LegMCLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0legmclabel::EMMCParticleId I emmcparticleId int32 Pointer into EMMCParticles
o2::aod::v0legmclabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMPrimaryElectronMCLabel = o2::aod::EMPrimaryElectronMCLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emprimaryelectronmclabel::EMMCParticleId I emmcparticleId int32 Pointer into EMMCParticles
o2::aod::emprimaryelectronmclabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMPrimaryMuonMCLabel = o2::aod::EMPrimaryMuonMCLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emprimarymuonmclabel::EMMCParticleId I emmcparticleId int32 Pointer into EMMCParticles
o2::aod::emprimarymuonmclabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t


Code file: createEMReducedEvent.cxx

Main event information table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEvent = o2::aod::EMReducedEvents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emreducedevent::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::emreducedevent::Tag tag uint64_t Bit-field for storing event information (e.g. high level info, cut decisions)
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::bc::TriggerMask triggerMask uint64_t CTP trigger mask
o2::aod::evsel::Sel8 sel8 bool Event selection decision based on TVX
o2::aod::emreducedevent::IsPHOSCPVReadout isPHOSCPVreadout bool
o2::aod::emreducedevent::IsEMCReadout isEMCreadout bool
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTime collisionTime float Collision time in ns relative to BC stored in bc()
o2::aod::‌collision::CollisionTimeRes collisionTimeRes float Resolution of collision time
event multiplicity table, joinable to EMReducedEvents
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEventMult = o2::aod::EMReducedEventsMult::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultTPC multTPC int
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0A multFV0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0C multFV0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0A multFT0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0C multFT0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDA multFDDA float
o2::aod::mult::MultFDDC multFDDC float
o2::aod::mult::MultZNA multZNA float
o2::aod::mult::MultZNC multZNC float
o2::aod::mult::MultTracklets multTracklets int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksPV multNTracksPV int
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksPVeta1 multNTracksPVeta1 int
event centrality table, joinable to EMReducedEvents
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEventCent = o2::aod::EMReducedEventsCent::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0M centFT0M float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0A+FT0C multiplicities
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0A centFT0A float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0A multiplicity
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0C centFT0C float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0C multiplicity
o2::aod::cent::CentNTPV centNTPV float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from the number of tracks contributing to the PV
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEventNgPCM = o2::aod::EMReducedEventsNgPCM::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NgammaPCM ngpcm int
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEventNgPHOS = o2::aod::EMReducedEventsNgPHOS::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NgammaPHOS ngphos int
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEventNgEMC = o2::aod::EMReducedEventsNgEMC::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NgammaEMC ngemc int
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0KFEMReducedEventId = o2::aod::V0KFEMReducedEventIds::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0photonkf::EMReducedEventId I emreducedeventId int32 Pointer into EMReducedEvents
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMPrimaryElectronEMReducedEventId = o2::aod::EMPrimaryElectronEMReducedEventIds::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emprimaryelectron::EMReducedEventId I emreducedeventId int32 Pointer into EMReducedEvents
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMPrimaryMuonEMReducedEventId = o2::aod::EMPrimaryMuonEMReducedEventIds::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emprimarymuon::EMReducedEventId I emreducedeventId int32 Pointer into EMReducedEvents
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMCEMReducedEventId = o2::aod::EMCEMReducedEventIds::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emccluster::EMReducedEventId I emreducedeventId int32 Pointer into EMReducedEvents
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::PHOSEMReducedEventId = o2::aod::PHOSEMReducedEventIds::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::phoscluster::EMReducedEventId I emreducedeventId int32 Pointer into EMReducedEvents


Code file: createPCM.cxx

index table when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0Index = o2::aod::V0Indices::iterator
  • o2::aod::V0Datas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>
  • o2::aod::V0Data = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::v0data::V0Id I v0Id int32 Pointer into V0s
track X positions at minima when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0TrackX = o2::aod::V0TrackXs::iterator
  • o2::aod::V0Datas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>
  • o2::aod::V0Data = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PosX posX float positive track X at min
o2::aod::v0data::NegX negX float negative track X at min
core information about decay, viable with AO2Ds or derived
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::X x float decay position X
o2::aod::v0data::Y y float decay position Y
o2::aod::v0data::Z z float decay position Z
o2::aod::v0data::PxPos pxpos float positive track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyPos pypos float positive track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzPos pzpos float positive track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::PxNeg pxneg float negative track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyNeg pyneg float negative track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzNeg pzneg float negative track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float DCA between V0 daughters
o2::aod::v0data::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float DCA negative prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0CosPA v0cosPA float V0 CosPA
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0ToPV dcav0topv float DCA V0 to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0Type v0Type uint8_t type of V0. 0: built solely for cascades (does not pass standard V0 cuts), 1: standard 2, 3: photon-like with TPC-only use. Regular analysis should always use type 1.
o2::aod::v0data::PtHypertriton D ptHypertriton float V0 pT
o2::aod::v0data::PtAntiHypertriton D ptAntiHypertriton float V0 pT
o2::aod::v0data::V0Radius D v0radius float V0 decay radius (2D, centered at zero)
o2::aod::v0data::DistOverTotMom D distovertotmom ? PV to V0decay distance over total momentum
o2::aod::v0data::Alpha D alpha ? Armenteros Alpha
o2::aod::v0data::QtArm D qtarm ? Armenteros Qt
o2::aod::v0data::PsiPair D psipair ? psi pair angle
o2::aod::v0data::PFracPos D pfracpos ?
o2::aod::v0data::PFracNeg D pfracneg ?
o2::aod::v0data::MLambda D mLambda float mass under lambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiLambda D mAntiLambda float mass under antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MK0Short D mK0Short float mass under K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MGamma D mGamma float mass under gamma hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MHypertriton D mHypertriton float mass under hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiHypertriton D mAntiHypertriton float mass under antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::M D m float mass under a certain hypothesis (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar, 3:gamma, 4:hyp, 5:ahyp)
o2::aod::v0data::YK0Short D yK0Short float V0 y with K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YLambda D yLambda float V0 y with lambda or antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YHypertriton D yHypertriton float V0 y with hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YAntiHypertriton D yAntiHypertriton float V0 y with antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::Rapidity D rapidity float rapidity (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar)
o2::aod::v0data::NegativePt D negativept float negative daughter pT
o2::aod::v0data::PositivePt D positivept float positive daughter pT
o2::aod::v0data::NegativeEta D negativeeta float negative daughter eta
o2::aod::v0data::NegativePhi D negativephi float negative daughter phi
o2::aod::v0data::PositiveEta D positiveeta float positive daughter eta
o2::aod::v0data::PositivePhi D positivephi float positive daughter phi
o2::aod::v0data::IsStandardV0 D isStandardV0 bool is standard V0
o2::aod::v0data::IsPhotonTPConly D isPhotonTPConly bool is photon V0


Code file: gammaSelection.cxx

table of all gamma candidates (PCM, EMCal and PHOS) after cuts
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::CollisionId I collisionId int32 collisionID used as index for matched clusters
o2::aod::gammareco::Method method int cut bit for PCM photon candidates
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::E e float cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::Eta eta float cluster pseudorapidity (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::Phi phi float cluster azimuthal angle (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::gammareco::SkimmedEMCId I skimmedEMCId int reference to the gamma in the skimmed EMCal table
o2::aod::gammareco::SkimmedPHOSId I skimmedPHOSId int reference to the gamma in the skimmed PHOS table
table of link between skimmed EMCal photon candidates and their cuts
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::gammareco::SkimmedEMCId I skimmedEMCId int reference to the gamma in the skimmed EMCal table
o2::aod::gammareco::EMCCutBit emccutbit uint64_t cut bit for EMCal photon candidates


Code file: photonconversionbuilder.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0Leg = o2::aod::V0Legs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0leg::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::v0leg::TrackId trackId int
o2::aod::v0leg::Sign sign int
o2::aod::v0leg::Px px float Px at SV
o2::aod::v0leg::Py py float Py at SV
o2::aod::v0leg::Pz pz float Pz at SV
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::DetectorMap E detectorMap uint8_t Detector map: see enum DetectorMapEnum
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::v0leg::P D p float
o2::aod::v0leg::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::v0leg::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::v0leg::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0PhotonKF = o2::aod::V0PhotonsKF::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0photonkf::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::v0photonkf::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into V0Legs
o2::aod::v0photonkf::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into V0Legs
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Vx vx float secondary vertex x
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Vy vy float secondary vertex y
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Vz vz float secondary vertex z
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Px px float px for photon kf
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Py py float py for photon kf
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Pz pz float pz for photon kf
o2::aod::v0photonkf::MGamma mGamma float invariant mass of dielectron at SV
o2::aod::v0photonkf::DCAxyToPV dcaXYtopv float DCAxy of V0 to PV
o2::aod::v0photonkf::DCAzToPV dcaZtopv float DCAz of V0 to PV
o2::aod::v0photonkf::CosPA cospa float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::PCA pca float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::QtArm qtarm float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::ChiSquareNDF chiSquareNDF float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::E D e float energy of v0 photn, mass to be given as argument when getter is called!
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::P D p float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::V0Radius D v0radius float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0Recalculations::RecalculatedVtxX recalculatedVtxX float Recalculated conversion point
o2::aod::v0Recalculations::RecalculatedVtxY recalculatedVtxY float Recalculated conversion point
o2::aod::v0Recalculations::RecalculatedVtxZ recalculatedVtxZ float Recalculated conversion point
o2::v0Recalculations::RecalculatedVtxR GI ?


Code file: produceMesonCalo.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::calomeson::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::calomeson::DaugtherPhotonOneId I daugtherPhotonOneId int Pointer into SkimEMCClusters
o2::aod::calomeson::DaugtherPhotonTwoId I daugtherPhotonTwoId int Pointer into SkimEMCClusters
o2::aod::calomeson::Oa oa float opening angle between the two daugthers
o2::aod::calomeson::Px px float px
o2::aod::calomeson::Py py float py
o2::aod::calomeson::Pz pz float pz
o2::aod::calomeson::E e float E
o2::aod::calomeson::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::calomeson::Minv minv float invariant mass of the meson
o2::aod::calomeson::Eta eta float pseudorapidity of the meson
o2::aod::calomeson::Phi phi float phi angle of the meson
o2::aod::calomeson::Pt pt float pT of the meson


Code file: skimmerDalitzEE.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEventNee = o2::aod::EMReducedEventsNee::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NeeULS neeuls int
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NeeLSpp neelspp int
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NeeLSmm neelsmm int
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DalitzEE = o2::aod::DalitzEEs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::dalitzee::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::dalitzee::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into EMPrimaryElectrons
o2::aod::dalitzee::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into EMPrimaryElectrons
o2::aod::dalitzee::Pt pt float
o2::aod::dalitzee::Eta eta float
o2::aod::dalitzee::Phi phi float
o2::aod::dalitzee::Mass mass float
o2::aod::dalitzee::PhiV phiv float
o2::aod::dalitzee::OpeningAngle opangle float
o2::aod::dalitzee::DCAXY dcaXY float
o2::aod::dalitzee::DCAZ dcaZ float
o2::aod::dalitzee::Sign sign int
o2::dalitzee::Energy GI ?
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DalitzEEEMReducedEventId = o2::aod::DalitzEEEMReducedEventIds::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dalitzee::EMReducedEventId I emreducedeventId int32 Pointer into EMReducedEvents


Code file: skimmerDalitzMuMu.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEventNmumu = o2::aod::EMReducedEventsNmumu::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NmumuULS nmumuuls int
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NmumuLSpp nmumulspp int
o2::aod::emreducedevent::NmumuLSmm nmumulsmm int
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DalitzMuMu = o2::aod::DalitzMuMus::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into EMPrimaryMuons
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into EMPrimaryMuons
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::Pt pt float
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::Eta eta float
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::Phi phi float
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::Mass mass float
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::PhiV phiv float
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::OpeningAngle opangle float
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::DCAXY dcaXY float
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::DCAZ dcaZ float
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::Sign sign int
o2::dalitzmumu::Energy GI ?
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DalitzMuMuEMReducedEventId = o2::aod::DalitzMuMuEMReducedEventIds::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dalitzmumu::EMReducedEventId I emreducedeventId int32 Pointer into EMReducedEvents


Code file: skimmerGammaCalo.cxx

table of skimmed EMCal clusters
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::SkimEMCCluster = o2::aod::SkimEMCClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::CollisionId I collisionId int32 collisionID used as index for matched clusters
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::BCId I bcId int32 bunch crossing ID used as index for ambiguous clusters
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::E e float cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::emccluster::CoreEnergy coreEnergy float cluster core energy (GeV)
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::Eta eta float cluster pseudorapidity (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::Phi phi float cluster azimuthal angle (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::M02 m02 float shower shape long axis
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::M20 m20 float shower shape short axis
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::NCells nCells int number of cells in cluster
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::Time time float cluster time (ns)
o2::aod::emccluster::IsExotic isExotic bool flag to mark cluster as exotic
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::DistanceToBadChannel distanceToBadChannel float distance to bad channel
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::NLM nlm int number of local maxima
o2::aod::emccluster::Definition definition int cluster definition, see EMCALClusterDefinition.h
o2::aod::emccluster::TrackIds GI ?
o2::aod::emccluster::TrackEta tracketa std::vector<float> eta values of the matched tracks
o2::aod::emccluster::TrackPhi trackphi std::vector<float> phi values of the matched tracks
o2::aod::emccluster::TrackP trackp std::vector<float> momentum values of the matched tracks
o2::aod::emccluster::TrackPt trackpt std::vector<float> pt values of the matched tracks
o2::aod::emccluster::Pt D pt float cluster pt, mass to be given as argument when getter is called!
table of link between skimmed EMCal clusters and their cells
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::SkimEMCCell = o2::aod::SkimEMCCells::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::caloextra::ClusterId I clusterId int reference to the gamma in the skimmed EMCal table
o2::aod::caloextra::CellId I cellId int reference to the gamma in the skimmed EMCal table
table of link between skimmed EMCal clusters and their matched tracks
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::SkimEMCMT = o2::aod::SkimEMCMTs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::caloextra::ClusterId I clusterId int reference to the gamma in the skimmed EMCal table
o2::aod::caloextra::TrackEta tracketa float eta of the matched track
o2::aod::caloextra::TrackPhi trackphi float phi of the matched track
o2::aod::caloextra::TrackP trackp float momentum of the matched track
o2::aod::caloextra::TrackPt trackpt float pt of the matched track


Code file: skimmerGammaConversion.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0Leg = o2::aod::V0Legs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0leg::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::v0leg::TrackId trackId int
o2::aod::v0leg::Sign sign int
o2::aod::v0leg::Px px float Px at SV
o2::aod::v0leg::Py py float Py at SV
o2::aod::v0leg::Pz pz float Pz at SV
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::DetectorMap E detectorMap uint8_t Detector map: see enum DetectorMapEnum
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::v0leg::P D p float
o2::aod::v0leg::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::v0leg::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::v0leg::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0PhotonKF = o2::aod::V0PhotonsKF::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0photonkf::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::v0photonkf::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into V0Legs
o2::aod::v0photonkf::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into V0Legs
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Vx vx float secondary vertex x
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Vy vy float secondary vertex y
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Vz vz float secondary vertex z
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Px px float px for photon kf
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Py py float py for photon kf
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Pz pz float pz for photon kf
o2::aod::v0photonkf::MGamma mGamma float invariant mass of dielectron at SV
o2::aod::v0photonkf::DCAxyToPV dcaXYtopv float DCAxy of V0 to PV
o2::aod::v0photonkf::DCAzToPV dcaZtopv float DCAz of V0 to PV
o2::aod::v0photonkf::CosPA cospa float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::PCA pca float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::QtArm qtarm float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::ChiSquareNDF chiSquareNDF float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::E D e float energy of v0 photn, mass to be given as argument when getter is called!
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::P D p float
o2::aod::v0photonkf::V0Radius D v0radius float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::MCTracksTrue::SameMother sameMother bool
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::MCParticleTrueIndex::V0DaughterMcParticleId I v0DaughterMcParticleId int32 Pointer into V0DaughterMcParticles
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0Recalculations::RecalculatedVtxX recalculatedVtxX float Recalculated conversion point
o2::aod::v0Recalculations::RecalculatedVtxY recalculatedVtxY float Recalculated conversion point
o2::aod::v0Recalculations::RecalculatedVtxZ recalculatedVtxZ float Recalculated conversion point
o2::v0Recalculations::RecalculatedVtxR GI ?
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision of this particle
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Gamma gamma int64_t Used as reference for the daughters
o2::aod::gammamctrue::V0PhotonKFId I v0photonkfId int Pointer into V0PhotonsKF
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::gammamctrue::NDaughters nDaughters int Number of daughters
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Phi phi float Angle phi in rad
o2::aod::gammamctrue::P p float Absolute momentum in GeV/c
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Pt pt float Transversal momentum in GeV/c
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Y y float Rapidity
o2::aod::gammamctrue::ConversionX conversionX float x of conversion point in cm
o2::aod::gammamctrue::ConversionY conversionY float y of conversion point in cm
o2::aod::gammamctrue::ConversionZ conversionZ float z of conversion point in cm
o2::aod::gammamctrue::V0Radius v0Radius float 2d radius of conversion point
o2::aod::gammamctrue::McDaughterTrueOneId I mcDaughterTrueOneId int Pointer into McDaughterTrue
o2::aod::gammamctrue::McDaughterTrueTwoId I mcDaughterTrueTwoId int Pointer into McDaughterTrue
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition


Code file: skimmerGammaConversionTruthOnlyMc.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::gammamctrue::P p float Absolute momentum in GeV/c
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mcparticle::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision of this particle
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Gamma gamma int64_t Used as reference for the daughters
o2::aod::gammamctrue::V0PhotonKFId I v0photonkfId int Pointer into V0PhotonsKF
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vx vx float X production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vy vy float Y production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vz vz float Z production vertex in cm
o2::aod::mcparticle::Vt vt float Production time
o2::aod::gammamctrue::NDaughters nDaughters int Number of daughters
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Phi phi float Angle phi in rad
o2::aod::gammamctrue::P p float Absolute momentum in GeV/c
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Pt pt float Transversal momentum in GeV/c
o2::aod::gammamctrue::Y y float Rapidity
o2::aod::gammamctrue::ConversionX conversionX float x of conversion point in cm
o2::aod::gammamctrue::ConversionY conversionY float y of conversion point in cm
o2::aod::gammamctrue::ConversionZ conversionZ float z of conversion point in cm
o2::aod::gammamctrue::V0Radius v0Radius float 2d radius of conversion point
o2::aod::gammamctrue::McDaughterTrueOneId I mcDaughterTrueOneId int Pointer into McDaughterTrue
o2::aod::gammamctrue::McDaughterTrueTwoId I mcDaughterTrueTwoId int Pointer into McDaughterTrue
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition


Code file: skimmerPHOS.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::PHOSCluster = o2::aod::PHOSClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::CollisionId I collisionId int32 collisionID used as index for matched clusters
o2::aod::phoscluster::MatchedTrackId I matchedTrackId int matched track index
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::E e float cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::phoscluster::X x float cluster hit position in ALICE global coordinate
o2::aod::phoscluster::Y y float cluster hit position in ALICE global coordinate
o2::aod::phoscluster::Z z float cluster hit position in ALICE global coordinate
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::M02 m02 float shower shape long axis
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::M20 m20 float shower shape short axis
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::NCells nCells int number of cells in cluster
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::Time time float cluster time (ns)
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::DistanceToBadChannel distanceToBadChannel float distance to bad channel
o2::aod::skimmedcluster::NLM nlm int number of local maxima
o2::aod::calocluster::Module mod uint8_t module/supermodule number
o2::aod::phoscluster::CellX cellx int cell index x of cluster hit position
o2::aod::phoscluster::CellZ cellz int cell index z of cluster hit position
o2::aod::phoscluster::Px D px float
o2::aod::phoscluster::Py D py float
o2::aod::phoscluster::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::phoscluster::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::phoscluster::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::phoscluster::Phi D phi float


Code file: skimmerPrimaryElectron.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMReducedEventBz = o2::aod::EMReducedEventsBz::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emreducedevent::Bz bz float kG
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMPrimaryElectron = o2::aod::EMPrimaryElectrons::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emprimaryelectron::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::emprimaryelectron::TrackId trackId int
o2::aod::emprimaryelectron::Sign sign int
o2::aod::track::Pt E pt float Transverse momentum of the track in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Eta E eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::track::Phi E phi float Phi of the track, in radians within [0, 2pi)
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::DetectorMap E detectorMap uint8_t Detector map: see enum DetectorMapEnum
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::track::CZZ E cZZ float
o2::aod::track::CZY E cZY float
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::emprimaryelectron::Px D px float
o2::aod::emprimaryelectron::Py D py float
o2::aod::emprimaryelectron::Pz D pz float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMPrimaryElectronPrefilterBit = o2::aod::EMPrimaryElectronsPrefilterBit::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emprimaryelectron::PrefilterBit pfb uint8_t


Code file: skimmerPrimaryMuon.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMPrimaryMuon = o2::aod::EMPrimaryMuons::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emprimarymuon::CollisionId collisionId int
o2::aod::emprimarymuon::TrackId trackId int
o2::aod::emprimarymuon::Sign sign int
o2::aod::track::Pt E pt float Transverse momentum of the track in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Eta E eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::track::Phi E phi float Phi of the track, in radians within [0, 2pi)
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::DetectorMap E detectorMap uint8_t Detector map: see enum DetectorMapEnum
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::CYY E cYY float
o2::aod::track::CZZ E cZZ float
o2::aod::track::CZY E cZY float
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::emprimarymuon::Px D px float
o2::aod::emprimarymuon::Py D py float
o2::aod::emprimarymuon::Pz D pz float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMPrimaryMuonPrefilterBit = o2::aod::EMPrimaryMuonsPrefilterBit::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::emprimarymuon::PrefilterBit pfb uint8_t



Code file: candidateCreator2Prong.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::RSecondaryVertex D rSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLength D decayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXY D decayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthNormalised D decayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXYNormalised D decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_cand::NProngsContributorsPV nProngsContributorsPV uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProduct D impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::CosThetaStar D cosThetaStar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProngSqSum D impactParameterProngSqSum float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPA D cpa float
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPAXY D cpaXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Ct D ct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterXY D impactParameterXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP D maxNormalisedDeltaIP float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::KfTopolChi2OverNdf kfTopolChi2OverNdf float chi2overndf of the KFParticle topological constraint
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::KfGeoMassD0 kfGeoMassD0 float mass of the D0 candidate from the KFParticle geometric fit
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::KfGeoMassD0bar kfGeoMassD0bar float mass of the D0bar candidate from the KFParticle geometric fit
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level


Code file: candidateCreator3Prong.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::RSecondaryVertex D rSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLength D decayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXY D decayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthNormalised D decayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXYNormalised D decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng2 pxProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng2 pyProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng2 pzProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter2 errorImpactParameter2 float
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong2Id I prong2Id int Index to third prong
o2::aod::hf_cand::NProngsContributorsPV nProngsContributorsPV uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::ImpactParameterProngSqSum D impactParameterProngSqSum float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised2 D impactParameterNormalised2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng2 D ptProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong2 D pt2Prong2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng2 D pVectorProng2 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPA D cpa float
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPAXY D cpaXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Ct D ct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterXY D impactParameterXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP D maxNormalisedDeltaIP float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::IsCandidateSwapped isCandidateSwapped int8_t swapping of the prongs order
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcDecayChanRec flagMcDecayChanRec int8_t resonant decay channel flag, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcDecayChanGen flagMcDecayChanGen int8_t resonant decay channel flag, generator level


Code file: candidateCreatorB0.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::RSecondaryVertex D rSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLength D decayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXY D decayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthNormalised D decayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXYNormalised D decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProduct D impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::CosThetaStar D cosThetaStar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProngSqSum D impactParameterProngSqSum float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPA D cpa float
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPAXY D cpaXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Ct D ct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterXY D impactParameterXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP D maxNormalisedDeltaIP float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HfCandB0 = soa::Join<o2::aod::HfCandB0Ext, o2::aod::HfCandB0Prongs>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_b0::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Pointer into HfCand3Prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_b0::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_b0::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_b0::DebugMcRec debugMcRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_b0::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_b0::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t


Code file: candidateCreatorBplus.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::RSecondaryVertex D rSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLength D decayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXY D decayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthNormalised D decayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXYNormalised D decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProduct D impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::CosThetaStar D cosThetaStar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProngSqSum D impactParameterProngSqSum float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPA D cpa float
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPAXY D cpaXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Ct D ct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterXY D impactParameterXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP D maxNormalisedDeltaIP float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HfCandBplus = soa::Join<o2::aod::HfCandBplusExt, o2::aod::HfCandBplusProngs>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_bplus::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Pointer into HfCand2Prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_bplus::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_bplus::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_bplus::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_bplus::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t


Code file: candidateCreatorBs.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::RSecondaryVertex D rSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLength D decayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXY D decayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthNormalised D decayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXYNormalised D decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_bs::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Pointer into HfCand3Prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProduct D impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::CosThetaStar D cosThetaStar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProngSqSum D impactParameterProngSqSum float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPA D cpa float
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPAXY D cpaXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Ct D ct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterXY D impactParameterXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP D maxNormalisedDeltaIP float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_bs::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_bs::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t


Code file: candidateCreatorCascade.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::RSecondaryVertex D rSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLength D decayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXY D decayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthNormalised D decayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXYNormalised D decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::V0Id I v0Id int32 Index to V0 prong
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::V0X v0x float X position of V0 decay
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::V0Y v0y float Y position of V0 decay
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::V0Z v0z float Z position of V0 decay
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::PxPos pxpos float positive track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyPos pypos float positive track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzPos pzpos float positive track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::PxNeg pxneg float negative track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyNeg pyneg float negative track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzNeg pzneg float negative track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float DCA between V0 daughters
o2::aod::v0data::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float DCA negative prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0CosPA v0cosPA float V0 CosPA
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProduct D impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::CosThetaStar D cosThetaStar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProngSqSum D impactParameterProngSqSum float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPA D cpa float
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPAXY D cpaXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Ct D ct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterXY D impactParameterXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP D maxNormalisedDeltaIP float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::PtV0Pos D ptV0Pos ? pt of the positive V0 daughter
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::PtV0Neg D ptV0Neg ? pt of the negative V0 daughter
o2::aod::v0data::V0Radius D v0radius float V0 decay radius (2D, centered at zero)
o2::aod::v0data::MLambda D mLambda float mass under lambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiLambda D mAntiLambda float mass under antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MK0Short D mK0Short float mass under K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MGamma D mGamma float mass under gamma hypothesis
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::CtV0 D ctV0 float c*t of the V0
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level


Code file: candidateCreatorDstar.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::XSecondaryVertexD0 xSecondaryVertexD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::YSecondaryVertexD0 ySecondaryVertexD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ZSecondaryVertexD0 zSecondaryVertexD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ErrorDecayLengthD0 errorDecayLengthD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ErrorDecayLengthXYD0 errorDecayLengthXYD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::Chi2PCAD0 chi2PCAD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::RSecondaryVertexD0 D rSecondaryVertexD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::DecayLengthD0 D decayLengthD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::DecayLengthXYD0 D decayLengthXYD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::DecayLengthNormalisedD0 D decayLengthNormalisedD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::DecayLengthXYNormalisedD0 D decayLengthXYNormalisedD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::InvMassD0 D invMassD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::InvMassD0Bar D invMassD0Bar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::InvMass2D0 D invMass2D0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::InvMass2D0Bar D invMass2D0Bar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ImpactParameterProductD0 D impactParameterProductD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::CosThetaStarD0 D cosThetaStarD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::CosThetaStarD0Bar D cosThetaStarD0Bar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ImpactParameterProngSqSumD0 D impactParameterProngSqSumD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PtD0 D ptD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::Pt2D0 D pt2D0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PD0 D pD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::P2D0 D p2D0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PVectorD0 D pVectorD0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::CPAD0 D cpaD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::CPAXYD0 D cpaXYD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::CtD0 D ctD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ImpactParameterXYD0 D impactParameterXYD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::DeltaIPNormalisedMaxD0 D deltaIPNormalisedMaxD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::EtaD0 D etaD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PhiD0 D phiD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::YD0 D yD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ED0 D eD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::E2D0 D e2D0 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ProngPiId I prongPiId int soft-pion index
o2::aod::hf_track_index::ProngD0Id I prongD0Id int Index to a D0 prong
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PxSoftPi pxSoftPi float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PySoftPi pySoftPi float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PzSoftPi pzSoftPi float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::SignSoftPi signSoftPi int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ImpParamSoftPi impParamSoftPi float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::ErrorImpParamSoftPi errorImpParamSoftPi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PtSoftPi D ptSoftPi float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::PVecSoftPi D pVecSoftPi std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::NormalisedImpParamSoftPi D normalisedImpParamSoftPi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::InvMassDstar D invMassDstar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::InvMassAntiDstar D invMassAntiDstar float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::InvMassD0 D invMassD0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::InvMassD0Bar D invMassD0Bar float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_dstar::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level


Code file: candidateCreatorLb.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::RSecondaryVertex D rSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLength D decayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXY D decayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthNormalised D decayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXYNormalised D decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_lb::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Pointer into HfCand3Prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProduct D impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPA D cpa float
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPAXY D cpaXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Ct D ct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterXY D impactParameterXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP D maxNormalisedDeltaIP float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_lb::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_lb::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_lb::DebugMcRec debugMcRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_lb::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_lb::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t


Code file: candidateCreatorSigmac0plusplus.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_sigmac::ProngLcId I prongLcId int Index to a Lc prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_sigmac::Charge charge int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_sigmac::StatusSpreadLcMinvPKPiFromPDG statusSpreadLcMinvPKPiFromPDG int
o2::aod::hf_cand_sigmac::StatusSpreadLcMinvPiKPFromPDG statusSpreadLcMinvPiKPFromPDG int
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_sigmac::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_sigmac::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_sigmac::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_sigmac::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level


Code file: candidateCreatorToXiPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::XPv xPv float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::YPv yPv float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ZPv zPv float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::XDecayVtxCharmBaryon xDecayVtxCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::YDecayVtxCharmBaryon yDecayVtxCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ZDecayVtxCharmBaryon zDecayVtxCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::XDecayVtxCascade xDecayVtxCascade float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::YDecayVtxCascade yDecayVtxCascade float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ZDecayVtxCascade zDecayVtxCascade float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::XDecayVtxV0 xDecayVtxV0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::YDecayVtxV0 yDecayVtxV0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ZDecayVtxV0 zDecayVtxV0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::SignDecay signDecay int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CovVtxCharmBaryon0 covVtxCharmBaryon0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CovVtxCharmBaryon1 covVtxCharmBaryon1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CovVtxCharmBaryon2 covVtxCharmBaryon2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CovVtxCharmBaryon3 covVtxCharmBaryon3 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CovVtxCharmBaryon4 covVtxCharmBaryon4 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CovVtxCharmBaryon5 covVtxCharmBaryon5 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PxCharmBaryon pxCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PyCharmBaryon pyCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PzCharmBaryon pzCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PxCasc pxCasc float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PyCasc pyCasc float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PzCasc pzCasc float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PxPiFromCharmBaryon pxPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PyPiFromCharmBaryon pyPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PzPiFromCharmBaryon pzPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PxLambda pxLambda float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PyLambda pyLambda float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PzLambda pzLambda float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PxPiFromCasc pxPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PyPiFromCasc pyPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PzPiFromCasc pzPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PxPosV0Dau pxPosV0Dau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PyPosV0Dau pyPosV0Dau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PzPosV0Dau pzPosV0Dau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PxNegV0Dau pxNegV0Dau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PyNegV0Dau pyNegV0Dau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PzNegV0Dau pzNegV0Dau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ImpactParCascXY impactParCascXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ImpactParPiFromCharmBaryonXY impactParPiFromCharmBaryonXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ImpactParCascZ impactParCascZ float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ImpactParPiFromCharmBaryonZ impactParPiFromCharmBaryonZ float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ErrImpactParCascXY errImpactParCascXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ErrImpactParPiFromCharmBaryonXY errImpactParPiFromCharmBaryonXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::V0Id I v0Id int32 Pointer into V0s
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CascadeId I cascadeId int32 Pointer into Cascades
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PiFromCharmBaryonId I piFromCharmBaryonId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorId I bachelorId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::InvMassLambda invMassLambda double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::InvMassCascade invMassCascade double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::InvMassCharmBaryon invMassCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CosPAV0 cosPAV0 double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CosPACharmBaryon cosPACharmBaryon double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CosPACasc cosPACasc double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CosPAXYV0 cosPAXYV0 double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CosPAXYCharmBaryon cosPAXYCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CosPAXYCasc cosPAXYCasc double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CTauOmegac ctauOmegac double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CTauCascade ctauCascade double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CTauV0 ctauV0 double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::CTauXic ctauXic double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::EtaV0PosDau etaV0PosDau double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::EtaV0NegDau etaV0NegDau double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::EtaPiFromCasc etaPiFromCasc double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::EtaPiFromCharmBaryon etaPiFromCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::EtaCharmBaryon etaCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::EtaCascade etaCascade double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::EtaV0 etaV0 double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaXYToPvV0Dau0 dcaXYToPvV0Dau0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaXYToPvV0Dau1 dcaXYToPvV0Dau1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaXYToPvCascDau dcaXYToPvCascDau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaZToPvV0Dau0 dcaZToPvV0Dau0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaZToPvV0Dau1 dcaZToPvV0Dau1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaZToPvCascDau dcaZToPvCascDau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaCascDau dcaCascDau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaV0Dau dcaV0Dau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DcaCharmBaryonDau dcaCharmBaryonDau float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DecLenCharmBaryon decLenCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DecLenCascade decLenCascade double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DecLenV0 decLenV0 double
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ErrorDecayLengthCharmBaryon errorDecayLengthCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::ErrorDecayLengthXYCharmBaryon errorDecayLengthXYCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DebugMcRec debugMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::OriginRec originRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DebugGenCharmBar debugGenCharmBar int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DebugGenXi debugGenXi int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::DebugGenLambda debugGenLambda int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::PtCharmBaryonGen ptCharmBaryonGen float
o2::aod::hf_cand_toxipi::OriginGen originGen int8_t


Code file: candidateCreatorXicc.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::RSecondaryVertex D rSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLength D decayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXY D decayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthNormalised D decayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::DecayLengthXYNormalised D decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised0 D impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng0 D ptProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong0 D pt2Prong0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng0 D pVectorProng0 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterNormalised1 D impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PtProng1 D ptProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2Prong1 D pt2Prong1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVectorProng1 D pVectorProng1 std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_xicc::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Pointer into HfCand3Prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M D m float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::M2 D m2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::ImpactParameterProduct D impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt D pt float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Pt2 D pt2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P D p float
o2::aod::hf_cand::P2 D p2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PVector D pVector std::array<float,3>
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPA D cpa float
o2::aod::hf_cand::CPAXY D cpaXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Ct D ct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameterXY D impactParameterXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand_2prong::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP D maxNormalisedDeltaIP float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Eta D eta float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Phi D phi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Y D y float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E D e float
o2::aod::hf_cand::E2 D e2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_xicc::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_xicc::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_xicc::DebugMcRec debugMcRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_xicc::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_xicc::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t


Code file: candidateSelectorB0ToDPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_b0::IsSelB0ToDPi isSelB0ToDPi int


Code file: candidateSelectorBplusToD0Pi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_bplus::IsSelBplusToD0Pi isSelBplusToD0Pi int


Code file: candidateSelectorBsToDsPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_bs::IsSelBsToDsPi isSelBsToDsPi int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_bs::MlProbBsToDsPi mlProbBsToDsPi std::vector<float>


Code file: candidateSelectorD0.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_d0::IsSelD0 isSelD0 int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_d0::IsSelD0bar isSelD0bar int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_d0::IsRecoHfFlag isRecoHfFlag int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_d0::IsRecoTopol isRecoTopol int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_d0::IsRecoCand isRecoCand int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_d0::IsRecoPid isRecoPid int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_d0::MlProbD0 mlProbD0 std::vector<float>
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_d0::MlProbD0bar mlProbD0bar std::vector<float>


Code file: candidateSelectorDplusToPiKPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_dplus::IsSelDplusToPiKPi isSelDplusToPiKPi int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_dplus::MlProbDplusToPiKPi mlProbDplusToPiKPi std::vector<float>


Code file: candidateSelectorDsToKKPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_ds::IsSelDsToKKPi isSelDsToKKPi int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_ds::IsSelDsToPiKK isSelDsToPiKK int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_ds::MlProbDsToKKPi mlProbDsToKKPi std::vector<float>
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_ds::MlProbDsToPiKK mlProbDsToPiKK std::vector<float>


Code file: candidateSelectorDstarToD0Pi.cxx

Table stores information about selection flag on Dstar candidate
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_dstar::IsSelDstarToD0Pi isSelDstarToD0Pi bool checking if all four of following check pass
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_dstar::IsRecoD0Flag isRecoD0Flag bool checking DecayType::D0ToPiK of D0prong
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_dstar::IsRecoTopol isRecoTopol bool checking conjugate independent Topological selection on Dstar
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_dstar::IsRecoCand isRecoCand bool checking conjugate dependent Topological selecton on Dstar
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_dstar::IsRecoPid isRecoPid bool checking PID selection on daughters of D0Prong


Code file: candidateSelectorLbToLcPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_lb::IsSelLbToLcPi isSelLbToLcPi int


Code file: candidateSelectorLc.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_lc::IsSelLcToPKPi isSelLcToPKPi int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_lc::IsSelLcToPiKP isSelLcToPiKP int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_lc::MlProbLcToPKPi mlProbLcToPKPi std::vector<float>
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_lc::MlProbLcToPiKP mlProbLcToPiKP std::vector<float>


Code file: candidateSelectorLcPidMl.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_lc::IsSelLcToPKPi isSelLcToPKPi int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_lc::IsSelLcToPiKP isSelLcToPiKP int


Code file: candidateSelectorLcToK0sP.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_lc_to_k0s_p::IsSelLcToK0sP isSelLcToK0sP int


Code file: candidateSelectorToXiPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::StatusPidLambda statusPidLambda bool
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::StatusPidCascade statusPidCascade bool
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::StatusPidCharmBaryon statusPidCharmBaryon bool
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::StatusInvMassLambda statusInvMassLambda bool
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::StatusInvMassCascade statusInvMassCascade bool
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::StatusInvMassCharmBaryon statusInvMassCharmBaryon bool
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::ResultSelections resultSelections bool
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::PidTpcInfoStored pidTpcInfoStored int
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::PidTofInfoStored pidTofInfoStored int
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::TpcNSigmaPiFromCharmBaryon tpcNSigmaPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::TpcNSigmaPiFromCasc tpcNSigmaPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::TpcNSigmaPiFromLambda tpcNSigmaPiFromLambda float
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::TpcNSigmaPrFromLambda tpcNSigmaPrFromLambda float
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::TofNSigmaPiFromCharmBaryon tofNSigmaPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::TofNSigmaPiFromCasc tofNSigmaPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::TofNSigmaPiFromLambda tofNSigmaPiFromLambda float
o2::aod::hf_sel_toxipi::TofNSigmaPrFromLambda tofNSigmaPrFromLambda float


Code file: candidateSelectorXicToPKPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xic::IsSelXicToPKPi isSelXicToPKPi int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xic::IsSelXicToPiKP isSelXicToPiKP int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xic::MlProbXicToPKPi mlProbXicToPKPi std::vector<float>
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xic::MlProbXicToPiKP mlProbXicToPiKP std::vector<float>


Code file: candidateSelectorXiccToPKPiPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xicc::IsSelXiccToPKPiPi isSelXiccToPKPiPi int


Code file: derivedDataCreatorD0ToKPi.cxx

Table with basic collision info
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HfD0CollBase = o2::aod::HfD0CollBases::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::hf_coll_base::IsEventReject isEventReject int8_t collision rejection flag
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Table with global indices for collisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Table with basic candidate properties used in the analyses
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::HfD0CollBaseId I hfD0CollBaseId int32 collision index pointing to the derived collision table for D0 candidates
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pt pt float transverse momentum
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Eta eta float pseudorapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Phi phi float azimuth
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::M m float invariant mass
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Y D y float D0 rapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Px D px float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Py D py float D0 py
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pz D pz float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::P D p float D0 momentum
Table with candidate properties used for selection
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLength decayLength float decay length
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float decay length in the transverse plane
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float decay length divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float decay length in the transverse plane divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PtProng0 ptProng0 float transverse momentum of prong 0
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PtProng1 ptProng1 float transverse momentum of prong 1
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float impact parameter of prong 0 divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float impact parameter of prong 1 divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofPi0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofKa0 nSigTpcTofKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofPi1 nSigTpcTofPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofKa1 nSigTpcTofKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::Cpa cpa float cosine of pointing angle
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::CpaXY cpaXY float cosine of pointing angle in the transverse plane
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float see RecoDecay::maxNormalisedDeltaIP
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterProduct impactParameterProduct float product of impact parameters of prong 0 and prong 1
Table with additional candidate properties used for selection
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::KfTopolChi2OverNdf kfTopolChi2OverNdf float chi2overndf of the KFParticle topological constraint
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float distance of the secondary vertex from the z axis
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PProng0 pProng0 float momentum magnitude of prong 0
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PProng1 pProng1 float momentum magnitude of prong 1
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::CosThetaStar cosThetaStar float cosine of theta star
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::Ct ct float proper lifetime times c
Table with candidate selection flags
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_sel::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int8_t bitmap of the selected candidate type
Table with global indices for candidates
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
Table with MC candidate info
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t flag for reconstruction level matching
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Table with MC particle info
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pt pt float transverse momentum
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Eta eta float pseudorapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Phi phi float azimuth
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t flag for generator level matching
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Y D y float D0 rapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Px D px float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Py D py float D0 py
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pz D pz float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::P D p float D0 momentum
Table with global indices for MC particles
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 MC collision of this particle
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle


Code file: refitPvDummy.cxx

Table for HF 2 prong candidates (Run 3 format)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Hf2Prongs = o2::aod::Hf2Prongs_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
Table for HF candidates with a V0 (Run 3 format)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HfCascades = o2::aod::HfCascades_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::V0Id I v0Id int32 Index to V0 prong
Table for HF 3 prong candidates (Run 3 format)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Hf3Prongs = o2::aod::Hf3Prongs_001
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong2Id I prong2Id int Index to third prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitX pvRefitX float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitY pvRefitY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitZ pvRefitZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaX2 pvRefitSigmaX2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXY pvRefitSigmaXY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaY2 pvRefitSigmaY2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXZ pvRefitSigmaXZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaYZ pvRefitSigmaYZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaZ2 pvRefitSigmaZ2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitX pvRefitX float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitY pvRefitY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitZ pvRefitZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaX2 pvRefitSigmaX2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXY pvRefitSigmaXY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaY2 pvRefitSigmaY2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXZ pvRefitSigmaXZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaYZ pvRefitSigmaYZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaZ2 pvRefitSigmaZ2 float


Code file: trackIndexSkimCreator.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_collision::WhyRejectColl whyRejectColl int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_sel_track::IsSelProng isSelProng uint32_t
o2::aod::hf_sel_track::IsProton isProton int8_t
o2::aod::hf_sel_track::IsPositive isPositive bool
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitX pvRefitX float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitY pvRefitY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitZ pvRefitZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitSigmaX2 pvRefitSigmaX2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitSigmaXY pvRefitSigmaXY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitSigmaY2 pvRefitSigmaY2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitSigmaXZ pvRefitSigmaXZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitSigmaYZ pvRefitSigmaYZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitSigmaZ2 pvRefitSigmaZ2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitDcaXY pvRefitDcaXY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit_track::PvRefitDcaZ pvRefitDcaZ float
Table for HF 2 prong candidates with a Cascade
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HfCascLf2Prong = o2::aod::HfCascLf2Prongs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::hf_track_index::CascadeId I cascadeId int32 Index to cascade prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::HFflag hfflag uint8_t
Table for HF 3 prong candidates with a Cascade
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HfCascLf3Prong = o2::aod::HfCascLf3Prongs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::hf_track_index::CascadeId I cascadeId int32 Index to cascade prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::hf_track_index::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_track_index::FlagD0ToKPi flagD0ToKPi uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::FlagJpsiToEE flagJpsiToEE uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::FlagJpsiToMuMu flagJpsiToMuMu uint8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_track_index::FlagDplusToPiKPi flagDplusToPiKPi uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::FlagLcToPKPi flagLcToPKPi uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::FlagDsToKKPi flagDsToKKPi uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_track_index::FlagXicToPKPi flagXicToPKPi uint8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_track_index::FlagDstarToD0Pi flagDstarToD0Pi uint8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitX pvRefitX float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitY pvRefitY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitZ pvRefitZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaX2 pvRefitSigmaX2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXY pvRefitSigmaXY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaY2 pvRefitSigmaY2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXZ pvRefitSigmaXZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaYZ pvRefitSigmaYZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaZ2 pvRefitSigmaZ2 float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitX pvRefitX float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitY pvRefitY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitZ pvRefitZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaX2 pvRefitSigmaX2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXY pvRefitSigmaXY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaY2 pvRefitSigmaY2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXZ pvRefitSigmaXZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaYZ pvRefitSigmaYZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaZ2 pvRefitSigmaZ2 float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HfDstarsWithPvRefitInfo = soa::Join<o2::aod::HfDstars, o2::aod::HfPvRefitDstar>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitX pvRefitX float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitY pvRefitY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitZ pvRefitZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaX2 pvRefitSigmaX2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXY pvRefitSigmaXY float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaY2 pvRefitSigmaY2 float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaXZ pvRefitSigmaXZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaYZ pvRefitSigmaYZ float
o2::aod::hf_pv_refit::PvRefitSigmaZ2 pvRefitSigmaZ2 float


Code file: treeCreatorB0ToDPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level


Code file: treeCreatorBplusToD0Pi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::CPA cpa float
o2::aod::full::CPAXY cpaXY float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterProduct impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFBachPi nSigmaTOFBachPi float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFBachKa nSigmaTOFBachKa float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTPCBachPi nSigmaTPCBachPi float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTPCBachKa nSigmaTPCBachKa float
o2::aod::full::MCflag mcflag int8_t
o2::aod::full::D0M d0M float
o2::aod::full::D0PtProng0 d0ptProng0 float
o2::aod::full::D0PtProng1 d0ptProng1 float
o2::aod::full::D0Y d0Y float
o2::aod::full::D0Eta d0Eta float
o2::aod::full::D0CPA d0CPA float
o2::aod::full::D0CPAXY d0CPAXY float
o2::aod::full::D0Chi2PCA d0Chi2PCA float
o2::aod::full::D0DecayLength d0DecayLength float
o2::aod::full::D0DecayLengthXY d0DecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::full::D0DecayLengthNormalised d0DecayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::full::D0DecayLengthXYNormalised d0decayLengthXYNormalised float
o2::aod::full::D0ImpactParameterProduct d0impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::full::D0ImpactParameter0 d0impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::full::D0ImpactParameter1 d0impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::D0ImpactParameterNormalised0 d0impactParameterNormalised0 float
o2::aod::full::D0ImpactParameterNormalised1 d0impactParameterNormalised1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk0Pi nSigmaTOFTrk0Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk0Ka nSigmaTOFTrk0Ka float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTPCTrk0Pi nSigmaTPCTrk0Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTPCTrk0Ka nSigmaTPCTrk0Ka float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk1Pi nSigmaTOFTrk1Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk1Ka nSigmaTOFTrk1Ka float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTPCTrk1Pi nSigmaTPCTrk1Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTPCTrk1Ka nSigmaTPCTrk1Ka float
o2::aod::full::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::full::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into McCollisions
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::MCflag mcflag int8_t
o2::aod::full::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into McParticles


Code file: treeCreatorBsToDsPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::hf_cand_bs::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::hf_cand_bs::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::hf_cand_bs::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t


Code file: treeCreatorD0ToKPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPi0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofKa0 nSigTpcTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPi1 nSigTpcTofPi1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofKa1 nSigTpcTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterProduct impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec)DECLARE_SOA_TABLE(HfCandD0Fulls GI ?
o2::aod::``AOD'' GI ?
o2::aod::``HFCANDD0FULL'' GI ?
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::KfTopolChi2OverNdf kfTopolChi2OverNdf float chi2overndf of the KFParticle topological constraint
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::CosThetaStar cosThetaStar float
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::full::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand::KfTopolChi2OverNdf kfTopolChi2OverNdf float chi2overndf of the KFParticle topological constraint
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPi0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofKa0 nSigTpcTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPi1 nSigTpcTofPi1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofKa1 nSigTpcTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterProduct impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::full::CosThetaStar cosThetaStar float
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::full::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into McCollisions
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t
o2::aod::full::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into McParticles


Code file: treeCreatorDplusToPiKPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng2 ptProng2 float Transverse momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi2 nSigTpcPi2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa2 nSigTpcKa2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi2 nSigTofPi2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa2 nSigTofKa2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec)DECLARE_SOA_TABLE(HfCandDpFulls GI ?
o2::aod::``AOD'' GI ?
o2::aod::``HFCANDDPFULL'' GI ?
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised2 impactParameterNormalised2 float Normalised impact parameter of prong2
o2::aod::full::PProng2 pProng2 float Momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng2 pxProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng2 pyProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng2 pzProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter2 errorImpactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised2 impactParameterNormalised2 float Normalised impact parameter of prong2
o2::aod::full::PtProng2 ptProng2 float Transverse momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng2 pProng2 float Momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng2 pxProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng2 pyProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng2 pzProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter2 errorImpactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi2 nSigTpcPi2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa2 nSigTpcKa2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi2 nSigTofPi2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa2 nSigTofKa2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level


Code file: treeCreatorDsToKKPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng2 ptProng2 float Transverse momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi2 nSigTpcPi2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa2 nSigTpcKa2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi2 nSigTofPi2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa2 nSigTofKa2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_ds::IsSelDsToKKPi isSelDsToKKPi int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_ds::IsSelDsToPiKK isSelDsToPiKK int
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterXY impactParameterXY float Transverse impact parameter of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DeltaMassPhi deltaMassPhi float Absolute mass difference between kaon-pair and phi-meson invariant mass (Gev/c2)
o2::aod::full::AbsCos3PiK absCos3PiK float Cube of absolute value of the cosine of pion-kaon angle in the phi rest frame
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec)DECLARE_SOA_TABLE(HfCandDsFulls GI ?
o2::aod::``AOD'' GI ?
o2::aod::``HFCANDDSFULL'' GI ?
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng2 pProng2 float Momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng2 pxProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng2 pyProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng2 pzProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng2 ptProng2 float Transverse momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng2 pProng2 float Momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng2 pxProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng2 pyProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng2 pzProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi2 nSigTpcPi2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa2 nSigTpcKa2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi2 nSigTofPi2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa2 nSigTofKa2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_ds::IsSelDsToKKPi isSelDsToKKPi int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_ds::IsSelDsToPiKK isSelDsToPiKK int
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float Maximum normalized difference between measured and expected impact parameter of candidate prongs
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterXY impactParameterXY float Transverse impact parameter of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DeltaMassPhi deltaMassPhi float Absolute mass difference between kaon-pair and phi-meson invariant mass (Gev/c2)
o2::aod::full::AbsCos3PiK absCos3PiK float Cube of absolute value of the cosine of pion-kaon angle in the phi rest frame
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t reconstruction level
o2::aod::hf_cand_3prong::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level


Code file: treeCreatorLbToLcPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTOFTrk0Pi nsigTOFTrk0Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigRICHTrk0Pi nsigRICHTrk0Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigRICHTrk1Pi nSigRICHTrk1Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigRICHTrk1Pr nSigRICHTrk1Pr float
o2::aod::full::NSigRICHTrk2Ka nSigRICHTrk2Ka float
o2::aod::full::NSigRICHTrk3Pi nSigRICHTrk3Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigRICHTrk3Pr nSigRICHTrk3Pr float
o2::aod::full::NSigfRICHTrk0Pi nsigfRICHTrk0Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigfRICHTrk1Pi nSigfRICHTrk1Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigfRICHTrk1Pr nSigfRICHTrk1Pr float
o2::aod::full::NSigfRICHTrk2Ka nSigfRICHTrk2Ka float
o2::aod::full::NSigfRICHTrk3Pi nSigfRICHTrk3Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigfRICHTrk3Pr nSigfRICHTrk3Pr float
o2::aod::full::NSigTOFTrk1Pi nSigTOFrk1Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigTOFTrk1Pr nSigTOFrk1Pr float
o2::aod::full::NSigTOFTrk2Ka nSigTOFrk2Ka float
o2::aod::full::NSigTOFTrk3Pi nSigTOFrk3Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigTOFTrk3Pr nSigTOFrk3Pr float
o2::aod::full::LcM lcM float
o2::aod::full::LcCt lcCt float
o2::aod::full::LcY lcY float
o2::aod::full::LcE lcE float
o2::aod::full::LcEta lcEta float
o2::aod::full::LcCPA lcCPA float
o2::aod::full::LcCPAXY lcCPAXY float
o2::aod::full::LcChi2PCA lcChi2PCA float
o2::aod::full::LcDecayLength lcDecayLength float
o2::aod::full::LcDecayLengthXY lcDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::full::LcDecayLengthNormalised lcDecayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::full::LcImpactParameter0 lcImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::full::LcImpactParameter1 lcImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::LcImpactParameter2 lcImpactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::CPA cpa float
o2::aod::full::CPAXY cpaXY float
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::MCflag mcflag int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t


Code file: treeCreatorLcToK0sP.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::V0Radius v0Radius float
o2::aod::full::V0CosPA v0CosPA float
o2::aod::full::V0MLambda v0MLambda float
o2::aod::full::V0MAntiLambda v0MAntiLambda float
o2::aod::full::V0MK0Short v0MK0Short float
o2::aod::full::V0MGamma v0MGamma float
o2::aod::full::V0CtK0Short v0CtK0Short float
o2::aod::full::V0CtLambda v0CtLambda float
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float DCA between V0 daughters
o2::aod::full::PtV0Pos ptV0Pos float
o2::aod::full::PtV0Neg ptV0Neg float
o2::aod::v0data::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float DCA negative prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTPCPr0 nSigmaTPCPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFPr0 nSigmaTOFPr0 float
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::CPA cpa float
o2::aod::full::CPAXY cpaXY float
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::V0X v0x float X position of V0 decay
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::V0Y v0y float Y position of V0 decay
o2::aod::hf_cand_casc::V0Z v0z float Z position of V0 decay
o2::aod::full::V0Radius v0Radius float
o2::aod::full::V0CosPA v0CosPA float
o2::aod::full::V0MLambda v0MLambda float
o2::aod::full::V0MAntiLambda v0MAntiLambda float
o2::aod::full::V0MK0Short v0MK0Short float
o2::aod::full::V0MGamma v0MGamma float
o2::aod::full::V0CtK0Short v0CtK0Short float
o2::aod::full::V0CtLambda v0CtLambda float
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float DCA between V0 daughters
o2::aod::v0data::PxPos pxpos float positive track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyPos pypos float positive track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzPos pzpos float positive track pz at min
o2::aod::full::PtV0Pos ptV0Pos float
o2::aod::v0data::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::PxNeg pxneg float negative track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyNeg pyneg float negative track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzNeg pzneg float negative track pz at min
o2::aod::full::PtV0Neg ptV0Neg float
o2::aod::v0data::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float DCA negative prong to PV
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTPCPr0 nSigmaTPCPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFPr0 nSigmaTOFPr0 float
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::CPA cpa float
o2::aod::full::CPAXY cpaXY float
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t


Code file: treeCreatorLcToPKPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::NProngsContributorsPV nProngsContributorsPV uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng2 ptProng2 float Transverse momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr0 nSigTpcPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr0 nSigTofPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi2 nSigTpcPi2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr2 nSigTpcPr2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi2 nSigTofPi2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr2 nSigTofPr2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPi0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPr0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofKa1 nSigTpcTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPi2 nSigTpcTofPr2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPr2 nSigTpcTofPi2 float
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::full::IsCandidateSwapped isCandidateSwapped int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::NProngsContributorsPV nProngsContributorsPV uint8_t
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised2 impactParameterNormalised2 float Normalised impact parameter of prong2
o2::aod::full::PtProng2 ptProng2 float Transverse momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng2 pProng2 float Momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng2 pxProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng2 pyProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng2 pzProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter2 errorImpactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr0 nSigTpcPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr0 nSigTofPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi2 nSigTpcPi2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr2 nSigTpcPr2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi2 nSigTofPi2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr2 nSigTofPr2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPi0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPr0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofKa1 nSigTpcTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPi2 nSigTpcTofPr2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcTofPr2 nSigTpcTofPi2 float
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::full::IsCandidateSwapped isCandidateSwapped int8_t
o2::aod::full::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::full::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into McCollisions
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::full::MultZeqFT0A multZeqFT0A float
o2::aod::full::MultZeqFT0C multZeqFT0C float
o2::aod::full::MultFT0M multFT0M float
o2::aod::full::MultZeqFV0A multZeqFV0A float
o2::aod::full::MultZeqNTracksPV multZeqNTracksPV float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into McCollisions
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t
o2::aod::full::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into McParticles


Code file: treeCreatorOmegacSt.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::st_omegac::MassOmega massOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac::MassXi massXi float
o2::aod::st_omegac::MassLambda massLambda float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTpcPion nSigmaTpcPion float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTofPion nSigmaTofPion float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTpcV0Pr nSigmaTpcV0Pr float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTofV0Pr nSigmaTofV0Pr float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTpcV0Pi nSigmaTpcV0Pi float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTofV0Pi nSigmaTofV0Pi float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTpcBachPi nSigmaTpcBachPi float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTofBachPi nSigmaTofBachPi float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTpcBachKa nSigmaTpcBachKa float
o2::aod::st_omegac::NSigmaTofBachKa nSigmaTofBachKa float
o2::aod::st_omegac::PxCasc pxCasc float
o2::aod::st_omegac::PyCasc pyCasc float
o2::aod::st_omegac::PzCasc pzCasc float
o2::aod::st_omegac::IsPositiveCasc isPositiveCasc bool
o2::aod::st_omegac::PxPion pxPion float
o2::aod::st_omegac::PyPion pyPion float
o2::aod::st_omegac::PzPion pzPion float
o2::aod::st_omegac::IsPositivePion isPositivePion bool
o2::aod::st_omegac::ITSClusterMapPion itsClusterMapPion uint8_t
o2::aod::st_omegac::CpaOmegac cpaOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac::CpaOmega cpaOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaXYOmega dcaXYOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaZOmega dcaZOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaXYPion dcaXYPion float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaZPion dcaZPion float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaXYPr dcaXYPr float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaZPr dcaZPr float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaXYKa dcaXYKa float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaZKa dcaZKa float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaXYPi dcaXYPi float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DcaZPi dcaZPi float
o2::aod::st_omegac::Chi2TopologicalOmegac chi2TopologicalOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac::Chi2TopologicalOmega chi2TopologicalOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DecayLengthOmegac decayLengthOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DecayLengthXYOmegac decayLengthXYOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DecayLengthOmega decayLengthOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac::DecayLengthXYOmega decayLengthXYOmega float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::PxOmegac pxOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::PyOmegac pyOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::PzOmegac pzOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::IsPositiveOmegac isPositiveOmegac bool
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::PxOmega pxOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::PyOmega pyOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::PzOmega pzOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::IsPositiveOmega isPositiveOmega bool
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::DecayLengthOmegac decayLengthOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::DecayLengthXYOmegac decayLengthXYOmegac float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::DecayLengthOmega decayLengthOmega float
o2::aod::st_omegac_gen::DecayLengthXYOmega decayLengthXYOmega float


Code file: treeCreatorToXiPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::XPv xPv float
o2::aod::full::YPv yPv float
o2::aod::full::ZPv zPv float
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::Chi2 chi2 float Chi2 of vertex fit
o2::aod::full::XDecayVtxCharmBaryon xDecayVtxCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::YDecayVtxCharmBaryon yDecayVtxCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::ZDecayVtxCharmBaryon zDecayVtxCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::XDecayVtxCascade xDecayVtxCascade float
o2::aod::full::YDecayVtxCascade yDecayVtxCascade float
o2::aod::full::ZDecayVtxCascade zDecayVtxCascade float
o2::aod::full::XDecayVtxV0 xDecayVtxV0 float
o2::aod::full::YDecayVtxV0 yDecayVtxV0 float
o2::aod::full::ZDecayVtxV0 zDecayVtxV0 float
o2::aod::full::SignDecay signDecay int8_t
o2::aod::full::CovVtxCharmBaryonXX covVtxCharmBaryonXX float
o2::aod::full::CovVtxCharmBaryonYY covVtxCharmBaryonYY float
o2::aod::full::CovVtxCharmBaryonZZ covVtxCharmBaryonZZ float
o2::aod::full::PxCharmBaryon pxCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::PyCharmBaryon pyCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::PzCharmBaryon pzCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::PxCasc pxCasc float
o2::aod::full::PyCasc pyCasc float
o2::aod::full::PzCasc pzCasc float
o2::aod::full::PxPiFromCharmBaryon pxPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::PyPiFromCharmBaryon pyPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::PzPiFromCharmBaryon pzPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::PxLambda pxLambda float
o2::aod::full::PyLambda pyLambda float
o2::aod::full::PzLambda pzLambda float
o2::aod::full::PxPiFromCasc pxPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::full::PyPiFromCasc pyPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::full::PzPiFromCasc pzPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::full::PxPosV0Dau pxPosV0Dau float
o2::aod::full::PyPosV0Dau pyPosV0Dau float
o2::aod::full::PzPosV0Dau pzPosV0Dau float
o2::aod::full::PxNegV0Dau pxNegV0Dau float
o2::aod::full::PyNegV0Dau pyNegV0Dau float
o2::aod::full::PzNegV0Dau pzNegV0Dau float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParCascXY impactParCascXY float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParPiFromCharmBaryonXY impactParPiFromCharmBaryonXY float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParCascZ impactParCascZ float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParPiFromCharmBaryonZ impactParPiFromCharmBaryonZ float
o2::aod::full::ErrImpactParCascXY errImpactParCascXY float
o2::aod::full::ErrImpactParPiFromCharmBaryonXY errImpactParPiFromCharmBaryonXY float
o2::aod::full::InvMassLambda invMassLambda double
o2::aod::full::InvMassCascade invMassCascade double
o2::aod::full::InvMassCharmBaryon invMassCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::full::CosPAV0 cosPAV0 double
o2::aod::full::CosPACharmBaryon cosPACharmBaryon double
o2::aod::full::CosPACasc cosPACasc double
o2::aod::full::CosPAXYV0 cosPAXYV0 double
o2::aod::full::CosPAXYCharmBaryon cosPAXYCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::full::CosPAXYCasc cosPAXYCasc double
o2::aod::full::CTauOmegac ctauOmegac double
o2::aod::full::CTauCascade ctauCascade double
o2::aod::full::CTauV0 ctauV0 double
o2::aod::full::CTauXic ctauXic double
o2::aod::full::EtaV0PosDau etaV0PosDau double
o2::aod::full::EtaV0NegDau etaV0NegDau double
o2::aod::full::EtaPiFromCasc etaPiFromCasc double
o2::aod::full::EtaPiFromCharmBaryon etaPiFromCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::full::EtaCharmBaryon etaCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::full::EtaCascade etaCascade double
o2::aod::full::EtaV0 etaV0 double
o2::aod::full::DcaXYToPvV0Dau0 dcaXYToPvV0Dau0 float
o2::aod::full::DcaXYToPvV0Dau1 dcaXYToPvV0Dau1 float
o2::aod::full::DcaXYToPvCascDau dcaXYToPvCascDau float
o2::aod::full::DcaZToPvV0Dau0 dcaZToPvV0Dau0 float
o2::aod::full::DcaZToPvV0Dau1 dcaZToPvV0Dau1 float
o2::aod::full::DcaZToPvCascDau dcaZToPvCascDau float
o2::aod::full::DcaCascDau dcaCascDau float
o2::aod::full::DcaV0Dau dcaV0Dau float
o2::aod::full::DcaCharmBaryonDau dcaCharmBaryonDau float
o2::aod::full::DecLenCharmBaryon decLenCharmBaryon double
o2::aod::full::DecLenCascade decLenCascade double
o2::aod::full::DecLenV0 decLenV0 double
o2::aod::full::ErrorDecayLengthCharmBaryon errorDecayLengthCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::ErrorDecayLengthXYCharmBaryon errorDecayLengthXYCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::NormImpParCascade normImpParCascade double
o2::aod::full::NormImpParPiFromCharmBar normImpParPiFromCharmBar double
o2::aod::full::NormDecayLenCharmBar normDecayLenCharmBar double
o2::aod::full::StatusPidLambda statusPidLambda bool
o2::aod::full::StatusPidCascade statusPidCascade bool
o2::aod::full::StatusPidCharmBaryon statusPidCharmBaryon bool
o2::aod::full::StatusInvMassLambda statusInvMassLambda bool
o2::aod::full::StatusInvMassCascade statusInvMassCascade bool
o2::aod::full::StatusInvMassCharmBaryon statusInvMassCharmBaryon bool
o2::aod::full::ResultSelections resultSelections bool
o2::aod::full::PidTpcInfoStored pidTpcInfoStored int
o2::aod::full::PidTofInfoStored pidTofInfoStored int
o2::aod::full::TpcNSigmaPiFromCharmBaryon tpcNSigmaPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::TpcNSigmaPiFromCasc tpcNSigmaPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::full::TpcNSigmaPiFromLambda tpcNSigmaPiFromLambda float
o2::aod::full::TpcNSigmaPrFromLambda tpcNSigmaPrFromLambda float
o2::aod::full::TofNSigmaPiFromCharmBaryon tofNSigmaPiFromCharmBaryon float
o2::aod::full::TofNSigmaPiFromCasc tofNSigmaPiFromCasc float
o2::aod::full::TofNSigmaPiFromLambda tofNSigmaPiFromLambda float
o2::aod::full::TofNSigmaPrFromLambda tofNSigmaPrFromLambda float
o2::aod::full::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t
o2::aod::full::DebugMcRec debugMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginRec originRec int8_t


Code file: treeCreatorXicToPKPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PtProng2 ptProng2 float Transverse momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr0 nSigTpcPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr0 nSigTofPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr1 nSigTpcPr1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr1 nSigTofPr1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi2 nSigTpcPi2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa2 nSigTpcKa2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr2 nSigTpcPr2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi2 nSigTofPi2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa2 nSigTofKa2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr2 nSigTofPr2 float
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xic::IsSelXicToPKPi isSelXicToPKPi int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xic::IsSelXicToPiKP isSelXicToPiKP int
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec)DECLARE_SOA_TABLE(HfCandXicFulls GI ?
o2::aod::``AOD'' GI ?
o2::aod::``HFCANDXICFULL'' GI ?
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised2 impactParameterNormalised2 float Normalised impact parameter of prong2
o2::aod::full::PProng2 pProng2 float Momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng2 pxProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng2 pyProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng2 pzProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter2 errorImpactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::full::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised2 impactParameterNormalised2 float Normalised impact parameter of prong2
o2::aod::full::PtProng2 ptProng2 float Transverse momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng2 pProng2 float Momentum of prong2 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng2 pxProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng2 pyProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng2 pzProng2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter2 impactParameter2 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter2 errorImpactParameter2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr0 nSigTpcPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr0 nSigTofPr0 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr1 nSigTpcPr1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong1 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr1 nSigTofPr1 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPi2 nSigTpcPi2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcKa2 nSigTpcKa2 float TPC Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTpcPr2 nSigTpcPr2 float
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPi2 nSigTofPi2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with pion mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofKa2 nSigTofKa2 float TOF Nsigma separation for prong2 with kaon mass hypothesis
o2::aod::full::NSigTofPr2 nSigTofPr2 float
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xic::IsSelXicToPKPi isSelXicToPKPi int
o2::aod::hf_sel_candidate_xic::IsSelXicToPiKP isSelXicToPiKP int
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Cpa cpa float Cosine pointing angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::CpaXY cpaXY float Cosine pointing angle of candidate in transverse plane
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::E e float Energy of candidate (GeV)
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
o2::aod::full::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::FlagMc flagMc int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t
o2::aod::full::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus


Code file: treeCreatorXiccToPKPiPi.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float Radius of secondary vertex (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLength decayLength float Decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float Transverse decay length of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float Normalised decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float Normalised transverse decay length of candidate
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float Normalised impact parameter of prong0
o2::aod::full::PtProng0 ptProng0 float Transverse momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng0 pProng0 float Momentum of prong0 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float Normalised impact parameter of prong1
o2::aod::full::PtProng1 ptProng1 float Transverse momentum of prong1 (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::PProng1 pProng1 float Momentum of prong1 (in GeV/c)
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFBachPi nSigmaTOFBachPi float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::full::ImpactParameterProduct impactParameterProduct float
o2::aod::full::XicM xicM float
o2::aod::full::XicCt xicCt float
o2::aod::full::XicY xicY float
o2::aod::full::XicE xicE float
o2::aod::full::XicEta xicEta float
o2::aod::full::XicCPA xicCPA float
o2::aod::full::XicCPAXY xicCPAXY float
o2::aod::full::XicChi2PCA xicChi2PCA float
o2::aod::full::XicDecayLength xicDecayLength float
o2::aod::full::XicDecayLengthXY xicDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::full::XicDecayLengthNormalised xicDecayLengthNormalised float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk1Pr nSigmaTOFTrk1Pr float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk1Pi nSigmaTOFTrk1Pi float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk2Ka nSigmaTOFTrk2Ka float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk3Pr nSigmaTOFTrk3Pr float
o2::aod::full::NSigmaTOFTrk3Pi nSigmaTOFTrk3Pi float
o2::aod::full::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int Selection flag of candidate (output of candidateSelector)
o2::aod::full::M m float Invariant mass of candidate (GeV/c2)
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::CPA cpa float
o2::aod::full::CPAXY cpaXY float
o2::aod::full::Ct ct float Proper lifetime times c of candidate (cm)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::MCflag mcflag int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::full::IsEventReject isEventReject int Event rejection flag
o2::aod::full::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::BCId I bcId int32 Most probably BC to where this collision has occured
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Y y float Rapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::MCflag mcflag int8_t
o2::aod::full::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t



Code file: emcalCorrectionTask.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMCALCluster = o2::aod::EMCALClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emcalcluster::CollisionId I collisionId int32 collisionID used as index for matched clusters
o2::aod::emcalcluster::ID id int cluster ID identifying cluster in event
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Energy energy float cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::CoreEnergy coreEnergy float cluster core energy (GeV)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::RawEnergy rawEnergy float raw cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Eta eta float cluster pseudorapidity (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Phi phi float cluster azimuthal angle (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::M02 m02 float shower shape long axis
o2::aod::emcalcluster::M20 m20 float shower shape short axis
o2::aod::emcalcluster::NCells nCells int number of cells in cluster
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Time time float cluster time (ns)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::IsExotic isExotic bool flag to mark cluster as exotic
o2::aod::emcalcluster::DistanceToBadChannel distanceToBadChannel float distance to bad channel
o2::aod::emcalcluster::NLM nlm int number of local maxima
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Definition definition int cluster definition, see EMCALClusterDefinition.h
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMCALAmbiguousCluster = o2::aod::EMCALAmbiguousClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emcalcluster::BCId I bcId int32 bunch crossing ID used as index for ambiguous clusters
o2::aod::emcalcluster::ID id int cluster ID identifying cluster in event
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Energy energy float cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::CoreEnergy coreEnergy float cluster core energy (GeV)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::RawEnergy rawEnergy float raw cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Eta eta float cluster pseudorapidity (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Phi phi float cluster azimuthal angle (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::M02 m02 float shower shape long axis
o2::aod::emcalcluster::M20 m20 float shower shape short axis
o2::aod::emcalcluster::NCells nCells int number of cells in cluster
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Time time float cluster time (ns)
o2::aod::emcalcluster::IsExotic isExotic bool flag to mark cluster as exotic
o2::aod::emcalcluster::DistanceToBadChannel distanceToBadChannel float distance to bad channel
o2::aod::emcalcluster::NLM nlm int number of local maxima
o2::aod::emcalcluster::Definition definition int cluster definition, see EMCALClusterDefinition.h
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMCALClusterCell = o2::aod::EMCALClusterCells::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emcalclustercell::EMCALClusterId I emcalclusterId int32 linked to EMCalClusters table
o2::aod::emcalclustercell::CaloId I caloId int32 linked to calo cells
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMCALAmbiguousClusterCell = o2::aod::EMCALAmbiguousClusterCells::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emcalclustercell::EMCALAmbiguousClusterId I emcalambiguousclusterId int32 linked to EMCalAmbiguousClusters table
o2::aod::emcalclustercell::CaloId I caloId int32 linked to calo cells
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMCALMatchedTrack = o2::aod::EMCALMatchedTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emcalclustercell::EMCALClusterId I emcalclusterId int32 linked to EMCalClusters table
o2::aod::emcalmatchedtrack::TrackId I trackId int32 linked to Track table only for tracks that were matched
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EMCALMatchedCollision = o2::aod::EMCALMatchedCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emcalcollisionmatch::CollisionId I collisionId int32 collisionID used as index for matched collisions
o2::aod::emcalcollisionmatch::Ambiguous ambiguous bool boolean stating whether the collision is ambiguous (in a BC with multiple collisions)


Code file: emcalMatchedTracksTask.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::EmcalMT = o2::aod::EmcalMTs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Orbit orbit uint32_t orbit ID
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1X track1X float x position of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1Alpha track1Alpha float alpha of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1P track1P float momentum of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1QPt track1QPt float q over pT of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1Y track1Y float y position of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1Z track1Z float z position of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1Snp track1Snp float sin(phi) of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1Tgl track1Tgl float tan(lambda) of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1Pt track1Pt float transverse momentum of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1SigmaY track1SigmaY float convariance of y position of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1SigmaZ track1SigmaZ float convariance of z position of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1SigmaSnp track1SigmaSnp float convariance of sin(phi) of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1SigmaTgl track1SigmaTgl float convariance of tan(lambda) of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1SigmaPt track1SigmaPt float convariance of transverse momentum of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1Eta track1Eta float eta position of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1Phi track1Phi float phi position of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1EtaEMCAL track1EtaEmcal float eta position of first matched track propagated to calorimeter
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1PhiEMCAL track1PhiEmca float phi position of first matched track propagated to calorimeter
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1DEta track1DEta float dEta first matched track propagated to calorimeter
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1DPhi track1DPhi float dPhi first matched track propagated to calorimeter
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1ITSNCls track1ItsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1TOFExpMom track1TofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1TPCNSigmaE track1TPCNSigmaE float NSigma electron (TPC PID) of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1TPCNSigmaPi track1TPCNSigmaPi float NSigma pion (TPC PID) of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1TOFNSigmaE track1TOFNSigmaE float NSigma electron (TOF PID) of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track1TOFNSigmaPi track1TOFNSigmaPi float NSigma pion (TOF PID) of first matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2X track2X float x position of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2Alpha track2Alpha float alpha of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2P track2P float momentum of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2QPt track2QPt float q over pT of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2Y track2Y float y position of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2Z track2Z float z position of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2Snp track2Snp float sin(phi) of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2Tgl track2Tgl float tan(lambda) of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2Pt track2Pt float transverse momentum of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2SigmaY track2SigmaY float convariance of y position of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2SigmaZ track2SigmaZ float convariance of z position of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2SigmaSnp track2SigmaSnp float convariance of sin(phi) of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2SigmaTgl track2SigmaTgl float convariance of tan(lambda) of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2SigmaPt track2SigmaPt float convariance of transverse momentum of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2Eta track2Eta float eta position of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2Phi track2Phi float phi position of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2EtaEMCAL track2EtaEmcal float eta position of second matched track propagated to calorimeter
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2PhiEMCAL track2PhiEmca float phi position of second matched track propagated to calorimeter
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2DEta track2DEta float dEta second matched track propagated to calorimeter
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2DPhi track2DPhi float dPhi second matched track propagated to calorimeter
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2ITSNCls track2ItsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2TOFExpMom track2TofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2TPCNSigmaE track2TPCNSigmaE float NSigma electron (TPC PID) of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2TPCNSigmaPi track2TPCNSigmaPi float NSigma pion (TPC PID) of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2TOFNSigmaE track2TOFNSigmaE float NSigma electron (TOF PID) of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::Track2TOFNSigmaPi track2TOFNSigmaPi float NSigma pion (TOF PID) of second matched track
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::ClusterEnergy clusterE float cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::ClusterEta clusterEta float cluster pseudorapidity (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::ClusterPhi clusterPhi float cluster azimuthal angle (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::ClusterM02 clusterM02 float cluster shower shape long axis
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::ClusterNCells clusterNCells uint8_t number of cells in cluster
o2::aod::emcaltrackmatch::ClusterTime clusterTime float cluster time (ns)


Code file: eventwiseConstituentSubtractor.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JTrackSub = o2::aod::JTrackSubs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bkgcharged::JCollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into JCollisions
o2::aod::jtracksub::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jtracksub::TrackSel trackSel uint8_t
o2::aod::jtracksub::Px D px float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Py D py float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jtracksub::P D p float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JTrackD0Sub = o2::aod::JTrackD0Subs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bkgd0::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfD0Bases
o2::aod::jtracksub::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jtracksub::TrackSel trackSel uint8_t
o2::aod::jtracksub::Px D px float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Py D py float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jtracksub::P D p float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JTrackLcSub = o2::aod::JTrackLcSubs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bkglc::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCand3Prong
o2::aod::jtracksub::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jtracksub::TrackSel trackSel uint8_t
o2::aod::jtracksub::Px D px float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Py D py float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jtracksub::P D p float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JTrackBplusSub = o2::aod::JTrackBplusSubs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bkgbplus::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus
o2::aod::jtracksub::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jtracksub::TrackSel trackSel uint8_t
o2::aod::jtracksub::Px D px float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Py D py float
o2::aod::jtracksub::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jtracksub::P D p float


Code file: jetderiveddataproducer.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JBC = o2::aod::JBCs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jbc::RunNumber runNumber int
o2::aod::jbc::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::jbc::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jbc::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JCollision = o2::aod::JCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jcollision::PosZ posZ float
o2::aod::jcollision::Centrality centrality float
o2::aod::jcollision::EventSel eventSel uint8_t
o2::aod::jcollision::Alias GI ?
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcollision::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcollision::JBCId I bcId int32 Pointer into JBCs
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JMcCollision = o2::aod::JMcCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jmccollision::PosZ posZ float
o2::aod::jmccollision::Weight weight float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jmccollision::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into McCollisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jmccollisionlb::JMcCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into JMcCollisions
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JTrack = o2::aod::JTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jtrack::JCollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into JCollisions
o2::aod::jtrack::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jtrack::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jtrack::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jtrack::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jtrack::Sign sign float
o2::aod::jtrack::TrackSel trackSel uint8_t
o2::aod::jtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::jtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::jtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jtrack::P D p float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jtrack::TrackId I trackId int32 Pointer into Tracks
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JMcParticle = o2::aod::JMcParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jmcparticle::JMcCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into JMcCollisions
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Y y float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::E e float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int
o2::aod::jmcparticle::GenStatusCode getGenStatusCode int
o2::aod::jmcparticle::HepMCStatusCode getHepMCStatusCode int
o2::aod::jmcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool
o2::aod::jmcparticle::MothersIds SAI mothersIds
o2::aod::jmcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Px D px float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Py D py float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::P D p float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jmcparticle::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into McParticles
Table joined to the track table containing the MC index
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jmctracklb::JMcParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into JMcParticles
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::JCluster = o2::aod::JClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jcluster::JCollisionId I collisionId int32 collisionID used as index for matched clusters
o2::aod::jcluster::ID id int cluster ID identifying cluster in event
o2::aod::jcluster::Energy energy float cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::jcluster::CoreEnergy coreEnergy float cluster core energy (GeV)
o2::aod::jcluster::RawEnergy rawEnergy float raw cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::jcluster::Eta eta float cluster pseudorapidity (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::jcluster::Phi phi float cluster azimuthal angle (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::jcluster::M02 m02 float shower shape long axis
o2::aod::jcluster::M20 m20 float shower shape short axis
o2::aod::jcluster::NCells nCells int number of cells in cluster
o2::aod::jcluster::Time time float cluster time (ns)
o2::aod::jcluster::IsExotic isExotic bool flag to mark cluster as exotic
o2::aod::jcluster::DistanceToBadChannel distanceToBadChannel float distance to bad channel
o2::aod::jcluster::NLM nlm int number of local maxima
o2::aod::jcluster::Definition definition int cluster definition, see EMCALClusterDefinition.h
o2::aod::jcluster::LeadingCellEnergy leadingCellEnergy float energy of leading cell in the cluster
o2::aod::jcluster::SubleadingCellEnergy subleadingCellEnergy float energy of leading cell in the cluster
o2::aod::jcluster::LeadingCellNumber leadingCellNumber int energy of leading cell in the cluster
o2::aod::jcluster::SubleadingCellNumber subleadingCellNumber int energy of leading cell in the cluster
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcluster::EMCALClusterId I clusterId int32 cluster ID of original cluster
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcluster::JTrackIds GI ?
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jdummy::Dummy dummy bool
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jd0indices::JCollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into JCollisions
o2::aod::jd0indices::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::jd0indices::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jd0indices::JMcCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into JMcCollisions
o2::aod::jd0indices::JMcParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into JMcParticles


Code file: jetderiveddataproducerdummy.cxx

Table with basic collision info
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::HfD0CollBase = o2::aod::HfD0CollBases::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::hf_coll_base::IsEventReject isEventReject int8_t collision rejection flag
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
Table with basic candidate properties used in the analyses
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::HfD0CollBaseId I hfD0CollBaseId int32 collision index pointing to the derived collision table for D0 candidates
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pt pt float transverse momentum
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Eta eta float pseudorapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Phi phi float azimuth
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::M m float invariant mass
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Y D y float D0 rapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Px D px float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Py D py float D0 py
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pz D pz float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::P D p float D0 momentum
Table with candidate properties used for selection
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLength decayLength float decay length
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float decay length in the transverse plane
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float decay length divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float decay length in the transverse plane divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PtProng0 ptProng0 float transverse momentum of prong 0
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PtProng1 ptProng1 float transverse momentum of prong 1
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float impact parameter of prong 0 divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float impact parameter of prong 1 divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofPi0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofKa0 nSigTpcTofKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofPi1 nSigTpcTofPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofKa1 nSigTpcTofKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::Cpa cpa float cosine of pointing angle
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::CpaXY cpaXY float cosine of pointing angle in the transverse plane
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float see RecoDecay::maxNormalisedDeltaIP
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterProduct impactParameterProduct float product of impact parameters of prong 0 and prong 1
Table with additional candidate properties used for selection
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::KfTopolChi2OverNdf kfTopolChi2OverNdf float chi2overndf of the KFParticle topological constraint
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float distance of the secondary vertex from the z axis
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PProng0 pProng0 float momentum magnitude of prong 0
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PProng1 pProng1 float momentum magnitude of prong 1
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::CosThetaStar cosThetaStar float cosine of theta star
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::Ct ct float proper lifetime times c
Table with candidate selection flags
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_sel::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int8_t bitmap of the selected candidate type
Table with MC candidate info
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t flag for reconstruction level matching
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
Table with MC particle info
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pt pt float transverse momentum
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Eta eta float pseudorapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Phi phi float azimuth
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t flag for generator level matching
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Y D y float D0 rapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Px D px float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Py D py float D0 py
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pz D pz float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::P D p float D0 momentum


Code file: jetderiveddatatriggerproducer.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcollision::ChargedTriggerSel chargedTriggerSel uint16_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcollision::FullTriggerSel fullTriggerSel uint16_t


Code file: jetderiveddatawriter.cxx

Table with basic collision info (stored version)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredHfD0CollBase = o2::aod::StoredHfD0CollBases::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::hf_coll_base::IsEventReject isEventReject int8_t collision rejection flag
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::soa::Marker GI ?
Table with basic candidate properties used in the analyses (stored version)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::HfD0CollBaseId I hfD0CollBaseId int32 collision index pointing to the derived collision table for D0 candidates
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pt pt float transverse momentum
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Eta eta float pseudorapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Phi phi float azimuth
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::M m float invariant mass
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Y D y float D0 rapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Px D px float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Py D py float D0 py
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pz D pz float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::P D p float D0 momentum
o2::aod::soa::Marker GI ?
Table with candidate properties used for selection (stored version)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand::Chi2PCA chi2PCA float sum of (non-weighted) distances of the secondary vertex to its prongs
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLength decayLength float decay length
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthXY decayLengthXY float decay length in the transverse plane
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthNormalised decayLengthNormalised float decay length divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::DecayLengthXYNormalised decayLengthXYNormalised float decay length in the transverse plane divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PtProng0 ptProng0 float transverse momentum of prong 0
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PtProng1 ptProng1 float transverse momentum of prong 1
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter0 impactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ImpactParameter1 impactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterNormalised0 impactParameterNormalised0 float impact parameter of prong 0 divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterNormalised1 impactParameterNormalised1 float impact parameter of prong 1 divided by its uncertainty
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcPi0 nSigTpcPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcKa0 nSigTpcKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofPi0 nSigTofPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofKa0 nSigTofKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofPi0 nSigTpcTofPi0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofKa0 nSigTpcTofKa0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcPi1 nSigTpcPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcKa1 nSigTpcKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofPi1 nSigTofPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTofKa1 nSigTofKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofPi1 nSigTpcTofPi1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::NSigTpcTofKa1 nSigTpcTofKa1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::Cpa cpa float cosine of pointing angle
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::CpaXY cpaXY float cosine of pointing angle in the transverse plane
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::MaxNormalisedDeltaIP maxNormalisedDeltaIP float see RecoDecay::maxNormalisedDeltaIP
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::ImpactParameterProduct impactParameterProduct float product of impact parameters of prong 0 and prong 1
o2::aod::soa::Marker GI ?
Table with additional candidate properties used for selection (stored version)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::hf_cand::XSecondaryVertex xSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::YSecondaryVertex ySecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ZSecondaryVertex zSecondaryVertex float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLength errorDecayLength float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorDecayLengthXY errorDecayLengthXY float
o2::aod::hf_cand::KfTopolChi2OverNdf kfTopolChi2OverNdf float chi2overndf of the KFParticle topological constraint
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::RSecondaryVertex rSecondaryVertex float distance of the secondary vertex from the z axis
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PProng0 pProng0 float momentum magnitude of prong 0
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::PProng1 pProng1 float momentum magnitude of prong 1
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng0 pxProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng0 pyProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng0 pzProng0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PxProng1 pxProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PyProng1 pyProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::PzProng1 pzProng1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter0 errorImpactParameter0 float
o2::aod::hf_cand::ErrorImpactParameter1 errorImpactParameter1 float
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::CosThetaStar cosThetaStar float cosine of theta star
o2::aod::hf_cand_par::Ct ct float proper lifetime times c
o2::aod::soa::Marker GI ?
Table with candidate selection flags (stored version)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_sel::CandidateSelFlag candidateSelFlag int8_t bitmap of the selected candidate type
o2::aod::soa::Marker GI ?
Table with MC candidate info (stored version)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::FlagMcMatchRec flagMcMatchRec int8_t flag for reconstruction level matching
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::OriginMcRec originMcRec int8_t particle origin, reconstruction level
o2::aod::soa::Marker GI ?
Table with MC particle info (stored version)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pt pt float transverse momentum
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Eta eta float pseudorapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Phi phi float azimuth
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::FlagMcMatchGen flagMcMatchGen int8_t flag for generator level matching
o2::aod::hf_cand_mc::OriginMcGen originMcGen int8_t particle origin, generator level
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Y D y float D0 rapidity
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Px D px float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Py D py float D0 py
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::Pz D pz float D0 px
o2::aod::hf_cand_base::P D p float D0 momentum
o2::aod::soa::Marker GI ?
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredJBC = o2::aod::StoredJBCs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jbc::RunNumber runNumber int
o2::aod::jbc::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::jbc::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jbc::BCId I bcId int32 Pointer into BCs
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredJCollision = o2::aod::StoredJCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jcollision::PosZ posZ float
o2::aod::jcollision::Centrality centrality float
o2::aod::jcollision::EventSel eventSel uint8_t
o2::aod::jcollision::Alias GI ?
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcollision::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcollision::ChargedTriggerSel chargedTriggerSel uint16_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcollision::FullTriggerSel fullTriggerSel uint16_t
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcollision::JBCId I bcId int32 Pointer into JBCs
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredJMcCollision = o2::aod::StoredJMcCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jmccollision::PosZ posZ float
o2::aod::jmccollision::Weight weight float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jmccollision::McCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into McCollisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jmccollisionlb::JMcCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into JMcCollisions
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredJTrack = o2::aod::StoredJTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jtrack::JCollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into JCollisions
o2::aod::jtrack::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jtrack::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jtrack::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jtrack::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jtrack::Sign sign float
o2::aod::jtrack::TrackSel trackSel uint8_t
o2::aod::jtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::jtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::jtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jtrack::P D p float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jtrack::TrackId I trackId int32 Pointer into Tracks
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredJMcParticle = o2::aod::StoredJMcParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jmcparticle::JMcCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into JMcCollisions
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Y y float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::E e float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int
o2::aod::jmcparticle::GenStatusCode getGenStatusCode int
o2::aod::jmcparticle::HepMCStatusCode getHepMCStatusCode int
o2::aod::jmcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool
o2::aod::jmcparticle::MothersIds SAI mothersIds
o2::aod::jmcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Px D px float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Py D py float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jmcparticle::P D p float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jmcparticle::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into McParticles
Table joined to the track table containing the MC index
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jmctracklb::JMcParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into JMcParticles
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StoredJCluster = o2::aod::StoredJClusters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jcluster::JCollisionId I collisionId int32 collisionID used as index for matched clusters
o2::aod::jcluster::ID id int cluster ID identifying cluster in event
o2::aod::jcluster::Energy energy float cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::jcluster::CoreEnergy coreEnergy float cluster core energy (GeV)
o2::aod::jcluster::RawEnergy rawEnergy float raw cluster energy (GeV)
o2::aod::jcluster::Eta eta float cluster pseudorapidity (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::jcluster::Phi phi float cluster azimuthal angle (calculated using vertex)
o2::aod::jcluster::M02 m02 float shower shape long axis
o2::aod::jcluster::M20 m20 float shower shape short axis
o2::aod::jcluster::NCells nCells int number of cells in cluster
o2::aod::jcluster::Time time float cluster time (ns)
o2::aod::jcluster::IsExotic isExotic bool flag to mark cluster as exotic
o2::aod::jcluster::DistanceToBadChannel distanceToBadChannel float distance to bad channel
o2::aod::jcluster::NLM nlm int number of local maxima
o2::aod::jcluster::Definition definition int cluster definition, see EMCALClusterDefinition.h
o2::aod::jcluster::LeadingCellEnergy leadingCellEnergy float energy of leading cell in the cluster
o2::aod::jcluster::SubleadingCellEnergy subleadingCellEnergy float energy of leading cell in the cluster
o2::aod::jcluster::LeadingCellNumber leadingCellNumber int energy of leading cell in the cluster
o2::aod::jcluster::SubleadingCellNumber subleadingCellNumber int energy of leading cell in the cluster
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcluster::EMCALClusterId I clusterId int32 cluster ID of original cluster
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jcluster::JTrackIds GI ?
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jdummy::Dummy dummy bool
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jd0indices::JCollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into JCollisions
o2::aod::jd0indices::Prong0Id I prong0Id int Index to first prong
o2::aod::jd0indices::Prong1Id I prong1Id int Index to second prong
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::jd0indices::JMcCollisionId I mcCollisionId int32 Pointer into JMcCollisions
o2::aod::jd0indices::JMcParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Pointer into JMcParticles


Code file: jeteventweightmcd.cxx


Code file: jeteventweightmcp.cxx


Code file: jetfinder.cxx

Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionChargedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::Chargedjetutil::DummyChargedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionChargedMCDetectorLeveljetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::ChargedMCDetectorLeveljetutil::DummyChargedMCDetectorLevelJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionChargedMCParticleLeveljetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::ChargedMCParticleLeveljetutil::DummyChargedMCParticleLevelJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionChargedEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::ChargedEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyChargedEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionChargedMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::ChargedMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyChargedMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionChargedMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::ChargedMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyChargedMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionFulljetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::Fulljetutil::DummyFullJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionFullMCDetectorLeveljetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::FullMCDetectorLeveljetutil::DummyFullMCDetectorLevelJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionFullMCParticleLeveljetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::FullMCParticleLeveljetutil::DummyFullMCParticleLevelJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionFullEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::FullEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyFullEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionFullMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::FullMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyFullMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionFullMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::FullMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyFullMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionNeutraljetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::Neutraljetutil::DummyNeutralJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionNeutralMCDetectorLeveljetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::NeutralMCDetectorLeveljetutil::DummyNeutralMCDetectorLevelJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionNeutralMCParticleLeveljetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::NeutralMCParticleLeveljetutil::DummyNeutralMCParticleLevelJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionNeutralEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::NeutralEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyNeutralEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionNeutralMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::NeutralMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyNeutralMCDetectorLevelEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int
Header file: PWGJE/DataModel/Jet.h
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jet::_collisionNeutralMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetId GI ?
o2::aod::jet::Pt pt float
o2::aod::jet::Eta eta float
o2::aod::jet::Phi phi float
o2::aod::jet::Energy energy float
o2::aod::jet::Mass mass float
o2::aod::jet::Area area float
o2::aod::jet::R r int
o2::aod::jet::Px D px float
o2::aod::jet::Py D py float
o2::aod::jet::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::jet::P D p float absolute p
o2::aod::NeutralMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedjetutil::DummyNeutralMCParticleLevelEventWiseSubtractedJets D dummy_jet_types int


Code file: jetmatchingmc.cxx


Code file: jetmatchingmcsub.cxx


Code file: jetmatchingsub.cxx


Code file: jettaggerhf.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::Chargedjettagging::Origin origin int
o2::aod::Chargedjettagging::Algorithm1 algorithm1 int
o2::aod::Chargedjettagging::Algorithm2 algorithm2 int
o2::aod::Chargedjettagging::Algorithm3 algorithm3 int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::Chargedmcdetectorleveljettagging::Origin origin int
o2::aod::Chargedmcdetectorleveljettagging::Algorithm1 algorithm1 int
o2::aod::Chargedmcdetectorleveljettagging::Algorithm2 algorithm2 int
o2::aod::Chargedmcdetectorleveljettagging::Algorithm3 algorithm3 int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::Fulljettagging::Origin origin int
o2::aod::Fulljettagging::Algorithm1 algorithm1 int
o2::aod::Fulljettagging::Algorithm2 algorithm2 int
o2::aod::Fulljettagging::Algorithm3 algorithm3 int
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::Fullmcdetectorleveljettagging::Origin origin int
o2::aod::Fullmcdetectorleveljettagging::Algorithm1 algorithm1 int
o2::aod::Fullmcdetectorleveljettagging::Algorithm2 algorithm2 int
o2::aod::Fullmcdetectorleveljettagging::Algorithm3 algorithm3 int


Code file: jettrackderived.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::jettrack::CollisionId collisionId int Id of collision
o2::aod::track::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::Eta E eta float Pseudorapidity
o2::aod::track::Phi E phi float Phi of the track, in radians within [0, 2pi)
o2::aod::track::Pt E pt float Transverse momentum of the track in GeV/c
o2::aod::track::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::jettrack::IsPVContributor isPVContributor bool IsPVContributor
o2::aod::jettrack::HasTRD hasTRD bool Has or not the TRD match
o2::aod::jettrack::HasITS hasITS bool Has or not the ITS match
o2::aod::jettrack::HasTPC hasTPC bool Has or not the TPC match
o2::aod::jettrack::IsGlobalTrack isGlobalTrack bool
o2::aod::jettrack::IsGlobalTrackWoDCA isGlobalTrackWoDCA bool
o2::aod::jettrack::IsGlobalTrackWoPtEta isGlobalTrackWoPtEta bool
o2::aod::track::Flags flags uint32_t Track flags. Run 2: see TrackFlagsRun2Enum | Run 3: see TrackFlags
o2::aod::track::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum TrackTypeEnum. This cannot be used to decide which detector has contributed to this track. Use hasITS, hasTPC, etc.
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::jettrack::ITSNCls itsNCls uint8_t
o2::aod::jettrack::TPCFractionSharedCls tpcFractionSharedCls float
o2::aod::jettrack::TPCNClsFound tpcNClsFound int16_t
o2::aod::jettrack::TPCNClsCrossedRows tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t
o2::aod::jettrack::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float
o2::aod::jettrack::TPCFoundOverFindableCls tpcFoundOverFindableCls float
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex


Code file: rhoEstimator.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bkgcharged::JCollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into JCollisions
o2::aod::bkgrho::Rho rho float
o2::aod::bkgrho::RhoM rhoM float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bkgd0::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfD0Bases
o2::aod::bkgrho::Rho rho float
o2::aod::bkgrho::RhoM rhoM float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bkglc::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCand3Prong
o2::aod::bkgrho::Rho rho float
o2::aod::bkgrho::RhoM rhoM float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bkgbplus::CandidateId I candidateId int Pointer into HfCandBplus
o2::aod::bkgrho::Rho rho float
o2::aod::bkgrho::RhoM rhoM float



Code file: LFResonanceInitializer.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ResoCollision = o2::aod::ResoCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::resocollision::Cent cent float Centrality (Multiplicity) percentile (Default: FT0M)
o2::aod::resocollision::Mult mult int FT0 multiplicity
o2::aod::resocollision::Spherocity spherocity float Spherocity of the event
o2::aod::resocollision::BMagField bMagField float Magnetic field
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ResoTrack = o2::aod::ResoTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::resodaughter::ResoCollisionId I resoCollisionId int32 Pointer into ResoCollisions
o2::aod::resodaughter::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Px px float p_x (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Py py float p_y (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Pz pz float p_z (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::resodaughter::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::resodaughter::Sign sign int8_t Sign of the track charge
o2::aod::resodaughter::TPCNClsCrossedRows tpcNClsCrossedRows uint8_t Number of TPC crossed rows
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::resodaughter::HasTOF hasTOF bool Has TOF
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::track::PassedITSRefit passedITSRefit bool Passed the track cut: kITSRefit
o2::aod::track::PassedTPCRefit passedTPCRefit bool Passed the track cut: kTPCRefit
o2::aod::resodaughter::IsGlobalTrackWoDCA isGlobalTrackWoDCA bool Is global track without DCA
o2::aod::resodaughter::IsPrimaryTrack isPrimaryTrack bool Is primary track
o2::aod::resodaughter::IsPVContributor isPVContributor bool Is primary vertex contributor
o2::aod::resodaughter::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ResoV0 = o2::aod::ResoV0s::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::resodaughter::ResoCollisionId I resoCollisionId int32 Pointer into ResoCollisions
o2::aod::resodaughter::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Px px float p_x (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Py py float p_y (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Pz pz float p_z (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::resodaughter::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::resodaughter::Indices indices int[2] Field for the track indices to remove auto-correlations
o2::aod::resodaughter::V0CosPA v0CosPA float V0 Cosine of Pointing Angle
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughDCA daughDCA float DCA between daughters
o2::aod::v0data::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float DCA negative prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0ToPV dcav0topv float DCA V0 to PV
o2::aod::resodaughter::MLambda mLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming lambda
o2::aod::resodaughter::MAntiLambda mAntiLambda float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming antilambda
o2::aod::resodaughter::MK0Short mK0Short float The invariant mass of V0 candidate, assuming k0s
o2::aod::resodaughter::TransRadius transRadius float Transverse radius of the decay vertex
o2::aod::resodaughter::DecayVtxX decayVtxX float X position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::resodaughter::DecayVtxY decayVtxY float Y position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::resodaughter::DecayVtxZ decayVtxZ float Z position of the decay vertex
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ResoCascade = o2::aod::ResoCascades::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::resodaughter::ResoCollisionId I resoCollisionId int32 Pointer into ResoCollisions
o2::aod::resodaughter::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Px px float p_x (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Py py float p_y (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Pz pz float p_z (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::resodaughter::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::resodaughter::CascadeIndices cascIndices int[3] Field for the track indices to remove auto-correlations (ordered: positive, negative, bachelor)
o2::aod::resodaughter::V0CosPA v0CosPA float V0 Cosine of Pointing Angle
o2::aod::resodaughter::CascCosPA cascCosPA float Cascade Cosine of Pointing Angle
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughDCA daughDCA float DCA between daughters
o2::aod::resodaughter::CascDaughDCA cascdaughDCA float DCA between daughters from cascade
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCABachToPV dcabachtopv float
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0ToPV dcav0topv float DCA V0 to PV
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAXYCascToPV dcaXYCascToPV float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAZCascToPV dcaZCascToPV float
o2::aod::resodaughter::MXi mXi float The invariant mass of Xi candidate
o2::aod::resodaughter::TransRadius transRadius float Transverse radius of the decay vertex
o2::aod::resodaughter::CascTransRadius casctransRadius float Transverse radius of the decay vertex from cascade
o2::aod::resodaughter::DecayVtxX decayVtxX float X position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::resodaughter::DecayVtxY decayVtxY float Y position of the decay vertex
o2::aod::resodaughter::DecayVtxZ decayVtxZ float Z position of the decay vertex
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ResoMCTrack = o2::aod::ResoMCTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::resodaughter::MothersId motherId int Id of the mother particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::MotherPDG motherPDG int PDG code of the mother particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::SiblingIds siblingIds int[2] Index of the particles with the same mother
o2::aod::resodaughter::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool
o2::aod::resodaughter::ProducedByGenerator producedByGenerator bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ResoMCV0 = o2::aod::ResoMCV0s::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::resodaughter::MothersId motherId int Id of the mother particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::MotherPDG motherPDG int PDG code of the mother particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughterID1 daughterId1 int Id of the first Daughter particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughterID2 daughterId2 int Id of the second Daughter particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughterPDG1 daughterPDG1 int PDG code of the first Daughter particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughterPDG2 daughterPDG2 int PDG code of the second Daughter particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool
o2::aod::resodaughter::ProducedByGenerator producedByGenerator bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ResoMCCascade = o2::aod::ResoMCCascades::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::resodaughter::MothersId motherId int Id of the mother particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::MotherPDG motherPDG int PDG code of the mother particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::BachTrkID bachtrkID int Id of the bach track from cascade
o2::aod::resodaughter::V0ID v0ID int Id of the V0 from cascade
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughterPDG1 daughterPDG1 int PDG code of the first Daughter particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughterPDG2 daughterPDG2 int PDG code of the second Daughter particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool
o2::aod::resodaughter::ProducedByGenerator producedByGenerator bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ResoMCParent = o2::aod::ResoMCParents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::resodaughter::ResoCollisionId I resoCollisionId int32 Pointer into ResoCollisions
o2::aod::resodaughter::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 Index of the corresponding MC particle
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughterPDG1 daughterPDG1 int PDG code of the first Daughter particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::DaughterPDG2 daughterPDG2 int PDG code of the second Daughter particle
o2::aod::resodaughter::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool
o2::aod::resodaughter::ProducedByGenerator producedByGenerator bool
o2::aod::resodaughter::Pt pt float p_T (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Px px float p_x (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Py py float p_y (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Pz pz float p_z (GeV/c)
o2::aod::resodaughter::Eta eta float Eta
o2::aod::resodaughter::Phi phi float Phi
o2::aod::mcparticle::Y E y float Particle rapidity, conditionally defined to avoid FPEs


Code file: LFStrangeTreeCreator.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Pt pt float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Eta eta float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::CentFT0C centFT0C float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::IsMatter isMatter bool
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Mass mass float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Ct ct float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Radius radius float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::DcaV0PV dcaV0Pv float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::DcaPiPV dcaPiPv float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::DcaPrPV dcaPrPv float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::DcaV0Tracks dcaV0tracks float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::CosPA cosPa double
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::TpcNsigmaPi tpcNsigmaPi float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::TpcNsigmaPr tpcNsigmaPr float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Pt pt float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Eta eta float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::CentFT0C centFT0C float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::IsMatter isMatter bool
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Mass mass float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Ct ct float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::Radius radius float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::DcaV0PV dcaV0Pv float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::DcaPiPV dcaPiPv float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::DcaPrPV dcaPrPv float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::DcaV0Tracks dcaV0tracks float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::CosPA cosPa double
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::TpcNsigmaPi tpcNsigmaPi float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::TpcNsigmaPr tpcNsigmaPr float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::GenPt gentPt float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::GenEta genEta float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::GenCt genCt float
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::PDGCode pdgCode int
o2::aod::SlimLambdaTables::IsReco isReco bool


Code file: LFTreeCreatorNuclei.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::LfNuclEvent = o2::aod::LfNuclEvents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::fullEvent::CentFV0M centFV0M float
o2::aod::fullEvent::CentFT0M centFT0M float
o2::aod::fullEvent::IsEventReject isEventReject int
o2::aod::fullEvent::RunNumber runNumber int
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::LfCandNucleusFull = soa::Join<o2::aod::LfCandNucleus, o2::aod::LfCandNucleusExtra>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::full::LfNuclEventId I lfNuclEventId int32 Pointer into LfNuclEvents
o2::aod::full::DcaXY dcaXY float
o2::aod::full::DcaZ dcaZ float
o2::aod::full::TPCNSigmaDe tpcNSigmaDe float
o2::aod::full::TPCNSigmaHe tpcNSigmaHe float
o2::aod::full::TOFNSigmaDe tofNSigmaDe float
o2::aod::full::TOFNSigmaHe tofNSigmaHe float
o2::aod::full::IsEvTimeTOF isEvTimeTOF bool
o2::aod::full::IsEvTimeT0AC isEvTimeT0AC bool
o2::aod::full::HasTOF hasTOF bool
o2::aod::full::HasTRD hasTRD bool
o2::aod::full::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float
o2::aod::full::Beta beta float
o2::aod::full::TPCSignal tpcSignal float
o2::aod::full::Pt pt float Transverse momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Eta eta float Pseudorapidity of candidate
o2::aod::full::Phi phi float Azimuth angle of candidate
o2::aod::full::Sign sign short
o2::aod::full::ITSNCls itsNCls int16_t
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::full::TPCChi2Ncl tpcChi2NCl float
o2::aod::full::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::full::IsPVContributor isPVContributor bool
o2::aod::full::P p float Momentum of candidate (GeV/c)
o2::aod::full::Rapidity D rapidity float
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::LfCandNucleusFull = soa::Join<o2::aod::LfCandNucleus, o2::aod::LfCandNucleusExtra>
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::full::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float
o2::aod::full::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float
o2::aod::full::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float
o2::aod::full::TPCNSigmaTr tpcNSigmaTr float
o2::aod::full::TPCNSigmaAl tpcNSigmaAl float
o2::aod::full::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float
o2::aod::full::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float
o2::aod::full::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float
o2::aod::full::TOFNSigmaTr tofNSigmaTr float
o2::aod::full::TOFNSigmaAl tofNSigmaAl float
o2::aod::full::TPCExpSignalDiffPr tpcExpSignalDiffPr float
o2::aod::full::TPCExpSignalDiffDe tpcExpSignalDiffDe float
o2::aod::full::TPCExpSignalDiffHe tpcExpSignalDiffHe float
o2::aod::full::TOFExpSignalDiffPr tofExpSignalDiffPr float
o2::aod::full::TOFExpSignalDiffDe tofExpSignalDiffDe float
o2::aod::full::TOFExpSignalDiffHe tofExpSignalDiffHe float
o2::aod::full::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::full::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool
o2::aod::full::ProducedByGenerator producedByGenerator bool
o2::aod::full::GetProcess getProcess int
o2::aod::mcparticle::Px px float Momentum in x in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Py py float Momentum in y in GeV/c
o2::aod::mcparticle::Pz pz float Momentum in z in GeV/c


Code file: cascadebuilder.cxx

index table when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CascIndex = o2::aod::CascIndices::iterator
  • o2::aod::CascDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascIndices, o2::aod::CascBBs, o2::aod::CascCores>
  • o2::aod::CascData = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascIndices, o2::aod::CascBBs, o2::aod::CascCores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::CascadeId I cascadeId int32 Pointer into Cascades
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorId I bachelorId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
index table when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::KFCascIndex = o2::aod::KFCascIndices::iterator
  • o2::aod::KFCascDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::KFCascIndices, o2::aod::KFCascCores>
  • o2::aod::KFCascData = soa::Join<o2::aod::KFCascIndices, o2::aod::KFCascCores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::CascadeId I cascadeId int32 Pointer into Cascades
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorId I bachelorId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
index table when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TraCascIndex = o2::aod::TraCascIndices::iterator
  • o2::aod::TraCascDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::TraCascIndices, o2::aod::TraCascCores>
  • o2::aod::TraCascData = soa::Join<o2::aod::TraCascIndices, o2::aod::TraCascCores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::CascadeId I cascadeId int32 Pointer into Cascades
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorId I bachelorId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::StrangeTrackId I strangeTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
track X positions at minima when using AO2Ds
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::PosX posX float positive track X at min
o2::aod::cascdata::NegX negX float negative track X at min
o2::aod::cascdata::BachX bachX float bachelor track X at min
core information about decay, viable with AO2Ds or derived
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::Sign sign int
o2::aod::cascdata::MXi mXi float
o2::aod::cascdata::MOmega mOmega float
o2::aod::cascdata::X x float
o2::aod::cascdata::Y y float
o2::aod::cascdata::Z z float
o2::aod::cascdata::Xlambda xlambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::Ylambda ylambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::Zlambda zlambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxPos pxpos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyPos pypos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzPos pzpos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxNeg pxneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyNeg pyneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzNeg pzneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxBach pxbach float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyBach pybach float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzBach pzbach float
o2::aod::cascdata::Px px float cascade momentum X
o2::aod::cascdata::Py py float cascade momentum Y
o2::aod::cascdata::Pz pz float cascade momentum Z
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCACascDaughters dcacascdaughters float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCABachToPV dcabachtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAXYCascToPV dcaXYCascToPV float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAZCascToPV dcaZCascToPV float
o2::aod::cascdata::V0Radius D v0radius float
o2::aod::cascdata::CascRadius D cascradius float
o2::aod::cascdata::V0CosPA D v0cosPA float
o2::aod::cascdata::CascCosPA D casccosPA float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAV0ToPV D dcav0topv float
o2::aod::cascdata::MLambda D mLambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::M D m float mass under a certain hypothesis (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar, 3:gamma, 4:hyp, 5:ahyp)
o2::aod::cascdata::YXi D yXi float
o2::aod::cascdata::YOmega D yOmega float
o2::aod::cascdata::Rapidity D rapidity float rapidity (0, 1: Xi; 2, 3: Omega)
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativePt D negativept float negative daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::PositivePt D positivept float positive daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorPt D bachelorpt float bachelor daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativeEta D negativeeta float negative daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativePhi D negativephi float negative daughter phi
o2::aod::cascdata::PositiveEta D positiveeta float positive daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::PositivePhi D positivephi float positive daughter phi
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorEta D bacheloreta float bachelor daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorPhi D bachelorphi float bachelor daughter phi
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::Sign sign int
o2::aod::cascdata::MXi mXi float
o2::aod::cascdata::MOmega mOmega float
o2::aod::cascdata::X x float
o2::aod::cascdata::Y y float
o2::aod::cascdata::Z z float
o2::aod::cascdata::Xlambda xlambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::Ylambda ylambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::Zlambda zlambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxPos pxpos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyPos pypos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzPos pzpos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxNeg pxneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyNeg pyneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzNeg pzneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxBach pxbach float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyBach pybach float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzBach pzbach float
o2::aod::cascdata::Px px float cascade momentum X
o2::aod::cascdata::Py py float cascade momentum Y
o2::aod::cascdata::Pz pz float cascade momentum Z
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCACascDaughters dcacascdaughters float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCABachToPV dcabachtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAXYCascToPV dcaXYCascToPV float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAZCascToPV dcaZCascToPV float
o2::aod::kfcascdata::MLambda mLambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::KFV0Chi2 kfV0Chi2 float
o2::aod::cascdata::KFCascadeChi2 kfCascadeChi2 float
o2::aod::cascdata::V0Radius D v0radius float
o2::aod::cascdata::CascRadius D cascradius float
o2::aod::cascdata::V0CosPA D v0cosPA float
o2::aod::cascdata::CascCosPA D casccosPA float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAV0ToPV D dcav0topv float
o2::aod::cascdata::M D m float mass under a certain hypothesis (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar, 3:gamma, 4:hyp, 5:ahyp)
o2::aod::cascdata::YXi D yXi float
o2::aod::cascdata::YOmega D yOmega float
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativePt D negativept float negative daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::PositivePt D positivept float positive daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorPt D bachelorpt float bachelor daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativeEta D negativeeta float negative daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativePhi D negativephi float negative daughter phi
o2::aod::cascdata::PositiveEta D positiveeta float positive daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::PositivePhi D positivephi float positive daughter phi
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorEta D bacheloreta float bachelor daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorPhi D bachelorphi float bachelor daughter phi
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::Sign sign int
o2::aod::cascdata::MXi mXi float
o2::aod::cascdata::MOmega mOmega float
o2::aod::cascdata::X x float
o2::aod::cascdata::Y y float
o2::aod::cascdata::Z z float
o2::aod::cascdata::Xlambda xlambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::Ylambda ylambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::Zlambda zlambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxPos pxpos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyPos pypos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzPos pzpos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxNeg pxneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyNeg pyneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzNeg pzneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxBach pxbach float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyBach pybach float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzBach pzbach float
o2::aod::cascdata::Px px float cascade momentum X
o2::aod::cascdata::Py py float cascade momentum Y
o2::aod::cascdata::Pz pz float cascade momentum Z
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCACascDaughters dcacascdaughters float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCABachToPV dcabachtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAXYCascToPV dcaXYCascToPV float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAZCascToPV dcaZCascToPV float
o2::aod::cascdata::MatchingChi2 matchingChi2 float
o2::aod::cascdata::TopologyChi2 topologyChi2 float
o2::aod::cascdata::ItsClsSize itsCluSize float
o2::aod::cascdata::V0Radius D v0radius float
o2::aod::cascdata::CascRadius D cascradius float
o2::aod::cascdata::V0CosPA D v0cosPA float
o2::aod::cascdata::CascCosPA D casccosPA float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAV0ToPV D dcav0topv float
o2::aod::cascdata::MLambda D mLambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::YXi D yXi float
o2::aod::cascdata::YOmega D yOmega float
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativePt D negativept float negative daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::PositivePt D positivept float positive daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorPt D bachelorpt float bachelor daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativeEta D negativeeta float negative daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativePhi D negativephi float negative daughter phi
o2::aod::cascdata::PositiveEta D positiveeta float positive daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::PositivePhi D positivephi float positive daughter phi
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorEta D bacheloreta float bachelor daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorPhi D bachelorphi float bachelor daughter phi
bachelor-baryon correlation variables
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CascDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascIndices, o2::aod::CascBBs, o2::aod::CascCores>
  • o2::aod::CascData = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascIndices, o2::aod::CascBBs, o2::aod::CascCores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::BachBaryonCosPA bachBaryonCosPA float avoid bach-baryon correlated inv mass structure in analysis
o2::aod::cascdata::BachBaryonDCAxyToPV)DECLARE_SOA_TABLE_FULL(CascCovs GI ?
o2::aod::``CascCovs'' GI ?
o2::aod::``AOD'' GI ?
o2::aod::``CASCCOVS'' GI ?
o2::aod::cascdata::PositionCovMat positionCovMat float[6] covariance matrix elements
o2::aod::cascdata::MomentumCovMat momentumCovMat float[6] covariance matrix elements
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::PositionCovMat positionCovMat float[6] covariance matrix elements
o2::aod::cascdata::MomentumCovMat momentumCovMat float[6] covariance matrix elements
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::KFTrackMat kfTrackCovMat float[15] covariance matrix elements for KF method
Joinable table with Cascades which links to CascData which is not produced for all entries
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CascadesLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Cascades, o2::aod::CascDataLink>
  • o2::aod::CascadeLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Cascades, o2::aod::CascDataLink>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::CascDataId I cascDataId int32 Index to CascData entry
Joinable table with Cascades which links to CascData which is not produced for all entries
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::KFCascadesLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Cascades, o2::aod::KFCascDataLink>
  • o2::aod::KFCascadeLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Cascades, o2::aod::KFCascDataLink>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::KFCascDataId I kfCascDataId int32 Index to CascData entry
Joinable table with Cascades which links to CascData which is not produced for all entries
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::TraCascDataId I traCascDataId int32 Index to CascData entry
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::casctag::IsInteresting isInteresting bool will this be built or not?
o2::aod::casctag::IsTrueXiMinus isTrueXiMinus bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::casctag::IsTrueXiPlus isTrueXiPlus bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::casctag::IsTrueOmegaMinus isTrueOmegaMinus bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::casctag::IsTrueOmegaPlus isTrueOmegaPlus bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::casctag::IsdEdxXiMinus isdEdxXiMinus bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::casctag::IsdEdxXiPlus isdEdxXiPlus bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::casctag::IsdEdxOmegaMinus isdEdxOmegaMinus bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::casctag::IsdEdxOmegaPlus isdEdxOmegaPlus bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses


Code file: cascadefinder.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascgoodpostracks::GoodPosTrackId I goodPosTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascgoodpostracks::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::cascgoodpostracks::DCAXY dcaXY float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascgoodnegtracks::GoodNegTrackId I goodNegTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascgoodnegtracks::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::cascgoodnegtracks::DCAXY dcaXY float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascgoodlambdas::GoodLambdaId I goodLambdaId int Pointer into V0Datas
o2::aod::cascgoodlambdas::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascgoodantilambdas::GoodAntiLambdaId I goodAntiLambdaId int Pointer into V0Datas
o2::aod::cascgoodantilambdas::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
index table when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CascIndex = o2::aod::CascIndices::iterator
  • o2::aod::CascDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascIndices, o2::aod::CascBBs, o2::aod::CascCores>
  • o2::aod::CascData = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascIndices, o2::aod::CascBBs, o2::aod::CascCores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::CascadeId I cascadeId int32 Pointer into Cascades
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorId I bachelorId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::cascdata::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
core information about decay, viable with AO2Ds or derived
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::Sign sign int
o2::aod::cascdata::MXi mXi float
o2::aod::cascdata::MOmega mOmega float
o2::aod::cascdata::X x float
o2::aod::cascdata::Y y float
o2::aod::cascdata::Z z float
o2::aod::cascdata::Xlambda xlambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::Ylambda ylambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::Zlambda zlambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxPos pxpos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyPos pypos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzPos pzpos float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxNeg pxneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyNeg pyneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzNeg pzneg float
o2::aod::cascdata::PxBach pxbach float
o2::aod::cascdata::PyBach pybach float
o2::aod::cascdata::PzBach pzbach float
o2::aod::cascdata::Px px float cascade momentum X
o2::aod::cascdata::Py py float cascade momentum Y
o2::aod::cascdata::Pz pz float cascade momentum Z
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCACascDaughters dcacascdaughters float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCABachToPV dcabachtopv float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAXYCascToPV dcaXYCascToPV float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAZCascToPV dcaZCascToPV float
o2::aod::cascdata::V0Radius D v0radius float
o2::aod::cascdata::CascRadius D cascradius float
o2::aod::cascdata::V0CosPA D v0cosPA float
o2::aod::cascdata::CascCosPA D casccosPA float
o2::aod::cascdata::DCAV0ToPV D dcav0topv float
o2::aod::cascdata::MLambda D mLambda float
o2::aod::cascdata::M D m float mass under a certain hypothesis (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar, 3:gamma, 4:hyp, 5:ahyp)
o2::aod::cascdata::YXi D yXi float
o2::aod::cascdata::YOmega D yOmega float
o2::aod::cascdata::Rapidity D rapidity float rapidity (0, 1: Xi; 2, 3: Omega)
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativePt D negativept float negative daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::PositivePt D positivept float positive daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorPt D bachelorpt float bachelor daughter pT
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativeEta D negativeeta float negative daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::NegativePhi D negativephi float negative daughter phi
o2::aod::cascdata::PositiveEta D positiveeta float positive daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::PositivePhi D positivephi float positive daughter phi
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorEta D bacheloreta float bachelor daughter eta
o2::aod::cascdata::BachelorPhi D bachelorphi float bachelor daughter phi


Code file: cascademcbuilder.cxx

bachelor-baryon correlation variables
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CascMCCore = o2::aod::CascMCCores::iterator
  • o2::aod::CascMCDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascMCCores, o2::aod::CascMCMothers>
  • o2::aod::CascMCData = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascMCCores, o2::aod::CascMCMothers>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::PDGCode pdgCode int cascade PDG Code
o2::aod::cascdata::PDGCodeMother pdgCodeMother int cascade mother PDG code (for feeddown)
o2::aod::cascdata::PDGCodeV0 pdgCodeV0 int cascade PDG Code
o2::aod::cascdata::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool is cascade physical primary
o2::aod::cascdata::PDGCodePositive pdgCodePositive int V0 positive prong PDG code
o2::aod::cascdata::PDGCodeNegative pdgCodeNegative int V0 negative prong PDG code
o2::aod::cascdata::PDGCodeBachelor pdgCodeBachelor int cascade bachelor prong PDG code
o2::aod::cascdata::XMC xMC float cascade decay position X (cm)
o2::aod::cascdata::YMC yMC float cascade decay position Y (cm)
o2::aod::cascdata::ZMC zMC float cascade decay position Z (cm)
o2::aod::cascdata::XlambdaMC xlambdaMC float V0 decay position X (cm)
o2::aod::cascdata::YlambdaMC ylambdaMC float V0 decay position Y (cm)
o2::aod::cascdata::ZlambdaMC zlambdaMC float V0 decay position Z (cm)
o2::aod::cascdata::PxPosMC pxPosMC float V0 positive daughter px (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PyPosMC pyPosMC float V0 positive daughter py (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PzPosMC pzPosMC float V0 positive daughter pz (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PxNegMC pxNegMC float V0 positive daughter px (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PyNegMC pyNegMC float V0 positive daughter py (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PzNegMC pzNegMC float V0 positive daughter pz (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PxBachMC pxBachMC float cascade bachelor daughter px (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PyBachMC pyBachMC float cascade bachelor daughter py (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PzBachMC pzBachMC float cascade bachelor daughter pz (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PxMC pxMC float cascade px (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PyMC pyMC float cascade py (GeV/c)
o2::aod::cascdata::PzMC pzMC float cascade pz (GeV/c)
Table joinable with CascData containing the MC labels
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McCascLabel = o2::aod::McCascLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mccasclabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle for Cascade
o2::aod::mccasclabel::McMotherParticleId I mcMotherParticleId int Pointer into McParticles
Table joinable with CascData containing yes / no for BB correlation
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McCascBBTag = o2::aod::McCascBBTags::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mccasclabel::IsBachBaryonCandidate isBachBaryonCandidate bool will this be built or not?
Table joinable to cascdata containing the MC labels
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McKFCascLabel = o2::aod::McKFCascLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mckfcasclabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle for V0
Table joinable to cascdata containing the MC labels
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McTraCascLabel = o2::aod::McTraCascLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mctracasclabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle for V0


Code file: cascademcfinder.cxx


Code file: cascadepid.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::PosTOFDeltaTXiPi posTOFDeltaTXiPi float positive track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::PosTOFDeltaTXiPr posTOFDeltaTXiPr float positive track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::NegTOFDeltaTXiPi negTOFDeltaTXiPi float negative track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::NegTOFDeltaTXiPr negTOFDeltaTXiPr float negative track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::BachTOFDeltaTXiPi bachTOFDeltaTXiPi float bachelor track TOFDeltaT from pion <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::PosTOFDeltaTOmPi posTOFDeltaTOmPi float positive track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::PosTOFDeltaTOmPr posTOFDeltaTOmPr float positive track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::NegTOFDeltaTOmPi negTOFDeltaTOmPi float negative track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::NegTOFDeltaTOmPr negTOFDeltaTOmPr float negative track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::BachTOFDeltaTOmPi bachTOFDeltaTOmPi float bachelor track TOFDeltaT from pion <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::PosNSigmaXiPi posNSigmaXiPi float positive track NSigma from pion <- lambda <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::PosNSigmaXiPr posNSigmaXiPr float positive track NSigma from proton <- lambda <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::NegNSigmaXiPi negNSigmaXiPi float negative track NSigma from pion <- lambda <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::NegNSigmaXiPr negNSigmaXiPr float negative track NSigma from proton <- lambda <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::BachNSigmaXiPi bachNSigmaXiPi float bachelor track NSigma from pion <- xi expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::PosNSigmaOmPi posNSigmaOmPi float positive track NSigma from pion <- lambda <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::PosNSigmaOmPr posNSigmaOmPr float positive track NSigma from proton <- lambda <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::NegNSigmaOmPi negNSigmaOmPi float negative track NSigma from pion <- lambda <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::NegNSigmaOmPr negNSigmaOmPr float negative track NSigma from proton <- lambda <- omega expectation
o2::aod::cascdata::BachNSigmaOmKa bachNSigmaOmKa float bachelor track NSigma from kaon <- omega expectation


Code file: cascqaanalysis.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::mycascades::CollisionZ zcoll float
o2::aod::mycascades::MultFT0M multFT0M float
o2::aod::mycascades::MultFV0A multFV0A float
o2::aod::mycascades::Sign sign float
o2::aod::mycascades::Pt pt float
o2::aod::mycascades::RapXi rapxi float
o2::aod::mycascades::RapOmega rapomega float
o2::aod::mycascades::Eta eta float
o2::aod::mycascades::MassXi massxi float
o2::aod::mycascades::MassOmega massomega float
o2::aod::mycascades::MassLambdaDau masslambdadau float
o2::aod::mycascades::CascRadius cascradius float
o2::aod::mycascades::V0Radius v0radius float
o2::aod::mycascades::CascCosPA casccospa float
o2::aod::mycascades::V0CosPA v0cospa float
o2::aod::mycascades::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float
o2::aod::mycascades::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float
o2::aod::mycascades::DCABachToPV dcabachtopv float
o2::aod::mycascades::DCACascDaughters dcacascdaughters float
o2::aod::mycascades::DCAV0Daughters dcav0daughters float
o2::aod::mycascades::DCAV0ToPV dcav0topv float
o2::aod::mycascades::PosEta poseta float
o2::aod::mycascades::NegEta negeta float
o2::aod::mycascades::BachEta bacheta float
o2::aod::mycascades::PosITSHits positshits float
o2::aod::mycascades::NegITSHits negitshits float
o2::aod::mycascades::BachITSHits bachitshits float
o2::aod::mycascades::CtauXi ctauxi float
o2::aod::mycascades::CtauOmega ctauomega float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTPCSigmaNegPr ntpcsigmanegpr float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTPCSigmaPosPr ntpcsigmapospr float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTPCSigmaNegPi ntpcsigmanegpi float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTPCSigmaPosPi ntpcsigmapospi float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTPCSigmaBachPi ntpcsigmabachpi float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTPCSigmaBachKa ntpcsigmabachka float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTOFSigmaNegPr ntofsigmanegpr float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTOFSigmaPosPr ntofsigmapospr float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTOFSigmaNegPi ntofsigmanegpi float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTOFSigmaPosPi ntofsigmapospi float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTOFSigmaBachPi ntofsigmabachpi float
o2::aod::mycascades::NTOFSigmaBachKa ntofsigmabachka float
o2::aod::mycascades::PosNTPCClusters posntpcscls float
o2::aod::mycascades::NegNTPCClusters negntpcscls float
o2::aod::mycascades::BachNTPCClusters bachntpcscls float
o2::aod::mycascades::PosNTPCCrossedRows posntpccrrows float
o2::aod::mycascades::NegNTPCCrossedRows negntpccrrows float
o2::aod::mycascades::BachNTPCCrossedRows bachntpccrrows float
o2::aod::mycascades::PosHasTOF poshastof float
o2::aod::mycascades::NegHasTOF neghastof float
o2::aod::mycascades::BachHasTOF bachhastof float
o2::aod::mycascades::PosPt pospt float
o2::aod::mycascades::NegPt negpt float
o2::aod::mycascades::BachPt bachpt float
o2::aod::mycascades::McPdgCode mcPdgCode float -1 unknown
o2::aod::mycascades::IsPrimary isPrimary float -1 unknown, 0 not primary, 1 primary
o2::aod::mycascades::BachBaryonCosPA bachBaryonCosPA float avoid bach-baryon correlated inv mass structure in analysis
o2::aod::mycascades::BachBaryonDCAxyToPV bachBaryonDCAxyToPV float avoid bach-baryon correlated inv mass structure in analysis
o2::aod::mycascades::EventSelFilterBitMask eventSelFilterBitMask uint8_t
o2::aod::mycascades::IsINEL D isINEL bool True if the Event belongs to the INEL event class
o2::aod::mycascades::IsINELgt0 D isINELgt0 bool True if the Event belongs to the INELgt0 event class
o2::aod::mycascades::IsINELgt1 D isINELgt1 bool True if the Event belongs to the INELgt1 event class
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::myMCcascades::CollisionZ zcoll float
o2::aod::myMCcascades::Sign sign float
o2::aod::myMCcascades::PdgCode pdgCode int
o2::aod::myMCcascades::Y y float
o2::aod::myMCcascades::Eta eta float
o2::aod::myMCcascades::Phi phi float
o2::aod::myMCcascades::Pt pt float
o2::aod::myMCcascades::IsPrimary isPrimary bool
o2::aod::myMCcascades::NAssocColl nAssocColl int
o2::aod::myMCcascades::NChInFT0M nChInFT0M float
o2::aod::myMCcascades::AssCollisionTypeFilterBitMask assCollisionTypeFilterBitMask uint8_t
o2::aod::myMCcascades::McCollisionTypeFilterBitMask mcCollisionTypeFilterBitMask uint8_t
o2::aod::myMCcascades::IsINELassoc D isINELassoc bool True if there's at least 1 reconstructed INEL event for the generated one of this cascade
o2::aod::myMCcascades::IsINELgt0assoc D isINELgt0assoc bool True if there's at least 1 reconstructed INEL>0 event for the generated one of this cascade
o2::aod::myMCcascades::IsINELgt1assoc D isINELgt1assoc bool True if there's at least 1 reconstructed INEL>1 event for the generated one of this cascade
o2::aod::myMCcascades::IsINEL D isINEL bool True if the Event belongs to the INEL event class
o2::aod::myMCcascades::IsINELgt0 D isINELgt0 bool True if the Event belongs to the INELgt0 event class
o2::aod::myMCcascades::IsINELgt1 D isINELgt1 bool True if the Event belongs to the INELgt1 event class


Code file: f1protonInitializer.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::F1Collision = o2::aod::F1Collisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::f1collision::TriggerEventF1 triggereventf1 bool F1 trigger event
o2::aod::f1collision::TriggerEventF1P triggereventf1p bool F1 - proton trigger event
o2::aod::f1collision::TriggerEventF1PFemto triggereventf1pfemto bool F1 - proton femto trigger event


Code file: f1protonreducedtable.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::RedF1PEvent = o2::aod::RedF1PEvents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::bc::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t Bunch crossing number (globally unique in this run)
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::redf1pevent::Spherocity spherocity float Spherocity of the event
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::F1Track = o2::aod::F1Tracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::RedF1PEventId I redF1PEventId int32 Pointer into RedF1PEvents
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1SignalStat f1SignalStat int F1 Px
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1Px f1Px float F1 Px
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1Py f1Py float F1 Py
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1Pz f1Pz float F1 Pz
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d1Px f1d1Px float F1 d1 Px
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d1Py f1d1Py float F1 d1 Py
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d1Pz f1d1Pz float F1 d1 Pz
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d2Px f1d2Px float F1 d2 Px
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d2Py f1d2Py float F1 d2 Py
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d2Pz f1d2Pz float F1 d2 Pz
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d3Px f1d3Px float F1 d3 Px
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d3Py f1d3Py float F1 d3 Py
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d3Pz f1d3Pz float F1 d3 Pz
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d1TOFHit f1d1TOFHit int TOF hit pion
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1d2TOFHit f1d2TOFHit int TOF hit pion
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1Mass f1Mass float F1 mass
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1MassKaonKshort f1MassKaonKshort float F1 mass kaon kshort
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1PionIndex f1PionIndex int64_t F1 pion index
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1KaonIndex f1KaonIndex int64_t F1 kaon index
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1KshortPositiveIndex f1KshortPositiveIndex int64_t F1 kshort pion positive index
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1KshortNegativeIndex f1KshortNegativeIndex int64_t F1 kshort pion negative index
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::ProtonTrack = o2::aod::ProtonTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::RedF1PEventId I redF1PEventId int32 Pointer into RedF1PEvents
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::ProtonCharge protonCharge float Proton charge
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::ProtonPx protonPx float Proton Px
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::ProtonPy protonPy float Proton Py
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::ProtonPz protonPz float Proton Pz
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::ProtonNsigmaTPC protonNsigmaTPC float Proton TPC nsigma
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::ProtonTOFHit protonTOFHit int Proton TOF Hit
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::ProtonNsigmaTOF protonNsigmaTOF float Proton TOF nsigma
o2::aod::f1protondaughter::F1ProtonIndex f1ProtonIndex int64_t F1 proton index


Code file: filterf1proton.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::F1ProtonFilter = o2::aod::F1ProtonFilters::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::filtering::TriggerEventF1Proton triggereventf1proton bool F1 - proton femto trigger event


Code file: hStrangeCorrelationFilter.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::triggerTracks::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::triggerTracks::TrackId I trackId int Pointer into Tracks
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::assocPions::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::assocPions::TrackId I trackId int Pointer into Tracks
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::assocV0s::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::assocV0s::V0DataId I v0DataId int32 Pointer into V0Datas
o2::aod::assocV0s::CompatibleK0Short compatibleK0Short bool
o2::aod::assocV0s::CompatibleLambda compatibleLambda bool
o2::aod::assocV0s::CompatibleAntiLambda compatibleAntiLambda bool
o2::aod::assocV0s::MCTrueK0Short mcTrueK0Short bool
o2::aod::assocV0s::MCTrueLambda mcTrueLambda bool
o2::aod::assocV0s::MCTrueAntiLambda mcTrueAntiLambda bool
o2::aod::assocV0s::MassRegionK0Short massRegionK0Short int
o2::aod::assocV0s::MassRegionLambda massRegionLambda int
o2::aod::assocV0s::MassRegionAntiLambda massRegionAntiLambda int
o2::aod::assocV0s::Compatible D compatible bool check compatibility with a hypothesis of a certain number (0 - K0, 1 - L, 2 - Lbar)
o2::aod::assocV0s::InvMassRegionCheck D invMassRegionCheck bool
o2::aod::assocV0s::InvMassRegion D invMassRegion int
o2::aod::assocV0s::MCTrue D mcTrue bool
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::assocCascades::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::assocCascades::CascDataId I cascDataId int32 Pointer into CascDatas
o2::aod::assocCascades::CompatibleXiMinus compatibleXiMinus bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::CompatibleXiPlus compatibleXiPlus bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::CompatibleOmegaMinus compatibleOmegaMinus bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::CompatibleOmegaPlus compatibleOmegaPlus bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::MCTrueXiMinus mcTrueXiMinus bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::MCTrueXiPlus mcTrueXiPlus bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::MCTrueOmegaMinus mcTrueOmegaMinus bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::MCTrueOmegaPlus mcTrueOmegaPlus bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::MassRegionXi massRegionXi int
o2::aod::assocCascades::MassRegionOmega massRegionOmega int
o2::aod::assocCascades::Compatible D compatible bool check compatibility with a hypothesis of a certain number (0 - K0, 1 - L, 2 - Lbar)
o2::aod::assocCascades::InvMassRegionCheck D invMassRegionCheck bool
o2::aod::assocCascades::InvMassRegion D invMassRegion int
o2::aod::assocCascades::MCTrue D mcTrue bool


Code file: hyhe4builder.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::hyhe4tag::IsInteresting isInteresting bool will this be built or not?
o2::aod::hyhe4tag::IsTrueHyHe4 isTrueHyHe4 bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::hyhe4tag::IsTrueAntiHyHe4 isTrueAntiHyHe4 bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::hyhe4tag::IsHyHe4Candidate isHyHe4Candidate bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::hyhe4tag::IsAntiHyHe4Candidate isAntiHyHe4Candidate bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hyhe4data::Helium3TrackId I prong0TrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::hyhe4data::ProtonTrackId I prong1TrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PionTrackId I prong2TrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::hyhe4data::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::hyhe4data::Decay3BodyId I decay3BodysId int32 Pointer into Decay3Bodys
o2::aod::hyhe4data::Sign sign int sign (positive = matter)
o2::aod::hyhe4data::Helium3X helium3X float prong0 track X at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::ProtonX protonX float prong1 track X at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PionX pionX float prong2 track X at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PxHelium3 pxHelium3 float prong 0 track px at min; NB already charge-corrected! Not rigidity anymore!
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PyHelium3 pyHelium3 float prong 0 track py at min; NB already charge-corrected! Not rigidity anymore!
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PzHelium3 pzHelium3 float prong 0 track pz at min; NB already charge-corrected! Not rigidity anymore!
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PxProton pxProton float prong 1 track px at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PyProton pyProton float prong 1 track py at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PzProton pzProton float prong 1 track pz at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PxPion pxPion float prong 1 track px at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PyPion pyPion float prong 1 track py at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PzPion pzPion float prong 1 track pz at min
o2::aod::hyhe4data::X x float decay position X
o2::aod::hyhe4data::Y y float decay position Y
o2::aod::hyhe4data::Z z float decay position Z
o2::aod::hyhe4data::DCADaughters dcaDaughters float DCA between V0 daughters
o2::aod::hyhe4data::DCAHelium3ToPV dcaHelium3ToPV float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::hyhe4data::DCAProtonToPV dcaProtonToPV float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::hyhe4data::DCAPionToPV dcaPionToPV float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::hyhe4data::DCAxyHyHe4ToPV dcaxyHyHe4ToPV float DCAxy
o2::aod::hyhe4data::DCAzHyHe4ToPV dcazHyHe4ToPV float DCAz
o2::aod::hyhe4data::Pt D pt float pT
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PtHelium3 D ptHelium3 float pT of prong 0 (identified as Helium-3)
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PtProton D ptProton float pT of prong 0 (identified as proton)
o2::aod::hyhe4data::PtPion D ptPion float pT of prong 0 (identified as proton)
o2::aod::hyhe4data::DecayRadius D decayRadius float decay radius (2D, centered at zero)
o2::aod::hyhe4data::M D m float mass under hyperhelium-4 hypo
o2::aod::hyhe4data::YHyHe4 D yHyHe4 float y -> FIXME add Hyperhelium4 mass to physics constants


Code file: hyperRecoTask.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DataHypCand = o2::aod::DataHypCands::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0A centralityFT0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0C centralityFT0C float
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0M centralityFT0M float
o2::aod::hyperrec::XPrimVtx xPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::YPrimVtx yPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::ZPrimVtx zPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::IsMatter isMatter bool
o2::aod::hyperrec::PtHe3 ptHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PhiHe3 phiHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::EtaHe3 etaHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PtPi ptPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PhiPi phiPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::EtaPi etaPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::XDecVtx xDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::YDecVtx yDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::ZDecVtx zDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaV0Daug dcaV0Daug float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaHe dcaHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaPi dcaPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::NSigmaHe nSigmaHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::NTPCclusHe nTPCclusHe uint8_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::NTPCclusPi nTPCclusPi uint8_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCmomHe tpcMomHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCmomPi tpcMomPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCsignalHe tpcSignalHe uint16_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCsignalPi tpcSignalPi uint16_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::ITSclusterSizesHe itsClusterSizesHe uint32_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::ITSclusterSizesPi itsClusterSizesPi uint32_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::Flags flags uint8_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DataHypCandFlow = o2::aod::DataHypCandsFlow::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0A centralityFT0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0C centralityFT0C float
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0M centralityFT0M float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecXFT0A qVecXFT0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecYFT0A qVecYFT0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecAmpFT0A qVecAmpFT0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecXFT0C qVecXFT0C float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecYFT0C qVecYFT0C float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecAmpFT0C qVecAmpFT0C float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecXFT0M qVecXFT0M float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecYFT0M qVecYFT0M float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecAmpFT0M qVecAmpFT0M float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecXFV0A qVecXFV0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecYFV0A qVecYFV0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::QVecAmpFV0A qVecAmpFV0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::XPrimVtx xPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::YPrimVtx yPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::ZPrimVtx zPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::IsMatter isMatter bool
o2::aod::hyperrec::PtHe3 ptHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PhiHe3 phiHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::EtaHe3 etaHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PtPi ptPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PhiPi phiPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::EtaPi etaPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::XDecVtx xDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::YDecVtx yDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::ZDecVtx zDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaV0Daug dcaV0Daug float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaHe dcaHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaPi dcaPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::NSigmaHe nSigmaHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::NTPCclusHe nTPCclusHe uint8_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::NTPCclusPi nTPCclusPi uint8_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCmomHe tpcMomHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCmomPi tpcMomPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCsignalHe tpcSignalHe uint16_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCsignalPi tpcSignalPi uint16_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::ITSclusterSizesHe itsClusterSizesHe uint32_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::ITSclusterSizesPi itsClusterSizesPi uint32_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::Flags flags uint8_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MCHypCand = o2::aod::MCHypCands::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0A centralityFT0A float
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0C centralityFT0C float
o2::aod::hyperrec::CentralityFT0M centralityFT0M float
o2::aod::hyperrec::XPrimVtx xPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::YPrimVtx yPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::ZPrimVtx zPrimVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::IsMatter isMatter bool
o2::aod::hyperrec::PtHe3 ptHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PhiHe3 phiHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::EtaHe3 etaHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PtPi ptPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::PhiPi phiPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::EtaPi etaPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::XDecVtx xDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::YDecVtx yDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::ZDecVtx zDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaV0Daug dcaV0Daug float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaHe dcaHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::DcaPi dcaPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::NSigmaHe nSigmaHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::NTPCclusHe nTPCclusHe uint8_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::NTPCclusPi nTPCclusPi uint8_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCmomHe tpcMomHe float
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCmomPi tpcMomPi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCsignalHe tpcSignalHe uint16_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::TPCsignalPi tpcSignalPi uint16_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::ITSclusterSizesHe itsClusterSizesHe uint32_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::ITSclusterSizesPi itsClusterSizesPi uint32_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::Flags flags uint8_t
o2::aod::hyperrec::GenPt genPt float
o2::aod::hyperrec::GenPhi genPhi float
o2::aod::hyperrec::GenEta genEta float
o2::aod::hyperrec::GenPtHe3 genPtHe3 float
o2::aod::hyperrec::GenXDecVtx genXDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::GenYDecVtx genYDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::GenZDecVtx genZDecVtx float
o2::aod::hyperrec::IsReco isReco bool
o2::aod::hyperrec::IsSignal isSignal bool


Code file: hypertriton3bodybuilder.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track0Id I track0Id int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track1Id I track1Id int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track2Id I track2Id int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::vtx3body::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::vtx3body::Decay3BodyId I decay3bodyId int32 Pointer into Decay3Bodys
o2::aod::vtx3body::X x float decay position X
o2::aod::vtx3body::Y y float decay position Y
o2::aod::vtx3body::Z z float decay position Z
o2::aod::vtx3body::PxTrack0 pxtrack0 float track0 px at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PyTrack0 pytrack0 float track0 py at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PzTrack0 pztrack0 float track0 pz at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PxTrack1 pxtrack1 float track1 px at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PyTrack1 pytrack1 float track1 py at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PzTrack1 pztrack1 float track1 pz at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PxTrack2 pxtrack2 float track2 px at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PyTrack2 pytrack2 float track2 py at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PzTrack2 pztrack2 float track2 pz at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCAVtxDaughters dcaVtxdaughters float DCA between daughters
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCATrack0ToPV dcatrack0topv float DCA prong0 to PV
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCATrack1ToPV dcatrack1topv float DCA prong1 to PV
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCATrack2ToPV dcatrack2topv float DCA prong2 to PV
o2::aod::vtx3body::Pt D pt float 3 body pT
o2::aod::vtx3body::VtxRadius D vtxradius float 3 body decay radius (2D, centered at zero)
o2::aod::vtx3body::DistOverTotMom D distovertotmom ? PV to 3 body decay distance over total momentum
o2::aod::vtx3body::VtxCosPA D vtxcosPA float 3 body vtx CosPA
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCAVtxToPV D dcavtxtopv float DCA of 3 body vtx to PV
o2::aod::vtx3body::MHypertriton D mHypertriton float mass under Hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::vtx3body::MAntiHypertriton D mAntiHypertriton float mass under antiHypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::vtx3body::YHypertriton D yHypertriton float 3 body vtx y with hypertriton or antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::vtx3body::Eta D eta float 3 body vtx eta
o2::aod::vtx3body::Phi D phi float 3 body vtx phi
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track0Pt D track0pt float daughter0 pT
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track0Eta D track0eta float daughter0 eta
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track0Phi D track0phi float daughter0 phi
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track1Pt D track1pt float daughter1 pT
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track1Eta D track1eta float daughter1 eta
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track1Phi D track1phi float daughter1 phi
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track2Pt D track2pt float daughter2 pT
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track2Eta D track2eta float daughter2 eta
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track2Phi D track2phi float daughter2 phi
Joinable table with Decay3bodys which links to Vtx3BodyData which is not produced for all entries
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Decay3BodysLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Decay3Bodys, o2::aod::Decay3BodyDataLink>
  • o2::aod::Decay3BodyLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Decay3Bodys, o2::aod::Decay3BodyDataLink>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::vtx3body::Vtx3BodyDataId I vtx3BodyDataId int32 Index to Vtx3BodyData entry
Table joinable with Vtx3BodyData containing the MC labels
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McVtx3BodyLabel = o2::aod::McVtx3BodyLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcvtx3bodylabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle for Vtx3BodyDatas
Table joinable with Decay3Bodys
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McFullVtx3BodyLabel = o2::aod::McFullVtx3BodyLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcfullvtx3bodylabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle for Decay3Bodys


Code file: hypertriton3bodyfinder.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track0Id I track0Id int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track1Id I track1Id int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track2Id I track2Id int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::vtx3body::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::vtx3body::Decay3BodyId I decay3bodyId int32 Pointer into Decay3Bodys
o2::aod::vtx3body::X x float decay position X
o2::aod::vtx3body::Y y float decay position Y
o2::aod::vtx3body::Z z float decay position Z
o2::aod::vtx3body::PxTrack0 pxtrack0 float track0 px at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PyTrack0 pytrack0 float track0 py at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PzTrack0 pztrack0 float track0 pz at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PxTrack1 pxtrack1 float track1 px at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PyTrack1 pytrack1 float track1 py at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PzTrack1 pztrack1 float track1 pz at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PxTrack2 pxtrack2 float track2 px at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PyTrack2 pytrack2 float track2 py at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::PzTrack2 pztrack2 float track2 pz at min
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCAVtxDaughters dcaVtxdaughters float DCA between daughters
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCATrack0ToPV dcatrack0topv float DCA prong0 to PV
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCATrack1ToPV dcatrack1topv float DCA prong1 to PV
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCATrack2ToPV dcatrack2topv float DCA prong2 to PV
o2::aod::vtx3body::Pt D pt float 3 body pT
o2::aod::vtx3body::VtxRadius D vtxradius float 3 body decay radius (2D, centered at zero)
o2::aod::vtx3body::DistOverTotMom D distovertotmom ? PV to 3 body decay distance over total momentum
o2::aod::vtx3body::VtxCosPA D vtxcosPA float 3 body vtx CosPA
o2::aod::vtx3body::DCAVtxToPV D dcavtxtopv float DCA of 3 body vtx to PV
o2::aod::vtx3body::MHypertriton D mHypertriton float mass under Hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::vtx3body::MAntiHypertriton D mAntiHypertriton float mass under antiHypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::vtx3body::YHypertriton D yHypertriton float 3 body vtx y with hypertriton or antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::vtx3body::Eta D eta float 3 body vtx eta
o2::aod::vtx3body::Phi D phi float 3 body vtx phi
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track0Pt D track0pt float daughter0 pT
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track0Eta D track0eta float daughter0 eta
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track0Phi D track0phi float daughter0 phi
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track1Pt D track1pt float daughter1 pT
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track1Eta D track1eta float daughter1 eta
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track1Phi D track1phi float daughter1 phi
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track2Pt D track2pt float daughter2 pT
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track2Eta D track2eta float daughter2 eta
o2::aod::vtx3body::Track2Phi D track2phi float daughter2 phi
Table joinable with Vtx3BodyData containing the MC labels
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McVtx3BodyLabel = o2::aod::McVtx3BodyLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcvtx3bodylabel::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle for Vtx3BodyDatas


Code file: lambdakzerobuilder.cxx

index table when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0Index = o2::aod::V0Indices::iterator
  • o2::aod::V0Datas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>
  • o2::aod::V0Data = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::v0data::V0Id I v0Id int32 Pointer into V0s
track X positions at minima when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0TrackX = o2::aod::V0TrackXs::iterator
  • o2::aod::V0Datas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>
  • o2::aod::V0Data = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PosX posX float positive track X at min
o2::aod::v0data::NegX negX float negative track X at min
core information about decay, viable with AO2Ds or derived
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::X x float decay position X
o2::aod::v0data::Y y float decay position Y
o2::aod::v0data::Z z float decay position Z
o2::aod::v0data::PxPos pxpos float positive track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyPos pypos float positive track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzPos pzpos float positive track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::PxNeg pxneg float negative track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyNeg pyneg float negative track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzNeg pzneg float negative track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float DCA between V0 daughters
o2::aod::v0data::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float DCA negative prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0CosPA v0cosPA float V0 CosPA
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0ToPV dcav0topv float DCA V0 to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0Type v0Type uint8_t type of V0. 0: built solely for cascades (does not pass standard V0 cuts), 1: standard 2, 3: photon-like with TPC-only use. Regular analysis should always use type 1.
o2::aod::v0data::PtHypertriton D ptHypertriton float V0 pT
o2::aod::v0data::PtAntiHypertriton D ptAntiHypertriton float V0 pT
o2::aod::v0data::V0Radius D v0radius float V0 decay radius (2D, centered at zero)
o2::aod::v0data::DistOverTotMom D distovertotmom ? PV to V0decay distance over total momentum
o2::aod::v0data::Alpha D alpha ? Armenteros Alpha
o2::aod::v0data::QtArm D qtarm ? Armenteros Qt
o2::aod::v0data::PsiPair D psipair ? psi pair angle
o2::aod::v0data::PFracPos D pfracpos ?
o2::aod::v0data::PFracNeg D pfracneg ?
o2::aod::v0data::MLambda D mLambda float mass under lambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiLambda D mAntiLambda float mass under antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MK0Short D mK0Short float mass under K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MGamma D mGamma float mass under gamma hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MHypertriton D mHypertriton float mass under hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiHypertriton D mAntiHypertriton float mass under antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::M D m float mass under a certain hypothesis (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar, 3:gamma, 4:hyp, 5:ahyp)
o2::aod::v0data::YK0Short D yK0Short float V0 y with K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YLambda D yLambda float V0 y with lambda or antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YHypertriton D yHypertriton float V0 y with hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YAntiHypertriton D yAntiHypertriton float V0 y with antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::Rapidity D rapidity float rapidity (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar)
o2::aod::v0data::NegativePt D negativept float negative daughter pT
o2::aod::v0data::PositivePt D positivept float positive daughter pT
o2::aod::v0data::NegativeEta D negativeeta float negative daughter eta
o2::aod::v0data::NegativePhi D negativephi float negative daughter phi
o2::aod::v0data::PositiveEta D positiveeta float positive daughter eta
o2::aod::v0data::PositivePhi D positivephi float positive daughter phi
o2::aod::v0data::IsStandardV0 D isStandardV0 bool is standard V0
o2::aod::v0data::IsPhotonTPConly D isPhotonTPConly bool is photon V0
positions of tracks at their DCA for debug
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::XPosAtDCA xPosAtDCA float decay position X
o2::aod::v0data::YPosAtDCA yPosAtDCA float decay position Y
o2::aod::v0data::ZPosAtDCA zPosAtDCA float decay position Z
o2::aod::v0data::XNegAtDCA xNegAtDCA float decay position X
o2::aod::v0data::YNegAtDCA yNegAtDCA float decay position Y
o2::aod::v0data::ZNegAtDCA zNegAtDCA float decay position Z
V0 covariance matrices
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PositionCovMat positionCovMat float[6] covariance matrix elements
o2::aod::v0data::MomentumCovMat momentumCovMat float[6] covariance matrix elements
index table when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0fCDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0fCIndices, o2::aod::V0fCTrackXs, o2::aod::V0fCCores>
  • o2::aod::V0fCData = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0fCIndices, o2::aod::V0fCTrackXs, o2::aod::V0fCCores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::v0data::V0Id I v0Id int32 Pointer into V0s
track X positions at minima when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0fCDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0fCIndices, o2::aod::V0fCTrackXs, o2::aod::V0fCCores>
  • o2::aod::V0fCData = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0fCIndices, o2::aod::V0fCTrackXs, o2::aod::V0fCCores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PosX posX float positive track X at min
o2::aod::v0data::NegX negX float negative track X at min
core information about decay, exclusive to V0s used in cascades but not passing in V0 selections - multiple viable getters skipped since use is protected to cascades only
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::X x float decay position X
o2::aod::v0data::Y y float decay position Y
o2::aod::v0data::Z z float decay position Z
o2::aod::v0data::PxPos pxpos float positive track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyPos pypos float positive track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzPos pzpos float positive track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::PxNeg pxneg float negative track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyNeg pyneg float negative track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzNeg pzneg float negative track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float DCA between V0 daughters
o2::aod::v0data::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float DCA negative prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0CosPA v0cosPA float V0 CosPA
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0ToPV dcav0topv float DCA V0 to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0Type v0Type uint8_t type of V0. 0: built solely for cascades (does not pass standard V0 cuts), 1: standard 2, 3: photon-like with TPC-only use. Regular analysis should always use type 1.
o2::aod::v0data::PtHypertriton D ptHypertriton float V0 pT
o2::aod::v0data::PtAntiHypertriton D ptAntiHypertriton float V0 pT
o2::aod::v0data::V0Radius D v0radius float V0 decay radius (2D, centered at zero)
o2::aod::v0data::DistOverTotMom D distovertotmom ? PV to V0decay distance over total momentum
o2::aod::v0data::Alpha D alpha ? Armenteros Alpha
o2::aod::v0data::QtArm D qtarm ? Armenteros Qt
o2::aod::v0data::PsiPair D psipair ? psi pair angle
o2::aod::v0data::PFracPos D pfracpos ?
o2::aod::v0data::PFracNeg D pfracneg ?
o2::aod::v0data::MLambda D mLambda float mass under lambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiLambda D mAntiLambda float mass under antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MK0Short D mK0Short float mass under K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MGamma D mGamma float mass under gamma hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MHypertriton D mHypertriton float mass under hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiHypertriton D mAntiHypertriton float mass under antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::M D m float mass under a certain hypothesis (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar, 3:gamma, 4:hyp, 5:ahyp)
o2::aod::v0data::YK0Short D yK0Short float V0 y with K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YLambda D yLambda float V0 y with lambda or antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YHypertriton D yHypertriton float V0 y with hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YAntiHypertriton D yAntiHypertriton float V0 y with antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::Rapidity D rapidity float rapidity (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar)
o2::aod::v0data::NegativePt D negativept float negative daughter pT
o2::aod::v0data::PositivePt D positivept float positive daughter pT
o2::aod::v0data::NegativeEta D negativeeta float negative daughter eta
o2::aod::v0data::NegativePhi D negativephi float negative daughter phi
o2::aod::v0data::PositiveEta D positiveeta float positive daughter eta
o2::aod::v0data::PositivePhi D positivephi float positive daughter phi
o2::aod::v0data::IsStandardV0 D isStandardV0 bool is standard V0
o2::aod::v0data::IsPhotonTPConly D isPhotonTPConly bool is photon V0
V0 covariance matrices
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PositionCovMat positionCovMat float[6] covariance matrix elements
o2::aod::v0data::MomentumCovMat momentumCovMat float[6] covariance matrix elements
Joinable table with V0s which links to V0Data which is not produced for all entries
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0sLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0s, o2::aod::V0DataLink>
  • o2::aod::V0Linked = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0s, o2::aod::V0DataLink>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::V0DataId I v0DataId int32 Index to V0Data entry
o2::aod::v0data::V0fCDataId I v0fCDataId int32 Index to V0Data entry
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0tag::IsInteresting isInteresting bool will this be built or not?
o2::aod::v0tag::IsTrueGamma isTrueGamma bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::v0tag::IsTrueK0Short isTrueK0Short bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::v0tag::IsTrueLambda isTrueLambda bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::v0tag::IsTrueAntiLambda isTrueAntiLambda bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::v0tag::IsTrueHypertriton isTrueHypertriton bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::v0tag::IsTrueAntiHypertriton isTrueAntiHypertriton bool PDG checked correctly in MC
o2::aod::v0tag::IsdEdxGamma isdEdxGamma bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::v0tag::IsdEdxK0Short isdEdxK0Short bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::v0tag::IsdEdxLambda isdEdxLambda bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::v0tag::IsdEdxAntiLambda isdEdxAntiLambda bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::v0tag::IsdEdxHypertriton isdEdxHypertriton bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::v0tag::IsdEdxAntiHypertriton isdEdxAntiHypertriton bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::v0tag::IsFromCascade isFromCascade bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses
o2::aod::v0tag::IsFromTrackedCascade isFromTrackedCascade bool compatible with dE/dx hypotheses


Code file: lambdakzerofinder.cxx

Run 3 V0 table (version 001)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Positive track
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Negative track
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::vFinderTrack::TrackId I trackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::vFinderTrack::IsPositive isPositive bool
o2::aod::vFinderTrack::CompatiblePi compatiblePi bool
o2::aod::vFinderTrack::CompatibleKa compatibleKa bool
o2::aod::vFinderTrack::CompatiblePr compatiblePr bool
index table when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0Index = o2::aod::V0Indices::iterator
  • o2::aod::V0Datas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>
  • o2::aod::V0Data = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::v0data::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::v0data::V0Id I v0Id int32 Pointer into V0s
track X positions at minima when using AO2Ds
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0TrackX = o2::aod::V0TrackXs::iterator
  • o2::aod::V0Datas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>
  • o2::aod::V0Data = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0Indices, o2::aod::V0TrackXs, o2::aod::V0Cores>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PosX posX float positive track X at min
o2::aod::v0data::NegX negX float negative track X at min
core information about decay, viable with AO2Ds or derived
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::X x float decay position X
o2::aod::v0data::Y y float decay position Y
o2::aod::v0data::Z z float decay position Z
o2::aod::v0data::PxPos pxpos float positive track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyPos pypos float positive track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzPos pzpos float positive track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::PxNeg pxneg float negative track px at min
o2::aod::v0data::PyNeg pyneg float negative track py at min
o2::aod::v0data::PzNeg pzneg float negative track pz at min
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0Daughters dcaV0daughters float DCA between V0 daughters
o2::aod::v0data::DCAPosToPV dcapostopv float DCA positive prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::DCANegToPV dcanegtopv float DCA negative prong to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0CosPA v0cosPA float V0 CosPA
o2::aod::v0data::DCAV0ToPV dcav0topv float DCA V0 to PV
o2::aod::v0data::V0Type v0Type uint8_t type of V0. 0: built solely for cascades (does not pass standard V0 cuts), 1: standard 2, 3: photon-like with TPC-only use. Regular analysis should always use type 1.
o2::aod::v0data::PtHypertriton D ptHypertriton float V0 pT
o2::aod::v0data::PtAntiHypertriton D ptAntiHypertriton float V0 pT
o2::aod::v0data::V0Radius D v0radius float V0 decay radius (2D, centered at zero)
o2::aod::v0data::DistOverTotMom D distovertotmom ? PV to V0decay distance over total momentum
o2::aod::v0data::Alpha D alpha ? Armenteros Alpha
o2::aod::v0data::QtArm D qtarm ? Armenteros Qt
o2::aod::v0data::PsiPair D psipair ? psi pair angle
o2::aod::v0data::PFracPos D pfracpos ?
o2::aod::v0data::PFracNeg D pfracneg ?
o2::aod::v0data::MLambda D mLambda float mass under lambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiLambda D mAntiLambda float mass under antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MK0Short D mK0Short float mass under K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MGamma D mGamma float mass under gamma hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MHypertriton D mHypertriton float mass under hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::MAntiHypertriton D mAntiHypertriton float mass under antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::M D m float mass under a certain hypothesis (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar, 3:gamma, 4:hyp, 5:ahyp)
o2::aod::v0data::YK0Short D yK0Short float V0 y with K0short hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YLambda D yLambda float V0 y with lambda or antilambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YHypertriton D yHypertriton float V0 y with hypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::YAntiHypertriton D yAntiHypertriton float V0 y with antihypertriton hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::Rapidity D rapidity float rapidity (0:K0, 1:L, 2:Lbar)
o2::aod::v0data::NegativePt D negativept float negative daughter pT
o2::aod::v0data::PositivePt D positivept float positive daughter pT
o2::aod::v0data::NegativeEta D negativeeta float negative daughter eta
o2::aod::v0data::NegativePhi D negativephi float negative daughter phi
o2::aod::v0data::PositiveEta D positiveeta float positive daughter eta
o2::aod::v0data::PositivePhi D positivephi float positive daughter phi
o2::aod::v0data::IsStandardV0 D isStandardV0 bool is standard V0
o2::aod::v0data::IsPhotonTPConly D isPhotonTPConly bool is photon V0
Joinable table with V0s which links to V0Data which is not produced for all entries
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0sLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0s, o2::aod::V0DataLink>
  • o2::aod::V0Linked = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0s, o2::aod::V0DataLink>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::V0DataId I v0DataId int32 Index to V0Data entry
o2::aod::v0data::V0fCDataId I v0fCDataId int32 Index to V0Data entry


Code file: lambdakzeromcbuilder.cxx

MC properties of the V0 for posterior analysis
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0MCDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0MCCores, o2::aod::V0MCMothers>
  • o2::aod::V0MCData = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0MCCores, o2::aod::V0MCMothers>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PDGCode pdgCode int V0 PDG Code
o2::aod::v0data::PDGCodeMother pdgCodeMother int V0 mother PDG code (for feeddown)
o2::aod::v0data::PDGCodePositive pdgCodePositive int V0 positive prong PDG code
o2::aod::v0data::PDGCodeNegative pdgCodeNegative int V0 negative prong PDG code
o2::aod::v0data::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool is V0 physical primary
o2::aod::v0data::XMC xMC float V0 decay position X (cm)
o2::aod::v0data::YMC yMC float V0 decay position Y (cm)
o2::aod::v0data::ZMC zMC float V0 decay position Z (cm)
o2::aod::v0data::PxPosMC pxPosMC float V0 positive daughter px (GeV/c)
o2::aod::v0data::PyPosMC pyPosMC float V0 positive daughter py (GeV/c)
o2::aod::v0data::PzPosMC pzPosMC float V0 positive daughter pz (GeV/c)
o2::aod::v0data::PxNegMC pxNegMC float V0 positive daughter px (GeV/c)
o2::aod::v0data::PyNegMC pyNegMC float V0 positive daughter py (GeV/c)
o2::aod::v0data::PzNegMC pzNegMC float V0 positive daughter pz (GeV/c)
Table joinable with V0Data containing the MC labels
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McV0Label = o2::aod::McV0Labels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcv0label::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle for V0
o2::aod::mcv0label::McMotherParticleId I mcMotherParticleId int Pointer into McParticles


Code file: lambdakzeromcfinder.cxx

Run 3 V0 table (version 001)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::v0::PosTrackId I posTrackId int Positive track
o2::aod::v0::NegTrackId I negTrackId int Negative track
Table joinable with V0
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::McFullV0Label = o2::aod::McFullV0Labels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mcfullv0label::McParticleId I mcParticleId int32 MC particle for V0


Code file: lambdakzeropid.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PosTOFLength posTOFLength float positive track length, recalculated
o2::aod::v0data::NegTOFLength negTOFLength float negative track length, recalculated
o2::aod::v0data::PosTOFDeltaTLaPi posTOFDeltaTLaPi float positive track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda expectation
o2::aod::v0data::PosTOFDeltaTLaPr posTOFDeltaTLaPr float positive track TOFDeltaT from proton <- lambda expectation
o2::aod::v0data::NegTOFDeltaTLaPi negTOFDeltaTLaPi float negative track TOFDeltaT from pion <- lambda expectation
o2::aod::v0data::NegTOFDeltaTLaPr negTOFDeltaTLaPr float negative track TOFDeltaT from proton <- lambda expectation
o2::aod::v0data::PosTOFDeltaTK0Pi posTOFDeltaTK0Pi float positive track TOFDeltaT from pion <- k0short expectation
o2::aod::v0data::NegTOFDeltaTK0Pi negTOFDeltaTK0Pi float positive track TOFDeltaT from pion <- k0short expectation
o2::aod::v0data::DeltaDecayTimeLambda deltaDecayTimeLambda float delta-decay time estimate from proton/pion from Lambda
o2::aod::v0data::DeltaDecayTimeAntiLambda deltaDecayTimeAntiLambda float delta-decay time estimate from pion/proton from AntiLambda
o2::aod::v0data::DeltaDecayTimeK0Short deltaDecayTimeK0Short float delta-decay time estimate from pion/pion from K0Short
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::V0LifetimeLambda v0LifetimeLambda float lifetime of V0 assuming lambda mass (ps)
o2::aod::v0data::V0LifetimeK0Short v0LifetimeK0Short float lifetime of V0 assuming K0 mass (ps)
o2::aod::v0data::PosLifetimePr posLifetimePr float lifetime (to TOF) of pos prong assuming proton mass (ps)
o2::aod::v0data::PosLifetimePi posLifetimePi float lifetime (to TOF) of pos prong assuming pion mass (ps)
o2::aod::v0data::NegLifetimePr negLifetimePr float lifetime (to TOF) of neg prong assuming proton mass (ps)
o2::aod::v0data::NegLifetimePi negLifetimePi float lifetime (to TOF) of neg prong assuming pion mass (ps)
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::TofBetaLambda tofBetaLambda float beta value with Lambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::TofBetaAntiLambda tofBetaAntiLambda float beta value with AntiLambda hypothesis
o2::aod::v0data::TofBetaK0Short tofBetaK0Short float beta value with K0Short hypothesis


Code file: lfTPCPID.cxx

Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for electron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalEl D tpcExpSignalEl float Expected signal with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffEl D tpcExpSignalDiffEl float Difference between signal and expected for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaEl tpcExpSigmaEl float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for muon
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalMu D tpcExpSignalMu float Expected signal with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffMu D tpcExpSignalDiffMu float Difference between signal and expected for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaMu tpcExpSigmaMu float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for pion
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalPi D tpcExpSignalPi float Expected signal with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffPi D tpcExpSignalDiffPi float Difference between signal and expected for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaPi tpcExpSigmaPi float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for kaon
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalKa D tpcExpSignalKa float Expected signal with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffKa D tpcExpSignalDiffKa float Difference between signal and expected for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaKa tpcExpSigmaKa float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for proton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalPr D tpcExpSignalPr float Expected signal with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffPr D tpcExpSignalDiffPr float Difference between signal and expected for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaPr tpcExpSigmaPr float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDe D tpcExpSignalDe float Expected signal with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffDe D tpcExpSignalDiffDe float Difference between signal and expected for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaDe tpcExpSigmaDe float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaDe tpcNSigmaDe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for deuteron
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalTr D tpcExpSignalTr float Expected signal with the TPC detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffTr D tpcExpSignalDiffTr float Difference between signal and expected for triton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaTr tpcExpSigmaTr float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaTr tpcNSigmaTr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for triton
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalHe D tpcExpSignalHe float Expected signal with the TPC detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffHe D tpcExpSignalDiffHe float Difference between signal and expected for helium3
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaHe tpcExpSigmaHe float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaHe tpcNSigmaHe float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for helium3
Table of the TPC (full) response with expected signal, expected resolution and Nsigma for alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalAl D tpcExpSignalAl float Expected signal with the TPC detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSignalDiffAl D tpcExpSignalDiffAl float Difference between signal and expected for alpha
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCExpSigmaAl tpcExpSigmaAl float Expected resolution with the TPC detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaAl tpcNSigmaAl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for alpha
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for electron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreEl tpcNSigmaStoreEl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaEl GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for muon
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreMu tpcNSigmaStoreMu binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaMu GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for pion
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStorePi tpcNSigmaStorePi binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaPi GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for kaon
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreKa tpcNSigmaStoreKa binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaKa GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for proton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStorePr tpcNSigmaStorePr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaPr GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for deuteron
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreDe tpcNSigmaStoreDe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for deuteron
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaDe GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for triton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreTr tpcNSigmaStoreTr binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for triton
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaTr GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for helium3
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreHe tpcNSigmaStoreHe binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for helium3
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaHe GI ?
Table of the TPC response with binned Nsigma for alpha
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaStoreAl tpcNSigmaStoreAl binning::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for alpha
o2::aod::pidtpc_tiny::TPCNSigmaAl GI ?


Code file: lithium4analysis.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::IsMatter isMatter bool
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PtHe3 ptHe3 float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::EtaHe3 etaHe3 float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PhiHe3 phiHe3 float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PtPr ptPr float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::EtaPr etaPr float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PhiPr phiPr float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3DCAxy he3DcaXY float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3DCAz he3DcaZ float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::ProtonDCAxy protonDcaXY float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::ProtonDCAz protonDcaZ float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3SignalTPC he3SignalTPC float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3InnerParamTPC he3InnerParamTPC float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3NClsTPC he3NClsTPC uint8_t
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3NSigmaTPC he3NSigmaTPC float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PrNSigmaTPC prNSigmaTOF float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3MassTOF he3MassTOF float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PrMassTOF prMassTOF float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::SharedClustersHe3 sharedClustersHe3 uint8_t
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::SharedClustersPr sharedClustersPr uint8_t
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::IsBkgLS isBkgLS bool
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::IsBkgEM isBkgEM bool
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::IsMatter isMatter bool
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PtHe3 ptHe3 float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::EtaHe3 etaHe3 float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PhiHe3 phiHe3 float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PtPr ptPr float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::EtaPr etaPr float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PhiPr phiPr float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3DCAxy he3DcaXY float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3DCAz he3DcaZ float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::ProtonDCAxy protonDcaXY float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::ProtonDCAz protonDcaZ float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3SignalTPC he3SignalTPC float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3InnerParamTPC he3InnerParamTPC float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3NClsTPC he3NClsTPC uint8_t
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3NSigmaTPC he3NSigmaTPC float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PrNSigmaTPC prNSigmaTOF float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::He3MassTOF he3MassTOF float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::PrMassTOF prMassTOF float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::SharedClustersHe3 sharedClustersHe3 uint8_t
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::SharedClustersPr sharedClustersPr uint8_t
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::IsBkgLS isBkgLS bool
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::IsBkgEM isBkgEM bool
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS::SignedPtMC signedPtMC float
o2::aod::Lithium4TablesNS: GI ?


Code file: nucleiSpectra.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::NucleiFlowColl = o2::aod::NucleiFlowColls::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::CentFV0A centFV0A float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::CentFT0M centFT0M float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::CentFT0A centFT0A float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::CentFT0C centFT0C float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::XQvecFV0A xQvecFV0A float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::YQvecFV0A yQvecFV0A float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::AmplQvecFV0A amplQvecFV0A float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::XQvecFT0M xQvecFT0M float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::YQvecFT0M yQvecFT0M float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::AmplQvecFT0M amplQvecFT0M float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::XQvecFT0A xQvecFT0A float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::YQvecFT0A yQvecFT0A float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::AmplQvecFT0A amplQvecFT0A float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::XQvecFT0C xQvecFT0C float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::YQvecFT0C yQvecFT0C float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::AmplQvecFT0C amplQvecFT0C float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::XQvecTPCpos xQvecTPCpos float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::YQvecTPCpos yQvecTPCpos float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::AmplQvecTPCpos amplQvecTPCpos float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::XQvecTPCneg xQvecTPCneg float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::YQvecTPCneg yQvecTPCneg float
o2::aod::NucleiFlowTableNS::AmplQvecTPCneg amplQvecTPCneg float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Pt pt float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Eta eta float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Phi phi float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Beta beta float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Zvertex zVertex float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::DCAxy dcaxy float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::DCAz dcaz float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCsignal tpcSignal float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::ITSchi2 itsChi2 float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCchi2 tpcChi2 float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Flags flags uint16_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCfindableCls tpcFindableCls uint8_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCcrossedRows tpcCrossedRows uint8_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::ITSclsMap itsClsMap uint8_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCnCls tpcNCls uint8_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::ITSclusterSizes itsClusterSizes uint32_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::NucleiFlowCollId I nucleiFlowCollId int32 Pointer into NucleiFlowColls
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Pt pt float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Eta eta float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Phi phi float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Beta beta float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Zvertex zVertex float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::DCAxy dcaxy float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::DCAz dcaz float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCsignal tpcSignal float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::ITSchi2 itsChi2 float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCchi2 tpcChi2 float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::Flags flags uint16_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCfindableCls tpcFindableCls uint8_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCcrossedRows tpcCrossedRows uint8_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::ITSclsMap itsClsMap uint8_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::TPCnCls tpcNCls uint8_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::ITSclusterSizes itsClusterSizes uint32_t
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::gPt genPt float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::gEta genEta float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS::gPhi genPhi float
o2::aod::NucleiTableNS: GI ?


Code file: spectraDerivedMaker.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::SpColl = o2::aod::SpColls::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::spectra::CentFT0M centFT0M float
o2::aod::spectra::Sel8 sel8 bool
o2::aod::spectra::MultNTracksPVeta1 multNTracksPVeta1 int
o2::aod::spectra::RunNumber runNumber int
o2::aod::spectra::CentFV0A D centFV0A float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::CentFT0A D centFT0A float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::CentFT0C D centFT0C float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::MultZeqFV0A D multZeqFV0A float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::MultZeqFT0A D multZeqFT0A float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::MultZeqFT0C D multZeqFT0C float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::MultZeqFDDA D multZeqFDDA float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::MultZeqFDDC D multZeqFDDC float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::MultZeqNTracksPV D multZeqNTracksPV float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::MultTracklets D multTracklets float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::MultTPC D multTPC float Dummy
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::spectra::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Index to the collision
o2::aod::spectra::TPCNSigmaStorePi tpcNSigmaStorePi binningNSigma::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::spectra::TPCNSigmaStoreKa tpcNSigmaStoreKa binningNSigma::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::spectra::TPCNSigmaStorePr tpcNSigmaStorePr binningNSigma::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::spectra::TOFNSigmaStorePi tofNSigmaStorePi binningNSigma::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::spectra::TOFNSigmaStoreKa tofNSigmaStoreKa binningNSigma::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::spectra::TOFNSigmaStorePr tofNSigmaStorePr binningNSigma::binned_t Stored binned nsigma with the TOF detector for proton
o2::aod::spectra::PtSigned ptSigned float Pt (signed) of the track
o2::aod::spectra::Eta eta float Eta of the track
o2::aod::spectra::Phi phi float Phi of the track
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::spectra::IsPVContributor isPVContributor bool IsPVContributor
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterSizes itsClusterSizes uint32_t Clusters sizes, four bits per a layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::spectra::HasTRD hasTRD bool Has or not the TRD match
o2::aod::pidflags::TOFFlags tofFlags uint8_t Flag for the complementary TOF PID information for the event time
o2::aod::spectra::DCAxyStore dcaxyStore binningDCA::binned_t Stored binned dcaxy
o2::aod::spectra::DCAzStore dcazStore binningDCA::binned_t Stored binned dcaz
o2::aod::spectra::IsGlobalTrack isGlobalTrack bool
o2::aod::spectra::IsGlobalTrackWoDCA isGlobalTrackWoDCA bool
o2::aod::spectra::DCAxy D dcaXY float Unpacked dcaxy
o2::aod::spectra::DCAz D dcaZ float Unpacked dcaz
o2::aod::spectra::Pt D pt float Absolute value of signed pT
o2::aod::track::Sign D sign short Charge: positive: 1, negative: -1
o2::aod::spectra::P D p float
o2::aod::spectra::Rapidity D rapidity float Track rapidity, computed under the mass assumption given as input
o2::aod::spectra::HasITS D hasITS bool Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::spectra::TRDSignal D trdSignal float Dummy
o2::aod::spectra::Flags D flags uint32_t
o2::aod::spectra::TrackType D trackType uint8_t
o2::aod::spectra::TRDPattern D trdPattern uint8_t
o2::aod::spectra::IsInAcceptanceTrack D isInAcceptanceTrack bool
o2::aod::spectra::IsQualityTrackITS D isQualityTrackITS bool
o2::aod::spectra::IsQualityTrackTPC D isQualityTrackTPC bool
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSClusterMap D itsClusterMap uint8_t ITS cluster map, one bit per a layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::v001::ITSNClsInnerBarrel D itsNClsInnerBarrel uint8_t Number of ITS clusters in the Inner Barrel
o2::aod::track::TPCFractionSharedCls D tpcFractionSharedCls float Fraction of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFound D tpcNClsFound int16_t Number of found TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
o2::aod::track::TPCCrossedRowsOverFindableCls D tpcCrossedRowsOverFindableCls float Ratio crossed rows over findable clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCFoundOverFindableCls D tpcFoundOverFindableCls float Ratio of found over findable clusters
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeDefined D isEvTimeDefined bool True if the Event Time was computed with any method i.e. there is a usable event time
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeTOF D isEvTimeTOF bool True if the Event Time was computed with the TOF
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeT0AC D isEvTimeT0AC bool True if the Event Time was computed with the T0AC
o2::aod::pidflags::IsEvTimeTOFT0AC D isEvTimeTOFT0AC bool True if the Event Time was computed with the TOF and T0AC
o2::aod::spectra::TOFNSigmaPi D tofNSigmaPi float Unpacked NSigma TOF Pi
o2::aod::spectra::TOFNSigmaKa D tofNSigmaKa float Unpacked NSigma TOF Ka
o2::aod::spectra::TOFNSigmaPr D tofNSigmaPr float Unpacked NSigma TOF Pr
o2::aod::spectra::TPCNSigmaPi D tpcNSigmaPi float Unpacked NSigma TPC Pi
o2::aod::spectra::TPCNSigmaKa D tpcNSigmaKa float Unpacked NSigma TPC Ka
o2::aod::spectra::TPCNSigmaPr D tpcNSigmaPr float Unpacked NSigma TPC Pr


Code file: stCollIds.cxx

Table joinable with TrackedCascades containing collision ids
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackedCascadeColl = o2::aod::TrackedCascadeColls::iterator
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedCascades = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedCascades, o2::aod::TrackedCascadeColls>
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedCascade = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedCascades, o2::aod::TrackedCascadeColls>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
Table joinable with TrackedV0s containing collision ids
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::TrackedV0Coll = o2::aod::TrackedV0Colls::iterator
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedV0s = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedV0s, o2::aod::TrackedV0Colls>
  • o2::aod::AssignedTrackedV0 = soa::Join<o2::aod::TrackedV0s, o2::aod::TrackedV0Colls>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs
Table joinable with Tracked3Bodys containing collision ids
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Tracked3BodyColl = o2::aod::Tracked3BodyColls::iterator
  • o2::aod::AssignedTracked3Bodys = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracked3Bodys, o2::aod::Tracked3BodyColls>
  • o2::aod::AssignedTracked3Body = soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracked3Bodys, o2::aod::Tracked3BodyColls>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision to which this track belongs


Code file: strangederivedbuilder.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dautrack::TPCSignal tpcSignal float track signal
o2::aod::dautrack::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma proton
o2::aod::dautrack::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma proton
o2::aod::dautrack::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma proton
o2::aod::dautrack::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma proton
o2::aod::dautrack::TPCNSigmaHe tpcNSigmaHe float Nsigma proton
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::v0data::PosTOFLengthToPV posTOFLengthToPV float positive track length to PV
o2::aod::v0data::NegTOFLengthToPV negTOFLengthToPV float negative track length to PV
o2::aod::v0data::PosTOFSignal posTOFSignal float positive track signal
o2::aod::v0data::NegTOFSignal negTOFSignal float negative track signal
o2::aod::v0data::PosTOFEventTime posTOFEventTime float positive track event time
o2::aod::v0data::NegTOFEventTime negTOFEventTime float negative track event time
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cascdata::PosTOFLengthToPV posTOFLengthToPV float positive track length
o2::aod::cascdata::NegTOFLengthToPV negTOFLengthToPV float negative track length
o2::aod::cascdata::BachTOFLengthToPV bachTOFLengthToPV float bachelor track length
o2::aod::cascdata::PosTOFSignal posTOFSignal float positive track signal
o2::aod::cascdata::NegTOFSignal negTOFSignal float negative track signal
o2::aod::cascdata::BachTOFSignal bachTOFSignal float bachelor track signal
o2::aod::cascdata::PosTOFEventTime posTOFEventTime float positive track event time
o2::aod::cascdata::NegTOFEventTime negTOFEventTime float negative track event time
o2::aod::cascdata::BachTOFEventTime bachTOFEventTime float bachelor track event time
centrality percentiles
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::StraCent = o2::aod::StraCents::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0M centFT0M float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0A+FT0C multiplicities
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0A centFT0A float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0A multiplicity
o2::aod::cent::CentFT0C centFT0C float Run3 centrality percentile estimated from FT0C multiplicity
o2::aod::cent::CentFV0A centFV0A float Run3 Centrality percentile estimated from FV0A multiplicities
debug information
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0A multFT0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultFT0C multFT0C float
o2::aod::mult::MultFV0A multFV0A float
o2::aod::mult::MultNTracksPVeta1 multNTracksPVeta1 int
event selection: sel8
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::evsel::Sel8 sel8 bool Event selection decision based on TVX
t0a Qvec
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0ARe qvecFT0ARe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0AIm qvecFT0AIm float
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0A sumAmplFT0A float
t0c Qvec
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0CRe qvecFT0CRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0CIm qvecFT0CIm float
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0C sumAmplFT0C float
t0m Qvec
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0MRe qvecFT0MRe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFT0MIm qvecFT0MIm float
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFT0M sumAmplFT0M float
v0a Qvec
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFV0ARe qvecFV0ARe float
o2::aod::qvec::QvecFV0AIm qvecFV0AIm float
o2::aod::qvec::SumAmplFV0A sumAmplFV0A float
information for ID-ing mag field if needed
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::bc::RunNumber runNumber int Run number
o2::aod::timestamp::Timestamp timestamp uint64_t Timestamp of a BC in ms (epoch style)
detector properties of decay daughters
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::DauTrackExtra = o2::aod::DauTrackExtras::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::dautrack::DetectorMap detectorMap uint8_t detector map for reference
o2::aod::dautrack::ITSClusterSizes itsClusterSizes uint32_t ITS cluster sizes per layer
o2::aod::dautrack::TPCClusters tpcClusters uint8_t N TPC clusters
o2::aod::dautrack::TPCCrossedRows tpcCrossedRows uint8_t N TPC clusters
o2::aod::dautrack::ITSClusterMap D itsClusterMap uint8_t ITS cluster map, one bit per layer, starting from the innermost
o2::aod::dautrack::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::dautrack::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::dautrack::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::dautrack::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::dautrack::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
mother MC information, abbreviated name due to size limit
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::MotherMCPart = o2::aod::MotherMCParts::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::motherParticle::Px px float px
o2::aod::motherParticle::Py py float py
o2::aod::motherParticle::Pz pz float pz
o2::aod::motherParticle::PDGCode pdgCode int pdg code
o2::aod::motherParticle::IsPhysicalPrimary isPhysicalPrimary bool primary criterion
optional table to refer back to a collision
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::StraCollisionId I straCollisionId int32 Pointer into StraCollisions
optional table to refer to custom track extras
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::PosTrackExtraId I posTrackExtraId int Pointer into DauTrackExtras
o2::aod::v0data::NegTrackExtraId I negTrackExtraId int Pointer into DauTrackExtras
optional table for MC mothers
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::V0MCDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0MCCores, o2::aod::V0MCMothers>
  • o2::aod::V0MCData = soa::Join<o2::aod::V0MCCores, o2::aod::V0MCMothers>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::v0data::MotherMCPartId I motherMCPartId int32 Pointer into MotherMCParts
optional table to refer back to a collision
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::StraCollisionId I straCollisionId int32 Pointer into StraCollisions
optional table to refer back to a collision
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::StraCollisionId I straCollisionId int32 Pointer into StraCollisions
optional table to refer back to a collision
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::StraCollisionId I straCollisionId int32 Pointer into StraCollisions
optional table to refer to custom track extras
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::PosTrackExtraId I posTrackExtraId int Pointer into DauTrackExtras
o2::aod::cascdata::NegTrackExtraId I negTrackExtraId int Pointer into DauTrackExtras
o2::aod::cascdata::BachTrackExtraId I bachTrackExtraId int Pointer into DauTrackExtras
optional table to refer to custom track extras
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::StrangeTrackExtraId I strangeTrackExtraId int Pointer into DauTrackExtras
optional table for MC mothers
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::CascMCMother = o2::aod::CascMCMothers::iterator
  • o2::aod::CascMCDatas = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascMCCores, o2::aod::CascMCMothers>
  • o2::aod::CascMCData = soa::Join<o2::aod::CascMCCores, o2::aod::CascMCMothers>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::MotherMCPartId I motherMCPartId int32 Pointer into MotherMCParts
standard -> tracked
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::TrackedCascadeId I trackedCascadeId int Pointer into TraCascCores
standard -> KF
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::KFCascadeId I kfCascadeId int Pointer into KFCascCores
standard -> KF
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::StandardCascadeId I standardCascadeId int Pointer into CascCores
standard -> KF
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::cascdata::StandardCascadeId I standardCascadeId int Pointer into CascCores


Code file: threebodymcfinder.cxx

Run 2 cascade table
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::Decay3Bodys = o2::aod::Decay3Bodys
  • o2::aod::Decay3Body = o2::aod::Decay3Bodys::iterator
  • o2::aod::Decay3BodysLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Decay3Bodys, o2::aod::Decay3BodyDataLink>
  • o2::aod::Decay3BodyLinked = soa::Join<o2::aod::Decay3Bodys, o2::aod::Decay3BodyDataLink>::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::decay3body::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Collision index
o2::aod::decay3body::Track0Id I track0Id int Track 0 index
o2::aod::decay3body::Track1Id I track1Id int Track 1 index
o2::aod::decay3body::Track2Id I track2Id int Track 2 index


Code file: v0qaanalysis.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::myv0candidates::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0Pt v0pt float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::RapLambda raplambda float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::RapK0Short rapk0short float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::MassLambda masslambda float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::MassAntiLambda massantilambda float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::MassK0Short massk0short float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0Radius v0radius float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0CosPA v0cospa float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0DCAPosToPV v0dcapostopv float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0DCANegToPV v0dcanegtopv float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0DCAV0Daughters v0dcav0daughters float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0PosEta v0poseta float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0NegEta v0negeta float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0PosPhi v0posphi float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0NegPhi v0negphi float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0PosITSHits v0positshits float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::V0NegITSHits v0negitshits float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::CtauLambda ctaulambda float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::CtauAntiLambda ctauantilambda float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::CtauK0Short ctauk0short float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NTPCSigmaNegPr ntpcsigmanegpr float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NTPCSigmaPosPr ntpcsigmapospr float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NTPCSigmaNegPi ntpcsigmanegpi float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NTPCSigmaPosPi ntpcsigmapospi float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NTOFSigmaNegPr ntofsigmanegpr float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NTOFSigmaPosPr ntofsigmapospr float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NTOFSigmaNegPi ntofsigmanegpi float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NTOFSigmaPosPi ntofsigmapospi float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::PosHasTOF poshastof float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::NegHasTOF neghastof float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::PDGCode pdgcode int
o2::aod::myv0candidates::IsPhysicalPrimary isphysprimary bool
o2::aod::myv0candidates::MultFT0M multft0m float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::MultFV0A multfv0a float
o2::aod::myv0candidates::EvFlag evflag int



Code file: particles2tracks.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::idx::TrackIds GI ?
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::idx::MFTTrackIds GI ?


Code file: trackPropagation.cxx

Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::pwgmm::indices::MFTTrackId I mfttrackId int32 Pointer into MFTTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::AmbDegree ambDegree int
o2::aod::fwdtrack::BestCollisionId I bestCollisionId int Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::BestDCAXY bestDCAXY float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::BestDCAX bestDCAX float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::BestDCAY bestDCAY float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PtStatic pts float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PStatic ps float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::EtaStatic etas float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PhiStatic phis float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::BestCollisionId I bestCollisionId int32_t Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::pwgmm::indices::TrackId I trackId int32 Pointer into Tracks
o2::aod::track::BestDCAXY bestDCAXY float
o2::aod::track::BestDCAZ bestDCAZ float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Alpha alpha float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::Snp snp float
o2::aod::track::Tgl tgl float
o2::aod::track::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float (sign of charge)/Pt in c/GeV. Use pt() and sign() instead
o2::aod::track::PtStatic pts float
o2::aod::track::PStatic ps float
o2::aod::track::EtaStatic etas float
o2::aod::track::PhiStatic phis float



Code file: DGBCCandProducer.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollision = o2::aod::UDCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udcollision::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t global BC instead of BC ID since candidate may not have a corresponding record in BCs table
o2::aod::udcollision::RunNumber runNumber int32_t run number
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::udcollision::NetCharge netCharge int8_t Sum of track signs
o2::aod::udcollision::RgtrwTOF rgtrwTOF float Fraction of global tracks with TOF hit
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollisionsSel = o2::aod::UDCollisionsSels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFT0AmplitudeA totalFT0AmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FT0
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFT0AmplitudeC totalFT0AmplitudeC float sum of amplitudes on C side of FT0
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFT0A timeFT0A float FT0A average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFT0C timeFT0C float FT0C average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFT0 triggerMaskFT0 uint8_t FT0 trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFDDAmplitudeA totalFDDAmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFDDAmplitudeC totalFDDAmplitudeC float sum of amplitudes on C side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFDDA timeFDDA float FDDA average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFDDC timeFDDC float FDDC average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFDD triggerMaskFDD uint8_t FDD trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFV0AmplitudeA totalFV0AmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFV0A timeFV0A float FV0A average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFV0A triggerMaskFV0A uint8_t FV0 trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0APF bbFT0Apf int32_t Beam-beam time in FT0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0CPF bbFT0Cpf int32_t Beam-beam time in FT0C
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0APF bgFT0Apf int32_t Beam-gas time in FT0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0CPF bgFT0Cpf int32_t Beam-gas time in FT0C
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFV0APF bbFV0Apf int32_t Beam-beam time in V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFV0APF bgFV0Apf int32_t Beam-gas time in V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDAPF bbFDDApf int32_t Beam-beam time in FDA
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDCPF bbFDDCpf int32_t Beam-beam time in FDC
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDAPF bgFDDApf int32_t Beam-gas time in FDA
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDCPF bgFDDCpf int32_t Beam-gas time in FDC
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0A D bbFT0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0C D bbFT0C bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0A D bgFT0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0C D bgFT0C bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFV0A D bbFV0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFV0A D bgFV0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDA D bbFDDA bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDC D bbFDDC bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDA D bgFDDA bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDC D bgFDDC bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollsLabel = o2::aod::UDCollsLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrack = o2::aod::UDTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udtrack::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDCollisions
o2::aod::udtrack::Px px float
o2::aod::udtrack::Py py float
o2::aod::udtrack::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::udtrack::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackTime trackTime double
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float time resolution
o2::aod::udtrack::Pt D pt float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackCov = o2::aod::UDTracksCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::BetaError betaerror float Uncertainty on the TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackExtra = o2::aod::UDTracksExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtofsignal::TOFSignal tofSignal float TOF signal from track time
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::udtrack::DetectorMap detectorMap uint8_t
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackDCA = o2::aod::UDTracksDCA::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackFlags = o2::aod::UDTracksFlags::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udtrack::CollisionId collisionId int32_t Id of original collision if any, -1 if ambiguous
o2::aod::udtrack::IsPVContributor isPVContributor bool
o2::aod::udtrack::IsAmbiguous D isAmbiguous bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTracksLabel = o2::aod::UDTracksLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackId I trackId int32 Pointer into Tracks
ZDC information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDZdc = o2::aod::UDZdcs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udzdc::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Index into table UDCollisions
o2::aod::udzdc::Energy energy std::vector<float> Energy of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelE (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::ChannelE channelE std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which have reconstructed energy. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::udzdc::Amplitude amplitude std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::Time time std::vector<float> Times of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::ChannelT channelT std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM1 D energyZEM1 float return ZEM1 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM2 D energyZEM2 float return ZEM2 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNA D energyCommonZNA float return common ZNA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNC D energyCommonZNC float return common ZNC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPA D energyCommonZPA float return common ZPA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPC D energyCommonZPC float return common ZPC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNA D energySectorZNA std::array<float,4> return sector ZNA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNC D energySectorZNC std::array<float,4> return sector ZNC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPA D energySectorZPA std::array<float,4> return sector ZPA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPC D energySectorZPC std::array<float,4> return sector ZPC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM1 D timeZEM1 float return ZEM1 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM2 D timeZEM2 float return ZEM2 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNA D timeZNA float return ZNA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNC D timeZNC float return ZNC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPA D timeZPA float return ZPA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPC D timeZPC float return ZPC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM1 D amplitudeZEM1 float return ZEM1 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM2 D amplitudeZEM2 float return ZEM2 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNA D amplitudeZNA float return ZNA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNC D amplitudeZNC float return ZNC amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPA D amplitudeZPA float return ZPA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPC D amplitudeZPC float return ZPC amplitude


Code file: DGCandProducer.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDMcCollision = o2::aod::UDMcCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udmccollision::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID generatorsID short disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX posX float X vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY posY float Y vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ posZ float Z vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::T t float Collision time relative to given bc in ns
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter impactParameter float Impact parameter for A-A
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDMcParticle = o2::aod::UDMcParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udmcparticle::UDMcCollisionId I udMcCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDMcCollisions
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::udmcparticle::MothersIds SAI mothersIds Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::udmcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::udmcparticle::Px px float
o2::aod::udmcparticle::Py py float
o2::aod::udmcparticle::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udmcparticle::E e float
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollision = o2::aod::UDCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udcollision::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t global BC instead of BC ID since candidate may not have a corresponding record in BCs table
o2::aod::udcollision::RunNumber runNumber int32_t run number
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::udcollision::NetCharge netCharge int8_t Sum of track signs
o2::aod::udcollision::RgtrwTOF rgtrwTOF float Fraction of global tracks with TOF hit
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollisionsSel = o2::aod::UDCollisionsSels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFT0AmplitudeA totalFT0AmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FT0
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFT0AmplitudeC totalFT0AmplitudeC float sum of amplitudes on C side of FT0
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFT0A timeFT0A float FT0A average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFT0C timeFT0C float FT0C average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFT0 triggerMaskFT0 uint8_t FT0 trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFDDAmplitudeA totalFDDAmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFDDAmplitudeC totalFDDAmplitudeC float sum of amplitudes on C side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFDDA timeFDDA float FDDA average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFDDC timeFDDC float FDDC average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFDD triggerMaskFDD uint8_t FDD trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFV0AmplitudeA totalFV0AmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFV0A timeFV0A float FV0A average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFV0A triggerMaskFV0A uint8_t FV0 trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0APF bbFT0Apf int32_t Beam-beam time in FT0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0CPF bbFT0Cpf int32_t Beam-beam time in FT0C
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0APF bgFT0Apf int32_t Beam-gas time in FT0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0CPF bgFT0Cpf int32_t Beam-gas time in FT0C
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFV0APF bbFV0Apf int32_t Beam-beam time in V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFV0APF bgFV0Apf int32_t Beam-gas time in V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDAPF bbFDDApf int32_t Beam-beam time in FDA
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDCPF bbFDDCpf int32_t Beam-beam time in FDC
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDAPF bgFDDApf int32_t Beam-gas time in FDA
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDCPF bgFDDCpf int32_t Beam-gas time in FDC
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0A D bbFT0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0C D bbFT0C bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0A D bgFT0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0C D bgFT0C bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFV0A D bbFV0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFV0A D bgFV0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDA D bbFDDA bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDC D bbFDDC bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDA D bgFDDA bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDC D bgFDDC bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollsLabel = o2::aod::UDCollsLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDMcCollsLabel = o2::aod::UDMcCollsLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::UDMcCollisionId I udMcCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDMcCollisions
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrack = o2::aod::UDTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udtrack::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDCollisions
o2::aod::udtrack::Px px float
o2::aod::udtrack::Py py float
o2::aod::udtrack::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::udtrack::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackTime trackTime double
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float time resolution
o2::aod::udtrack::Pt D pt float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackCov = o2::aod::UDTracksCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::BetaError betaerror float Uncertainty on the TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackExtra = o2::aod::UDTracksExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtofsignal::TOFSignal tofSignal float TOF signal from track time
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::udtrack::DetectorMap detectorMap uint8_t
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackDCA = o2::aod::UDTracksDCA::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackFlags = o2::aod::UDTracksFlags::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udtrack::CollisionId collisionId int32_t Id of original collision if any, -1 if ambiguous
o2::aod::udtrack::IsPVContributor isPVContributor bool
o2::aod::udtrack::IsAmbiguous D isAmbiguous bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTracksLabel = o2::aod::UDTracksLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackId I trackId int32 Pointer into Tracks
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDMcTrackLabel = o2::aod::UDMcTrackLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udmctracklabel::UDMcParticleId I udMcParticleId int32 Pointer into UDMcParticles
o2::aod::udmctracklabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDFwdTrack = o2::aod::UDFwdTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDCollisions
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Px px float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Py py float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime double
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float time resolution
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDFwdTrackExtra = o2::aod::UDFwdTracksExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
ZDC information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDZdc = o2::aod::UDZdcs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udzdc::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Index into table UDCollisions
o2::aod::udzdc::Energy energy std::vector<float> Energy of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelE (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::ChannelE channelE std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which have reconstructed energy. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::udzdc::Amplitude amplitude std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::Time time std::vector<float> Times of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::ChannelT channelT std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM1 D energyZEM1 float return ZEM1 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM2 D energyZEM2 float return ZEM2 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNA D energyCommonZNA float return common ZNA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNC D energyCommonZNC float return common ZNC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPA D energyCommonZPA float return common ZPA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPC D energyCommonZPC float return common ZPC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNA D energySectorZNA std::array<float,4> return sector ZNA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNC D energySectorZNC std::array<float,4> return sector ZNC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPA D energySectorZPA std::array<float,4> return sector ZPA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPC D energySectorZPC std::array<float,4> return sector ZPC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM1 D timeZEM1 float return ZEM1 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM2 D timeZEM2 float return ZEM2 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNA D timeZNA float return ZNA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNC D timeZNC float return ZNC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPA D timeZPA float return ZPA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPC D timeZPC float return ZPC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM1 D amplitudeZEM1 float return ZEM1 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM2 D amplitudeZEM2 float return ZEM2 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNA D amplitudeZNA float return ZNA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNC D amplitudeZNC float return ZNC amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPA D amplitudeZPA float return ZPA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPC D amplitudeZPC float return ZPC amplitude


Code file: SGCandProducer.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollision = o2::aod::UDCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udcollision::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t global BC instead of BC ID since candidate may not have a corresponding record in BCs table
o2::aod::udcollision::RunNumber runNumber int32_t run number
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::udcollision::NetCharge netCharge int8_t Sum of track signs
o2::aod::udcollision::RgtrwTOF rgtrwTOF float Fraction of global tracks with TOF hit
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::SGCollision = o2::aod::SGCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::GapSide gapSide uint8_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollisionsSel = o2::aod::UDCollisionsSels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFT0AmplitudeA totalFT0AmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FT0
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFT0AmplitudeC totalFT0AmplitudeC float sum of amplitudes on C side of FT0
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFT0A timeFT0A float FT0A average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFT0C timeFT0C float FT0C average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFT0 triggerMaskFT0 uint8_t FT0 trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFDDAmplitudeA totalFDDAmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFDDAmplitudeC totalFDDAmplitudeC float sum of amplitudes on C side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFDDA timeFDDA float FDDA average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFDDC timeFDDC float FDDC average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFDD triggerMaskFDD uint8_t FDD trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFV0AmplitudeA totalFV0AmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFV0A timeFV0A float FV0A average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFV0A triggerMaskFV0A uint8_t FV0 trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0APF bbFT0Apf int32_t Beam-beam time in FT0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0CPF bbFT0Cpf int32_t Beam-beam time in FT0C
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0APF bgFT0Apf int32_t Beam-gas time in FT0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0CPF bgFT0Cpf int32_t Beam-gas time in FT0C
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFV0APF bbFV0Apf int32_t Beam-beam time in V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFV0APF bgFV0Apf int32_t Beam-gas time in V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDAPF bbFDDApf int32_t Beam-beam time in FDA
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDCPF bbFDDCpf int32_t Beam-beam time in FDC
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDAPF bgFDDApf int32_t Beam-gas time in FDA
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDCPF bgFDDCpf int32_t Beam-gas time in FDC
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0A D bbFT0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0C D bbFT0C bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0A D bgFT0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0C D bgFT0C bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFV0A D bbFV0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFV0A D bgFV0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDA D bbFDDA bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDC D bbFDDC bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDA D bgFDDA bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDC D bgFDDC bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollsLabel = o2::aod::UDCollsLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrack = o2::aod::UDTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udtrack::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDCollisions
o2::aod::udtrack::Px px float
o2::aod::udtrack::Py py float
o2::aod::udtrack::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::udtrack::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackTime trackTime double
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float time resolution
o2::aod::udtrack::Pt D pt float
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackCov = o2::aod::UDTracksCov::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::X x float
o2::aod::track::Y y float
o2::aod::track::Z z float
o2::aod::track::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::track::SigmaZ sigmaZ float Covariance matrix
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::BetaError betaerror float Uncertainty on the TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackExtra = o2::aod::UDTracksExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtofsignal::TOFSignal tofSignal float TOF signal from track time
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::udtrack::DetectorMap detectorMap uint8_t
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackDCA = o2::aod::UDTracksDCA::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackFlags = o2::aod::UDTracksFlags::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udtrack::CollisionId collisionId int32_t Id of original collision if any, -1 if ambiguous
o2::aod::udtrack::IsPVContributor isPVContributor bool
o2::aod::udtrack::IsAmbiguous D isAmbiguous bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTracksLabel = o2::aod::UDTracksLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackId I trackId int32 Pointer into Tracks
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDFwdTrack = o2::aod::UDFwdTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDCollisions
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Px px float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Py py float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime double
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float time resolution
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDFwdTrackExtra = o2::aod::UDFwdTracksExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
ZDC information
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDZdc = o2::aod::UDZdcs::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udzdc::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Index into table UDCollisions
o2::aod::udzdc::Energy energy std::vector<float> Energy of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelE (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::ChannelE channelE std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which have reconstructed energy. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::udzdc::Amplitude amplitude std::vector<float> Amplitudes of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::Time time std::vector<float> Times of non-zero channels. The channel IDs are given in ChannelT (at the same index)
o2::aod::udzdc::ChannelT channelT std::vector<uint8_t> Channel IDs which had non-zero amplitudes. There are at maximum 26 channels.
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM1 D energyZEM1 float return ZEM1 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyZEM2 D energyZEM2 float return ZEM2 energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNA D energyCommonZNA float return common ZNA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZNC D energyCommonZNC float return common ZNC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPA D energyCommonZPA float return common ZPA energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergyCommonZPC D energyCommonZPC float return common ZPC energy
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNA D energySectorZNA std::array<float,4> return sector ZNA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZNC D energySectorZNC std::array<float,4> return sector ZNC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPA D energySectorZPA std::array<float,4> return sector ZPA energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyEnergySectorZPC D energySectorZPC std::array<float,4> return sector ZPC energy (array of 4 floats)
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM1 D timeZEM1 float return ZEM1 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZEM2 D timeZEM2 float return ZEM2 time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNA D timeZNA float return ZNA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZNC D timeZNC float return ZNC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPA D timeZPA float return ZPA time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyTimeZPC D timeZPC float return ZPC time information
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM1 D amplitudeZEM1 float return ZEM1 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZEM2 D amplitudeZEM2 float return ZEM2 amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNA D amplitudeZNA float return ZNA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZNC D amplitudeZNC float return ZNC amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPA D amplitudeZPA float return ZPA amplitude
o2::aod::zdc::DyAmplitudeZPC D amplitudeZPC float return ZPC amplitude


Code file: UPCCandidateProducer.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDMcCollision = o2::aod::UDMcCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udmccollision::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::mccollision::GeneratorsID generatorsID short disentangled generator IDs should be accessed using getGeneratorId, getSubGeneratorId and getSourceId
o2::aod::mccollision::PosX posX float X vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosY posY float Y vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::PosZ posZ float Z vertex position in cm
o2::aod::mccollision::T t float Collision time relative to given bc in ns
o2::aod::mccollision::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::mccollision::ImpactParameter impactParameter float Impact parameter for A-A
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDMcParticle = o2::aod::UDMcParticles::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udmcparticle::UDMcCollisionId I udMcCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDMcCollisions
o2::aod::mcparticle::PdgCode pdgCode int PDG code
o2::aod::mcparticle::StatusCode statusCode int Generators status code or physics process. Do not use directly. Use dynamic columns getGenStatusCode() or getProcess()
o2::aod::mcparticle::Flags flags uint8_t ALICE specific flags, see MCParticleFlags. Do not use directly. Use the dynamic columns, e.g. producedByGenerator()
o2::aod::udmcparticle::MothersIds SAI mothersIds Mother tracks (possible empty) array. Iterate over mcParticle.mothers_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::udmcparticle::DaughtersIdSlice SSLI daughtersIds int32_t Daughter tracks (possibly empty) slice. Check for non-zero with mcParticle.has_daughters(). Iterate over mcParticle.daughters_as<aod::McParticles>())
o2::aod::mcparticle::Weight weight float MC weight
o2::aod::udmcparticle::Px px float
o2::aod::udmcparticle::Py py float
o2::aod::udmcparticle::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udmcparticle::E e float
o2::aod::mcparticle::ProducedByGenerator D producedByGenerator bool True if particle produced by the generator (==TMCProcess::kPrimary); False if by the transport code
o2::aod::mcparticle::FromBackgroundEvent D fromBackgroundEvent bool Particle from background event
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetGenStatusCode D getGenStatusCode int The native status code put by the generator, or -1 if a particle produced during transport
o2::aod::mcparticle::GetProcess D getProcess int The VMC physics code (as int) that generated this particle (see header TMCProcess.h in ROOT)
o2::aod::mcparticle::IsPhysicalPrimary D isPhysicalPrimary bool True if particle is considered a physical primary according to the ALICE definition
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollision = o2::aod::UDCollisions::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udcollision::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t global BC instead of BC ID since candidate may not have a corresponding record in BCs table
o2::aod::udcollision::RunNumber runNumber int32_t run number
o2::aod::‌collision::PosX posX float X Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosY posY float Y Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::PosZ posZ float Z Vertex position in cm
o2::aod::‌collision::NumContrib numContrib uint16_t Number of tracks used for the vertex
o2::aod::udcollision::NetCharge netCharge int8_t Sum of track signs
o2::aod::udcollision::RgtrwTOF rgtrwTOF float Fraction of global tracks with TOF hit
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollisionsSel = o2::aod::UDCollisionsSels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFT0AmplitudeA totalFT0AmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FT0
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFT0AmplitudeC totalFT0AmplitudeC float sum of amplitudes on C side of FT0
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFT0A timeFT0A float FT0A average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFT0C timeFT0C float FT0C average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFT0 triggerMaskFT0 uint8_t FT0 trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFDDAmplitudeA totalFDDAmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFDDAmplitudeC totalFDDAmplitudeC float sum of amplitudes on C side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFDDA timeFDDA float FDDA average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFDDC timeFDDC float FDDC average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFDD triggerMaskFDD uint8_t FDD trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::TotalFV0AmplitudeA totalFV0AmplitudeA float sum of amplitudes on A side of FDD
o2::aod::udcollision::TimeFV0A timeFV0A float FV0A average time
o2::aod::udcollision::TriggerMaskFV0A triggerMaskFV0A uint8_t FV0 trigger mask
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0APF bbFT0Apf int32_t Beam-beam time in FT0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0CPF bbFT0Cpf int32_t Beam-beam time in FT0C
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0APF bgFT0Apf int32_t Beam-gas time in FT0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0CPF bgFT0Cpf int32_t Beam-gas time in FT0C
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFV0APF bbFV0Apf int32_t Beam-beam time in V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFV0APF bgFV0Apf int32_t Beam-gas time in V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDAPF bbFDDApf int32_t Beam-beam time in FDA
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDCPF bbFDDCpf int32_t Beam-beam time in FDC
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDAPF bgFDDApf int32_t Beam-gas time in FDA
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDCPF bgFDDCpf int32_t Beam-gas time in FDC
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0A D bbFT0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFT0C D bbFT0C bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0A D bgFT0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFT0C D bgFT0C bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFV0A D bbFV0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFV0A D bgFV0A bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDA D bbFDDA bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BBFDDC D bbFDDC bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDA D bgFDDA bool
o2::aod::udcollision::BGFDDC D bgFDDC bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollisionsSelCent = o2::aod::UDCollisionsSelsCent::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::DBcTOR dBcTOR int32_t distance to closest TOR
o2::aod::udcollision::DBcTSC dBcTSC int32_t distance to closest TVX & (TSC | TCE)
o2::aod::udcollision::DBcTVX dBcTVX int32_t distance to closest TVX
o2::aod::udcollision::DBcV0A dBcV0A int32_t distance to closest V0A
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDCollisionsSelFwd = o2::aod::UDCollisionsSelsFwd::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udcollision::DBcV0A dBcV0A int32_t distance to closest V0A
o2::aod::udcollision::DBcT0A dBcT0A int32_t distance to closest T0A
o2::aod::udcollision::AmplitudesT0A amplitudesT0A std::vector<float> total T0A amplitudes in neighbouring BCs
o2::aod::udcollision::AmpRelBCsT0A ampRelBCsT0A std::vector<int8_t> glob. BC w.r.t. candidate BC, size = size of amplitudes
o2::aod::udcollision::AmplitudesV0A amplitudesV0A std::vector<float> total V0A amplitudes in neighbouring BCs
o2::aod::udcollision::AmpRelBCsV0A ampRelBCsV0A std::vector<int8_t> glob. BC w.r.t. candidate BC, size = size of amplitudes
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrack = o2::aod::UDTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udtrack::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDCollisions
o2::aod::udtrack::Px px float
o2::aod::udtrack::Py py float
o2::aod::udtrack::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::udtrack::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackTime trackTime double
o2::aod::udtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float time resolution
o2::aod::udtrack::Pt D pt float
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaEl tpcNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaMu tpcNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPi tpcNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaKa tpcNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtpc::TPCNSigmaPr tpcNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TPC detector for proton
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::Beta beta float TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtofbeta::BetaError betaerror float Uncertainty on the TOF beta
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaEl tofNSigmaEl float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for electron
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaMu tofNSigmaMu float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for muon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPi tofNSigmaPi float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for pion
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaKa tofNSigmaKa float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for kaon
o2::aod::pidtof::TOFNSigmaPr tofNSigmaPr float Nsigma separation with the TOF detector for proton
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackExtra = o2::aod::UDTracksExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::TPCInnerParam tpcInnerParam float Momentum at inner wall of the TPC
o2::aod::track::ITSClusterMap itsClusterMap uint8_t Old cluster ITS cluster map, kept for version 0 compatibility
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindable tpcNClsFindable uint8_t Findable TPC clusters for this track geometry
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusFound tpcNClsFindableMinusFound int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - Found
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows tpcNClsFindableMinusCrossedRows int8_t TPC Clusters: Findable - crossed rows
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsShared tpcNClsShared uint8_t Number of shared TPC clusters
o2::aod::track::TRDPattern trdPattern uint8_t Contributor to the track on TRD layer in bits 0-5, starting from the innermost, bit 6 indicates a potentially split tracklet, bit 7 if the track crossed a padrow
o2::aod::track::ITSChi2NCl itsChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the ITS track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCChi2NCl tpcChi2NCl float Chi2 / cluster for the TPC track segment
o2::aod::track::TRDChi2 trdChi2 float Chi2 for the TRD track segment
o2::aod::track::TOFChi2 tofChi2 float Chi2 for the TOF track segment
o2::aod::track::TPCSignal tpcSignal float dE/dx signal in the TPC
o2::aod::pidtofsignal::TOFSignal tofSignal float TOF signal from track time
o2::aod::track::TRDSignal trdSignal float PID signal in the TRD
o2::aod::track::Length length float Track length
o2::aod::track::TOFExpMom tofExpMom float TOF expected momentum obtained in tracking, used to compute the expected times
o2::aod::udtrack::DetectorMap detectorMap uint8_t
o2::aod::track::HasITS D hasITS bool Flag to check if track has a ITS match
o2::aod::track::HasTPC D hasTPC bool Flag to check if track has a TPC match
o2::aod::track::HasTRD D hasTRD bool Flag to check if track has a TRD match
o2::aod::track::HasTOF D hasTOF bool Flag to check if track has a TOF measurement
o2::aod::track::ITSNCls D itsNCls uint8_t Number of ITS clusters
o2::aod::track::TPCNClsCrossedRows D tpcNClsCrossedRows int16_t Number of crossed TPC Rows
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackDCA = o2::aod::UDTracksDCA::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::track::DcaZ dcaZ float Impact parameter in Z of the track to the primary vertex
o2::aod::track::DcaXY dcaXY float Impact parameter in XY of the track to the primary vertex
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDTrackFlags = o2::aod::UDTracksFlags::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udtrack::CollisionId collisionId int32_t Id of original collision if any, -1 if ambiguous
o2::aod::udtrack::IsPVContributor isPVContributor bool
o2::aod::udtrack::IsAmbiguous D isAmbiguous bool
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDMcTrackLabel = o2::aod::UDMcTrackLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udmctracklabel::UDMcParticleId I udMcParticleId int32 Pointer into UDMcParticles
o2::aod::udmctracklabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDFwdTrack = o2::aod::UDFwdTracks::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Pointer into UDCollisions
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Px px float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Py py float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Pz pz float
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::Sign sign int
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::GlobalBC globalBC uint64_t
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime double
o2::aod::udfwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float time resolution
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDFwdTrackExtra = o2::aod::UDFwdTracksExtra::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDMcFwdTrackLabel = o2::aod::UDMcFwdTrackLabels::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udmcfwdtracklabel::UDMcParticleId I udMcParticleId int32 Pointer into UDMcParticles
o2::aod::udmcfwdtracklabel::McMask mcMask uint16_t
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDZdcReduced = o2::aod::UDZdcsReduced::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::udzdc::UDCollisionId I udCollisionId int32 Index into table UDCollisions
o2::aod::udzdc::TimeZNA timeZNA float
o2::aod::udzdc::TimeZNC timeZNC float
o2::aod::udzdc::EnergyCommonZNA energyCommonZNA float
o2::aod::udzdc::EnergyCommonZNC energyCommonZNC float


Code file: fwdTrackPropagation.cxx

Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDFwdTrackProp = o2::aod::UDFwdTracksProp::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::soa::Index GI globalIndex int64_t
o2::aod::fwdtrack::CollisionId I collisionId int32 Pointer into Collisions
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackType trackType uint8_t Type of track. See enum ForwardTrackTypeEnum
o2::aod::fwdtrack::X x float TrackParFwd parameter x
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Y y float TrackParFwd parameter y
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Z z float TrackParFwd propagation parameter z
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Phi phi float TrackParFwd parameter phi; (i.e. pt pointing direction)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Tgl tgl float TrackParFwd parameter tan(\lamba); (\lambda = 90 - \theta_{polar})
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Signed1Pt signed1Pt float TrackParFwd parameter: charged inverse transverse momentum; (q/pt)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Px D px float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Py D py float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pz D pz float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sign D sign short Sign of the track eletric charge
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Eta E eta float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Pt E pt float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::P E p float
o2::aod::fwdtrack::NClusters nClusters int8_t Number of clusters
o2::aod::fwdtrack::PDca pDca float PDca for MUONStandalone
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RAtAbsorberEnd rAtAbsorberEnd float RAtAbsorberEnd for MUONStandalone tracks and GlobalMuonTrackstracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2 chi2 float Track chi^2
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMID chi2MatchMCHMID float MCH-MID Match Chi2 for MUONStandalone tracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Chi2MatchMCHMFT chi2MatchMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Match Chi2 for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MatchScoreMCHMFT matchScoreMCHMFT float MCH-MFT Machine Learning Matching Score for GlobalMuonTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MFTTrackId I matchMFTTrackId int32 ID of matching MFT track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHTrackId SI matchMCHTrackId int Index of matching MCH track for GlobalMuonTracks and GlobalForwardTracks
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MCHBitMap mchBitMap uint16_t Fired muon trackig chambers bitmap
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBoards midBoards uint32_t Local boards on each MID plane (8 bits per plane)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::MIDBitMap midBitMap uint8_t MID bitmap: non-bending plane (4bit), bending plane (4bit)
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTime trackTime float Estimated time of the track in ns wrt collision().bc() or ambiguoustrack.bcSlice()[0]
o2::aod::fwdtrack::TrackTimeRes trackTimeRes float Resolution of the track time in ns
Is used in:
  • o2::aod::UDFwdTrackCovProp = o2::aod::UDFwdTracksCovProp::iterator
Name Getter Type Comment
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaX sigmaX float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaY sigmaY float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaTgl sigmaTgl float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::SigmaPhi sigmaPhi float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Sigma1Pt sigma1Pt float Covariance matrix
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoXY rhoXY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiY rhoPhiY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoPhiX rhoPhiX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglX rhoTglX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglY rhoTglY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::RhoTglPhi rhoTglPhi int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtX rho1PtX int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtY rho1PtY int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtPhi rho1PtPhi int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form
o2::aod::fwdtrack::Rho1PtTgl rho1PtTgl int8_t Covariance matrix in compressed form