Extending existing tables


Learn how add new columns to existing tables, use dynamic and expression columns, and join tables

source: extendedTables.cxx
Executable: o2-analysistutorial-extended-tables


Existing tables can be extended with additional expression columns using the ‘Extend" function. The first step is the declaration of the new expression column (see also tutorial Creating Tables).

# declare expression column P2
namespace o2::aod
namespace extension
DECLARE_SOA_EXPRESSION_COLUMN(P2exp, p2exp, float, track::p * track::p);
} // namespace extension
} // namespace o2::aod

Then within the process function a new table table_extension, consisting of the table o2::aod::Tracks and the new column is created.

struct ExtendTable {
  // group tracks according to collisions
  void process(aod::Collision const&, aod::Tracks const& tracks)
    // add expression column o2::aod::extension::P2exp to table
    // o2::aod::Tracks
    auto table_extension = soa::Extend<aod::Tracks, aod::extension::P2exp>(tracks);

Note that the argument of the Extend function (here track) is a table object and needs to include all information required to fill the new table.


Extend can only be used with expression columns. The function to extend a table with a dynamic column is Attach.

Again we start with the declaration of the new dynamic columns

namespace o2::aod
namespace extension
DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN(P2dyn, p2dyn, [](float p) -> float { return p * p; });
DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN(R2dyn, r2dyn, [](float x, float y) -> float { return x * x + y * y; });
} // namespace extension
} // namespace o2::aod

and in this example add it with the Attach function to the table Tracks.

struct AttachColumn {
  void process(aod::Collision const&, aod::Tracks const& tracks)
    auto table_extension = soa::Attach<aod::Tracks, aod::extension::R2dyn<aod::track::X,aod::track::Y>> (tracks);


The two types of extension can be combined as demonstrated in task ExtendAndAttach.

SpawnDynamicColumns and ProcessExtendedTables

A Similar effect can be achieved by joining tables with the soa::Join helper function. Again we need some declarations at the beginning.

namespace o2::aod
namespace extension
DECLARE_SOA_EXPRESSION_COLUMN(P2exp, p2exp, float, track::p * track::p);

DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN(mX, mx, float);
DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN(mY, my, float);
DECLARE_SOA_COLUMN(mP, mp, float);
DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN(P2dyn, p2dyn, [](float p) -> float { return p * p; });
DECLARE_SOA_DYNAMIC_COLUMN(R2dyn, r2dyn, [](float x, float y) -> float { return x * x + y * y; });
} // namespace extension

                  extension::mX, extension::mY, extension::mP,
                  extension::R2dyn<extension::mX, extension::mY>);

} // namespace o2::aod

using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::framework;

DynTable is a table with a few dynamic columns and has to be created and filled using Produces and the fill function. ExTable is an extended table and needes to be filled with the Helper function Spawns. Spawns causes the expression columns to be computed.

// spawn ExTable and produce DynTable
struct SpawnDynamicColumns {
  Produces<aod::DynTable> dyntable;
  Spawns<aod::ExTable> extable;

  void process(aod::Collision const&, aod::Tracks const& tracks)
    for (auto& track : tracks) {

In task ProcessExtendedTables the two tables are joined and used as an argument for the process function. Note, that a table which is Spawned in a given task can not be consumed (used in the process function) in the same task. That is why table ExTable is Spawned in task SpawnDynamicColumns before it can be consumed in task ProcessExtendedTables.

// loop over the joined table <ExTable, DynTable>
struct ProcessExtendedTables {
  using allinfo = soa::Join<aod::ExTable,aod::DynTable>;

  void process(aod::Collision const&, allinfo const& tracks)
    for (auto& row : tracks) {
      if (row.trackType() != 3) {
        if (row.index() % 10000 == 0) {
          LOGF(info, "E: EXPRESSION P^2 = %.3f, DYNAMIC P^2 = %.3f R^2 = %.3f", row.p2exp(),row.p2dyn(),row.r2dyn());